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Here’s an Excellent Pro-Gun YouTube Video Riffing on Everytown’s PSA That Hasn’t Been Taken Down. Yet

That Guy T’s not wrong – about anything. Nor is he the first YouTuber to point out the swiss cheese-like nature of the pro-gun control movement’s arguments for civilian disarmament. But TGT is one of the few commentators who’s sampled Everytown for Gun Safety’s Public Service Announcement that didn’t have their commentary pulled by YouTube at Michael Bloomberg’s behest, citing copyright infringement. (Shhhhh.) In any case, it’s good to see some common sense gun rights advocacy survive the intellectual deceit masquerading as “common sense gun control.” Let’s hope this one survive the purge. [h/t TL]

58 thoughts on “Here’s an Excellent Pro-Gun YouTube Video Riffing on Everytown’s PSA That Hasn’t Been Taken Down. Yet”

    • Yes, perfect. We urgently need more intelligent young voices like this. We have an entire generation coming up that may go all the way through school never having heard anything but leftist agitprop and strategically revised history. Videos like this may be the only cracks in the wall they will encounter, and they won’t listen to “old people” like most of us.

  1. So nice to see a kid on youtube (or indeed anyone of any age) acting like an honest-to-goodness intelligent person. Good on him.

      • I can’t imagine what it’s like to be black and be called names, reviled, and excluded just for having a rational opinion.

        Wait… isn’t that racism? hmmmm

        Seriously though, that shit is wrong on multiple levels. Being expected to hold a certain opinion of think a certain way just because of the color of one’s skin offends me at a primal level.

        • basically, you are trying to explain the lure of being a slave to the Democratic Party. I don’t get it either. I vote for a candidate’s stand on positions that impact me. Maybe it is a dem for one elected position. or a republican. But it is called freeing one’s mind. I try to tell that to people who are devoted democrats, esp. in large urban areas and get them to explain to me what the party has done for them to have them pledge their absolute support. Is it better living conditions? Wages? crime reduction? educational opportunities for their kids? No – it is called not holding politicians accountable and thus, they take you for granted. it is amazing to see their facial expressions when you really lay it out in front of them bluntly. thus endeth the lesson.

    • Yeah I watched some of the other videos on his channel. Really bright kid, head screwed on straight, and doesn’t expect anything to be given to him. He will go very far in spite of people like Jesse and Al trying to hold him back because he makes the rest look bad.

      They tried it with Clarence Thomas and Bill Cosby and hundreds if not thousands of others who refused to follow the script.

      We just cant have that now can we?

    • Some people have principles, logic and take umbrage with the injustice perpetuated by intolerant, judgmental, disingenuous anti-gun extremists. “T” presents well and clearly believes he can bring some measure of clarity to the intentionally emotionally muddled messages being produced by the antis. If he is being paid for his efforts, it’s well earned and he’s well worth it.

  2. Awesome line: “I am guessing calling 911 won’t be an effective method of self-defense until teleportation is invented”.

  3. This guy’s video is excellent. It comes across like a well thought out rebuttal. It would not surprise me at all to find out he did well in debate or debate class in the past.

  4. I enjoyed his facts presented, and his arguments are reasonable and concise. Great job. I hope he lives in an area where he can have fun shooting guns.

    • I hope he lives in an area where he’s not going to be shot down in the street by some douche because he didn’t join a gang or dress and act like a ‘banger.

    • Yeah, I’d like to hear his education, since he seems to have escaped at least some of the far left indoctrination of most schools.

  5. Great job. But since he’s black and exhibiting rational, pro gun thoughts, he’s must be a paid shill of the NRA.

  6. What’s interesting is when you look at his YT page, this is the only gun video among several subjects. I predict he will see a surge in “likes” and let’s give him a “subscribe” also for this great video essay.

    • He got a like and a subscribe from me, even though, based on a perusal of his other videos, I’m sure I don’t agree with all of his positions. But I appreciate well thought-out, articulate arguments, which he clearly presents.

  7. While watching this, the thought….”there’s hope for the future” shot through my mind.

    I pray more bright young minds like this continue critically thinking and start engaging.

  8. Can we get this video shown, like, I don’t know, maybe during the super bowl? This guy is great!

  9. So far, everyone who has commented on this video have praised it and felt that the kid who created it is inspiring. Bloggers on this site seldom agree 100% on most anything, which tells you something. With young guys like this, it gives us hope that the torch of freedom can be carried responsibly by the next generation.

  10. Either the school system failed its intended purpose or this guy was home-schooled. We need substantially broader distribution of the good parenting that produced him. Much respect for this guy. Makes me feel more hopeful about the peeps in my various communities, the African-American one, and the larger (and more important) Just-Plain-American one.

    Check out his other vids too.

  11. Great video, great guy.
    He compiles pretty much everything that needs to be said about everytown/MDA in this one video.

    • Well, he could have taken a moment to explain the one-man funding, with the implication that one particular man thinks he can buy the world.

  12. Man, this guy is spot on! What a brilliant dissection of MDA’s propaganda. He gives me faith in our future.

    We should support this young man as much as possible. He’s a very strong voice for truth and has a very charismatic and effective delivery.

    Awesome. Really awesome job, T.

  13. The only flub that caught me by surprise (in that he has done a pretty good job at checking his data), is referring to “Korea and South Korea” as highly developed Asian nations. South Korea for sure…maybe he doesn’t know about the *other* Korea…

    • There’s no reliable crime data on Kim Jong-un’s play-pen.

      Just a lot of horrifying anecdotal reports…

  14. This kid is what Obama’s son should look like.
    That would be some interesting conversation around the Whitehouse dinner table.
    Good enough to be “Senior” advisor.

  15. Forget subject matter. Forget race. The kid can actually think and put together a cogent argument based on his own research. There is hope for the youth in America.

  16. I didn’t like that hide-n-seek sequence at the end there. Any kid that age in a home with a gun should already have been taught “This is not a toy!”. What I saw was equivalent to the 7-year-old hiding under the sink, drinking drain cleaner.

    I like the Glock ad 1000 times better.

  17. We need more young and intelligent individuals like this guy. Rational thinking is not a gift limited only to the few. I hope this young fellow gains more views on this video.

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