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Housekeeping: TTAG Returning to Normal Service

Best line in a movie ever: “You ought to be ashamed of yourself, shooting at a blind man.”  And God knows TTAG writers love a good line. [NB: Not in the controlled substances sense of the word.] You’ll be seeing a lot more attempts at humor, hard ridin’, straight shootin’ and suspense! Starting tomorrow, when TTAG returns to its normal hourly schedule. Hey, if Annie Oakley‘s producers can find 84 plot lines for their half-hour show, we can find a way to post fourteen times a day. Thanks for reading. Tex.

22 thoughts on “Housekeeping: TTAG Returning to Normal Service”

  1. I wasn’t consciously aware that the schedule had been lightened. I did notice that I didn’t feel like I was buried under an avalanche of information like I have in the past, but I just assumed that’s because I’d gotten better at coping. Now comes the inevitable depression as I realize I’m not as good as I think I am.

    If going back to fourteen times a day means you have to use fluff to fill up the queue, feel free to stick to a more abbreviated schedule. I’ll take quality over quantity any day.

    • Bad boys bad boys what ya gonna do when they come for you. Yep Gun owners are being irrational thinking the government might someday send cops to raid our house for guns, or anything for that matter.

    • I believe the American Bar Association’s version of that article was mentioned in the last week. Which is just as well, because Salon is generally slightly left of Lenin.

  2. how ’bout some GUN reviews to fill some space..

    I’m more interested in the truth about GUNS. as apposed to the truth about cynical government ramblings of MSM and political puppets hell bent on establishing dictatorship through farting on the constitution.

    • even “overheard at the range” would be entertaining. I know I’ve said some hilarious shit at the range. for instance.. a Baskin Robbins truck was parked out front of the range. I of course went on a sarcastic rant during the ceasefire “NO ONE needs 31 flavors of ice cream! If it saves just one child from getting obese.. we need to limit the flavors to 3! no one needs more than chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry! those evil tasty flavors are only for the military and LEO!”

  3. “Best line in a movie ever: ‘You ought to be ashamed of yourself, shooting at a blind man.'”

    No, it’s not. The best movie line ever was when one of the Space Marines in “Aliens” asked Vasquez, a Woman Marine, “Hey, Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?” And she replies, “No. Have you?”

    • I still like, from police squad, ” say, that’s a nice beaver”.
      “Thanks, I just had it stuffed”.
      I’ll waste 2 hours of any day to watch that movie.

      • The movie was “The Naked Gun,” loosely based on the TV series, “Police Squad,” which was hilarious and critically acclaimed but flopped on TV because there was no laff trak.

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