Image by Boch, Base image courtesy El Paso County (CO) Sheriff via Twitter.
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Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! Lo and behold, someone at the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office photographed jolly old St. Nick getting his carry license. However, learning of Santa’s newly enhanced defensive capabilities has caused some delicate little snowflakes to melt down in a fit of fist-clenching rage.

Santa Claus carries a lot of expensive toys on his way to all the good boys and girls the world over. As such, he’s a tempting target for ethically-challenged bad guys out there.

Like millions of Americans, Santa knows that the only thing that stops mean Grinches with evil in their hearts is a good guy with a gun. And a gun left at home has little to no value once one steps outside the front door.

The photo, taken in recent days, shows jolly old St. Nick sitting at a desk completing his carry application. It also shows how the El Paso County Sheriff’s office has a sense of humor.

The sheriff’s office posted the scene on Twitter. . .

Good job, Santa.

You didn’t know that Santa Claus liked guns? Why of course he does!

If you suspected that not everyone would have a sense of humor about the Santa permit post, you win a sugar cookie.

Leave it to the delicate little snowflakes and trolls of Twitter to react with hyperbole and viciousness. In fact, a local TV station reported on the “backlash.”

A tweet from a Colorado sheriff’s office with a photo of a man resembling Santa getting his concealed handgun permit has prompted backlash on Twitter…

The tweet received over 550 comments as of Friday afternoon, including one that read, “Santa has a [expletive deleted] gun is what you’re going with? Should I show my child this pic? Will it comfort them? Will they love Santa more? Who is this tweet for?”

Another person said, “I showed this to my kid & now he’s terrified that Santa is going to come to our house to shoot him. Thanks a lot for ruining Christmas!!”

Please. He knew exactly what he was doing. Leave it to Santa to prompt all the naughty little children to self-identify to help him place them on the appropriate list for Christmas.


Christmas tree gun rifle santa claus hat


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    • “…I would love it if he left a rifle under the tree for me.”

      I have it on good authority if you’re extra, extra, EXTRA nice to one of his helpers that might live in your home, that wish *could* come true.

      (The nice needs to be on a regular basis, just once probably won’t do it… 😉 )

      • No, it’s El Paso County, Colorado. In the REAL El Paso, TEXAS, the Texas Department of Public Safety issues the Texas License to Carry Handgun. The sheriff isn’t involved.


      And btw…..I couldn’t care LESS about their politics…. just make me a “35” and you’re alright in my book…

  1. “The tweet received over 550 comments as of Friday afternoon, including one that read, “Santa has a [expletive deleted] gun is what you’re going with? Should I show my child this pic? Will it comfort them? Will they love Santa more? Who is this tweet for?”

    Another person said, “I showed this to my kid & now he’s terrified that Santa is going to come to our house to shoot him. Thanks a lot for ruining Christmas!!””

    Twitter is full of idiots, the place to go to let the world know you farted.

    What parent in their right mind lets a child see something they think may cause them to fear?

    So let me get this straight, you showed this to your kid without explaining to them what was really happening and they all by their selves jump to the conclusion that santa is coming to shoot them with a gun. Either you are the worse and most stupid parent in the world or you are a liar and told your child santa was coming to shoot him. Children do not just up and draw such conclusion by their self from a picture of Santa and a woman sitting at a desk, and there is not one gun in that picture. You told your kid that Santa was coming to shoot them.

    In fact why is a parent letting their child look at Twitter to begin with?

    There are apparently some very bad and stupid lying patents on twitter, doing more harm to the child than any pic of Santa sitting at a desk with a woman could ever do.

    Twitter, the place where the twits tweet.

    • “Should I show my child this pic? Will it comfort them? Will they love Santa more?”

      Well, if they know what’s good for them, they will… 🙂

  2. I knew I liked Santa, and now every good girl and boy will surely get their Red Rider BB Gun!
    Carry on Santa, carry on!

    • And when they’re a little older, their Cricket 22s.
      (Daddy will probably shoot those more than they will.)

  3. I looked hard but I don’t see any guns in the photo. For all we know, Santa was renewing the registration for his sleigh. So if the writer’s kid was really freaking out (doubtful) it was only because the writer was throwing a fit and getting the kid riled up.

  4. I believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and my right to keep and bear arms. Which includes but is not limited to machine guns, rocket launchers, landmines, flamethrowers, armed privately-owned vehicles, armed privately-owned aircraft, and armed privately-owned watercraft.
    And to be able to travel whatever I please with them.

    Merry Christmas to everyone!!!

  5. I wonder how many little kids got freaked out permanently from watching the Santa Claus/Christmas episodes of “Futurama”?

  6. Who took my picture when I went to pay my property taxes? Nope, not me. I’m not quite that big around. Hair and beard are about right. Must have been when I renewed my carry permit last spring. Got the new 5 year permit here in Alabama.
    Have to wonder why people are getting upset by a photo of a fat guy at a desk talking to a young woman on her computer? Not a gun in sight, nor even an implied threat of violence. Bet it was some snowflake who immagined Santa would shoot anyone because they are unable to control their own impulses and project those impulses onto others.

  7. “I showed this to my kid & now he’s terrified that Santa is going to come to our house to shoot him. Thanks a lot for ruining Christmas!!”

    Proof positive you’ve FAILED as a parent.

    Enjoy that little progtard offspring of yours.

  8. Of course Santa likes guns. Or at least he knows I do. From a very early age he has been bringing me guns. Toys at first, then as I got into my teens there were a few real ones.
    Santa is a good guy, unlike those grinch hippies.

  9. One of my FFLs who stocks some good AR stuff has the electronic pen like Santa is using and the other FFL is old school and always around for FedEx, etc. When purchasing online I do the paper work, get the NCIC and then return to the FFL upon firearm delivery. Process runs like clockwork.

    Milquetoast moms sheltering their brats from the sight of firearms would not have survived 3 days in a wagon train going cross country much less childbirth along the way. Yet the hypocrites drive their brats around in a vehicle far more dangerous and far more capable of death and destruction than Santa’s little concealed handgun.

    Rest assured such drama queens badmouthing firearms are prone to silently bad mouth people over their skin color, how they are dressed and other attributes that do not fit the mold. One of my relatives who is LE took his 8 yo daughter deer hunting. Why? Because she wanted to go really bad. Educate kids with firearm disciplines otherwise the “discipline” they receive about firearms comes from their immature accident waiting to happen schoolmates et al.

  10. Guys,

    I am getting mixed signals from my wife. One day, she claims that if I am on my best behavior I might get a big surprise on Christmas day. The next day, she is claiming that Fitelight is behind on production and that the SCR raider in 5.56 may not be available this year.

    In the words of Ruby Sue, “I was good last year and I still got the shaft.”


  11. you never know when you’ll encounter a rabid reindeer or when an elf might contract the deadly chingchong. one infection could wipe out the entire production line…
    (mmm… rudolf strap…).

  12. Well, the Babylon Bee ran a . . . article, about Santa changing his “Naughty” and “Nice” list to unvaxxed and vaxxed.

    Why not “Unarmed” and “Armed?”

    Leave out milk, cookies, and a box of ammo?

  13. If your kid is really afraid of Santa coming to your house to shoot him, that says more about your parenting than it does about anything else.

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