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Heroic 92 Year-Old Takes Shotgun Blast, Saves Hairdresser

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Not everyone in the UK has lost the stiff-upper-lip, carry-on wartime ethos. Unfortunately, it appears that you have to have actually lived through WWII to show the steel spine exhibited before everything was nationalized and the welfare state was instituted after the big one. A 92 year-old pensioner was getting her do done when her hairdresser’s estranged husband barged into the salon with a shotgun. The unnamed patron didn’t want to watch (or be the victim of) a massacre, so she kicked a table at him. When that didn’t slow him down and he raised his gun, the nonagenarian stepped in front of the hairdresser as the crazed husband fired both barrels.

The unnamed heroine was shot in the neck. The hairdresser took pellets to the leg and another customer was shot in the arm. All will recover, in no small part due to the quick work of the vet from next door who administered first aid. The crazed husband was found five hours later after committing seppuku by gun.

The 92 year-old’s biggest concern when being attended to immediately after the shooting was for her new coif. As the horrifying event took place in the UK, there was never any question of anyone in the shop defending themselves with anything more effective than a piece of furniture. And as the country’s enacted ever-stiffer gun control laws, gun crimes have only accelerated. It must be comforting for criminals to know there’s almost zero chance potential victims will be able to actually defend themselves.

But let’s hoist a pint and toast the granny who shall not be named. May the UK find a few more like her.

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