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Gunwerks rifle makers –motto 1000 Yards Out of the Boxâ„¢ — recently held a photo contest. British Columbian hunter Stephen Williams scooped the top prize: a $4k Gunwerks [not currently in stock] RevX Rifle. Gun aside, literally, I’ve got to say that is one freakin’ HUGE elk. Judging by GW’s photo gallery . . .

there are a lot of really freakin’ HUGE horned animals falling to their rifles’ ballistic prowess. And a good thing too when you’re talking about — or to — a Cape Buffalo. #thankgodmygundunwerked

Here are my faves from their online gallery . . .

Courtesy Gunwerks

Courtesy Gunwerks
Courtesy Gunwerks

Courtesy Gunwerks

Courtesy Gunwerks

Courtesy Gunwerks

Courtesy Gunwerks

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    • 6000 ft above sea level: deer become caribou.
      At 9000 ft, they are called elk.

      It’s still a mystery where snow goes when it melts, or how they keep Hawaii from drifting away.

  1. Anyone else have a problem viewing the gallery via the link? No matter which search engine I use, my computer shuts down

  2. So, did you have to hunt the animal with a gunwerks firearm or did you just need to use one of their scope covers for the picture?

  3. can you imagine the smallness of a guys dick that has to kill an animal that large to feel good about himself? especially using a damn gun, wow what a hero you are. so brave.

    • And once again. The group that is obsessed with penii chimes in. They see penii everywhere. Crack their heads open and little winged penii would flutter out.

  4. Killing animals and hanging their heads on a living room wall is not a sport…It is a psychological issue with the shooter who needs immediately therapy… …..Owning a weapon is to to protect you from a totalitarian government or invasion from a foreign enemy not to roam the forests looking to kill anything that moves…..

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