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Housekeeping: TTAG Loading, Commenting Issues

I apologize for technical problems bedeviling TTAG. We are aware of the crash-and-reload issue (particularly in Safari on iPhones) and the fact that commentators are having to re-enter their data into the site to post a comment. Which can end-up caught in our spam filter. We’re working on these problems with our IT partners. Who are also busy cleaning-up our old software, preparing for our new branding and site design. What are the chances they’ll be more bugs? Just as good as the chances we’ll be chasing them down with extreme prejudice. Meanwhile, thank you for your patience and patronage.

30 thoughts on “Housekeeping: TTAG Loading, Commenting Issues”

    • Word. 2017 MacPro running adblocker plus and no issues. Samsung Galaxy S8 requires me to put in my info each time I comment. The Galaxy platform doesn’t always reply in the proper location, and sometimes comments get caught in the spam filter.

    • You haven’t tried Chrome on Android.

      Luckily the browser remembers the name and email for comments. But the mobile version hasn’t worked since the move. I can only access the FULL desktop version with very annoying auto-playing videos. Not good for those with limited mobile internet capacity, in BOTH speed and volume.

    • Sigh. Between the new “Subscribe Now!” banner at the bottom of the screen, and the TTAG header at the top, I can read about three lines of text at one time on my laptop. (And I need to click the “x” to get rid of that subscription banner every. single. page.)

      I can only guess this will take it down to two or less.

      It’s actually easier to read TTAG on my phone these days. And that’s saying something, given my eyesight…

    • Does “new branding” mean “new ownership” and is it a liberals-with-cash take-over like the [against]”Freedom Group”.

  1. Not trying to be too rude RF, but we’ve heard this over and over for my seven years around here.

    I also get that running an internet operation isn’t easy to monetize.

  2. Doesn’t sound like its going to get better. Probably more annoying as attempts to monetize progress.

  3. Not to pile on, but these issues have been ongoing for what, at least a month now? Sounds like ya’ll might be well served to find some new, more competent “IT partners”. I mean, it’s just a website, you’re not landing people on the moon here.

  4. TTAG burns through my phone battery faster than google maps on the interstate. It physically gets hot to the touch but only on TTAG and no other sites. I miss a lot of articles because I wait until I’m at a PC to get on the site…leave it the way it is, its fine with me but if the purpose is to monetize the site…

  5. “new branding and site design”
    Oh ffs, this is code for you all changing everything again, isn’t it? Hopefully its just streamlining and under-the-hood changes to the sites code and not another complete revamp of the overall look and navigation of the site. Because do you know what pisses people off? Changing things that aren’t broken just so something *looks* “~new~”.

  6. No real problems using a Firefox browser. When I write a comment, it usually goes to some weird holding page first, so I back page and hit post comment again. So far, that works. I would like to see more serious articles. How about fewer silly ‘questions’? But it is easy just to skip them and go visit other websites.

  7. No problem at all with the site. I’m really happy not to have some of the problems you guys seem to be having.

    • First he dies, then apparently no one said a word, and now this. Poor Chumlee. He deserves better.

      • Wait, wait, wait… when did Chumlee die? And, more importantly, who was Chumlee?

  8. Recently, autoplay vids are the greatest aggrevation. At least bury them in the story specific page, with a warning.

    Keep hacking at the other issues.

    • At least those moving Brownell’s ads seem to have gone away; those things were infuriating.

  9. Thanks Robert.
    I know it’s not easy. We are constantly at it with our gun clubs web site.
    Between WordPress, stripe, and a few otheres that don’t like to talk to each other, it’s a pain.

  10. What about the fu**ing autoplay videos in the “posts” from WideOpenSpaces? I don;t care about ANY of the rest. just kill those. Please.

    • +1000, it wouldn’t even bother me if I keep having to re-enter my info to post.

      Just get rid of these videos.

  11. You seem to be saying that putting in my info (name, email, and a check in the “Notify me” box) somehow puts my info in a spam filter?
    Why for some, and not for everyone?
    You didn’t mention that using the “notify me” box doesn’t work at all.

    • With firefox on an HP laptop that is the only issue I suffer from. Unless one counts the data info entry at each comment, but the browser remembers that.
      The notify box hasn’t worked for years now. But I still get an email once in a while when a new comment comes in on the 6.5mm bore story by Josh Wayner. That is the last time it worked, it has failed every time since then. But I kind of like it. When it worked, my inbox just got all clogged up to the point that I wouldn’t use it anyway. If I think an issue is important enough to comment on, then its important enough to check back on later…

  12. While we’re on the subject, I’ll give some feedback. I’m running iOS 10.3.3.
    1. I’m getting the crashing issue, but I never use safari for this site. I get TTAG through my newsfeed app, “Newsify.” About a week or so ago, the app just started crashing if I spent more than a minute or two on a given TTAG article.
    2. The most frustrating bug is where it automatically jumps out of keyboard mode while typing. It does this every 10 or 15 seconds while I’m trying to type a comment. While typing this comment, it has already happened about 20 times. It’s super annoying.
    Thank you for your time.

  13. bviously like your website but you have to test the spelling on quite a few of
    your posts. Severral of them are rife with spelling issues and
    I to find it very trouiblesome to tell the truth oon the
    other hand I will certinly come again again.

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