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Gun Review: Windham Weaponry CDI

Windham Weaponry is to the firearms industry what Eric Cartman is to South Park. When Bushmaster was sold off to Freedom Group and the manufacturing plant moved out of town, the local gunsmiths cried in unison “screw you guys, we’re starting our own manufacturing company!” Using the skills and techniques learned from years on the Bushmaster assembly line, Windham Weaponry set to work producing AR-15 rifles targeted for the same market that their former corporate overlords were now dominating. I wanted to see exactly how well this new company was doing, so I asked for one of their top-of-the-line models, a CDI, and headed out to the range . . .

The CDI is the token “tacticool” rifle in the company’s inventory. All of their other rifles include standard non free floating handguards and A2 or M4 style furniture, but the CDI looks like the company raided Magpul’s stockroom. Included on the rifle is an MOE grip, an MOE stock and an MOE angled foregrip, along with Diamondhead free floated handguard and sights and a nifty flash hider. It’s as close as you can get to a Chris Costa-style firearm in Windham’s catalog.

The rifle looks good on paper and has the right specs, but from the word “go” we had issues.

As I was sitting in the FFL’s office filling out the paperwork for the rifle, she pointed something out on the gun: the forend rail doesn’t match.

The CDI is the only rifle Windham makes with a continuous Picatinny rail that extends from the upper receiver all the way out onto the free floating handguards. The idea is that you can mount things like backup iron sights or night vision or coffee pots to the rail and it will all line up (more or less) with your primary optics. But the forend doesn’t match up with the Picatinny rail section on the upper receiver.

It may seem like a small issue, but it makes mounting optics a pain in the ass. If you have a scope that needs longer eye relief, for example, the mount might hang a little bit off the front of the upper receiver’s rail section. On most AR-15 rifles that’s not a problem, as either the rail ends at the front of the receiver and there’s nothing to get in the way or the rail lines up and allows you to slap the mount further down. But with the CDI, the mismatch in the height of the rail section means that you won’t be able to get a rock solid mount for your scope. And it also means you need to crank your front sight up just that much higher. I’ve had this issue with rifles before, and it is indeed a PITA.

There’s something else that gives me the willies about the mismatch: something isn’t in spec. If everything was being produced to specifications, everything would match. Hence the need for specifications. But because of the mismatch, that means that either the WW upper receiver is too high or the Diamondback free float tube is too low. Judging from the quality of the sights though, I’d be willing to bet that it’s Diamondback that’s playing fast and loose with the milling machine.

Speaking of the sights, they seem to be meant to mimic the distinctive Troy battle sights (but in a non-copyright infringing way). They use the same diamond design, but the execution looks and feels flimsy. The sights have a bit of wobble to them, and they just feel like cheap metal. Honestly, I would have preferred if Windham Weaponry had stuck with Magpul for the sights as well.

So the various bolt-on bits and pieces don’t seem up to spec. The real test is how well the gun runs. And in terms of the mechanical function of the rifle, this thing is perfect.

When it comes to shooting the CDI, I have zero complaints. Everything works together perfectly, and the gun (the actual gun, mind you, not the accessories) feels solid and well built. Even the trigger, which on most “mil spec” firearms is absolutely terrible, was a pretty good single stage affair. There was a small amount of creep, but nothing I’d really worry about.

When I gave the Windham guys a call to talk about the rail mismatch, I also asked them which parts where WW originals and which were farmed out. Their response was that they assemble and QC the guns, not necessarily manufacture the parts. And as far as I can tell, they seem to have chosen wisely with the guts of the rifle.

With a 3-9×40 scope on the rifle I took it out to the 100 yard range and fired some Freedom Munitions 55gr rounds through it, which is ideal for the slow 1:9 twist of the barrel. The results, though, were slightly less than stellar.

This is a true 100 yard 5-round group and not the usual 50 yard prognostication. And even ignoring the high left flier, that’s a 2 MoA group if I’ve ever seen one. Compare that with the 1 MoA group we were getting with identical ammo, identical scope and identical shooting position for the Mossberg MMR Tactical.

It is entirely possible that Windham Weaponry’s lower end rifles are a better buy, but for $1,680 MSRP there are far better rifles out there. This rifle would be acceptable for someone looking for a defensive AR-15, looking to run their gun like Chris Costa in one of the Magpul videos or like they saw in Call of Duty, but there’s no room to grow. Past 50 or 100 yards you’re already talking about not being able to reliably hit a clay pigeon sitting on a berm.

Let me put this into perspective. For $40 less, you can buy a Noveske 16″ Light Basic rifle with an amazing barrel that will last for ages. The caveat though is that it doesn’t come with a free floated barrel from the factory. Or, if the free float is something you’re really needing, then for less than $200 more you can get their 16″ Rogue Hunter which is basically the same rifle as the Windham CDI (but without the AFG and sights) made by Noveske. Either one would be great for everything from 3-gun to hunting and won’t have mismatched Picatinny rail heights and will be better than a 2 MoA gun.

But the best reason not to buy this gun is the Mossberg’s MMR rifle. Basically the same setup (less the AFG), but just about 1 MoA accuracy for almost half the price.

The rifle is being shipped back to Windham for a double check, and I hope to have a follow-up report soon. I really hope that this is a lemon, but until such time as I have evidence to support that possibility all I can tell you is the truth about this gun.

Windham Weaponry CDI

Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO
Barrel: 16″
Weight: 7.025 LBS empty
Capacity: 30 round magazine (included)
Sights: Diamondback Folding Sights
MSRP: $1,680

Ratings (Out of Five Stars):
All ratings are relative to other similar guns, and the final score IS NOT calculated from the constituent scores.

Accuracy: * *
Sub-par, even for cheaper AR-15s.

Ergonomics (Handling): * * * * *
Magpul makes good stuff, and the handguards are a nice touch.

Ergonomics (Firing): * * * *
The rifle feels pretty good, even the trigger is nice right out of the box. Not perfect, but pretty good.

Reliability: * * * * *
As long as you keep it clean and lubed everything will be fine.

Customization: * * * * *
The full length m1913 rail on the top makes it easy to customize, and the ability to put more rail sections on the handguards is a plus.

Overall Rating: * * *
Compared to the rest of the market, for $1,680 this is a two star gun. If I was in the market for a new rifle I’d be looking to pay right around $800 to $900 for something like this, but even Bud’s Gun Shop lists it at $1,200+. It’s a solid gun, but sub-par for the price point.

87 thoughts on “Gun Review: Windham Weaponry CDI”

  1. I have a Windham MPC that I paid $780 for out the door last February. I love it. I’ve put around 1500 rounds through without a single issue. I’m very happy with mine.

    • I have shot about all types and different styles ar15 over the last 25 years for the money. You Want get a better fire arm I have many different styles ar15 I’m just the average guy I have nothing to gain or lose by my comment.if you dintent pay to much for it you have done well may God bless you all be safe not sorry.

  2. Their MSRP is way higher than the actual selling price. Academy carried the SRC for 750 and the HBC for 799. Seems like this rifle is the SRC with a bunch of (over priced) accessories.
    Most reviews of windham rifles I’ve seen have grouped them in the lower end AR market and deemed them great value. Probably shouldn’t try to compare this rifle to 1500$ rifles considering its probably just a 750$ rifle with makeup on.

    • I wouldn`t place too much stock in this “internet” review. Every single thing Ive watched and read about Windham has been great besides who ever this guy is. NOTICE the constant tagging of Mossbergs version throughout the review. Just dig a bit and find other opinions. Ive watched videos of stress tests on the Windham rifles that would send the mossberg home with tail firmly placed between legs. Just sayin

      • I have the same rifle down to the same complaints. I WAS NOT IMPRESSED WITH THE LACK OF ACCURACY. Now I know why.

  3. The question is are these in supply, if they have supply right now they may be the only AR you can find at any price.

  4. The back end and the front end didn’t meet?? Somebody needs to talk to the one in the middle. Does anybody still make a rifle with blue steel and wood?

  5. I am disappoint. I had such high hopes for the Windham given the anecdotal reviews I’ve read from individual owners. This especially smarts since they’re still taking backorders for complete uppers — unlike Noveske and others, who mostly tell you to try your luck with the distributors.

    2 MOA from a free-floated AR. Mismatched rails. Something there just ain’t right. Nick, when you told them about the problems did the idea of doing a follow-up review of an SRC or other less-tacticool Windham rifle come up?

  6. Just bought an MPC and inspected it closely, and thought it was comparable to my Armalite in terms of lower and upper, though the latter has a fixed handle the Windham is removable. I will put a Magpul BUIS on it and see how it fares. (BTW got it for just under 1k, so I know I paid mroe than I should.)

  7. Two points:

    “But with the CDI, the mismatch in the height of the rail section means that you won’t be able to get a rock solid mount for your scope”

    Honestly outside of a monolythic upper receiver you’re not going to get this with most free-floated rails/tubes.

    Also, I just moved to Maine from Texas… then back again. While I very much enjoyed Maine, I promptly moved back to Texas for a variety of reasons. Taxation sure as hell is one of them. The price of that rifle probably reflects parts, labor, overhead and CRIPPLING MIND NUMBING FVCK YOU IN THE @SS SIDEWAYS TAXES. For a rifle company in Maine… which I found to be one of the most business-unfriendly States I have ever been to, I doubt they could afford to price the rifle any differently and still keep the lights on.

      • The guy from Texas is right. Maine is an inefficient tax and spend big government Democrat run rip off. 3rd highest tax burden out of all 50 states 2019. Roads here are absolute crap compared to other states. I can’t wait for retirement and to leave this overrated state behind for the rich Masswipes to buy my house and land and I can live high on the hog in a Conservative run state.

  8. I picked up this exact rifle straigh from WW after my last deployment, and it’s fantastic, surprised at the review, especially the rail alingment as mine is spot on. With the Diamond sites we’re hitting (empty) propane tanks at 200 yards. Not a single malfunction in the first 1000 rounds. Suspect this gun is an unfortunate anomoly.

      • Nick, don’t know if you missed my query above — any discussion with WW of sending an alternate model, such as an SRC, considering the inconsistencies in this unit?

        Don’t get me wrong, it’d be great if they got back the T&E unit and said “WTF, we sent this out? Scrap this and send him a good one!” I’m just wondering if their other, less tacticool models perform better.

        I will freely admit that I really want to like the WW products, and am drawn to the SRC uppers, so there’s that.

    • Except Nick was getting 1 MOA using the same ammo on a different rifle… so does this rifle require more expensive ammo to be accurate?

      Not exactly a point in this rifle’s favor. Too bad… was interested in Windham’s products since I don’t own an AR at the moment. I guess this model is out of consideration unless they fix its problems.

      • One rifle may shoot 1 MOA with say Federal Gold and another rifle will shoot 1.5 MOA with the same ammo. If you’re really testing for accuracy you must use a wide variety of ammo to find the ammo the rifle likes best. No two rifles are the same.

        • Absolutely, Tim. Even cheaper barrels, like ARStoner, will get better results with different ammo. Yes, some of them won’t hit anything with ANY ammo, but the premise still holds true.

      • Well… not exactly. Don’t get me wrong as I am not defending this rifle. However sometimes different barrels like different types of ammo more than others. My LMT MRPs with 1-in-7 twists will shoot a 3/4″ group with TAP while a nice free floated 1-in-7 sabre defence I never should have gotten rid of hates the stuff and wouldn’t shoot a group smaller than 1 and 3/4″ with the same ammo. That particular rifle loved gold match and could shoot 1/2 MOA. Who knew?

  9. Thought about getting one of the WW rifles because I liked the idea on how the company started, but was told the quality and accuracy was not worth the money. I was advised to spend a little more and go with a Rock River Arms LAR-15 Operator II. For $1,000 the LAR has a beautiful trigger, and this very amateur shooter can make 1 inch groups and 75 yards. And it comes with a nice hard shell case too. I couldn’t be happier.

  10. My CDI was $1,299.00 and I’ve found it’s worth every penny.
    after 100 rounds
    I was shooting 1″ groups with average PMC 55grain FMJ @ 100 yds.

    I’m sure with some beanbags, and more practice I could get the groups to
    .50″ @ 100.

    Nearing 1,000 rds through this baby and I’ve had ZERO FAILURES
    My dad went with a Daniel Defense V3 round the same time I bought mine
    I’ve found I like both rifles the same, but I can’t decide which stock trigger I like better.

    I highly recommend Windham Weaponry

    • Hey Mike, I was gonna get a colt, but didn’t wanna pay that kinda cash, so I did purchase a WW SRC. I love it. I did some simple upgrades immediately. I went with the counterstrike optics, had
      it boresighted over at Cabelas on Gonzales La. I bough the rifle at Academy in Baton Rouge. In La there are no restrictions on assault weapons except for they can’t be full auto of course, but I’ve ran bout 200 r nds through it flawlessly. Gun runs like a sewing machine. It’s sweet. I’m grouping nicely. I would recommend this rifle to anyone starting as their first AR. I know I did over pay a Lil for it, but all together I have bout $1300 tied up so far in it. I’m happy with it

  11. I would think an AR expert and gun writer would have noticed it is Diamond Head, not Diamondback. I am hoping there are other things he got wrong since I just got one of their M4 models.

  12. I bought an MPC for a hair over $1,000 and couldn’t be happier. I’ve only fired it about 100 times & will practice more once more ammo is available at reasonable prices. I found the quality to be excellent. You’ve got to love their back story. 100% satisfied.

    • Same here man. I have the same rifle. Runs like sewing machine. Very happy with mine. Anyone looking for a first AR, I would def recommend this rifle.

  13. I own a src and have no complaints,the fit and finish is very good,ive shot many rounds through it with no problems,im in the learning stages of reloading,looking forward to building the ultimate round for mine,the price was right I like the owners plan to put his former employees back to work building what they know how to build,many years of experence at that company,I hope they do well.

  14. I LOVE MY MOSSBERG MMR!! This review (and the review for the MMR itself) are what led me to buy mine.

    Absolutely perfect rifle, IMO. I don’t care about a forward assist (a modern precision-built rifle shouldn’t need one), and I don’t take issue with the trigger or grip, as the reviewer did.

    The Mossberg MMR is the best rifle on the market for under $1500 retail. Hands down.

    • The Mossberg MMR is a terrible AR/MSR. The trigger is horrendous and accuracy is not good either. It also feels like a cheap plastic toy almost. I was not impressed at all with that gun and wouldn’t recommend that to anyone. I owned a Windham, and with a little customization, as it is an entry level rifle, it was a great rifle until I sold it to help finance my other builds. I changed out the trigger, safety, grip, Handguard, stock and a few other internal parts, and it shot sub MOA all day. I think you may have gotten a bad rifle as those guys put everything into their weapons, and their customer service is awesome. Their head gunsmith is very accessible and will help you out in any way he can. They are a great company, and I am sure they will do well as they move forward. This comes from a 15 year Army Vet with a few Combat Deployments. I was also our Detachment Armorer as a secondary duty for 4 years, so I think I know just I little about the M16/M4 platform. If you are looking for an entry AR/MSR then I think Windham Weaponry is definitely one of the best out there, and no I have no affiliation with the company at all.

  15. My brother bought an SRC at Walmart for 799.00, just before you couldn’t find any AR’s anywhere. It shoots 1 MOA @100 yards easy and runs like a clock.

    • I just purchased the WW SRC last Friday from Academy in Baton Rouge La. I’ve already ran 200 rds through it by way of 4 different brass ammo. I love it

  16. I just purchased the WW SRC last Friday from Academy in Baton Rouge La. I’ve already ran 200 rds through it by way of 4 different brass ammo. I love it. It’s flawless as far as a $1000 production rifle goes. It’s very smooth action, and runs like a frickin sewing machine. I’m very happy with it. I immediately installed a new quad rail, fwd pistol grip and a 42 r n d mag. As far as optics, I went with a counterstrike red dot. Had it boresighted at cabelas by a buddy. I’m very pleased with it. I know I paid a Lil overMSRP but in my opinion, it’s worth every dime that I’m now plinking holes in at 50 yrds. I would recommend anyone who is looking for a first time starter AR to seriously concider a Windham. Great rifle.

  17. I just purchased the WW SRC last Friday from Academy in Baton Rouge La. I’ve already ran 200 rds through it by way of 4 different brass ammo. I love it. It’s flawless as far as a $1000 production rifle goes. It’s very smooth action, and runs like a frickin sewing machine. I’m very happy with it. I immediately installed a new quad rail, fwd pistol grip and a 42 r n d mag. As far as optics, I went with a counterstrike red dot. Had it boresighted at cabelas by a buddy. I’m very pleased

  18. I just purchased the WW SRC last Friday from Academy in Baton Rouge La. I’ve already ran 200 rds through it by way of 4 different brass ammo. I love it. It’s flawless as far as a $1000 production rifle goes. It’s very smooth action, and runs like a frickin sewing machine.

  19. I just purchased the WW SRC last Friday from Academy in Baton Rouge La. I’ve already ran 200 rds through it by way of 4 different brass ammo. I love it

  20. Anybody here have any bad experiences with a WW yet? I’m trying the remington spray lube with Teflon. I love hoe easy the rifle breaks down for inspection and cleaning. Very pleased with it great purchase

    • No problems at all with my MPC. I agree, easy to break down & clean. I’m still happy with my purchase from last December.

  21. Another bad review from someone that doesn’t know how to shoot or is getting something from other companies to put down W/W!

    The CDI is only good for 50 to 100 yards (lol)

    • Not sure if I agree with that statement Rockwell. My buddy has a WW CDI and it pretty darn accurate at 100-200yrd, considering he spent a Lil time and money on some kick rear optics. In my opinion (and I’m no gun pro at any level) , but WW is a really nice rifle for the $$. Of course they have better arms on the market, but I definitely have nothing at all negative to say about mine.

      • Hey Rockwell, u know as well as I, that they have those dunderheads out there that will say some pretty off color comments even though they know Lil bout what they r saying. I agree with u bout the (LOL) on that 50-100 comment yo!

  22. I have a problem with the review due to the fact the artical is 9 months old and Leghorn has not came back with any follow up.Either WW didn’t respond to his issues which I can’t imagine or he is laying low as the review was something other than factual.

    • I’m not sure if I believe that whole story man. Sounds like someone just throwing dirt man. When the arms leave the assembly area, they have to go through at least some sort of final inspection no matter how brief, they would have definitely saw that mis-alignment issue. I’m still pleased with my purchase. No issues at all besides the fact that ammo is still kinda hard to accumulate in large quantities

  23. Just got my WW MPC last week. 300 rounds, very pleased, very accurate right out of the box.
    Thinking about getting another at Cabelas because there donating a portion of the proceeds to the Vets.
    Review here seems strange. No follow up?

  24. FYI, I currently have A Windham Weaponry SRC on layaway and after months of research many people have shot 1 MOA with the SRC (which is their most basic model) at 100 yards using federal premium and similar ammo. So that means there are only 3 possible reasons why your test was bad: 1. The weapon was a lemon. 2. The ammo you shot was no good for the rifle. 3. The shooter just didn’t perform well. The most plausible reason is number 2 followed by 3. Just because the ammo shot well in a mossberg means nothing. I have seen the SRC run through steel cased low grade wolf like it was nothing when that stuff will jam a Stag Arms AR.

  25. I’m easily 2500 rounds into mine without a single (not even one) malfunction. I even kinda beat on it trying to make it fail but could not. It eats everything I give it and never complains.
    Very pleased with mine, it’s a keeper.

  26. Honestly now, I would have sent the gun back immediately after finding the problem and given them a chance to make it right. Leaving this behind, and utilizing my 30+ yrs of shooting, more than one brand of ammo would have been used before proclaiming that other guns are better. I have a Windham, it has it’s quirks, it does NOT like certain ammo types and weights although some weights work with other manufacturers. I bought from these folks because of their experience, their commitment and to give the “little” guy a chance. It paid off- with the right ammo- with me doing my job right, I can get 1 1/2″ groups out to 200 yards. It falls off past this but I know it’s me not the gun/ammo combo. Be fair in a review rather than capitalize on a glitch, then use it flawed with only one kind of ammo and declare YOUR favorite the winner. It’s possible to get a lemon from any manufacturer, what sets them apart is their willingness to correct the issues at hand. No one would replace a barrel with only one type, manufacturer, and weight tried out. Sorry, I just don’t think this is anything like a fair review of their product-I know, I have one and it absolutely is a joy to shoot….

    • 1.5″ groups at 200 yds is sub-moa accuracy. With Windham’s warranty and CS, i have no doubt they would have fixed the problem(s), if given the opportunity. I do not consider this a fair and partial assessment of Windham Weaponry. My $800 SRC will shoot sub-moa all day long…as a matter of fact, I would put it up against any $1200 AR out there.

  27. Picked one up about a week ago. I’ve only been able to put about 300 rounds through it but its hasn’t had a single problem yet. Multiple brands and different grains have been used though. Every one cycled. Haven’t gotten the chance to do any 100 or even 50 yard time with it yet though. I’m pleased with it thus far. The action sticks a little sometimes though when you rack the slide. I figure it needs broken in though since its carbon fiber.

  28. Like many above, I really liked the “Windham Weaponry Story”. After some basic research, I decided to purchase a WW SRC (Sight Ready Carbine). I added a Magpul angled fore-grip and a pistol grip. With over 1000 rounds through it has performed without failure! I’ve shot several different .223 and 5.56 brands, even some of the cheap Russian stuff. I am consistently getting 1 to 1 1/2 MOA @ 100 meters with Diamond Back folding sights. I am by no means a great shot but this SRC sure makes me look better! I have absolutely zero complaints! She is as good or better than my Colt LE9620.

  29. Just a follow up to my original comment:
    I have now put hundreds of rounds downrange and I can shoot 1 MOA with his rifle on a bipod with 5.56 NATO and a cheap 4x scope. So in summation there is now way this review is valid. Either this guy can’t shoot or he was using the wrong ammo. The only issues I have had is with lower pressure .223 (local range reloads) the action won’t fully cycle and load the next round. Which is a common issue if the rifle is built for the higher 5.56 pressures and the SRC is. With that being said I have never had any issues with 5.56 NATO from any company.

  30. I just bought one of the src it’s bad a#% this is a great gun and if you dough it just buy the cheapest one proof is in the pudding.

  31. i was surprised at the review, but i am not an expert only what works for me .i bought the vex-ss model the varmint exterminator 20 ” fluted stainless 1 turn in 8 right hand twist. put a 6-24-50 scope on, at 200 yds less than 1in, but that is not the windom it is me. but will improve in time like the feel of this gun.

  32. I do not know if my last post showed up on this site, if so i was wrong about the200 yds my came back with his range finder , my 200 yd. shot turned out to be only 176 .but i am still very satisfied with the Windham vex-ss varmint exterminator. More shooting to be done.

  33. I have a new WW SRC with a 1×4 Burris MTAC scope. With American Eagle 55 gr FMJ’s, I am shooting just over 1″ groups at 100 yards. With the AE 50 gr tipped bullets, I have shot honest 3/4″ groups off the bench at 100 yards. Very pleased with this from a 16″ carbine that cost me <$700 new ( Fit, finish and features are top notch. So far, it shoots every time I pull the trigger. Mil-spec in any of the places that matter (about everything except the buffer tube – who cares…).

  34. I hope to pick up an AR-15 made by Colt later on this week. Twist rate of 1:7. I plan on matching it up with optic sights by Aim Point Pro…. patrol rifle model. Any thoughts on this? Also I am planning on using Hornandy 75 grain Superformance rounds, Would I have any potential problems getting these rounds to feed?

  35. Joe nowak if you have a carbine gas system do not buy the superformance. The powder they use has a different pressure curve. It should only be used in ar’s with rifle length gas systems and 20 inch or longer barrels. If you use a carbine gas system the port pressure is to high, which is very hard on the gun. For everyone claiming windham is so great there is a video of a windham factory tour. In it the guy installing the barrel does not even use a torque wrench. These are fine for range use and your average shooter, but they are not going to stand up to 10, 000 plus rounds a year or high round count training classes. If you can get a bcm for less than what the cdi retails for why buy the cdi. Everone on her claiming flawless 100 or 200 rounds that is nothing. I would challenge anyone with a windham to a 2000 round day. Whoever has the least malfunctions wins. Both are shot as they show up no adding lube no nothing. Run it how you brought it clear the malf and keep going. If the windham wins you leave with 2000 rounds of ammo and whatever rifle I used. You lose you leave with no ammo and no rifle. I still have never had anyone who owns a windham, dpms, bushmaster, or other similar ar take me up on the offer.

  36. I bought a WW R16M4A4T MPC about one year ago. I just bought my second one a few days ago at the same shop. The price only went up 10.00 Dollars. Perhaps I should thank Leghorn, for prices staying down. From what I have read here (especially the Detachment Armorer’s remark) and my own experience. This has been an enjoyable blog to read. The qualified folks seem to know what is what! It is reassuring. And refreshing. God Bless America.

  37. Not to beat a dead horse, but my SRC has been flawless through 1500 rounds of mostly cheap American Eagle FMJ – no failures of any kind. Shooting from the bench on a cheap bipod or range bag, 1.5″ groups are no sweat. WW is a very solid choice in the sub $1,000 range.

  38. I have a Windham weaponry varmint exterminator 223 that I have been shooting out to 400 yards with 1 MOA and I am very happy with it so I would say it’s like every company you get good and bad out of all them not every weapon shoot’s the same even the same model.

  39. Who shoots a gun for accuracy and only uses one type if ammo? That’s unprofessional.

    My WW SRC shoots 1.25″ groups at 100 yards with cheap Federal FMC and AE Tipped Varmit loads. I love it.

  40. I just purchased a WW Vex SS and its the most accurate out of the box rifle I have ever owned and I have owned a few. Took two boxes of ammo to the range, and since I will use this for varmint hunting I took a box of Nosler 55 gr tipped flat base and a box of HSM 50gr Berger hunting match ammo. After zero at 100 yds shot 3 groups of 3 rounds and all were under .750. At this point I now have a total of 14 rounds out of the gun. Cleaned it and let it cool.Moved out to 200 yd for my final zero and the first group was .426 made another adjustment of 2 clicks up and 1 click left and that that group was .458 and about a 1/4 of an inch above zero. You can complain all you want, I love this gun. 5 stars from me

  41. One major observation in the article. The author indicates that the twist isa “slow’ 1:9.

    Two points that seem at odds in the artice:

    1) A 1:9 twist is a fairly ‘fast’ twist. A 1:12 or 1:14 would be a (relatively) sow twist.
    2) It is a bit of overkill for a 55 grain bullet. These are more suitable in a 1:10 through 1:14 pipe.

    The 1:9 and FASTER 1:8 or 1:7 are ideal for heavy (> 65 grain) bullets. You need the 1:9 twist (or faster) to stabilize the heavy VLD PILLS like the Berger’s. I have had a Windham MDC 16” carbine witha 1 in 9 twist for about a month and have shot everything with it from little V -Max 53 grain pills to the Berger 73 grn VLD HTBT and the gun has been flawless. You can drive tacks with the heavy VLD’s out to 600+ yards and with the right load workup the V-Max are shooting in the .2’s at 100 yds with consistency.

  42. I purchased the WW SRC after reading the back story about the company. I found an Ohio gun store selling the rifle for $599.00 and that’s no typo. I think this rifle is the best buy for a first AR. Mine has been flawless so far approaching 500 rounds. No jams, no misfires, and thats shooting cheap wolf steel ammo. I haven’t shot it past 100 yards yet, but I’ve been really pleased with the grouping that I’m getting. I’m telling all of my friends looking for their first AR to give WW a look. One of my shooting buddies has the WW with the carry handle, and he loves his AR also. I’m going to agree with other posters here, that the reviewer must have gotten a Lemon that sneaked through their quality control. considering a transferable lifetime warranty. how can you go wrong.

  43. I have a new CDI purchased 6-15. I find the fit and finish and quality of the components, including sights exceptional. I would put it up against any $1,700 AR15 and I believe it comes out better or even in all areas, and I paid $1,150, out the door, new. I think this author of the review received a lemon, or has an agenda, maybe a little of both. I love my CDI.

  44. Nick, If you have not done a follow-up in 2 years, shame on you, but other responders who were down on your review need to re-read your review and remember that you really did hope you had a lemon. I don’t see some hidden agenda-for what gain? Keep up the good work and get back to us with positive results about WW!

  45. No followup article. Must conclude this was a biased article. Especially based on my experience with the CDI. It does not match the one described in this article.

  46. I bought the 7.62 x 39 verison and it has worked flawlessly I have had no issues and I paid 755 for mine. I have been in the military for over 22 years and this guy has no clue what he is talking about. For the price you cant beat this AR and I couldnt be happier. It shoots great 1-1.5 inch 3 round groups at 200 yards, once i get more time I will test it out further

  47. This review is BS. I own two Windham Weaponry rifles, a Way of the Gun .223 and a R16SFST-308. Both rifles exude some of the highest quality I have ever seen from any AR manufacturer. Both of my WW rifles will shoot MOA or better with the multiple different off the shelf ammo. Further more, the author only evaluated two different kinds of ammo- not really a fair test of accuracy. I agree with the author that the hand guard’s picatinny rail should line up with the receivers rail. At that point the author should have returned the rifle to Windham where there no questions asked life time warranty would have taken care of that. But for him to slam this rifle like he did calling the sights “flimsy” is just not right. If anyone has any reservation about buying a WW rifle, do not be scared by the one guys subjective opinion. I am seriously considering selling my other two AR’s which are S&W and buying another Windham Weaponry. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about WW and I’ll be glad to talk to you.

  48. My 2012 aluminum SRC is sub moa with my hand weighed 55gr reloads with Sierra
    Spitzers and imr3031 or varget..100yrds and a dime covers 3 shots..I paid around 850$ and have no complaints..some ammo sucks..should’ve used match grade or rolled your own..take away the the ammo factor and see what happens…I love my notch warranty and better than my A2 I had in the military…

  49. New HBC as of Sep 27. I like the feel. Replaced OEM handguards with splits-in-half KeyMod type. Pic rail on upper and on handguards align exactly. Would really love some time away from work to go shoot the thing. Maybe on some day far into the future…

  50. I’m still waiting for Leghorns follow up and it’s been over 3 years ?
    Well, I bought a WW CDI for $1100.00 and the finish and fit is supreme ! My best friend is a L.E.O for the Dept. of Defense and after seeing and checking out my WW CDI and comparing it to other makes, and shooting along side a POF, I would hands down purchase this rifle multiple times over. Oh Yeah, 3/4″ groups @ 100 yards with inexpensive 55gr federal ammo ! I’m telling ya, you can’t go wrong with one, and a lifetime warranty ? BTW, go to the store and shake a Mossberg end to end, I’ll pass on one !

  51. Calling Adfotainment on this.
    Shadow ad for Mossberg.
    No follow-up? Got his Mossberg PIF and moved on.

  52. I bought an “SRC” a few months ago and put a Vortex 1-4 x24 (v brite reticle) scope on it. I have put approx. 500 rounds (mostly Wolf Gold 55 gr.) with Freedom Munition 55gr., and Federal 55 gr. practice ammo. Even with a 1.5 moa dot reticle, I easily & consistently shoot sub moa groups. I am very happy with the WW rifle and will be buying more.

  53. What is the story on Nick Leghorn. Article he wrote seems fabricated. No follow-up is suspicious. Bought my 7.62×39 in 2016 and have never had problems.

  54. Not good not good picked up VEX-SS Varmint Exterminator says on the receiver 5.56/223 thought that was what is was ,turns out barrel 223 ,
    does not like 5.56 hope they fix this for me ,they may want to amend tech sheet

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