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Housekeeping: TTAG Hiring Email Editor


As The Truth About Guns approaches its sixth year, we’re currently sitting at around 3 million unique readers per month. For that amazing success we thank our readers, commentators, writers and editors. Rest assured we’re not resting on our laurels. We’re currently working on improving the site with new features, a new design, video and much more (suggestions always welcome). Meanwhile, we’re drowning in emails. We need someone to filter them for us. To do that job we need someone who can . . .

separate the wheat from the chaff.

Specifically, someone who can read and respond to the dozens of reader news tips and forward stories for blogging to Dan and myself. The editor must also post links to important stories (that aren’t exactly blog worthy) on our Facebook and Instagram pages. He or she must also sort through administrative emails — requests from manufacturers, writer correspondence, etc. — needed.

Applicants must be a gun guy or gal who knows TTAG inside and out, and has a feel for the prevailing gun gestalt. It’s also a highly sensitive position; the email editor would have access to our public and private email, the site and our Facebook account.

The job pays a relatively paltry $15 per hour, with a guaranteed minimum of 10 hours per week. A Texas-based editor would be a bonus, but the job can be performed anywhere. Note: that’s the starting salary, and the job comes with plenty of perks (e.g., guns to test, free swag and training).

This is a mission critical job. We are, in effect, putting a large measure of TTAG’s editorial quality in the editor’s hands. To apply for this position please email [email protected] with a resume (text embedded in the email), putting EMAIL EDITOR (all caps) in the subject line. Employment history in the firearms industry is not a requirement.

Again, we thank our community for its ongoing support. We will continue to do everything we can to provide readers with the highest quality firearms-related news, reviews and editorials. To tell the truth about guns.

53 thoughts on “Housekeeping: TTAG Hiring Email Editor”

  1. I hope this would clear up sending submissions multiple times. Your site is generally awesome, and I’m enjoying watching it grow. Been peeking in since the start, but a daily reader since 2012, and a daily commenter since 12/2012(Sandy Hook). I wish you luck in finding a qualified applicant.

    • Ralph is busy currently interviewing potential next Mrs. Ralphs’ via his proprietary horizontal interview process… 🙂

    • I already spend ten hours a week sorting through my own email.

      And you’d be surprised at how many women out there who want to meet me for a horizontal rumba — with a subscription, of course. And how many other companies have taken a keen and purely medical interest in the size of my winkie.

      Yeah, I’m a popular guy.

      • “And you’d be surprised at how many women out there who want to meet me for a horizontal rumba — …”

        Not in the least surprised.

        Back in my ‘usenet daze’ in the discussion alt. groups, I was pleasantly surprised at the number of unsolicited propositions I was getting.

        And that was with a standard-issue ‘winkie’…


      • I already spend ten hours a week sorting through my own email.

        To be fair, at Ralph’s age that’s 5, 6 messages tops.

      • I don’t have a Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? or The Simpsons reference to make, but I want to say that if I get the job I’d be willing to sweep the parking lot and clean toilets (preferably more “executive washroom” than “highway rest stop”). You won’t hear “that’s not in my job description” from me. I’d be glad to get my foot in the door, even if that meant part of the job was decidedly unglamorous, lowly, and menial.

  2. Make sure to have the losing, er, winning applicant resurrect ‘The Daily Digest’ while your’e at it…

  3. Gee I’ve never sent you guys an E-mail. I know my e-mail gets mighty backed up. I just deleted 10000+. I keep getting them from Concealed Carry magazine even though 4 years ago I said I don’t want it. I would welcome more NRA crap…I’m way too much of a Luddite to even attempt this.

  4. Brother, there’s not enough money out there to pay me to sort someone else’s email. Mine is enough of a PITA; I can’t imagine what sifting the email for the biggest baddest gun blog in the known universe would be like!

    Best of luck, all the same. I’m sure there’s a trusty someone out there who could use the gig, and anything that increases editorial responsiveness will be a boon to you and the rest of us.

  5. Man do I ever wish I had the bandwidth… responded to email inquiries for a living for a major corporation a couple of careers ago…

  6. I’ll probably sent TTAG in the next few days. My resume won’t be promising, I don’t have relevant employment experience. I do, however, have an excellent command of the English language and am a daily reader of and regular commenter on TTAG and other internet gun media who is looking for a job and is passionate about and deeply interested in guns. I email daily and am computer literate and familiar with more advanced computer security measures I might utilize in the position in order to secure the TTAG mailbox and website. I’m calm and courteous and I think I’d have little difficulty responding to the flood of emails politely and concisely. I also like to think I have the good judgment and sense required to know what to handle myself and what to forward to the higher-ups. I live in New York but am eager to relocate and am very willing to move to Texas or another state (I’d strongly prefer a free one) if this job develops into one that can support me (enough to be financially secure with a fairly frugal lifestyle). Should I apply even though I’m 26 and have never worked in publishing and blogging? No requirements other than being a reliable, decent, technically capable human being of good judgement and sound mind? Like I said, I’m young and have a thin and flimsy resume, although teachers and people I’ve worked with would recommend me.

  7. Sent.

    I do something very similar in a different industry. Plus, I have this unholy obsession with guns and I keep TTAG open in a browser tab all day.

  8. I’d definitely apply if I wasn’t working 60-70 hours per week. The pay isn’t great, but the opportunity to test new firearms would be awesome.

      • I got the SHOT invite from RF a couple of times, but the SHOT hotshots would not issue credentials to me unless I blogged under my full real name.

        Like that’s ever going to happen. Concealed means concealed.

  9. Reminds me of the job I had at the zoo circumsizing elephants.
    The pay wasn’t great but the tips were enormous…

    • Don’t tell me –

      The elephant foreskins made great change purses, but when rubbed they turned into a suitcase?

      { Rimshot }

  10. Such a pity I am in Italy…
    However if you need a translator from and to Italian, and you don’t need it too often I will do it for free..
    Andrea, from the town of the leaning tower

  11. Suggesting my wife. Currently unemployed. Great with social media and computers in general. Background in logistics, contracts, and shooting; she’s a West Virginia gal! I’ll bet she’d be willing to work for less just to get busy again. Our oldest lives in Dallas and she’s always looking for an excuse to go see him.

  12. We appreciate you spending the time to spread the word. I’m about to leave employment because I’m sick and weary of my supervisors’ unreasonable demands. Friends claim that using the Linkedin platform is the quickest way to discover a possible employer. I have researched this extensively and attempted to make an eye-catching profile for recruiters in the blog . Hopefully I’ll find a career that actually makes me happy soon.

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