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Meet Doug Snitker’s ‘Heavry Day Carry‘ everyday carry (EDC) from the good folks at Everyday Carry.

This Texan writes how this stuff gets carried on “days where a jacket is able to be worn, and days might be a little wider traveled.”

Looking it over, I’m asking myself if Doug carries his 1911 as a backup gun.  He has three reloads (two speed strips and one speedloader) for his Ruger SP-101, but only a single one for his Remington R1 1911.

The other thing I noticed in the upper left-hand corner is the (in)famous CIA letter opener.  They make excellent tools with which to open letters, ahem, and carry through metal detectors without detection.  Of course, I’ve made it through magnetometers without issue by simply throwing my tactical pen in the bowl full of metal “stuff” for screening.  And with a tactical pen, I can write letters as well as open them.

I must say, I’ve finally found a guy who carries about as much stuff as I do.

Keep up the good work, Doug.

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  1. John, thanks for the memory kick.

    Don’t believe that is a “CIA Letter Opener” (I consider those to be the fiber reinforced plastic “ninja” knives),but, instead, an A.G. Russell boot knife. I have several from yesteryears…a gold nitrided one, one with an early DLC-type low-friction coating and a plain stainless. They are capable of very sharp edges. Haven’t carried one in years (not since I left the Southwest). Will have to drag them out of the storage locker and check the edges just for old times.

  2. That knife is the AG Russell “Sting”, though likely the CRKT version that AG Russell licensed out back around 2006/2007. I bought one back then thinking it would be a tough outdoors knife. Turns out it’s tough, but it’s clearly designed only for defensive use. The blade is ground/sharpened on both sides, so you can’t apply any finger pressure on the spine of the blade…since the spine is also a blade. And the handle is so short that anything but a firm 2.5-finger grasp is laughable.

    It’s also heavy. Very heavy. It’s pure steel, no handle scales, no nothing. But steel. And the handle area is pretty thick. If you need an additional tent stake, it’ll do. If you need to drive a 1lb steel spike into ISIS’ chest cavity, it’ll also do. If you want to whittle, peel an apple, gut small or medium game, etc…it will not do.

  3. “He has three reloads (two speed strips and one speedloader) for his Ruger SP-101”

    You missed a speedloader, there are 2…so he has 25rnds(2-5rnd speedstrips, 2-5rnd speedloaders, +5 loaded) for the SP101, and 17(8+1, 8) for the 1911, that should see him through tough times, at least enough time to seek cover, and un-ass the AO…

    • Carrying one reload for a revolver with the idea of using it defensively is either way too optimistic or pessimistic; carrying four (including two ‘speed’ strips) is laughable.

      • The very fact that you think a wheelgun isn’t a viable defensive weapon is “laughable”…Just shows your inexperience and ignorance…

      • I don’t think he said the revolver wasn’t a viable defensive gun, but that the speed loader isn’t usually viable in typical defensive situations. I tend to agree.

        And I will say, carrying two speed loaders, plus two speed strips, plus a 1911, PLUS a spare mag for the 1911, plus a hardware store worth of knives, pens, pouches, and other nonsense is… well I don’t know what it is, but “practical” is certainly not the word that comes to mind.

  4. Guy’s serious, 1911 and a 101. Couldn’t squeeze a 629 in there some place? C’mon you know you want to, hell i think we all do. I miss my 101, hot loads made that ruger dance.

  5. That’s a CKRT Sting boot knife. They’re metal. Generally past a frisking from the cops but metal detectors will find it every time.

    The sheath is nice though. Heavy for what it is but that’s because of the way the knife is designed to work. Personally I think it needs a better hilt but that’s my preference.

    • i’d say most would be best served by a g10 push dagger like shrek’s “sherrif of baghdad” ones. if you can punch it may be effective.

      • Push daggers are effective. They just generally come with shitty sheaths that limit you options significantly.

        I’m not sure I’d opt to carry a push dagger on my ankle though, which is what this knife is meant for. I have one that’s survived being frisked by overzealous cops. Really, the sheath is what makes the Sting though because it’s well designed for a boot knife. It doesn’t rattle around or beat the crap out of your leg. It also has excellent retention on the knife without making it difficult to get out of the sheath. Of course, if a knife on your ankle doesn’t have any use to you it’s kinda pointless.

        An all G10 knife is an interesting concept. Certainly a tough material. Not exactly a utility knife but as a dagger meant for stealth it’s not a bad idea at all.

  6. I want to see the carbon fiber suspenders that hold his pants up. These are getting pretty silly.

  7. I really like it and I want to order a CIA letter opener for myself. I think this is a very necessary and useful thing. The good thing is that you can always carry it with you. Is it true that there is no metal and they are not detected by metal detectors? They come standard in size or there are various variations. I found one on an Amazon with dimensions: a 8 inch knife with a 4 inch blade, a 8 inch spike with a 3 inch blade. It seems to me that it is not enough. I want to use it for personal protection and I hope it will not break if I overdo it a little;) it’s still better than nothing. In a world that is going crazy, it’s better to have something at hand.

    • The model shown is steel. You can find fiberglass or composite models online though. A metal detector wouldn’t find it, though the full body scanners would.

      Carrying one through TSA or a place that prohibits knives by law (courthouse, for example) would get you in deep trouble if they found it. Places that just have a metal detector as a deterrent but no legal grounds to prohibit carrying a knife (potentially private property where the screening is designed to reinforce a policy of no firearms, but they don’t care about knives) would be fine.

  8. Fake newz, brah. Fantasies can be fun, though.

    Now get back to work. Those TPS reports aren’t going to file themselves.

  9. Carry what you want or may need. I personally would not carry all those tools. I find traveling lite as possible is a better option for me. It is also may give the appearance of one looking for a fight. Again nothing wrong with you EDC.

  10. Seems to be a lot of comments on the blade. I’ll share my small experience with double edge knives. They’re the next thing to useless. When I joined the army I bought a Gerber MK-1. First time in the field I thought, “This knife sucks!” Bought a USMC K-Bar. Double edge knives are only good for stabbing. Better have a good double hilt. Worked a lot of stabbings. Your suspect is the one the cuts on the inside of his fingers and on his palms. A Bowie style blade is a good fighter and all around field knife. If you like nice knives, and I do, a Randall #1 is hard to beat for the money. If actually want something practical look at a Randall #5, 7, 26, 28, etc., but EDC is best served by a folder.

    • The FS knife is an excellent doubled edged knife for utility and combat use provided you maintain it as directed and understand the blade design on a basic level. Other designs like the Applegate-Fairbairn are perfectly usable too.

      Of course anything designed like this by Fairbairn is a reasonably large fixed blade with a nice hilt and a grippy handle…

  11. Strych9, you ever tried to really use a double edge knife for anything in the field other than sentry removal? A Bowie does that equally well, if not better. Measure the width of the blades of a Sykes-Fairbain and USMC K-Bar. The K-Bar delivers a wider wound channel for the majority of the length of the blade. Try doing the common, mundane tasks that knives are used for in the field 99.9% of the time with a double edge blade. They suck!

    • “Strych9, you ever tried to really use a double edge knife for anything in the field other than sentry removal?”

      Yes. They are not my first choice but they work just fine provided you use them properly. The only thing I’ve found they’re bad at is using as a can opener. They work but it destroys the tip of the knife. A Ka-Bar does the same job without damaging the blade.

      My personal preference for a field knife is a single edged combo blade with a tanto point. But I’ve used single edged drop points, fine blades, all serrated blades and double fine edged knives without a problem.

      I’m not really sure how that has anything to do with the Sting though since the design of that knife is entirely different and the double edge is what makes the knife what it is.

      • The reason it has to do with the Sting, or whatever that thing is, is that we were talking about double edge knives with no hilt. You know I averaged around six months out a year in the field for four years in infantry units. I never saw anyone carry a double edge blade to the field more than once, or twice. Course we opened our Cs with a P-38. Which field did you say you were in?

        • What people have carried on deployment in recent years doesn’t matter in terms of this discussion. At all.

          Knives are specialized tools that excel at one or two roles and are often, but not always, serviceable in others. This is why surgeons have half a dozen different types of scalpel blades.

          The FS/AF knives are meant primarily as a weapon for a specific type of knife fighting, they’re not designed specifically for sentry elimination because that’s why God gave us the garrote. But the FS style of knife can make a serviceable field knife. More rounded double edged blades work better as field knives but sacrifice their usefulness in a thrusting capacity. The whole idea behind this design is that it cuts both ways, making it hard to trap, and is easy to switch hands with while advancing on someone or while you’re tangled up with them.

          The Ka-Bar is primarily a utility field knife that can make a serviceable fighting knife. It stabs and cuts reasonably well but does neither in spectacular fashion. It’s not well suited to grappling matches specifically because it’s not double edged. It’s design is different and it’s employment as a weapon is very different from that of an FS knife. That doesn’t make one better than the other, it just means they’re meant for different uses.

          Wound channel from the blade sounds all awesome and shit but something both Sikes and Fairbern understood was that a knife’s ability to incapacitate was far more important than it’s ability to kill (though with a blade those often go together). The blade design of an FS or similar knife is meant to have decent effect on limbs for the purpose of getting to the point of producing a deep abdominal wound that will induce shock, hopefully hit a lung or other vitals and stop the struggle right-the-fuck-now. If the person dies or not is a secondary consideration. Generally with blades a wound channel is considered secondary because the point of a nice sharp knife is that the body doesn’t/can’t react the way it does to most trauma and contract blood vessels to stop blood flow and prevent you from bleeding to death. Which is more lethal overall I don’t know and it doesn’t matter in terms of the design of the knives.

          Every blade/knife design has drawbacks and strengths. The Sting’s drawbacks are that it’s small is that it has no hilt. It tries to make up for that by maximizing penetrating ability over it’s fairly short blade length. But it’s not meant as a field knife or as a primary fighting knife. It’s role is as a concealable last ditch weapon when you’re tussling with someone or about to and can reach your ankle. Mainly it’s for aiding you in a grappling match that’s to the death. As such it’s small, lacks a hilt but is meant for stabbing as opposed to slashing. It’s grip design is entirely different than an FS/AF knife and for this reason. It’s a tiny little gladius style blade. Now, that’s a blade that has functioned well in combat and reasonably well as a field knife, provided you understand it’s use, since about 300BC. Roman knives were modeled on the same design as that sword. That knife and sword combination was standard issue for over 600 years and served both the Republic and the Empire incredibly well. Far more people lived and died by that blade design than have even carried a modern single edged US infantry knife since Vietnam.

          The Sting is a very niche tool. It has the blade it has to maximize the damage it can do within the limitations of the overall design. It lacks a hilt because it’s meant to be concealed and any hilt on it large enough to offer significant protection would compromise it’s concealability. It tries to make up for that by changing the way it fits your hand so as to minimize chances of slipping if you hit bone. The entire design is a compromise favoring concealability, like a .380 pocket gun.

        • Strych9, first you didn’t answer the question; what field? Second, you sound really long on theory and short on experience. Now I’ve never been in a knife fight, but I’ve had a couple two or three pulled on me. I had a knife on me, but opted for my 1911 instead. Been to a few autopsies too. Some of the victims were our guests as a result of knife wounds. Damned if your description didn’t sound more clinical than the medical examiner’s. Third. A garrote! A garrote? I had plenty of training in the rear stranglehold takedown. That involves a blade. Not only did I never see a garrote. I never heard one mentioned. Last. Yeah surgeons have lots of blades, but I never went hands on with a felon in a surgical suite. I once sold a guy a knife that must have carried half a dozen knives on him. As he kept showing me one after another it was all I could do to keep from laughing. The guy had an obvious fetish. Leave double edged knives where they belong. In movies and fantasies.

  12. It seems like these EDC posts are full of more and more shit with each passing day. I don’t believe anyone can carry all that shit without being “made” and it certainly would be awkward and uncomfortable.

    And then they don’t even put a holster in the picture. This dude doesn’t carry a gun anywhere. This is constantly the most ridiculous feature on this site.

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