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Hi-Point .45 ACP Carbine: Are Handgun Caliber Rifles the New Home Defense Shotgun?

Capt. John Raguso keeps threatening to send us a review of Kel Tec’s smokin’ SUB-2000 9mm carbine. Today, Hi-Point Carbines drops the news that their long awaited .45 ACP rifle is ready to rock and roll. These handgun-caliber carbines may be gaining favor over the venerable 12-gauge as the weapon of choice for hom defense. And for good reason. In fact, here are four. . .

1. Less recoil than a shotgun

While home defense shotguns put an awful lot of lead downrange with a single trigger squeeze, shooters pay the price with a big ole’ wallop to their shoulder. That’s no big thing for big people who’re comfortable with firearms (who may, in fact, like the kick). And in the heat of battle, who cares? But if a gun is formidable to fire (i.e. painful), its owners are FAR less likely to practice. If they don’t, they will not be confident and accurate.

Even in .45 ACP, handgun-caliber carbines have minimal recoil, relatively speaking. The lower recoil makes the rifles far more attractive to women, teens and (let’s be honest here) small-framed men. They can also put a lot of lead downrange. BONUS! Quick mag changes are easier than reloading a shotgun.

2. Quieter than a shotgun

The state prohibitions against silencers really piss me off. (Somebody was watching way too many spy movies.) Meanwhile, shotguns are ridiculously, enormously loud. While a handgun caliber carbine will make plenty of noise, a shooter stands a chance of being able to hear something after firing—which could save their life. Comparing the two firearms genres, handgun caliber rifles will definitely reduce a shooter’s chances of permanent, perhaps even catastrophic hearing loss.

3. Better than a handgun

So’s a shotgun. But again, there are plenty of people who find shotguns intimidating. In that sense, handgun caliber carbines hit the sweet spot. Thanks to the carbines longer sight radius, they’re easier to aim than a handgun, And more intimidating (i.e. visible)

Handgun caliber carbines increase bullet speed and, thus, penetration. Hi-Point says their .45 ACP’s longer barrel increases velocity figures between 80-200 FPS (feet per second) over a like-chambered handgun.

4. Less expensive

To my way of thinking, a semi-automatic weapon is the best home defense shotgun. A good one costs the thick end of a grand. This Hi-Point .45 ACP Carbine costs $330. The SUB-2000 goes for $409.

I love shotguns. But the handgun caliber carbines may be better for more people. The market will speak.

Specifications for Hi-Point .45 ACP Carbine:

Price: $330 MSRP
Finish: Special high-durability black powder coat
Stock: Black molded polymer-(with standard upper and lower Picatinny rails).
Barrel length: 171/2-inches
Overall length: 33-inches
Weight: 71/2-pounds.
Magazine capacity: 9-rounds.
Sight: Adjustable front post and adjustable rear (ghost ring)
Warranty: Lifetime on parts and labor that follows the gun.
Manufacturer: Hi-Point of Mansfield Ohio-every part is made in the U.S.A.
Factory affordable options are available: Folding grip, laser, scope sight, etc.

101 thoughts on “Hi-Point .45 ACP Carbine: Are Handgun Caliber Rifles the New Home Defense Shotgun?”

  1. Hey, I'd run one just to try it out.

    A local FFL dealer I like will not stock any Hi-point, except for their carbines.

    I've never owned nor shot a Hi-point carbine, but have heard and read lots of gun reviews about them.

    But I'll take a long serious look at a carbine in .45 ACP. Especially since the Marlin Camp .45's are now priced around $600, and AR-style .45 carbines are even higher.

    • Guess what? My local Cabela's started carrying the Hi Point 40 and 45 semi-automatic pistols! They seem to be selling pretty well. I own their carbines and also the C9 and I love them.

      • i have 3 hi points–45 and 9 hand gun–30 ft i can repeat head shots over and over–9 mm difficult trigger pull–45 is good–9mm carbine i got as one of my guns for my 84 yr old mom to keep in house–along with 22 rifle and 22 mag revolver—she has killed a lot of targets and loves the 9 carbine–i would not even put a 410 shotgun in her hands—to much kick to practice with—she handles the other guns every week–so she is good to go— {fitbss}

  2. Ah, yes, the High Point carbine. Remind me to tell you about the time I had to wrestle a loaded, cocked, safety-off, High Point 9mm carbine out of the hands of a suicidal and despondent GI at Fort Bragg. (It's actually the closest I've ever come to having to shoot another person, which is sort of ironic when you consider that I've been to war 4 times.)

    Anyway, that thing is ghastly looking (almost as ugly as the Calico) but I do understand the appeal. Even back in the Cowboy days they recognized the utility of a pistol-calibered carbine (some of the old Winchester lever guns were chambered in .44-40 or .45 Colt, the most common centerfire pistol cartridges of the day.)

    Have to disagree with the "less expensive" comment though. Those with the cash to indulge their tastes might cotton to the likes of Benelli or Beretta shotguns, which can indeed cost a thousand bucks, but I think most US shooters are content with the likes of Mossberg, Remington, and Winchester which can be found at a big box sporting goods store for well under $500, so the cost part is really a wash.

    • Did you even read the article? Seriously? The recoil from a Hi-Point 45 carbine is almost negligible.

  3. Actually, the inclusion of silencers in the NFA 34 was in part to mollify large land owners who were wailing about game being poached by people using silencers on their rifles. 1934 was the middle of the depression and lots of folk were feeding themselves off the land. How real the landowners concerns were is unknown, but this is a prime example of how money influences our political process to ends the wealthy want but which may have little effect on the real problem. I do agree though, someone had a highly ovractive imagination when it came to silencers.

    • I take exception to the comment about “wealthy landowners”…these people were depending on their personal property to feed themselves and in many cases, their extended families. Even today we deal with poaching and it’s generally not someone who’s hungry but malicious.

  4. In one of the last bastions of KOMMUNISM, the Socialist Republik of Kalifornia, This fine piece of mechanical technology IS ILLEGAL. Though really not a surprise since common sense is illegal, there's just no written law, YET. Corrupt politicians are the norm, Illegals are legal, and good low cost weapons are Illegal because of shape, color and description. But our politicians should be ILLEGAL, Oh, I forgot, a lot of the politicians legal status should checked, they're Mexicans.

  5. I gotta disagree with almost everything he said!

    1. Recoil: Who, in a self defense situation, puts a shotgun to his shoulder?

    2. A good pump gun is far better for home defense. The sound of racking home a shell is, by itself, far more intimidating than the sight of a plastic carbine.

    3. Ammo: A 12ga filled with bird shot that comes close will do far more damage than a .45 that misses.

    Sorry, I will take my 20" Ithica DSPS over your carbine any day (or night)!

    • 1. Anyone that knows what they are doing.

      2. Only if you want them to know where you’re at so they can shoot you more easily.

      3. Group size of bird shot needs to be so small to inflict real damage that a miss is almost as easy and you have fewer shots with the shotgun.

    • 1. Recoil: Who, in a self defense situation, puts a shotgun to his shoulder?
      Answer … anyone with even a small amount of intelligence and understanding of the weapon
      2. A good pump gun is far better for home defense. The sound of racking home a shell is, by itself, far more intimidating than the sight of a plastic carbine
      Answer …unless they are armed and shoot towards the sound … you should have one chambered already
      3. Ammo: A 12ga filled with bird shot that comes close will do far more damage than a .45 that misses.
      Answer …. Birdshot ? …. are you serious …. the wound dynamics of birdshot are not acceptable to stop someone intended on doing you harm.
      You sir are a mis-informed idiot who will end up being killed or doig someone harm …. and If anyone breaks into your home and you birdshot them … good luck …. you IDIOT

      • HA HA HA that is the best thing i have ever read….. I worked with a police firearms instructor and we had that talk bird shot is just gunna piss someone off if they are not on the end of your barrel ha ha ha AMEN to you showin the real facts i would probable have buckshot if i grabbed my shotgun

      • One has to love the bliss of ignorance. Obviously Ol’ Jim Hissy hasn’t been aroung firearms long enough to understand exactly how shot guns and carbines work. Most likely a city boy who plays video games like “Call of Duty”. These people are blind to anything other than what they witness in movies, television or video games. It’s sad, but funny in a way, only because he most likely believes the crap that he comes up with. Just have to brush the ingrates off your shoulder and have a laugh or two. Just enjoy your knowledge of weaponry and have good luck with all your endeavours!

    • I aim a shotgun, I use 00 buck, I keep one in the chamber, no 1st rack sound effects, I am 5’4 140#, (a lot like a Texan with the crap kicked out of him. {I am a native Texan} ). I seem to handle the recoil just fine. I learned to point and shoot with both eyes open during long walks in rough country hunting fast and elusive quail. That came in handy in service, firing the M1, M14, and the early model M16s, when they would fire. I found this article when I searched for “.45 cal. rifle.”, good to know about the Hi-Point. I’ll be looking at one soon. At 68 years old my pistol skills are not as good as perhaps they once were. A pistol cal. carbine is beginning to look good.

    • The Hi-Point .45 Carbine is similar in concept to the M3 .45ACP wire-stock burp gun I carried in ‘Nam for awhile. That M3 was ugly as sin, cheap as dirt; you could see the weld marks allover the stamped steel receiver. But it never failed. I heard it cost the Gov’t $8.00 to make in WW II. I got it for $30 from a Navy guy with (3) 30-shot mags. It was pretty light and easy to shoot. REPEAT: it never failed.

      With a riot shotgun you get up to (8) shots, that’s it. What if 2-3 thugs invade your home, each armed? I have two pump shotguns, one converted to (7) rounds. I’ll take my 20-shot Hi-Point Carbine every time over the shotguns–and mine’s a 9mm. It loves inexpensive S&B hollowpoints and has never jammed. I have the mag holders which enable me to carry (3) 20-shot mags in and on the gun: 60 fast shots!

  6. Martin,

    Fair enough on the money front. In my defense, I'm something of a reverse shotgun snob when it comes to home defense. I reckon most people will screw up a pump action shotgun in a genuine emergency. MOST people. Not TTAG readers. Remember: there are millions of shotguns gathering dust under beds and in the backs of closets. No aptitude, no practice, no skill. Add stress? Do the math. A semi-automatic shotgun is preferable—and more expensive than a handgun caliber carbine.



    Ol' Jim , hisself,

    1. Anyone who wants to hit what they're aiming at. A home defense load is not "spray and pray." You still got to aim.

    2. The "racking sound scares people" theory is entirely unproven. Think of it this way: anyone who's breaking into your house is probably drunk, high or hopped-up on adrenalin. Or all three. Are they likely to turn tail when they hear you rack your gun? Let's say fifty percent do. That leaves fifty percent who now know your location and the weapon you're holding.

    3. Bird shot? You don't want to shoot someone with bird shot. When they eventually realize you shot them, they are going to be PISSED.

    For you, a home defense shotgun is superior to a handgun caliber carbine. Me too. For my wife? No. The average schmo? Dunno. But I suspect not. Especially when you factor in the hearing damage and shock (to the shooter) after ignition.

  7. Bird shot? No way!!! Hollow point rifled slugs! Say goodbye to your spine and any other organ that gets in the way.

    • yeah…and anyone else in the house sleeping in the bed on the other side of the wall AND the next room down….and MAYBE the neighbors if you live in a home with thin walls or the shot travels through a window….???? Makes ya think heh?? Maybe a smaller cal. is better for home def. BUT NOT BIRD SHOT,,,LMAO!

  8. if you read about the founder of hi point his goal was to make guns for the average joe blow that couldnt afford 1,700 dollar 1911 colts.these guns are shooters,and do that pretty good considering the price.these guns are not wall hangers but they shoot good when you use the proper ammo,and thats where hi point gets a bad rap,people run some old or russian ammo through and they jam,so instead of trying differant ammo they call the gun junk.are ya gonna delete this one too?

    • Don, you hit the nail right on the head. Most people that bad mouth them are repeating war stories that are made up, a friend of a friend had one once at the range, blah, blah, blah. They are reliable and accurate guns. Sure if you use crap ammo, you will have crap results. Hi Point firearms are well worth the money. The real question is why are all of the other weapons so expensive?

      • A Chevrolet does pretty much anything a Cadillac can, it’s the badge on the hood that costs the most.

  9. I have a Hi-Point C9, 9mm carbine, and 45 carbine. I have put about 3,000 round through the C9 and 9mm carbine each with out a hitch. I have put fmj, hollow points, and hand cast lead bullets in both factory and hand loads with the vast majority being hand loads through the C9 and 9mm carbine. They happily eat just about any load you put through 'em. The 9mm carbine shot two clips of 380s I accidentally put in with out a problem. I have only shot about 200 rounds through the 45 carbine with all being hand loads in 200gr lead and 230gr XTP. All shot with out a problem. I am impressed with the accuracy of the carbines and the handgun. I plan on getting the 45 pistol soon. Yes Hi-Point makes some different looking firearms. But I would recommend them to anyone who likes to shoot or needs an inexpensive defense weapon. If you have the money, sure go ahead and buy an expensive pretty looking gun. I have some of them too. For the price, you can't beat the reliability, functionality, and accuracy of Hi-Point.

    • Good review, Happy, but they’re called “magazines,” not “clips.” Just one of my pet peeves.

      • C’mon Fitz…..90% of the world call them clips!!… James Bond calls them clips !! would you dare correct James Bond ?? would you correct John Wayne??? get over yourself and stop correcting people !!! Only drill instructor wannabes call them magazines..

        • To tobey: You’re final authority is James Bond and John Wayne movies?
          Wow, dude.
          Just wow.

  10. Hi-Point gets a bad rap.i have the .45 acp hand gunt.i have literally put hundreds of rounds through it and it has never jammed on me.i would trust my life to A Hi-point. i do plan on getting he .45 carbine soon

  11. For their price, I have thought about buying one just to add to my collection. I bought a Hi Point in 9mm when they first cam out (it was around 1993). It was by far the most unreliable firearm I have ever owned, next to a little Lorcin .22 pistol. But in all fairness, each were about $100 bucks, so I didn't expect them to be my main carry firearm. Just another piece in the safe to take out and have some fun with at the range. I am currently reading up on pistol caliber carbines and found this page. I am a little surprised to hear all of the good things about Hi Point. That is a good thing. It just goes to show you that you can't judge something until you try it. While it is by no means a HK USC, the immense savings would allow me to wring out a lot of brass through the old Dillon 650. lol As far as the shotgun, you have to use what works for you to get the job done. Everybody has an opinion as to what works best. Take the time and read up on what will work in your particular situation. It took quite a while for my wife to find the right handgun for herself. She finally settled on a Walther PK380. While it is no .45acp or 10mm, I sure wouldn't want to take a face full of .380 from someone who knows how to use it properly. Take care

  12. My brother, father, son and I all have the 9mm carbine. They are an absolute blast to shoot and are not picky about the particular loads. They feed lead solid bullets and ball ammunition flawlessly. Their magazines aren’t particularly well made and my need some maintenance from time to time to feed smoothly. I also bought a 45 auto handgun. The gun is a big as a cordless drill, but shoots well and is the ultimate garage/trunk gun. I like taking these guns to places that you would be afraid to take a more expensive piece. I have a hunting camp that I take the Hi-Points to when I have work to do, and I don’t want to worry about firearms care.

  13. Bought the Hi-Point 45 Carbine, put 500 round of reloaded cheap junk ammo through it. No jams no miss fires. over all a Butt ugly rifle . That seem heavy but well made. 270 bucks at the gun show. Fun to shoot, Yep. Zeroed at 50 ft out of the box. Lifetime warranty too. Not a bad weapon at all. Cleaning it was a bitch. But it always is. So is the M16.
    Not a bad one fore the price at all
    Ret US Infantry

    • An ugly firearm that works, or an ugly wife that can cook, either one, or both, can make you happy the rest of your life.

    • Hey Davo I just want to say up front THANKS FOR SERVING my hats off to all vets, and we all appreciate your service. Where can you buy a high point carbine for 270.00 ? I have a 9mm model I bought for 209.00 at cabelas when it went on sale. I want to buy a 45 acp too. Do you know how hot a 45 acp can be loaded for a high point ? Thanks for your time Charlie .

      • ALL HiPoints, Pistols and Carbines, are +P rated.
        Their website backs this up. Also the card in the box 😉
        FULL Lifetime Warranty too!

  14. I’ve been researching this for a while now, and the Hi Point 45 carbine looks like a really good deal. I was going to get the CX4 Storm, but couldn’t justify the price. For that price I could get two or three…or four guns from Hi Point. How far could I realistically shoot with a 45 ACP carbine, though?

    I have XD 45’s, and I am waiting on the carbine conversion kit for it…but until then the Hi Point is what I am looking for. When will they make that cool 9mm “Storm” stock for the 45 model? Does the stock fit the 45?

    • You might be able to extrapolate by looking at the muzzle velocity results for .45 ACP at Ballistics By The Inch. Depending on your preferred ammo, a 16″ barrel will give you a muzzle velocity around 200 fps higher than a 5″ barrel. That, combined with the longer sight radius, ought to give you a reasonably-accurate range of 100 meters or more. And, to paraphrase Ben Parker, “with greater velocity comes greater energy.” 😉

  15. I have owened at 4o cal. and dispatched feral Hogs with it with any trouble at all except the 300 lb class and over.
    Mine would shoot 1″ to 1 /3/4 groups at 50 yards all day long.
    Neve had any jams either and put over 700 rounds through the little 40 cal.
    Talk about fun to shoot, super.
    I have a 45 acp coming in and can’t wait to try it on Hogs and called in varmints.

  16. My Mossberg rocks.
    Save birdshot for birds though.
    Im 5’7 and shoot all day. If the 12 gauge hurts you then learn to shoot.

    Carbine .45 looks fun though.
    Either would be good for HD.

  17. What ISN’T there to like about Hi-Point?
    1) Hi-Points’ are a cost effective solution to being armed with enough gun for personal defense & survival.
    2) Available in the 3 most popular pistol calibers most readily available now, which also happens to be the 3 most likely to be found pistol calibers of ammo after a SHTF / TEOTWAWKI scenario.
    4) Lifetime warranty.
    5) Probably the most truthful advertising policy of any weapons maker. THEY tell you right up front what you can expect from the weapon during the ‘break-in’ phase. They tell you you are likely to encounter fte’s, ftf’s, et., if you do not heed the break in period, or fail to clean the weapon.

    I bought the .380 first, for my wife. Took it to the range with 5 preloaded 10rnd mags. I sprayed a little Remo across the slide & into the chamber. Slapped the first mag home, jacked a round & speed fired the magazine. No aiming, no nothing. Slammed in the next mag and did the same thing…. on the third clip, #2,3,&4 FTF’d. I did not stop to examine the rounds; finished that clip and ran through the last two. On the last clip, the first two rounds FTE’d on me. Both appeared to have a significant gouge in the casing, from the lip to the rim, on the parallel opposing sides of the casings. I never found out what caused that, but likely it was done by me during loading. The rest of the clip fired off hiccup free. I put the three FTF’s from mag 3 back in the gun & they still didn’t fire. I wrote those three FTF’s off to bad primers. I ran a bore snake through the barrel, lightly oiled up the weapon with my favorite sewing machine oil from Sears & rattled another 150 rounds through it over the next 3 hours or so. Cleaned it back up, loaded it & gave it to the wife. She took it to her CCW/defensive handgunning course & put another 250 rounds through it…(their ammo)… no hiccups of any kind. In fact, her little $125 Hi-Point .380ACP was quite the show stealer; I painted/Duracoated it in the old ‘Nam tiger stripe camo for her.
    I subsequently turned around and bought the newer model 9mm 995TS Carbine & the C9 pistol; beat the crap out of them at range, using both steel case & brass cartridges (1300 rounds), took them home, cleaned & painted them camofluage, lubed them up AND stuffed them in long term storage bags from CTD. They are now entombed in a 48 inch piece of sealed PVC, along with some spare parts for each, extra mags & 1500 rounds of ammo and a few other goodies and buried in a strategic location halfway between where I usually am, and where I hope to make it to when the SHTF.
    They are pistol calibers. They are not made for effective shots beyond 150 meters. Yes, shots beyond that range are possible but why would you take it? In a bad day scenario, I am of the opinion that if they are beyond the 100 meter mark and do not know I exist, then that’s the way it is going to stay.
    My 995 is BSZ’d for 50 meters. I religiously used cheap ammo for the break in period and paper killing, but to site it in & for business (and what is buried with it now, is the Federal Tactical 135gr JHP +P ammunition. Best 9mm ammo for the money.
    Hi-Points serve their intended purpose flawlessly. Any issues are attributable to poor operator skills, inferior ammo & lack of maintenance. Period.

  18. Took my my new 995 TS out to the range. Fired over 300 hundred rounds of 9mm reloads… problems. Sighted in at 50 yard with the iron sights. Pulled off continued head shots on a B-27 target.
    I love this weapon. Fun to shoot!! Looking forward to getting one in .45 caliber.You cannot beat the price.

  19. I bought a hi-point .45. Where do I start sighting in to reach out to 50 yrds? Where should it be hitting at closer range? Do I start at closer range to be able to reach 50 yrds? I hope I’m asking the right questions.

    • I have a 45 cal carbine and right out of the box I was hitting pop cans at 35yrds while standing straight up! Very good iron sites. I recommend that you determine what you want to use it for, i.e. home defense, you should be able to shoot from the hip inside the average home. Outside, the 45 acp should be sighted in for 50yds. Beyond that range the 45’s effectiveness drops off quickly.

    • Howard, there are no wrong questions, but a lot of misguided, or out right wrong answers. Ask your local gun shop personnel, at least one of them should be able to help you. I have fired a lot of firearms, but, whether it is a new piece to me, or one I have not fired in awhile, I ask for advice/help.


    In the 1968 Charlton Heston movie the Planet of the Apes the gorillas were the soldiers of the ape race. Do you remember the carbine they used? The one they kept trying to shoot Heston with. At one point in the movie Heston’s character stated that the apes were not sophisticated enough to develop and manufacture something as intricate as a rifle. The carbine the gorillas carried looked like a monkey slapped some wood around a metal barrel and called it a gun. In fact the Hollywood props people took old US military M1, 30 caliber carbines and put some very chunky wood on the old Army carbine actions to make them look futuristic. But they still looked like apes made them. The Colonel got me a new Hi Point Model 995, 9mm carbine ( for Christmas and at first blush it looks like a Planet of the Apes rifle. It has a one piece polymer (read plastic) stock and a shape that would make you think the designer had been watching Chuck Heston battling for his life against primates, just prior to going to the drawing board on this firearm. The Model 995 just does not look like most of the other rifles or carbines out there on the gun market. A carbine by nature is shorter and lighter then a regular battle rifle a soldier would be issued. The US military introduced their MI carbine in WW II as a substitute for the handgun. Soldiers, who needed a firearm to protect themselves from the enemy but were not in direct combat, were issued a carbine. The Marines found the M 1 carbine very handy to use in the close quarters combat of the Pacific jungles. If you have to fight your enemy up close and personal like, (say in your home at 2:00 AM) a little carbine that moves quickly in your hands in tight spaces can be a plus in keeping you alive. That is kind of how I felt about this new little Hi Point 9mm carbine. It could be of great advantage to me in an up-close encounter with the bad guy trying to destroy my family’s peaceful way of life. Yes, most rifles and shotguns in this country are purchased for hunting, most handguns are not. When I was in the retail firearms business back in the 1970s people would come into the gun shop and tell me they wanted to buy a handgun for target shooting. That is like buying a $1000 set of gulf clubs to practice for a round of miniature putt-putt gulf. People buy handguns to protect themselves but then don’t really learn to use the firearm all that proficiently. A short barreled carbine where you use two hands to operate the firearm can improve you ability to hit what you are pointing at. I am old enough to have been trained on the old Thompson sub-machine gun. The Tommy-Gun, the gun that made the “roaring 20s” roar. What I liked about the Thompson was it was short, had a pistol grip that allowed me to shoot the firearm with one hand if I placed the shoulder stock in my armpit. And that is just what I can do with my Hi Point 9mm carbine. I can use both hands for accurate firing or I can shoot it with one hand in an emergency. By the way I am not getting paid an endorsement fee for plugging this firearm. What I am trying to tell you is that it is a dangerous world and with the economy getting much worse by the day, the “have-nots” are getting more desperate. The other problem is a lot of “haves” are becoming “have-nots” and they don’t know how to fend for themselves. Violent home invasions are on the rise in this country. Do a web search on border violence in Texas or California. Don’t even think about going south of the US border right now, besides they don’t let their citizens own firearms to protect themselves. When people are stressed-out (over used phrase) they can react violently. Remember psychology 101, the fight or flight fear factor is in everyone. American men have a moral obligation to protect their family and loved ones. American women, don’t stand about with a cell phone dialing 911 and expecting someone else to save you. Both men and women need to be prepared for the wolf at the door. Assurance not insurance, you must be ever vigilant.

    Major Van Harl USAF Ret.
    [email protected]

  21. I just purchased a new Hi-Point Model CF380, .380 ACP. I’ve been around firearms my entire life, which is only 25 years, but have fired many, many guns. I’m and avid hunter and outdoorsman. This is not the first handgun I’ve fired, however it is the first I’ve purchased. This is a wonderful little handgun. Given its’ no Glock 9mm, for the price I paid,($190; extra clip, box of shells and lockable carrying case), it is barnone one of the best pitols I have shot. My grandfather is an avid buyer/seller/trader of guns and has a worthy collection of handguns as well as rifles of all kinds. I’ve shot everything from a Kimberly 1911 .45, to a German .9mm Ruger dated back to before WWII. In all honesty, this is not the first Hi-Point I’ve fired. My cousin has a .9mm pistol thats and older model, late ninteys model I belive, but it jams every now and again. Just yesterday I went through 300 rounds without a single jam. That’s pretty darn good for a brand new gun. I’m thrilled with my new purchase and I hope that anyone reading this takes heed to investing in one of these guns if you’ve not already. Great little self-defense weapon for the house and a nice little gun for my hip while on long hunts.

    • I think you’re confusing Ruger for Luger Ruger is an American company from Connecticut that was not founded until 1949 about four years after WWII ended. Luger or the P08 was adopted by the German Military in 1908

  22. I have 3 Hi Points
    45 and 9 hand guns and the 9 carbine–great guns–my 84 yr old mom loves to shoot the carbine–they shoot dirty or clean ammo–u put it in and they shoot them out. get used to sights and they hold their own anywhere

  23. I retired from the Army, spent 1968-69-70-71 on the ground in sunny Vietnam, and
    did another 20 in Law Enforcement.
    While in Viet Nam, I had an M14a1 ,which I miss dearly, an early M16 that I refused to carry after the first dance with Charles. (VC , Bad guys). i “aquired: an M1 carbine that jammmed more the the M16, and then found the “girl of my dreams”, an M3a1,
    Grease Gun!! It never jammed, ate all the dirt, sand, and mud it was fed, was not picky about her make up.. A shower, dip in a rice paddy every now and then,
    and she was happy.
    The only other weapon I have ever owned that is even close to her is my 9mm HiPoint carbine. I wanted to see if the lady was all she was made out to be, and she was. I fired over 500 rd. of assorted ammo thru her, then sprayed the action with the garden hose.
    After a week or so, I began firing several hundred more rounds thru her over a period of a few months, with NO maintenence.No Problem. I was impressed. That was a couple of years and several hundred rounds ago. To this day, I twice sprayed the action with carb cleaner, punched the bore, and wiped her down with a light coat of oil. That’s it. If HiPoints came with 50rd stick mag and selector switch, I’d take her to any dance. (Along with an M3a1).You can spend a lot more, and get a lot less!!

    • was a 11B grunt and used M3’s alot…a great piece and was reliable as hell..I bought a Hi Point 9 mm carbine when they first came out..I guess around mid 90’s..that little piece has never failed yet..I would have carried it with my “ass in the grass”..7th Inf 3rd Inf 101st A/B

  24. have a 4095 in camo excellent defense/plinker FMJs work best
    it dont like JHPs light,handy,comfortable and affordable
    reliable enough to get to my AK
    good shooting

  25. I bought a 40 cal Hi Point rifle several years ago when it first came out. I don’t know how many 100’s of rounds I have put thru it but I gotta be honest I would not take for that gun. It is dependable, accurate and built well. I can’t wait until I can get my hands on the 45 rifle. It is so dependable I carry it in my patrol car when on duty.

    • There are some people who think it is better than buck or slugs. Sad, but true. Fact is that the folk who think this are often folk who have never shot anything that is moving or at a distance with a shotgun. They can only speculate and think that birdshot is fine in self defense situations. A few reasons why they are wrong:

      1: Birdshot is designed to kill birds. I shoot quail and grouse. For these you would use target or skeet loads so as not to make the bird a mist on the horizon. If I shot at a turkey, duck or goose with the same load I am apt to wound and never find that bird again. Still some folk think that birdshot will work well on people even though it is designed to penetrate about 1/2 an inch into a bird within the specified load range (duck – BB, Quail – #8, etc. ).

      2: Siting #1, What if you do not kill the person with the first shot? What if your warning shot has done nothing but enrage the crazed crack/meth head? Who is unnerved and scared then? Can you take the second shot knowing what you now face? Can you look away from the mess you made and fire? My bet is that if you were half confident on the first shot you are shitting your pants on the second.

      3: Siting #1 and #2, So lets say you hit them with the birdshot. You hit them and they don’t go down and you can take the second with the ‘real’ load and you kill them? So they are down and you call the police and they are wondering why it took you two shots (that hit) with a shotgun to down/kill someone. You tell them that the first load was to scare them. The police respond with, ‘So it wasn’t a self defense situation but rather you wanted to harken back to the days of salt guns and apple trees?’ So now you are arrested for all kinds of charges because you convoluted the situation by deviating from the standard load that law enforcement and military use all over the world because you thought you knew better. So you didn’t say anything and you are in court and the evidence speaks for itself. What then? Is birdshot still a good self defense load? In my opinion, no.

      4: Blah blah… most people can hardly rack a gun when they are scared. No, you don’t know that. You think that. Blah blah… most people can’t aim right and can’t look down the barrel when in a stress or scare situation. No? I can. And I am sure anyone who has trained or hunted that way would find it very odd to firing a shotgun from the hip. Why would your instinct be to do that when you have shot different every other time? Again, what you think, not reality for most. Blah blah… most people need birdshot to hit the target and it is easier to hit with No, not true. Get outside. Shoot some skeet. You will see why people love to shoot shotgun. Here is a hint: It is because they hit a great deal more than they miss! I can shoot a 90 mm clay doing 50 miles an hour if I lead it right – with a slug. Heck, Yes! It is a hard shot but put in some 00 buck and I am on cheat mode. Most people would be. I have only shot clays five times now.

      To sum up: Use what the police and military use. It saves you time, hassle (legal and mental) and it works.



      If you really are just wanting something to scatter and make sure you hit. Go with magnum loads of #1 shot. The extra oomph makes for pellet deformation and extra barrel scrubbing resulting in a scattered/erratic pattern. Oddly enough this applies to most loads of birdshot, discrediting the thought that birdshot is great for self defense because it fractures the ‘all-at-once’ hit theory. This is because the pellets sort of ooze out of the barrel with bird loads that are not low recoil or target. So what you get is your shotgun becoming more or less a steel squirt gun of sorts. This obviously (for me) is not as dramatic as nine or six or three .33 round balls hitting you all at once. One would think.

      • You thinking too hard. Most of the people using bird shot do so for the fear of over penetration. Its a fact birdshot is not going to shoot your kids sleeping down the hall when 00 buck is going straight through your home.

        I dunno about you but I would rather pump 5 rounds into someone that to send one round anywhere near my kids.

      • Seconded on what Jack wrote.
        The only real reason for anything larger than birdshot in a home defense shotgun would be if you intended to shoot bad guys beyond 20 yards, in which case most likely you are not really in a home defense situation at all.
        I can guarantee anyone shot with a full charge of even number 8 or 9 shot at typical home defense ranges in the torso or head is going DOWN and STAYING down, and it won’t penetrate an inadequate 1/2″ when it does, not at typical home defense distance.
        Or you can be stubborn, load up a full tube of 3″ magnums throwing 00 or 000, and send pellets clear through multiple walls into your kids’ rooms or even through your outer walls into any unfortunate and likewise innocent souls outside.

  26. I’m a budget minded purpose driven gun owner and the Hipoint 4595 was my choice for a mid-range budget rifle that uses ammo common with two of my handguns. Out of the box my new 4595 TS was way low and to the left with the iron sights. Used a bore-sight laser to tweak the sights in. Dead on at 50 yds with 4″ rapid fire patterns. Slow fire, leaning, I put the rounds so close I couldn’t really detect all of them after retrieving the target. This is a heavy and ugly gun especially when I added the stock mounted extra clip loads and laser sight, but the weight keeps recoil down and a prone or leaning shooter with a laser or scope could easily knock down bad guys moving fast at 100 yds. Standing, I would recommend sticking to still targets or those inside 50 yds as there is some physical effort required to remain on target. It is fun to shoot and 200 rounds went through it without single misfeed or misfire. About the only thing I don’t like about it is the bolt hold-back feature when it is empty. You have to drop the spent magazine, pull and release the bolt, insert a fresh magazine, pull and release the bolt before you can fire. This takes a bunch of time you might better spend on a threat down-range and could get a lone defender killed quickly. No, you can’t just swap magazines and pull the bolt and no, you can’t pull the bolt from the hold-back position with any magazine inserted, fresh or spent.

    As for home defense, the LCP in my pocket or the P90 in the car or next to the bed get that job unless they are just buying me time to yank the HiPoint out of the safe. The shotgun will probably never see any home defense action as that 4595 is now my short-medium range rifle of choice. For long range I like the Remington 770 auto in .308 with an extended magazine. I’ll be upgrading my LCP to a Taurus PT 145 for my conceal carry soon as 10 .45 rounds sounds better than 6 .380 rounds at hand and that will probably be the end of my gun purchases unless they invent something completely new that no one should be without.

  27. High Point carbines are fine…they could lighten them but the problem is with the cheap magazines and the inability to load then quicky becuase the loading shot in the pistol grip is to tight so after amrket high capacitymagazines will not fit properly…I spoke with a company rep that admitted. The .45 is out and if your smart enough you can use 1911A! 10 shot and 15 shot mahazines with a minor adjustment….the dam things should have been made to take glock or other type magazines if they can’t produce a magazine worth a poop. I sold my 9mm carbine for the price I paid for it becuase I had put extras on it and had 11 magazines as the springs where so weak I could not leave one loaded more then a night and had to keep changing them….my wislon 1911A1 magazine stays loaded for days and no problem….also Keltec 2000 carbines are selling like hot cakes for as little as $222 not $400 dollars a piece thats why you can’t find a 9mm or .40 cal Keltec 2000…you can’t find any keltecs…they sale to fast and cheaper then the MSRP. a 7 lb carbine is not for small women and kids nor can it out shoot a shotgun you can put a simple limbsaver recoil pad on a shot gun and reduce the recoil by 60-75%…..I got kids shooting 3 inch magnums with my shotgun no problem hitting evverything….the Highpoint sights are not decent for people not used to being around guns….still a there are .45 carbines made you just buy it to add to you Glock or 1911…and theya re made in almsot every pistol caliber.

  28. With my disappointment that Hi-Point hasn’t put forth at LEAST a 15 round mag, preferably 30, I talked to Kel-Tec about their 2000. They don’t intend to publish a 2000 edition in .45 acp. How myopic and sad. I, for one, don’t want to sacrafice one of my Glocks to simply enter it into a skeleton rifle. Kel-Tec is really, really, being dumb about not floating the 2000 in .45 acp using Glock mags. Then again, so is Hi-Point.

    Retired Colonel

  29. I’ve been doing alot of reading lately in regard to the Hi-Point carbines and all internet trash talk aside, the more I read the more I like. Still reading and researching as I’m torn yet on caliber as this purchase will likely double as a better defense gun for my (active, alert, gun-toting) 77yr. old mother. A 12 gauge is out at this point in her life and yes, at my home nearby that’s my choice as I’m one of those recoil insensitive types who actually enjoys the big boom (3″ Federal 000 boom). Mom’s current pick is an unwieldy 26″ bbl. repeater in 30-30 that’s probably a bigger threat to the new neighborhood than an intruder. Definitely unsuitable for the close quarters of her modest home. A .45 carbine shouldn’t be a problem but I’m leaning towards the .40 for an important aspect the author pointed out regarding shotguns.

    Noise and the follow-up shot. Not many folks get the priveledge of shooting indoors, in low light. Add a powerful cartridge with no hearing protection or colored glasses. Doesn’t matter if it’s sheetrock, plaster on brick, or an old sturdy barn. Noise and flash are quite the distraction. Provided you’re trying to protect yourself and those you love adds more adrenaline. Yet another distraction that we can only hope we’re prepared for should the need arise. (Why do the SWAT guys have suppressors? It’s not to be neighborly. A standard 9mm auto pistol fired inside a dwelling sounds as close to a bomb as the unititiated might ever believe!)

    But as the author asked in his title “Are Handgun Caliber Rifles the New Home Defense Shotgun?” I think it’s a close tie. For my mom or my girlfriend absolutely and I’m not remotely trying to be sexist. They both shoot but not as often or with as much enthusiasm as myself. I’ll add that I carry a .compact .45 as it’s easier to conceal than the .357 that I traded. Do I believe a 12 gauge to be a better home defense piece than my carry caliber or one of these little carbines? Not at all, I’m just used to my scattergun. Perhaps this next purchase will change my mind completely and I’ll go out and buy a field bbl. and some choke tubes for the shotgun. I’d rather shoot rabbits anyway.

    Happy New Year!

  30. Just picked up the 4595 a couple of weeks ago. I’ve only had it out once, but it’s a blast. Ran a few patches down the barrel and hit the range. It ate all hundred rounds that I ran through it with no difficulty. At bench-rest, it took a few minutes to zero the sights at 50 yards. Then I was able to hit 4″ groups with the iron sights. Put on laser (close combat) and red dot (medium range) easily. Trying them out this weekend. Under $300 with forward grip. Can’t complain. Having another gun that shoots the same .45ACP as my 1911 is a nice bonus.

  31. As a smaller-framed male I can say its about gun-love, not the frame that dictates a users ability. I’ve shot, and loved firearms, since I was a young boy, and even well before the age of 16, when I reached the towering height of 4’8″, I fired shotguns, .357s and .45s. I even got a .50 cal in too, but that doesn’t count cause it was on a tripod.
    Love your website. I will be back often!

  32. I have been considering the 30 Highpoint for my wife. Hand gun wise, she tops out with a 22 mag. My question is, could she handle the 45 recoil wise?

  33. Hi Point firearms are average firearms at below average prices… In fact, the model 4595TS a .45 ACP carbine is just what the doctor ordered for home defense for anyone too timid for a shotgun. I’m retired LE and I’ve had numerous handguns over the past 30 years… Presently, I carry a 45ACP Glock Model 30SF loaded with Federal Classic 158gr. JHP… However, I don’t care what a handgun cost or what it looks like. If it goes bang and it’s fairly accurate, it will do the job just fine… Additionally, most legal handgun owners are rarely trained or routinely practice with their firearms… If you own a handgun, KNOW IT, USE IT, CLEAN IT AND ABOVE ALL, SECURE IT!!! Most handguns used in crimes are stolen from STUPID people (some with badges) who probably shouldn’t own one in the first place… By the way, if you want a handgun for home protection and your not willing or able to get the proper training, FORGET IT!!! When your hands start shaking and you crapping your pants (adrenaline shock), your not going to make the shot!!! Do yourself a favor and get a 12 gauge 18.5″ pump action shotgun and load it up with HIGH QUALITY / FRANGIBLE / LOW RECOIL / 00 BUCKSHOT… Point and shot is all you’ll need to do to eliminate or stop the “problem”… Furthermore, if you do a “REAL LOUD RACKING” of your shotgun just prior to confrontation, you’ll probably never need to fire a round… EVERYONE KNOWS TO RESPECT THAT SOUND OR IT MAY BE THE LAST SOUND THEY HEAR!!! Whatever firearm you choose, GET TRAINING!!
    NEVER FORGET 9-11 and keep an eye on the enemy within!!!

  34. A Hi Point is better than a sharp stick, although the sharp stick has a cleaner trigger pull.

      • HP recommends normal cleaning (barrel/chamber) after 500 rounds, and a complete cleaning (breakdown) after 1500-2000 rounds.

  35. I picked up the Hi-Point .45 a year ago and, I absolutely love it! Amoung the reasons I picked it up over a shotgun or pistol is the less recoil. My right shoulder is shot after 2 surgeries on it. My wrists are shot (especially the right) due to an injury and very loose ligiments. So, a pistol with any stopping power and a shotgun were out. I’ve put around 1k rounds through it and have had zero problems. The iron sights were dead on out of the box and, it’s extremely easy to shoot. I just finished putting a red dot sight on it that I hope to try out soon. The iron sights are dead on but, they are a little bit of an eye strain to use. Quick aquirement is a bit difficult at times as well.

    Overall, I absolutely love this weapon and would recommend it to anyone thinking of a home defense weapon.

    • LKnight, you bring up some great points for the virtues of a carbine in a handgun caliber.
      I would have suggested a lever action as another option, but your joint problems make the semi-auto the clear choice.
      As another suggestion, maybe you should look around for just the right red dot sight for your purposes, which may (or may not) involve spending possibly significantly more for than what you gave for the Hi-Point carbine itself.
      Maybe you should carefully research what others have said about various red dots beforehand to see what might work best for you.
      Two of the more expensive options are the genuine EoTech model 512 (currently $415 on Optics Planet), EoTech EXPS-2 ($525 on Optics Planet), or the AimPoint Comp M2 ($517 on Optics Planet) or AimPoint Pro Patrol ($400 on Optics Planet).
      Our military uses some models of these two brands, so they are definitely up to the challenge of self-defense.
      However, as I said, they are not cheap, and there may well be some less expensive options out there that you will find much easier for target acquisition, such as the one I have, the far more affordable Leapers Golden Image 30mm red/green dot sight, which can be gotten for $29 now.
      It sounds as if you’ll be all set once you get the best sight for your purposes.
      Good luck.

      • I picked up a BSA optics red dot off on for 38$, google 2-BSARD42. It seems pretty decent. Hopefully I can get out and give it a shot here soon. It’s definatly a lot easier to use then the iron sights. I can tell that already.

  36. All i have to say is that, in home defense, a shotgun is an ill minded ideal. First, you will be deafened by the loud pop of a shotgun. Secondly, good luck with the repairs to your home after unloading the bird shot. In summation, it is my belief that a shotgun, is a beverly hillbilly esque approach to a real world scenario

  37. I have several rifles and shotguns (m1 garland, ar-15, ak47, saiga 20, Remington 1100 etc.). I recently acquired a Hi Point 4595 .45 carbine. Iron sights are accurate. I put a Barska red dot sight. Fired approximately 100 rounds of 230 grain Armscor ammo. What a pleasure to shoot! Other than the lousy trigger, I was able to make all kill zone shots at 50 yds. (My intended purpose for this carbine). No ftfs or ftes. Previous owner said he shot 1000 rounds without cleaning or lube. Super reliable and fairly accurate. I am excited about my inexpensive purchase in spite of my more expensive weapons. Love to shoot the 4595. As far as home defense, it will make a great CQB or HD carbine (for me) or others. Recoil is virtually non existent. Ultimately, it’s your choice for HD weapon. Use what you are more practiced and comfortable with (invaluable in a high stress situation where our will not be as sharp). As far as bang for the buck, you can’t go wrong with the 4595 carbine. Save your money for ammo. Gun snobs need to fire this weapon before bad mouthing it, they would be surprised. Only downsides I can think of are: 1) HORRIBLE trigger, 2) A little heavy. 3) Disassembly not a piece of cake. Otherwise very reliable, goes BANG every time. Oh, the recoil springs in the butt stock really work! Try one yourself, you be the judge. Just my 2 cents.

  38. I bought the 40 S&W model a few years ago and absolutely love it. It’s not pretty by any means, but it’s effective. I was actually laughed at when I took it to the range. A bunch of guys with very expensive ARs were poking fun at it until I was shooting 2″ groups at 75 yards. It’s very accurate right out of the box. It is a pain to strip and clean, but other than that, it’s a great gun. My wife loves it and she’s very recoil sensitive. There is almost no kick to the gun and it’s not very loud at all. I can shoot comfortably in my back yard without ear protection. I love the warranty that Hi-Point has. Lifetime no questions asked repairs. Can’t beat that. I’ve never been big on their pistols, but Hi-Point hit a home run with this carbine and I would strongly recomend it to anyone. Nothing sucks more than being a shooter on a tight budget so this gun was a bargain. The only issue I had was the first mag I ran through it had jammed twice, but after that, once the springs got loosened up, I had no other problems. It’s a must own for every shooter.

  39. Proud owner of 4 hi points, 3 carbines, 1 pistol. 2 – 9 carbines, 1 -9 pistol, 1 45 carbine. I have high end guns (many), but when I go to range to blow up cans and veggies, you can’t beat hi points. Cant beat them. Quit looking and buy one already.

  40. Bought a HP 9mm and a .45Acp and tomorrow i pick p the 45 carbine. The snobs that don’t like HP’s are the ones that don’t like affordable weapons. We regularly shoot 8 inch groups at 30 yards with the 45’s. Oh and if you insist on a shotgun .the mossberg 500 tactical persuader (8 shot version) is still under 400 bucks. Put a hogue pistol grip on it and under 30 inches deployed…..hey!!!!!! rock and roll! Besides the Hip points are big, ugly heavy and clunky!. They remind me of me!

  41. Bought the 9 mm ts995 carbine couple months ago…..right out of the box it gave me goose bumps! Dead accurate, ran 300 rounds of generic FMJ thru it, no issues…..just picked up the 45 cal. carbine…..what does that tell u…..oh, by the way, I’ve since cleaned and put away the Mossberg 500…..didn’t put a lot of thought into it…..just happened! Must have been a sub conscious decision. I feel more comfortable in every aspect of this being my primary home defense weapon,

  42. Bought a 4595ts in Feb of 2013 then grabbed my second in October, so you know where I stand, my 16 year old was hitting 14 out of 14 shots in a 4 inch group at 25 yards, not bad for a kid who has only been shooting 4 times, there is barely any recoil due to the the spring stock and are very quiet, the 40 cal is actually louder, being that the 45 is a heavier bullet its subsonic, so nowhere as loud, a small scope, flashlight and actually mounted a taser on the front, just incase they get to close while loading a new mag, buy 1, get comfortable with it and practice makes perfect.

  43. I have owned a 4595 HP carbine and can tell you that for most novices it seems like a great, cheap little plinker and for that purpose it is. For those of us that like to know how things tick its a different story…

    The overbuilt construction seems nice until you pull it apart to inspect the firing system. Its the same as their handguns and is EXTREMELY UNSAFE!!!! The reason being is all in their using of the actual firing pin as the extractor, yes, the firing pin is the extractor. This causes a inevitable warping of the pin or while during cleaning if for any reason the springs get oily or gunked up the pin will stick and fire a round upon chambering. This happened to me and is a true lesson as to why you never cycle live rounds without being at the range, I have a .45 caliber hole in my floor to prove it and thank god it wasn’t myself or someone else.

    After some research, its a pretty well known issue with hi points design in ALL of their guns. I called hi point and they did honor the warranty and fixed it for free minus shipping but when I asked directly about the design flaw the technician I spoke to laughed and admitted it was horribly unsafe for that reason and also that a chambered round could essentially go off if the gun is banged around too much. He then eluded that it was the main reason their warranty is “no questions asked”.

    Needless to say this scared me off of hi point for good and hope this info will prevent injury to anyone who doesn’t know this unsafe feature. Please be careful if you choose this budget gun, your lives are worth more then a few bucks.

    • Firing pin is the ejector not extractor, the extractor is the hooked piece on the outside of the block that holds the firing pin, the extractor on High Points often does not get filed smooth from the factory so it catches on the new round being loaded after you fire and jams the gun, if a person lightly files that edge till it is smooth the guns become more reliable (the ones with that problem).
      I own 4 HP’s, the 40 S&W (pistol) being the only one of mine that had that problem, a few minutes with a file fixed it, good guns.

  44. I bought the .45 pistol and carbine on the same day. To good of a deal to pass up. My 10 year old can shoot the .45 carbine by himself and put all the shots on the paper.

  45. You have two kinds if people. Those that like hi point and those that dont. I find that the people that fall into the dont like category also fall into the “have no experience with a hi point” category. The carbine worked pretty well for those kids at Columbine. The hi point pistols are ugly but go bang. Someone asked why other guns were so expensive. Well part is the name, but you have to admit that you can’t compare a hi point to Colt, Wilson, Kimber, or even a Glock. It’s apples to oranges. Fit, finish, quality of materials,.etc. Cheap guns are just that. Luckily the hi points seem to work. I was given a davis industries, now Cobra. That thing jammed on every mag(yes its a mag not clip, learn the difference) and they were famous for the zinc slide blowing up. I ditched it.

  46. I agree with Steve’s post on April 24th. Hi-Point Carbines are getting great reviews for reliability and shear fun. I just watched a video where folks mated a 10MM barrel to a HI-Point Carbine and it was a very desirable Carbine that had a very accurate result at 50 and 100 yards. It seems some folks are brand brain washed and only a Remington or Winchester will do. Actual raving reviews mean nothing to these folks. I myself have a .45 ACP carbine on order and plan to put it through the ringer. I know it’s not a beautiful work of art and doesn’t have a nice looking stock, but if it is reliable and can hold up to the elements, I should be happy with the Carbine. As for the older brand names, their reliability hasn’t been all that great with pistols or rifles, just count the number of recalls out there. Remember the R51, that wouldn’t even hold a magazine in place, watch video’s on that fiasco!

  47. My Sub2000 9mm is the very first of all my guns I’d go to in a home defense situation. It’s very easy to handle, much quieter than a shotgun, high capacity (Glock 33-round magazines), and I have a laser and light attached for quick target ID and aiming.


    : )

  49. Here’s the down-lo…

    For about a $100 more – u can hv a GREAT KEL-TEC SUB2000 GEN2 9mm (GLOCK ver.). This weapon is a LEGEND amongst Legends: light, ultra/reliable, accurate… simple but tough! -AND… actually hv a decent Trigger and use THE most reliable MAGS in the Industry! a $100.

    END of STORY. FORGET HI-POINT!!!!!!!!!

    • I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but wow, that SUB2000 is even uglier then a hi-point, just saying.

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