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LA Melts Down 5000 Firarms to Build Roads


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The next time you’re stuck in traffic on an LA freeway, think for a moment about what’s underneath you. That concrete you’re not rolling on could be supported by the remnants of confiscated and turned-in boomsticks. “Nearly 5,000 handguns, rifles and other weapons were destroyed Wednesday as part of the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department’s 21st annual Gun Melt event, authorities said…Interim Los Angeles County Sheriff John Scott and other law enforcement officials were on hand for the annual event at the Gerdau Steel Mill in Rancho Cucamonga, which donates its furnace, equipment and personnel to convert the weapons into steel rebar to be used in construction of freeways and bridges.” There’s apparently no truth to the rumor that . . .

California’s senior senator was on hand for the actual melting process. If she had attended that little gun barbecue, no doubt she’d have danced around the molten firearms like a wild Injun. The flames could be seen for miles. Are you catching our drift? Or are we being too obtuse?

71 thoughts on “LA Melts Down 5000 Firarms to Build Roads”

  1. I really wish the Los Angeles county LEOs would turn in their weapons to be melted by the steel mill, since the guns are so evil. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Surprised Kommieforication has not run Gerdau steel works out of the state.

  2. 5,000 firearms sounds like a lot until you realize that approximately 33,000 are sold across the country each and every day.

    • 5000 in a city with what population of 4 million in the city alone and 17 million in the area, please do not expect me to believe 5000 are a lot of guns

    • “Over THREE pieces of rebar were made today from the melted down firearms turned in earlier. Later, The Pope himself will be arriving to perform an exorcism on the newly minted steel to release the thousands of souls that were sacrificed in order to build the deadly instruments from which it was forged.”

  3. I was to understand that Senator Feinstein was there melting them with lightning bolts from her fingertips. Thanks for clearing that up.

    • No, I think he meant “obtuse”. The entire last line was a reference to one of my favorite movies “The Shawshank Redemption”

      Yep, just clicked the “wild injun” link.

  4. They should probably auction them off… Most of these are broken though. People selling their old crap for a few extra bucks of everyone’s tax money.

  5. I don’t suppose they made any attempt to see if any of the guns were stolen, and then they made an attempt to return them to their rightful owners, did they?

    • Do you suppose they checked each and every one to be sure it was unloaded. I’d love it, if one of the larger calibers had a round in it as they were melting it, and it “cooked” off and put a nice round hole in you know who!

      • And then she would be a martyr to “gun violence”, is that something we as a community should wish for?

  6. It pains me every time I see an abomination such as this. As gun owners, we try so very hard to always expand our collection with somethimg unique, and sometimes antique. Then what do we see in the media? A bunch of fools crowding around a pile of art -watching it burn- as if it was a public hanging.

    • It’s all marketing. You destroy what is evil and therefore guns are evil. Just a stunt to, like Eric Holder said, “brainwash people” to think guns are bad.

    • It’s called “deodand”. Fairly common phenomenon in primitive cultures, like politicians or cops.

  7. It makes me sick when I think of all the people too poor to afford the security that a firearm might give them. It’s not the nice neighborhoods that are the high crimes areas, is it?

  8. Another useless symbolic we are doing something to combat gun violence message. With acts like this it’s no wonder why people are getting the hell of Cali.

  9. Five thousand busted junk guns that were useless even to their owners get melted. Making room for a hundred thousand new and functional guns to take their place. The cycle of life.

  10. I’d be much happier if they melted Diane Feinstein & Nancy Pelosi and recycled them into pavement.

  11. *sniff* *sniff* All those poor innocent guns 🙁 they could have provided people so much food and enjoyment…

  12. I know firearms are inanimate objects but the tittle, headline, and first sentence struck me as morbid. Definitely sad.

    Probably more than a few people would sacrifice everyone’s firearms just to keep the roads maintained.

    One day, they might be melting them down to make chains.

  13. What’s the rate on turning in a firearm? Just thinking about what return you could get in turning in some moisin nagants

    • No, absolutely not. Do not destroy them. I will buy them from you. A better question is, how much would they pay for a functioning, homemade pipe rifle? A nail, some rubber bands, a 2×4 and a length of pipe, I can make a smoothbore rifle and/or shotgun. They give me 50, 100, 200 dollars for it, I will give that to you for mosins. Never, ever, let these monsters destroy something of actual value.
      /rant off

  14. yeah, so what. People pawning their broke-dick, rusty old guns to the state. Doesn’t do a damn thing to reduce gun crime.

  15. I take some solace in the fact that the vast majority of the guns that were destroyed were old broken junk. Still… I do hate these turn in events.

  16. To be honest, the most surprising thing I found in this article is that we still have a steel mill in California. Gotta love how we’ve killed all the industries here.
    Now that I think about it, California’s kinda the Broken dream’s state what with Hollywood, the Gold Rush, Aero Space, Firearms. Anything worth a damn here is good for like 2 seconds before being shot down the drain.

  17. If she weighs as much as a gun, she’s made of wood BURN HER!
    She turned me into a sheeple! wot? I got better

  18. Mao did something similar during his “cultural revolution”, burned guns, books, art, monks, etc etc anything that didn’t fit his agenda.

  19. You can tell what a great idea it is–they have to make it an “event” in order to try to give it some trace of an aura of significance.

  20. I’d like to first state that I was not part of this process in any way. Secondly, I have a busted air gun ready for the next gun buyback. I’m debating which pro-gun (or pro ammo) cause will receive the proceeds.

    So the next melted down “gun” might be a Crosman pellet gun with blown seals with the proceeds going to the NRA, Calguns, and the FPC.

  21. Jesus.. my stomach just turned and my eyes teared up.

    Wonder what kind of gems were in that stack…

  22. a. That’s an awfully expensive way to get rebar.

    b. What’s California state law on disposal of government property? I would assume that over a certain value it has to be auctioned off as scrap, or something like that.

  23. Burn ’em all! Burn the books, too! Witches, begone! I’d like to know what engineering firm signed off on rebar made from unknown alloys that’s allegedly being used “in bridges”

  24. Here I am scraping money together to buy a gun and these fools are crushing ’em. It’s sinful.

  25. Do I really need another reason to never step foot in CA?… No. My favorite parts are east over a lil mountain range.

  26. Who’d a thunk it? A thousand-word picture reduced to a single two-word combination:
    Caption: “GUN VIOLENCE”

    In another day and time, some might have immediately thought to suggest a far better use would have been as fence-building material.

  27. I have like a 1913 Winchester. I wonder what those idiots would give me for it to melt down? It’s not a 30/30 and it’s in really rough shape.
    I’m not sure about the age. I looked it up once and thing is just old as dirt.

  28. Wait! WAIT! You mean people have to drive on/over these guns? What if they GO OFF? Did anybody even think of the children? These guns must be removed from our roadways! At any cost!

  29. “Like a wild Injun”?


    That’s not helping shed the redneck image of America’s gun owners. Quoting the institutionalized racism of the 1950s is bullshit.

  30. i see lots of wooden stocks there. mosin nagants? bubbas hunting riffle? not much deadly black AR riffles

  31. I say this in sarcasm. Too bad that liberals statists and progressives couldnt be melted down. But I cant think of any use. Cant be used as fertilizer, most likely would be lethal to plants.

  32. The obvious ploy of the symbolic stunt aside, I noticed this task was overseen by the sheriff’s department… I suppose because they would best know how to handle them. And they will be relied upon to step up their services to defend and protect. Might need to hire a couple more people. Provide cars and equipment at the tax payers expense.

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