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“The former mayor of Bogota took apart a rifle at a rally urging Colombians to vote ‘yes’ in the weekend referendum on a peace deal with the FARC rebels,” reports. “Antennas Mockus (above), the leader of a movement in favor of the treaty, urged ‘ordinary Colombians’ to hand over any guns they have in their possession. ‘Seventy-five percent of violent deaths are caused by firearms,’ the one-time presidential candidate said.”

Because a piece of paper will protect “ordinary Columbians” from soon-to-be-former FARC rebels, their own government, crazies, criminals and non-FARC terrorists. Or not.

FYI, tells us that “Aurelijus RÅ«tenis Antanas Mockus Å ivickas is a Colombian mathematician, philosopher, and politician. He has a master’s degree in philosophy from the Colombian University, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, and a Honoris Causa PhD from L’université de Paris.”


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    • Whats interesting is if you look at a map of the states/regions that voted predominantly against the peace referendum vs those that voted predominantly no, and overlay it with the areas most impact by FARC activites and those least impacted, you come to an interesting conclusion. The areas that actually have to deal with FARC, have their villages attacked, their children killed or kidnapped and raised by FARC, etc etc, they voted OVERWHELMINGLY in favor of the peace referendum. They pay the price, and they realize peace is the better option. Meanwhile, its was mainly the wealthier city-dwelling population, removed from confronting the daily realities of the struggle against FARC, who voted against making peace. Draw from that what conclusions you wish. But its certainly interesting.

      • I dunno. When I lived in Bogota a couple of summers ago, FARC was pretty active in the downtown / Zona Rosa / Zona T areas. I’m not sure it’s a fair assessment to say that FARC ignores the cities.

      • Ya and I’m also certain in 1941 the overwhelming majority of the population of France would have said they were in favor of hosting those delightful German fellows. No reason, just because you know?

  1. As an aside – TTAG, I have no issue with ads on the sidebar, but the Brownells popover is really annoying. This one ad alone is going to drive me to use an adblocker.

    • I agree. I’ve got no problem with the ads in general, but that Brownells thing is extremely annoying! I know that TTAG needs revenue, and don’t mind the ads usually, but that particular one is a hassle.

      • Are you guys talking about that one on the bottom of the screen that moves up and down when you try to close it? I use an AdBlocker on my computer at home but I struggle with that one on work computers.

    • It bothered me for awhile too, but now I consider it as a manual dexterity exercise. You gotta get that red X just right, or you start chasing the thing around. Suspect TTAG staffers can tell when we do that and they are laughing at those of us who are half blind as it is.

  2. What an irony that a mathmetician thinks good people giving up their guns is going to stop bad people from shooting.

  3. It’s a failure of government, asking citizens to disarm for the pleasure of the enemy. When the nation cannot defend its people, they are left to themselves.

  4. It’s always astounding when Litvaki cannot grasp the reality of the need for arms for self defense against counter revolutionary terrorists like the paramilitaries and the landowners like Uribe who back them. But as a member of the petit bourgeoisie Prof Å¡ivickas identifies more with the landowners like Uribe then revolutionaries like the FARC. I see his last name doesn’t appear to be Jewish so greater chance his grandparents were counter revolutionaries.

    At any rate if he’s the Green Party Mayor that helped to bring mass education and peace to Bogota (partial) credit to him (after all the government and other cartels killed Escobar and restabilized the cocaine trade) but this latest is stupid and reprehensible.

  5. The last time we asked Columbia for anything they denied our request. So we sent in the NAVY SEALS to get Noriega, and they got shot-up quite a bit, but still did a great job, and simultaneously established our negotiating and counsel positions with South America. Save your advice Columbia, if we want anything from you, we’ll specifically come and get it with deadly force.

  6. The appropriate response to “X number of people are killed by guns” is “WHO DID THE SHOOTING??”

  7. Seventy-five percent of violent deaths are caused by firearms

    That’s right. People had nothing to do with it – it’s all the firearms. Also – in the absence of firearms, there is no other way to achieve homicide. So there is that too.

  8. 75 percent of violent deaths are caused by handguns.

    So. If you ground up handguns and mixed then in the food at all you can eat restaurant settings you could claim a skyrocketing effect on small bowel disease from handguns.

    If you shoved them up politicians you could claim the same on colon catastrophes.

    If you threw them off tall buildings just think of the carnage HANDGUNS would cause!

    What does cause mean?

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