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Heroes of the Nice Truck Attack: Proof that Gun Control Costs Lives? [Video NSFW]

If you have time, click here to read our post Mon Dieu! A Review of French Gun Laws. If you don’t, the summary is simple enough: “You might as well forget about carrying a firearm for self-defense. That requires an entirely different permit process that makes California concealed-carry look like a cake-walk. Think judges in criminal trials, high-ranking politicians, and people with enough political grease but certainly not your average Jacques.” Which brings us to a recent article . . .

A worker at the Nice airport, Franck, who was on a motor scooter, decided in a split second to chase the truck and when he caught up, rammed it — to no avail — and was knocked off. He got up and ran after the truck, managed to climb onto the running boards and began hitting the driver through the open window. As the driver, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, tried to shoot Franck his gun failed and at the same time, Franck tried to open the door of the truck, then tried climbing through the window, but the driver struck him on the head with the gun and he fell, breaking a rib and badly bruising his back.

Franck said he was satisfied that when the driver was fighting with him, he was not running over more people. “He was concentrating on me; in that moment he could not kill people,” he said.

At least two other men made similar, if less prolonged, efforts and also received medals from the City of Nice: Alexander Migues pursued the truck on a bicycle, and Gwenaël Leriche, a 26-year-old deliveryman, ran after the truck armed with nothing but a penknife and tried to jump onto the running boards as the truck came to a halt.

If any of these “average Jaques” heroes had been armed with a gun, a lot fewer than 86 people might have been killed. What more needs saying about the folly of gun control in general and French gun laws in particular? Or the wisdom of carrying a firearm for self-defense and defense of all innocent life?

28 thoughts on “Heroes of the Nice Truck Attack: Proof that Gun Control Costs Lives? [Video NSFW]”

  1. Yes, it is also mass immigration, multiculturalism, cultural marxism, are also massive life takers and should and will be ended.

  2. “Franck said he was satisfied that when the driver was fighting with him, he was not running over more people. “He was concentrating on me; in that moment he could not kill people,” he said.”

    In ONE sentence…DESTROYS every anti gun argument ever made. To ask a citizen to attack a murderer without armaments, it a request bordering on madness. The reality is anti gunners want citizens to die to further their cause of destroying the Second Amendment

    • The anti’s position would be: “If he had a gun how many more people would have died?”

      And/or: “The police wouldn’t have known who was the bad guy.”

      Or: “He is more likely to have hurt himself, or others, than to actually prevent the incident from happening”

      /close playbook

    • “The reality is anti gunners want citizens to die to further their cause of destroying the Second Amendment.”

      Bingo. That’s their end game and they don’t care how many innocent people die on the alter of progressivism to achieve it.

    • There was a panic in Prague, Czech Republic, last week, when a bunch of anti-Islamists staged “ISIS theatre” at the old town square and shot blanks into the air.

      Although immediately clear to anyone closeby, it set everyone further away into running frenzy, thinking that a real attack is taking place. Several CCers that were further away responded by running towards the gunfire (no guns drawn at that point), where it was clear that it is a bunch of assholes with quite a few policemen around – chilling.

      NY Times ran article about it and totally put the facts on their heads:

      > Aaron Gunsberger, who owns a kosher restaurant in the Jewish quarter, grabbed his gun and ran to the square, fearful that an attack was taking place.

      > “When I figured out what was happening, I told some puzzled American tourists that this was just our local clown, but that I didn’t think it was funny,” he said. “If they had shown up like this in front of my restaurant, I’d be in jail now because I would have shot them.”

      > Gun laws in the Czech Republic are generally less restrictive than in most other parts of Europe, and Josefov — whose synagogues and cemetery survived World War II because the Nazi occupiers intended for the quarter to become a museum of the extinct Jewish race — is, like many Jewish neighborhoods in Europe, carefully guarded.

      The interesting part is that Mr Gunsberger actually protested via email the NY’s depiction of him “grabbing a gun” as he simply went there with his CC Colt still in holster, but to no avail.

      But lets get to the NY’s point about Jewish quarter (couple of streets, part that you walk through from one end to another within 5 minutes) is “carefully guarded”. Well, it may be true that there are more cameras, but on a normal day you won’t see any higher police presence there. According to Gunsberger’s interview for a Czech papers, there are at least 30 civilian carried guns on street level on any day though.

      Somehow, even when civilian guns are at place and ready to respond, the anti-gun US papers still manage to wrap it up as “carefully guarded Jews” issue.

    • Davis – I am totally stealing that phrase. I will use it widely, and if ever asked for the source, will mumble something about some guy, on some blog, somewhere.
      Thank you.

        • Thank you. Sometimes the simplest terms are the hardest to put together.
          Sincerely appreciate the reminder and the true differentiation between Us and Them.


  3. Concernedamerican and all the other anti gun dildos would just tell you an armed citizen would have just made it worse.

    • “Concernedamerican and all the other anti gun dild …”

      (Pfffftttttttt … snicker)

      That right there jwm earned you the beverage of your choice if you ever venture out of California to my neck of the woods!

    • Disarming all those law abiding Frenchmen did absolutely nothing to prevent the killer from being armed. Yet he did not appear to shoot himself.

  4. Chasing down a truck by bicycle? Jumping on the running board? Who are those guys — French ninjas?

    I don’t know if I would do what they did. I don’t think I could do what they did. Much respect, mes amies.

    But next time, if there is a next time, just shoot the bastard. It’s much less exhausting.

  5. By all means bring more people from that region into the US. Move them into the ritzy neighborhoods too and provide them with every possible comfort.
    When the queen gets in we will have entire neighborhoods full of the problems.

  6. Proof?

    Why is it that our side is the only side requiring proof.

    Just assert it as fact and threaten sanctiins and legislation.

  7. Even the smallest pocket pistol could have made a complete difference. These brave men could have stopped this islamo nut job except for the fact they were attacking an armed man in a big truck with their fists. The French have always been brave, their generals (at least since WW1) have been a complete failure. What was the old phrase for the British infantry? Lions led by donkeys? I think that also applies to the French.

  8. Avec ma bite et mon couteau, indeed!

    I hadn’t seen that particular video before; you can see how nobody had any time to react at all. That these guys chased the truck down armed with nothing at all is the sort of reckless bravery that absolutely deserves a medal.

  9. So the moral of the story here is that we who can carry should carry hardball or hardcast 9mm, .40, or .45 +P (like the stuff Buffalo Bore advertises to shoot through deer and car doors), or AR pistols loaded with greentips, otherwise we won’t do squat against a crazed snackbar running people over in a van, and you never know what to expect? The French police certainly had a rough time taking him down, and I assume they had to spray him with greentips to get enough penetration. At least we can carry, but those guys who jumped on the truck are truly courageous.

  10. Well, they’ve given us some fodder. Facts n reason we can use, but I think it’s time to just go there, more often than not. Call it out for what it is, and let them own it. Make them defend what they want to impose. “How many people you willing to kill to falsely ceel safer in your personal xelusion? Because that’s what you’re proposing.”

    The right answer to the “No guns for you!” folk is “How dare you.”

    How dare you tell these Frenchmen they are too dumb, scared and reactive to do any good with a gun.

    How dare you tell the teacher who walked into gunfire to protect her kids, that she, and they, are not worth the risk of an armed, better option.

    How dare you tell the friends, lovers, and strangers who put themselves between an armed crazy and someone else that this isn’t how we do things. Better get them “trained” and “registered”, before they do some good again. Maybe send them a memo.

    How dare you tell the mother shooting out a closet to protect her child, that her child is expendable.

    You may not trust yourself to wield a finger to pick your own nose, but how dare you tell these people what they can handle or not; what you will permit them or not.

    In case it’s not clear that they are better people then you, on top of saving people under fire, not one of them has told you to go die, as you lobby to leave them helpless and get them killed. Because that’s what you say to them, every time you say “No guns for you.”

    How dare you.

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