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29 thoughts on “Gun Tweet of the Day: The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Blames Gun Lobby for U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s Murder”

  1. Interesting. The Brady’s managed to cram blood-dancing and an outright lie into one tweet. They’re getting better. And by that I mean “worse”.

  2. Illegal cartels with illegal guns provided by an illegal govt means more laws are necessary to protect the children

        • I thought the deadliest thingee on an “assault weapon” was the evil bayonet lug . . . or was it a stacking swivel?

        • No, no. The deadliest of all firearm accessories is the barrel shroud. The shoulder thing that goes up is a close second, though.

  3. So if the government agency responsible for preventing gun smuggling facilitates the smuggling of guns the only solution is to ignore its activities and give it more power (and funding)?

    • The anti-gun lobby only knows to make up facts because that is all they have left is propoganda and emotion. Hard to fight the truth which is not on their side. Sadly, many drink their cool-aide

  4. The “Gun Lobby” IS NOT responsible for Agent Terry’s death, your BFF Eric Holder, WHO IS UNABLE TO CORRECTLY MANAGE HIS OWN STING OPERATION IS RESPONSIBLE…typical anti gun BS…they dont want to take responsiblity for their own screw ups and try to pass the blame on someone else.

    • The only person responsible for Agent Terry’s death is the person who shot Agent Terry. End.

  5. That is the worst of the worst lie ever from the Brady Campaign,
    – not because it slanders millions of respectable citizens (the members of the “gun lobby”)
    – not because it will be seen by millions of poorly informed people, and convince them of something that just isn’t true
    – not that it implies that a politically motivated, completely illegal, gun-running operation done with the full cooperation of the Executive Branch, was caused by the gun lobby.

    No, it is their worst lie ever, because it is so blatantly false in so many ways, and it is so easy to prove that it is false.

  6. I didn’t realize that ATF was part of the gun lobby. I thought AFT is a federal agency that answers to Eric brainwash people against guns Holder.

  7. The Brady Campaign are idiots! Everybody knows that George Bush is responsible. George Bush!

    Sheesh, I wish they’d get their story right.

  8. LMAO I am blocked from even reading or posting to them on Twitter.. OMG my first block!!! yipee…
    Oh yeah I wasting being mean but I guess they didn’t want me rebuffing their lies lol

    • More often than not, you can always tell who is truly in the right by how freely they allow opposition. For instance, TTAG freely allows opposing viewpoints and contrary posting. Why? Because we are truly confident in our stance’s truth. Our position isn’t based on mental and emotional fragility and deficiency.

      The Bradys, gun-grabbers, and their kind in general will ALWAYS censor and never want a truly open discussion because, deep down, not only do they know they’re wrong, they know that their stance is based on their own mental issues and projections. They’re like children. The second you start treating them like mature humans, you’ve gone too far.

  9. It reminds me of the time the Man gave toddlers all the small toys they wanted, then let them wander off. When the little kids started choking to death (not just little Mexican kids, but some of the Man’s kids, too) the Man began preaching about the evils of fun, going so far as to blame the Fun Nuts for the problem…

  10. So, “nuh-uh, YOU’RE the poopyhead” basically.

    About the intelligence level I expect from them.

  11. These people are scary insane. There are so many crazy ideologues out there. I think i am going to mount a sign over the interior side of my front door, “now entering the asylum”.


  12. These people are scary insane. There are so many crazy ideologues out there lately. I think I am going to mount a sign over the interior side of my front door, “now entering the asylum”.


    • An ideological movement is craziest right as its extinction becomes inevitable. Anyone with any hope has wised up and left at that point, and those that are left are driven nuts by the paradox of their own existence.

  13. Sometimes I think the best thing in the world is for them to keep yapping. Everytime they do, they show how precious little they care for what happens to actual people, and that every drop of blood spilled anywhere is simply for them to splash around to con people out of their liberty.

    • RR, you hit one of the nails square on the head when you said; “to con people out of their liberty.”. That’s exactly it, it is a con. In the sense that if one says a lie long and often enough in becomes some sort of truth or perceived wisdom, people with limited critical thinking skills accept that so-called wisdom or common sense and allow it to guide their thinking and decisions.

      The modern Left, in many ways, can be viewed as evangelical missionaries not unlike those of the last three centuries. They often see their mission as one of guiding the great unwashed heathen masses to the light, and righteousness and a new heaven here on earth. They are the shepherds and we are their flock. Intelligent, self reliant and well armed citizens are anathema to their mission’s goals; and boy does that get them worked up in a lather.

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