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Someone needs to figure out what in the wide world of dystopian Buck Rogers in the 25th Century sci-fi fantasy world is going on in Maryland’s legislature. Antigun lawmakers there are advancing legislation that would require firearm manufacturers to attach RFID trackers to each and every firearm so government officials could track their whereabouts at all times.

Not only is this a clear invasion of privacy rights and Constitutional protections against illegal search-and-seizure, this is an idea that’s not even technologically possible. This is the stuff of Hollywood – and anti-gun politicians that don’t understand the first thing about firearms or manufacturing processes.

Maryland’s Delegate Pam Queen introduced HB 704, a bill titled, “Firearms – Tracking Technology.” The bill’s description reads:

Prohibiting a person from engaging in a certain bulk firearm transfer unless each firearm that is part of the transfer contains a certain embedded tracker; requiring a seller or other transferor who engages in a bulk firearm transfer to transmit to the Secretary of State Police certain information; providing that a violation of the Act is a civil offense and subject to a fine of up to $2500; and requiring the Secretary to establish a certain database to store information about each bulk firearm transfer in the State.

The “embedded tracker” would be required to be fixed to the firearm frame or receiver, emit unique tracking information and not be readily capable of being removed, disabled or destroyed without rendering the firearm inoperable or destroying the frame or receiver.

Maryland Delegate Pam Queen, D-Montgomery County (photo: Facebook)

To be clear, Delegate Queen would require that embedded tracker to emit this unique information to Maryland’s State Police for permanent storage in a state-run database. Anyone not complying with this is subject to $2,500 in fines.

Big Brother Would Keep Watch

What this bill does would be nothing short of state authorities peering into an individual’s gun safe. The state would also know when and where a firearm would be moved – whether that’s for hunting, a day at the range target shooting or when and where an individual is legally carrying a firearm for licensed concealed carry.

This bill would require firearm manufacturers to create and include these trackers on firearms. Those exercising their constitutional right to keep and bear arms would be required to forfeit their Fourth Amendment Constitutional right to privacy and their right protecting them from illegal search-and-seizure, since the state would automatically collect and store this information in real time.

This legislation would also call into question Fourteenth and Fifth Amendment protections of Due Process, since it requires the government to collect information on Americans simply exercising their Second Amendment rights. And the legislation would have a chilling effect on the exercise of Second Amendment rights as Marylanders would be less likely to lawfully purchase a firearm to avoid the invasion of privacy.

That’s not even taking into consideration the technological hurdles that would be required to meet this requirement. Makers of so-called “smart guns,” or authorized-user technology that is supposed to allow owners to fire guns through the use of RFID emitters, fingerprint recognition or passcodes or other technology, haven’t been able to produce a safe and reliable model.

The Obama administration made this a priority and the Department of Justice (DOJ) couldn’t identify a working prototype that was capable of testing.

Impossible Technology

Lawmakers with gun control in mind only think of the possibilities to make it more difficult to produce the firearms that Americans want to buy. California instituted a microstamping requirement that requires every new handgun introduced to the state to be capable of transferring a unique alphanumeric code from the firing pin to a cartridge primer. Even the patent-holder of that technology admitted during testimony that his “technology” is unreliable. And, even if it did work, the code can be easily defeated by criminals by simply running a nail file over the tip of the firing pin or by swapping out the firing pin which can be done in seconds with many models.


California’s love affair with this impossible technological requirement has resulted in a dwindling number of handguns approved for sale in California. The number of handguns approved for sale has been cut by more than half since it was certified by then-Attorney General Kamala Harris in 2013.

Some products are packaged with RFID emitters, including those found at firearm retailers. They are used solely as an internal inventory tracking tool. NSSF’s position can be summarized simply as “Turn It Off, Take It Off at the Checkout Counter.” No personal information about the consumer purchasing a firearm or ammunition product should be electronically retained or stored by the merchant through the use of an RFID device affixed to the product or its packaging.

Based on a knowledge and understanding of its consumers, the firearm and ammunition industry believes that this is the only acceptable solution to mitigate the potential invasion of privacy. The simple action of “turning off” the RFID tag coupled with physically taking it off of the product at the point of sale is essential to ensure consumers’ rights.

A Solution in Search of a Problem

Maryland’s proposed requirement tests the bounds of ludicrousness. If an embedded tracker could be affixed, it would need to be powered, which begs the question of ensuring how it would be tamperproof. If this technology would rely on passive-emissions like RFID, it would still be impossible to fix to a frame or receiver that would be considered tamperproof.


There is already a simple solution to this issue that’s already in place. Each and every firearm produced for commercial sale is required to have a unique identifier. It’s called a serial number. It’s also already illegal for anyone to tamper with that serial number in a manner that would make it illegible.

Legislative proposals like this could be laughed off as unserious, one-off attempts to score political points. The mandated technology doesn’t exist and there’s no foreseeable way to create the sort of reliable embedded tracker that could withstand the pressures and energy created and harnessed by a firearm. This is one of the key technological reasons why authorized-user recognition technology hasn’t been successfully developed.

No one in the firearm manufacturing world is laughing, though. This is demonstrative of just how far antigun lawmakers will go to eliminate Second Amendment rights – even at the cost of privacy and Constitutional rights of those who lawfully own firearms.

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    • “And to think I was once called alarmist and paranoid.”

      Kinda, in a way, brings into focus the phrase “It’s not paranoia if they’re really out to get you.”

    • I am an alarmist because they are out to get all our firearms—no doubt about that. Even my sister who is a retired cop thinks I was nuts. Then she moved to Oregon and saw Measure 114 and now she is more alarmed than I am.

  1. Is this crook so stupid they don’t know its impossible? Or is it a backdoor way to make new guns illegal for sale in Maryland?

    • Little of both. Maybe a lot of both. Don’t forget…the Republik of Kalifornistan passed their micro-stamping law knowing FULL WELL that it didn’t exist and/or wasn’t reliable. That’s a feature…not a bug.

      • I agree Microstaming is full of crud but it’s Pretty easy to fix… Order a new firing pin to be delivered out of state or gunsmith your own and there goes the problem down the drain.

    • Even if it was possible, just expose the rfid tag to the business end of a stun gun for about 5 seconds and fry the antenna and chip in the tag. Poof! all the magic smoke comes out of the tag and it is now untraceable.

      • Between this or RFID blocking holsters or bags I don’t see this having any purpose but adding expense and reducing selection.

    • TommyGNR,

      I have some very in-depth knowledge and insight into many such endeavors. For my entire life, I have been a serious skeptic when it comes to “pie-in-the-sky” technology endeavors. As of four weeks ago, I now consider pretty much everything (in terms of technology) to be possible as long as the people who want something are willing to resource it. And when I say “everything”, I mean pretty much everything that is not wildly and obviously impossible.

      Let me share an example: Internet speeds to the home connected via fiber-optic cabling. Technology was just recently validated (although wide scale production and distribution are still about 5 years away) allowing 100 Gigabit-per-second Internet to the home. For those of you who do not understand that number:
      100 Gigabits-per-second equals 100,000 Megabits-per-second
      100 Gigabits-per-second is enough speed for you to pull down 10,000 simultaneous extremely high-quality high-definition video streams
      100 Gigabits-per-second enables you to download a full 2-hour movie in 4k ultra-high-definition in less than 2 seconds.
      100 Gigabits-per-second enables you to download the largest typical action-game distributions in 8 seconds.

      And there is every reason to expect those speeds to keep increasing for the foreseeable future, doubling about every 18 months as network speeds have been doing since the 1980s.

      And now thanks to Artificial Intelligence and the cost of computer processing and memory effectively going to zero, all manner of “science-fiction” technology will hit us like a tsunami in the next 5 to 15 years.

      So, yeah: I can totally see government mandating active and even passive RFID tags on products and literally being able to track them almost everywhere–as long as someone pays for the implementation cost. And that implementation cost will be MUCH lower than you expect.

  2. I will point out, that there are 2 kinds of RFID chips, one powered, one passive.

    The passive chips can be read from up to 30 feet. High Temp RFIDs are available, that could be embedded in new polymer stocks and grips.

    https : / / www . atlasrfidstore . com/rfid-insider/active-rfid-vs-passive-rfid

      • Simply pointing out facts does not presuppose one’s position on a particular topic. Isn’t it a good idea to actually know what the technology is capable of doing? Aren’t we mocking a group of legislators just for that very reason?

    • could be embedded in new polymer stocks and grips.

      That can easily and cheaply replaced with older stuff, I have a box full of stocks and grips for an AR…

    • Simple Fix: Just expose the rfid tag to the business end of a stun gun for about 5 seconds and fry the antenna and chip in the tag. Poof! all the magic smoke comes out of the tag and it is now untraceable.

    • If they embed it in Polymer it is even eayser to fix… Microwave on high for 2 minutes ans no more tag

    • So where are all of these passive chip readers going to be installed? And by whom? At whose expense? Who is going to pay the electric bill? How is that information going to be transmitted to the state police? Some people just don’t think things through, or don’t know enough about what they propose to be asking the right questions. I don’t suppose they care either if it sounds good. “We’re doing something to fight gun violence!!!”

      • So where are all of these passive chip readers going to be installed

        They would pretty much need to be on every light pole across the country, every exit and speed limit sign on the Interstate, on mailboxes in areas w/underground utilities and wherever else they can power them up (probably w/solar batteries) cost would be enormous but when you are already spending trillions on bullshit what does one more matter? Could be transmitted through Elons little satellite armada but would require some serious computing power and an army of drones to monitor every firearm in the country…

        • Would they like China want such a thing absolutely could either do it effectively……. Well guess we will find out

  3. Fine, we’ll put RFID in vaginas so we can keep track of them when they approach abortion clinics.

  4. Starting with this as a mandatory requirement for all state and local law enforcement firearms will set the proper tone. After all no agency wants one of it’s lost/stolen/misplaced firearms being used in a crime/injury/death.

  5. adding to the stolen gun, possession by a prohibited person and defaced serial number, they will now have a fourth charge to drop, tracker tampering/ removal.

    • RFID tags can be fried by a whole host of things. It’s entirely feasible that a gun owner wouldn’t even know their RFID tag ceased broadcasting.

      Like when the chip in you credit card suddenly stops working.

    • Saaaayy wasn’t one of Saul Alinksy’s Rules all about making good use of mockery and ridicule?

      Maybe we should start with this creature……

      maybe someone should ask her if she knows where the earliest gun control laws came from, and upon whom they were targetted?

  6. While neither political party can be trusted with our 2A rights, the REALLY bad ideas and fascistic tendencies come from the democrat party. Given the opportunity Kommissar Queen would throw every gun owner in a GULAG.

  7. I’ve worked on a project to prevent shoplifting and do inventory with RFID tags and a project to track employee badges with Bluetooth Low Energy emitters. Both were complete failures, because the technology has too many limitations. Radio waves don’t penetrate water or metal very well. If you put a radio emitter on a metal gun (or polymer gun containing metal ammo) next to a 70% water person, it’s going to be invisible to RF. The only EM that would penetrate the human body well is high frequency EM, like X and gamma rays. Those would require huge energy sources, still not penetrate metal very well, and give everybody cancer.
    This lady knows as much about RF tech as Joe Biden does about ballistics.

    • “One of the notable aspects of the democratic process is that one need not know anything about a subject in order to pass laws about it.” – the late COl Jeff Cooper.

      Need to put a RFID tag up Queenie’s ass. It s dangerous to humanity for someone like her to be wandering about unsupervised.

      • The problem is that her largely-water body would soak up the signal, as JasonM pointed out. Perhaps a better solution is for all these anti-freedom legislators to be required to wear RFID equipped dog collars, with remote zappers so they could be gently corrected when they utter their anti-rights drivel?

    • Works on my dog and my cats, there are people running around with medical chips implanted in their forearm… just need he right scanner close up to read em.

    • JasonM,

      If your project failed, it is because of some arbitrary limitation. For example, maybe your project only allowed an extraordinarily tiny budget per RFID tag or RFID scanner.

      I am confident that it is totally possible to create passive RFID tags and scanners which work upwards of 20 feet of separation–and quite possibly even much farther apart. Imagine what you could do if a project allowed Terahertz frequencies and a budget of $5,000 per scanner and $30 per RFID tag?

    • You are far too kind to this control freak creaure. At lest Dopey Joey sort of understands that what goes up most come down.. somewhere sometime. I don think this gummit dweeb is that smart.

  8. How predictable, they can’t go door to door so they’ll try the “back door” every time! Still haven’t heard how they plan on dealing with all the inner city gang bangers tho, anyone else heard??😉

  9. So, $500 for the gun and $70 for a disposable microwave from Best Buy or wherever. Check.

  10. So if we include the whole Orwell type concept, which the anti-gun clearly want…

    It doesn’t end with just tracking a gun, it will track a gun owner. The next step would be to send out automated messages to all cell phones in the area of the gun owner that a person with a gun is nearby with a little map showing the gun owners location. Then the ‘woke’ will start making phone calls to 911 to say “a person with a gun, i’m a scared snowflake, helpppppp!’ and then ‘crowd sourcing’ aggressive hatred towards the gun owner. Then maybe that messaging system being used to track down a gun owner where they live or work, driving by they get a test message ‘DANGER! PERSON WITH GUN NEARBY!’ with a little map showing where the gun owner is. At some point one of them will become ‘overly aggressive’ in the name of ‘social justice’ (oh yes they do, I’ve been there and luckily and thankfully it was diffused before I was forced into no other choice) and then ‘Bang’.

    • Chip in the hand/arm *must* interface with the chip in the fire-gunm. That way ONLY the authorized user/owner can operate the dangerous device as long as they comply with all other “commonsense” restrictions (for safety purposes) as dictated by their Benevolent Overlords, er elected representatives. Like Queen Bee.

    • fine… except that it will be OUR time money and effort. Da gummit will DO it and send US the bill. Add a C-note to the price of every new gun, minimum

  11. How about they just implant RFID’s in anyone that has been arrested and convicted for Felony crimes involving: Drug dealing (only Truly Dangerous), Murder, Child Abuse, Human Trafficking, Rape, etc . . .it would be a lot tracking to keep tabs on, and they might actually be able to prevent another crime!?!?

    • “How about they just implant RFID’s in anyone that has been arrested and convicted for Felony crimes…”

      Nah, that would violate their rights. Ironic isn’t it.

    • Well, Fauci wanted to barcode and track everyone with HIV and he’s a hero to billions so maybe you’re onto something.

  12. With all the gun control laws falling like flies in the wake of Bruen, Larry can be forgiven if he overlooked that a court has already held that the federal law against removing a serial number from a firearm has been declared unconstitutional under Bruen:

    The reasoning of this case would apply even more strongly to the proposed Maryland law. If that law passes, methinks it’s DOA.

    • Does U.S. District Judge Joseph Goodwin’s ruling about obliterated serial numbers apply nationally, or only in his district?

      Because something tells me the fabled ninth ‘circus’ will not agree with Goodwin’s ruling… 🙁

      • It’s not an injunction, so it’s not binding except in that case. But if as expected the government appeals, then it goes to the Fourth Circuit. If upheld in a precedential decision, it would then be binding in the entire Fourth Circuit (Carolinas, Virginias, Maryland).

  13. So, are these law makers ret**ded?? Or malicious?? Surely they must realize this is blatantly unconstitutional. But judging by “Guam will tip over, Hank” and Shirley Jackson Lee, one wonders.

  14. Ya’ll know this has already been ruled unconstitutional right? Just in another context. That other context is its unconstitutional for police to put a GPS tracker on your car without a warrant. It was a test case that upholds basic privacy rights in the face of new surveillance technology.

    In 2012 the SCOTUS ruled in United States v. Antoine Jones, No. 10-1259 that police must first obtain a warrant to use a GPS device for an extended period of time to covertly follow a suspect. The Obama administration though wanted to be able to do it without a warrant (yeah, democrats are not really big on getting warrants, this wasn’t the first time a democrat president had tried to do away with a warrant requirement to get what they wanted, Biden recently tried to do it too.). Obamas administration DOJ argued that a warrant was not required to use global positioning system devices to monitor a vehicle on public streets. SCOTUS did not agree and Obama’s DOJ lost the case.

    Joining Scalia’s opinion were Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Sonia Sotomayor.

    That case was for an actual criminal. Think about how SCOTUS would react to a ‘government entity’ (state in this case for the RFID) technology being used to track law abiding citizens by RFID without a warrant simply because they were exercising their constitutional right.

    • Thanks, Boog. I had forgotten about this one.

      I remember when the Harney County Sheriff got all excited when LaVoy Finicum removed the surveilance cameras out at the Malheur preserve. Now da gummit couldn’t watch them as they roamed about the place. Made em mad, but there was nothing they could do about it. Seems he first blocked it without being “seen” by the camera then went round behind and onfastened it. Of course Kate ended up settling the score by siccing the Oregon State Police on him and “putting him out of their misery”.

  15. Hey dipshit there are around 450 million privately owned firearms in the country. I’m booting up the 3D printer. Asshole.

  16. How about we pass a law requiring the injection of trackers into the ass of every Democrap politician, so we can know where they are and what they are conniving about at all times?

    • Just safer to assume that they’re NOT at work (because COVID) and ALWAYS conniving against American Citizens.

  17. Has the potential to solve as many crimes as the state’s ballistic fingerprinting database did.

  18. Is there a doctor in the house?

    Seriously, these legislators have some serious psychosis that need to be addressed.

  19. ‘The mandated technology doesn’t exist and there’s no foreseeable way to create the sort of reliable embedded tracker that could withstand the pressures and energy created and harnessed by a firearm.’

    That’s a feature, not a bug. In fact it’s the key feature.

    • no, this handful will end up on the floor. So they’ll think up another handful and try that.

      Wonder what sort of GOOD they could actually manage if they tried to solve problems and fix broken systems, instead of this nonsense. Makes me mad that WE are paying these eedjits to come up with this tripe.

  20. I wonder if they understand that most firearms are mostly metal and would block the signal if the signal could actually be created without a power source like a battery. These morons watch Minority Report and Star Wars and think it’s reality. How the F do these idiots get elected? Wait, don’t answer that.

      • The sticker in the window Sunpass does not require a battery, but the one clipped to your visor does require a battery…

      • They are speaking of actively transmitting, toll stickers /transponders respond when pinged with energy directed at them. What she described would not work like a toll booth, because the toll both already knows where the RFID is, just confirming it’s presence. Huge difference.

    • They don’t really get elected in most cases. The ones paid to count all the ballots and other things that look like ballots are the ones that elect them.. for a fee, of course.

  21. I’ve driven through Maryland a couple of times. Never stopped. Always glad to see it my rearview mirror. Damn shame that so many of our states, that fought so hard for our rights and independence, are fighting so hard to take those rights away today. Wonder what Francis Scott Key would think of it?

    • @gadsden

      Benjamin Franklin figured it out early, and did what he could to help us.

      I just wish certain folks (democrats!) would resist the urge to conform to stereotype, and make a conscious effort to be sentient.

  22. We need to have JB shove that RFID chip where the Sun don’t shine on him, and strap his ass to one of those new rockets going to outer space… and not on firearms.

  23. Max range on RFID is 1500 ft.
    Lets give the idiot TBOTD and say they manage figure out how to install, even retrofit, them to all guns.
    The state of Maryland is 346 billion (with a B) square feet.
    That looks to me (not a math major) that your gonna need 231 million readers to cover the state.
    Thats gonna require a whole lot of eminent domain proceedings.
    None the less if they pull it off Im going to bid for the reader maintenance contract, it’d be worth a fortune.

    • maybe putting a polymer part in the microwave… buy metal parts are going to ruin the microwave.

      there’s more ‘portable’ and better ways to do this… EMP will take care of it just fine. I generate EMP in the lab chamber all the time to test stuff, of course though that’s a larger EMP generator. Smaller hand held EMP generators are possible to build that will destroy these things operational capabilities, just use them away from electronics including your car and cell phones and firearm electronics (e.g. red dots), etc…

  24. This bill simply proves that while you don’t have to be stupid to be a successful leftist politician, it sure helps!

    • X – or 3 million (insert eyeroll) illegal aliens………………..
      Since the bats recently admitted that they have nearly a BILLION firearms transactions on record (illegally) I ‘suspect’ the number you cited is at least double 😉

  25. Yea, these plans worked so well before.

    Ask apple about their tracking “air tags” and how they are being used now…

  26. Do not laugh technology is moving forward so quickly that embedding a tracking device is not as far fetched as it sounds. If such technology were implemented it would eliminate people selling the newer guns face to face without transfer paperwork to a legal eligible buyer.

    All prior manufactured weapon would be required to be registered so they could also be tracked when sold to another person. This older method is how civilized countries have been doing it for decades and their far lower homicide and mass murder rates are proof it works far better than in Capitalvania where any maniac or criminal can buy all the second hand firepower he wants 365 days a year and often in only minutes on the street. It sometimes is quicker than buying a hamburger or fries at a fast food restaurant. Pure insanity to all but the demented paranoid far right who are the very people who should not be allowed to own deadly weapons. Their attempted takeover of the government by force on Jan 6th is more than enough proof how dangerous these nut cases really are.

    • The left wing extremist armed violent domestic terrorism ANTIFA insurrection in Portland in 2021 ( and another insurrection in Atlanta by the same group this year ( —- and the democrats in congress and Joe Biden trying to bring about a tyranny and the false slants and false information put out by dacian (who is an ANTIFA member by his own admission in the past) – shows just how dangerous these nut cases known as the left and the ‘woke’ and liberals are and how they are the actual biggest threat to our country.

    • Okay, what part of 32nd in the world and 9th among the most populace (CIVILIZED?) countries for intentional homicides do YOU not understand (apparently the restriction/absence of personal firearms is NOT an actual deterrent to folks KILLING other folks)… Am I correct in assuming that your demented definition of “Capitalvania” (whatever that is) is UNCIVILIZED? Yeah, there were definitely some dangerous “nut cases” present at the Capitol on Jan 6th, groups like Antifa and BLM and those undercover FBI operatives sent in to instigate violence (at Aunt Nancys behest), yet the ONLY gun that was produced and actually used belonged to a Capitol cop and the ONLY person shot was an unarmed female protester.. OBTW: exactly what DO you consider “civilized”?

    • “All prior manufactured weapon would be required to be registered so they could also be tracked when sold to another person.”

      That is illegal.

      From NRA-ILA:

      “Gun registration and gun owner licensing wouldn’t prevent or solve crimes. Most people sent to prison for gun crimes acquire guns from theft, the black market, or acquaintances. (Bureau of Justice Statistics) Half of illegally trafficked firearms originate with straw purchasers who buy guns for criminals (ATF). Criminals wouldn’t register guns or get gun licenses.

      “Federal law prohibits a universal, national gun registry.”

      dacian: do criminals follow the law? How does making more laws affect criminals?

      • to the Man with no sense

        quote————-“Federal law prohibits a universal, national gun registry.”——–quote

        What planet do you live on. The NFA Act of the 1930’s required registration of both Machine guns and of silencers. Now genius tard try explain (lie) away that law.

        You really fell head first into the outhouse on that one.

        • dacian, do you lie because you can’t understand plain English or do you lie because that’s just your pathological nature? My money is on both.

          “All prior manufactured weapon would be required to be registered so they could also be tracked when sold to another person.”

          Do you know what “universal” means? Apparently not.

          Is every firearm a “machine gun” or “silencer?” Here’s a fucking clue: NO, they are not.

          Now try reading the statement in plain English again.

          Federal law prohibits a universal, national gun registry.

          What you propose is illegal. Period. End. Full stop.

  27. Hmm, makes one wonder…

    If my firearm contained an RFID tag, would I even know it?

    Do any of my firearms already have RFID tags embedded in them?! And if so- how would they be tracked?

    Maybe through the “helpful” digital electronic devices I already have in my home- Wi-Fi, “smart” phone, TV, virtual assistant, fridge… toilet? Golly, maybe anything in my house that connects to the Internet?

    Geez- that’d make an extremely useful map of “what’s where and with whom” for… somebody.

    Naw- that’s just crazy talk…

    • “If my firearm contained an RFID tag, would I even know it?”

      You can obtain an RFID tag detector (AKA ‘chip reader’) on line and at some electronics retailers. This can be used to detect the tag. Turn it on. pass it over all of the firearm. If you get a response an RFID tag is present.

  28. Kinda interesting why it took someone so long to come to this idea.

    The Second Amendment was designed, among other reasons, to prevent the central committee from disarming the militia by failing to perform the constitutional directive that government equip the militia.

    Now, it is popular (and judicially approved) to have government attempt to disarm the militia through simple legislation. The founders knew what they were about.

  29. How about instead we attach tracking devices to all politicians so the voters can know where they are at all times?

    That at least would serve a useful function!

  30. I 5hink someone should get an Apple air tag and a 2.5 maul hammer….then use said hammer to drive the Airtag 10″ into Queen’s colon.

  31. The REAL purpose of mandating technologies that don’t yet exist is to outlaw the manufacture, delivery, sale, transfer, purchase and possession of all firearms. The simple and correct answer to this is DO NOT COMPLY.

  32. Sure, ‘Great Leader’. I’ll line up behind all the gang bangers, mass shooters, serial murderers, armed robbers, terrorists and government-sponsored hit men AFTER they get their guns fitted with RFID tags. Until then, Molon Labe………..

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