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As you’ve probably noticed, we’ve tweaked the look of our home page. It’s not an Earth-shattering change. But we think it’s a cleaner, sharper look that complements what we do: bring you the most entertaining, informative and honest writing on all things firearms-related. Now that we’ve tidied things up a bit, emphasizing our literary skillz, we’ll be rolling out a newsletter for registered readers. We hope you like the new design. As always, thanks for helping make TTAG a clean, well-lighted place for intelligent discussion on the truth about guns.

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    • At the moment, if you sign-up as a commentator, you’re in (with an option to opt out). As we move forward, a pop-up (OMG!) will give you the option to sign up for the newsletter, which will include special offers for our readers.

  1. Registered user? Does that mean if we’ve ever enteted our email address in the comment section?

  2. Using Windows 7 or 8 and IE 11, on the left hand side under the pictures I see 4 red dashes. Not sure what they are suppose to be.

  3. Firefox under Ubuntu — The four lefthand buttons twixt article and comments (facebook, twitter, reddit, housekeeping mailto) show up as what appear to be unicode boxes, the ones with four hex chars for unknown code values. Ditto for the righthand side next to the comments count.

    • Odd; they work properly for me, using Firefox in Linux Mint, which is mostly re-branded Ubuntu with a different default window manager.

    • The four lefthand boxes have these hex values inside:

      E6 E6 E6 E6
      04 05 06 07

      The righthand box has

    • Got it! I use NoScript to block as much javascript as possible (note: I don’t do it to block ads; if you had simple ads that didn’t depend on javascript, I wouldn’t mind them showing up) and had to enable to see the right symbols.

  4. Looks good! Now, can you do something about the “15 Most Outrageous Celebrity Camel-toes”-style clickbait ads?

    • install “ghostery”

      you should have it already. It blocks all the trackers and customized ads that websites make money from. Makes your internet experience much more enjoyable, here and elsewhere!

      • Actually, I’ve got an arsenal of ad-blockers on my computer, so no problems there. It’s only when I pull the site up on a mobile device (not that often, fortunately) that I’m reminded how obnoxious some of the ads are.

  5. Not a fan. The problem I have is the fact that your content and images now appear smaller than your advertising. in the sidebar. It’s not a good look. Taboola sucks.

    • This is my only beef… The content imagery (and thus the content) is dwarfed by the advertisements.

      Despite my bitching about the ad content, I don’t run ad blockers because it generates revenue for the sites I frequent. I could live without the cookies and various sundry shit I get from these sites, but being principled is a bitch so I just deal with it and clean them out every week or two.

  6. I’m usually on mobile, but it doesn’t look good, advertising is bigger than the pics in the posts. It’s annoying.

  7. On the subject of registration, it occurs to me (as well as it has to lots of other folks before me) that the information age has already blown our cover. NRA membership; charges at FFLs; subscriptions to blogs and comments there on. Anyone who has neglected to go to extraordinary lengths (no memberships, paid cash for all gun supplies, never read or commented on blogs) is already identifiable as a presumptive keeper of multiple guns with an independent streak. That cat is out-of-the-bag.

    This observation doesn’t imply that we should give an inch on registration of individual guns. That is a far too dangerous incremental step to take with no meaningful payback in terms of forensic value.

    It does imply that one objection to CCPs (as a form of gun-owner registration) is probably diluted. If the Federal government has any plans to round-up gun owners it already has everything it needs already. State are another story.
    Few, if any States, have the resources to accumulate a registry of gun owners via internet surveillance. If a State wants to harass gun owners they need an FOID or CCP database. Moreover, they need to share databases inter-State. I.e., we have the problem illustrated by the Florida resident who was detained by a MD police officer based – presumably – on a trace of his license-plate.
    Likewise, a State database of FOIDs/CCPs facilitates the State’s job of confiscating the guns of individuals who become prohibited persons after having registered as gun owners.
    I am not comfortable with State databases of gun-owners being abused as illustrated above. Nevertheless, we have to anticipate the optics involved here. It’s hard to argue to an audience of voters in a hoplophobic State that their police officers ought to be kept in the dark when they pull-over a motorist who is apt to be armed. Likewise, when the police are notified that a resident has just become a prohibited person.
    I’m inclined to think that we are best-off:
    – pursuing CC in those States that are ready to abandon their CCPs or FOID card systems;
    – deferring our objections CCPs/FOIDs in States that have more serious restrictions.

  8. Looks good, but I can’t tell the difference. I have no eye for details when it comes to webpage formatting.

  9. Can you also fix the comments so that they have a “Reply” link regardless of the nesting level?

    Even better if it could be possible to subscribe specifically to one thread and ignore the rest.

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