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Shares of gun stocks have moved higher following the Las Vegas mass shooting. As of this writing, Ruger and American Outdoor Brands (Smith & Wesson’s holding company) are up over six percent. Make of that what you will. I reckon there are two reasons . . .

The market must figure that, like the aftermath of Sandy Hook, there will be a gun control push leading to more sales. Or people will buy guns out of fear of more attacks. Or both.

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  1. Wow. Maybe you should let the victims stop bleeding before you discuss gun stocks. Just a thought.

    • It’s valid news relating to a currently breaking story. Maybe you shouldn’t wake up every day looking for the next thing you find offensive. Imagine the things you can do with the time you use to spend being indignant at the smallest thing that rustled your jimmies.

      • The point is that the gun control advocates never took anybody’s 2A or guns away after Sandy Hook. And they won’t this time either. So we can all stop running to stock up. This mass shooting won’t change anything in either direction so we can afford a little reverence for the victims is all I say. It will cost us nothing. He criticizes me for being “offended” by in turn being offended? Come on. Let’s not be hypocrites and show the victims a little compassion before we unnecessarily worry about the gun grabbers coming after us.

        • Gun grabbers did take some of our rights away after Sandy Hook. Just not on federal level. And even there it was not like they didn’t try. Thank NRA for standing up to them.
          I did some mass shooting with my friends over the weekend. We hit lots of steel and paper. This was mass MURDER.

        • I’ll stock up if I want to. Regardless of your opinions or instructions for what people should be doing, we are free people after all.

    • Get what you want now, otherwise you risk not being able to get it in the future without some shop work.

  2. I guess I have to accelerate paying for the AR I have on layaway…RIP to the victims. Oh yeah gun stocks up mentioned on FOX Business. Besides being a vile murderer I’m profoundly pizzed the “alleged” killer is the same age as me…😫

  3. I guess I have to accelerate paying for the AR I have on layaway…RIP to the victims. Oh yeah gun stocks up mentioned on FOX Business. Besides being a vile murderer I’m profoundly pizzed the “alleged” killer is the same age as me…😫

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