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Gun Tweet of the Day: Jim Carrey Edition


Pleasantville is one of my favorite movies. It gently then relentlessly skewers the myth of a 1950’s American utopia and preaches tolerance. Wait, that wasn’t Jim Carey. That was Jeff Daniels. Sorry. I get that confused with The Truman Showanother movie about paradise lost. Truman also skewers the suburban idyl and preaches personal responsibility. That was Jim Carrey. In both cases, the main characters must come to terms with reality. Real reality. As depicted by Hollywood. Go figure. And while you’re doing that, clock the Tweet above and ask yourself this: is Carrey implying that gun owners are sub-human? We’ve seen this demonization before; it doesn’t take society to its happy place, should such a thing exist. I like to think it does. But then I bought a Benelli M4 shotgun after Newtown. That’s different, right?

55 thoughts on “Gun Tweet of the Day: Jim Carrey Edition”

  1. “Any1 who would run out to sell an assault rifle for exorbitant prices after the Newtown massacre has very little left in their body or soul worth protecting. ;^\”


  2. I purchased a VEPR 12 personally, shotguns are soul guns. I owned an AR and AK for several years before Newtown, Aurora, etc. I must be one of those still souled gun owners. Hooray for me!

  3. Hey Jim: Feel free to f*ck off back to Canada……oh wait….AR15s are legal there too……

    Well just s*ck it I guess.

  4. Completely irrelevant. Don’t get me wrong, he’s entitled to his opinion. I object to the fact that simply because he’s famous, you felt it worthy of publishing, and I in turn read it. I know, I didn’t have to read it. But it’s not like he wrote a monograph. It was one sentence; it was over before it started.

  5. What about people who campaign to deprive people of life saving vaccines because their girlfriend is a nutcase? What is the status of their soul?

    Alternative version: Jim Carey’s support of Jenny McCarthy’s insane anti-immunization agenda has killed more people than my AR-15.

  6. Jim Had a very difficult childhood (in Canada) followed by a difficultand unstable adulthood which may explain why he believes he has license to declare his fellow citizens sub-human and I’m sure there are a few million that will continue to encourage such bankrupt people to spout their vain, hateful rhetoric.
    This is a very familiar path that the Left is following and it always ends in mass murder of the disarmed.

  7. Semi-Automatic Rifles have existed since 1885…

    I really don’t understand why they are trying to ban technology that was created in the late 19th century.

  8. hey Jimb0 – a REAL MAN would not only fire his personal security team, he would advertise his home address, leave his home unlocked, post the codes to the personal safe, and politely show embarrassment that the dishes are not done when the rip crew comes to jack the same and play a little of the ole’ in and out with the mrs. after all, a REAL MAN doesn’t need police with guns.

  9. If you waited till after Sandy Hook to buy an AR, chances are you waited too long and found empty racks at your FFL. I bought a Mossberg 930 with a seven round tube.

  10. Jim Carrey never had talent he was too dumb in his movies anyway. so not surprised.

    Not surprised the the idiots who act in Hollywood support more fascist ideals and that they blindly follow there fuhrer Obama blindly. Hollywood is too dumb to think on its own.

    • Actors lie for a living and are required to be detached from reality, both professionally and from the riches they accrue. Their opinions on reality are about as valid as a 3 year old’s.

  11. He tweets this from the safety of his gated community, secured by armed guards. What sort of vapid, clueless drone would “follow” this has been, anyway?

  12. Anyone who would purchase alcohol knowing the numbers it kills when improperly used, has no soul.

    Anyone who drives a car knowing the numbers it kills when improperly used, has no soul.

    Anyone who eats ocean fish (and crustaceans) knowing the fatality rate of fishermen, has no soul.

    Anyone who thinks life is not a series of calculated risks and random chances, has no idea what real life is.

  13. I bought a win SX3, but it was black so maybe he considers that an assault rifle as well. It can shoot 12 rounds in under a second and a half….

  14. Any1 who would make Me, Myself & Irene has very little left in their body or soul worth protecting.

  15. This from the guy who directly was responsible for the deaths of children by telling their parents not to vaccinate them, even after all the anti-vax science was FULLY discredited.

    What a fucking joke.

  16. Ah, Jim Carrey. Always good for a laugh. I really enjoyed his bio-pic, “Dumb and Dumber.” You can catch him in the upcoming Kick-Ass 2, in which he playes a former mobster turned vigilante using a military-themed alias, “Colonel Stars and Stripes.” … Oh, don’t worry. He doesn’t use an “assault rifle;” he uses a baseball bat (or, in the movie, it appears to be an axe handle) and his guns are unloaded and used for intimidation only … That’s Jim Carrey.

  17. I was so angry about the Newton shooting that the next day, I went to the gun range and shot up several targets…then I went into their gun store and bought a Mossberg Flex 590 with tactical furniture.

    Why? Because I want to be as prepared as I can if an active shooter starts prowling in my neck of the woods.

  18. Funny, I feel the same way about gun-grabbers. What kind of unnatural, pathetic, self-loathing, sub-human freak would campaign against the ability to defend himself and for others to defend themselves?

    I can’t really begrudge him such pointed hatred because, well, I feel the same way about him and his side. I wish gun-grabbers would wear a yellow hat or something that identifies them as such so that when I see them get raped, mugged, murdered, etc, I can sit back and laugh rather than attempt to help or call 911. After all, what’s the point of aiding in the preservation of those who blight free society with their very presence?

    • A Star of David is appropriate, SOD for short, an appropriate symbol for disarmed victims.

      Then when they are all frightened of the law abiding, they can have the police put them into gated communities to be more effective in protecting the SOD’s, and such communities will be called SOD-OM & GOMORA, also appropriate!

      Then since the cost to protect them needs to come from taxes, anyone being identified as a SOD will be the only ones taxed to pay for their choice of being disarmed! Thats being fiscally responsible!

  19. Anyone who would risk the lives of millions of children by opposing vaccination on dubious and discredited scientific grounds needs to shut the hell up about other peoples souls.

  20. Meh. Just another ignorant actor in the Hollywood bubble. I’ll enjoy his movies for what they’re worth (which, for most of them, ain’t much) and continue treating his personal opinions and personal life as the irrelevancies they are.

    On the other hand, Pleasantville was a great movie (bonus: Jim Carrey-free!).

  21. I am always amazed how stupid Hollywood actors have become. Is there anyone in Hollywood smart enough to know that these “assault weapons” as defined by the Obama Regime are nothing more than scary looking varmint rifles? Just one note for this jerk: I bought three firearms since this event, and there are hundreds of thousands of people across the US that have done the same. Hmm, I wonder what his armed bodyguards have to say about little Jimmy’s statement and is loyalty to this fascist ideology to that has infected Hollywood.

  22. Well, seeing as true ‘Assault Rifles’ (as defined by the NFA) are exceedingly rare and difficult for us serfs to own, I take that to mean that those of us who “ran out to buy” a MSR have intact souls. Thanks Jim.

  23. Well, I believe the list of folks buying actual ASSAULT RIFLES is damn short. Since actual assault rifles are select fire and are absurdly expensive since the ban on their manufacture in 1986. I’d guess less than 10 have changed hands. ;^/

    And just sayin’, judging the souls of other men is very poor form. You’ve lost a fan jackass.

  24. I bought mine after the reelection but before sandy hook. I guess that puts me one rung higher on the evolutionary ladder.

  25. I do not lack a soul because I bought an assault rifle. I lack a soul because I am a lawyer. Get it straight.

  26. Hollywood actors are experts on gun control, just like gun shot victims are. We should listen to their opinions and adjust our attitudes accordingly. /s/

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