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Before the McDonald case, Attorney Alan Gura (left) helped beat the City of Washington, D.C. in the Supreme Court Heller case. In both cases, his petition led to the Court’s decision to strike down handgun bans. To the victor go the spoils. Post-Heller, Gura’s looking for $3.12 million in fees from the Capitol city for beating the system. The District Attorneys who got pwned by Gura say the fees should run around $800K . . .

Paying the full $3.2 mil would be a hardship against the city’s budget during difficult financial times. Apparently Besides, as reports:

Lawyers for the city note in court papers that the Heller case has provided Gura ‘tremendous’ career opportunities.

So should we reduce a DA’s pay if he looks like he’s going to run for public office or join a big law form as a criminal attorney?

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Brett Solomon got his first taste of the magazine world covering car electronics for CarSound & Performance Magazine. He landed the job by being noticed for designing high-end car audio systems. Which was fine by him because there was no way he was going to pass the third level of calculus toward an electrical engineering degree at University of Delaware. Not with those DuPont scholars around campus, he’ll take Journalism over Engineering, thank you very much. He has since written for a number of publications (think in-flight journalism) that lack the chutzpah of Robert Farago, and having all of those milquetoast reviews pent up in his system now allows his pen to spit fire. We’ll, he is just not that mean but happy to tell the truth…and the truth is most firearms are fun!


  1. Just another example of what happens when idiot politicians usurp what should be common sense. The citizens wind up paying for it, sometimes literally.

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