Security Guard Fired Arrest Houston Phone Filmed

“Houston police arrested Davon Shavelle Miller, 17, after he had a fight with an officer that was caught on video and posted to Facebook. An officer pulled over Miller, who was driving a car connected to an aggravated robbery and shooting in Harris County, the Houston Police Department said. Miller got out of the car and ran, the Police Department said, and the officer chased and tackled him.” That report is from

A struggle ensued, with the officer and another bystander attempting to subdue Miller. Then the perp tried to grab the cop’s gun. The entire incident was, of course, filmed by multiple bystanders intent on recording the goings on for posterity and potential Facebook fame.

One of those Scorsese wannabes was a uniformed security guard who seemed most concerned with getting a good 360 Steadicam view of the arrest.

Another bystander, dressed like a security guard, who appears to be recording on her phone, walks into the frame in the middle of the video. She walks around the officer and Miller during the scuffle.

“Help me!” the officer yelled after Miller appeared to grab for his gun. “Stop f—ing filming and help me!”

“You know, a so-called security guard, a complete joke. She should be ashamed of herself,” (Houston Police Officers Union president Joe) Gamaldi said, adding that he thought she should be fired immediately.

Gamaldi contacted the security guard’s employer.

Perhaps she still has a bright future in law enforcement with the Broward County Sheriff’s Department.


  1. Kinda torn on this. As a former mall cop, my job was to observe and report. I was told flat out unless I was in mortal danger, never touch anyone or I’ll lose my job/get sued. Plus you get paid next to nothing so not worth it. That said, she should have done something. I don’t know, not my circus, not my monkeys.

    • Thanks, I was going to make the same comment. A security guards job is to observe and report.

      . . . on the other hand . . . (As I am sure that you can guess, years since my security guard job I have become a, more than just armchair, economist. It was President Truman that said, “Give me a one-handed Economist. All my economists say ‘on one hand . . .’, then ‘but on the other hand . . . ”)

      On the other hand, a civilian is required to obey a lawful request for assistance by a police officer. I state this based on knowledge of California law. The law in Texas may be different.

      • It was federal law 30+ years ago. You could go to jail for refusing to assist a law enforcement officer regardless if he was local or fed. Don’t know if that’s been changed or not.

        • Will the Federal government pay for your medical expenses, and lost wages if you are injured helping?

        • Never true re federal law.

          All* state “assistance” laws contain the word “reasonable [to do so]” or their case law does.

          Her decision as an untrained, weaker, inexperienced, person (probably told by her boss to never join a fight but to “observe and report”) is NOT unreasonable. Her “badge” does not make her an amateur Cop.

        • People, read the article before you start talking sh*t, they weren’t talking about the waste of skin they were talking of another security guard that was recording and not helping. Had this officer been injured these worthless scraps of humanity should be charged as an accessory, what the hell would you do if that cop was your father or husband and people that could have prevented a tragedy just stood and watched, thats another part of whats wrong with our society today

      • If it were ‘law’ requiring any civilian to assist a LEO, why was the guard not arrested?

        There is a firm belief that –the fired security guard has a strong court case, providing the written reason for the termination is a ‘lack of action’ with assisting the LEO. However, this may be jurisdiction/state specific depending on legislation governing security guards.

        I would file suit against the employer, and would not settle for a return to ‘that’ position with ‘that’ company. She may very well experience some form of being black-listed should she decide to remain in the industry.

        Seriously, why would a female private security guard, unless she was a former LEO, inject herself (physically), in an incident –involving two men, that began prior to arriving on the property of which this private guard is tasked with?

        Help us ‘all’ understand why would/should that be a ‘faint consideration’ in the female guards’ mind? Hopefully the female guards phone has a log of a call to 911 about this incident. The video capture of the incident is very capable of capturing the 911 call and the altercation simultaneously for future reference.

      • Cops are civilians and have no business giving anyone not under arrest an order. Maybe if the guard had been armed she should have emptied a magazine in the general direction and claimed she was in fear for her life.

        • Fuck this guy and the asshole who git the woman fired. Shes under NO obligation to help him. Way back when 30+years ago, you used to have to be capable of putting the average person in cuffs before you got the job. Maybe she remembers getting her last seatbelt ticket from one of these babysitting nazi jerks and decided to watch his weak ass struggle. I hope she gets a lawyer and sues that pigs balls off.

        • @Ed… You’re right. She was under no obligation to help. Excpt maybe, you know, DOING THE RIGHT THING!

        • seems like you have real issues with anger and victim mentality Ed. Just so you’re aware, no one is persecuting you and you are not oppressed. Also, stop letting people live in your head rent free.

        • Hey Ed, go call a crackhead the next time you need help….better yet stay in your momma’s basement.

      • A fellow human being needs help and you are worried about your job! Put yourself in the place of the officer. Would you want people just to mill around and watch you get hurt or killed? Hiding behind your employer is shameful when another person needs help. If your employer told you to Not offer aid to Anyone, then your employer should be held accountable along with YOU! If you are not allowed to touch Anyone, then what is the point of your being a security guard and why would any business hire you? Anyone can stand around and look!!

    • I agree as well…The Duty and role of a “Unarmed Security officer” is observe and report with NO DUTY TO Respond…A private, unarmed security officer is under no obligation to pursue, apprehend, or engage any hostile person.. Only to defend one’s self against attack…I know, I’ve done Security/Loss Prev. …Not only that, but the same applies to “Fire situations”. An Unarmed security is to observe and report…Retreating to a safe area…The S/O is NOT to engage in any fire fighting activities…If YOU do so the company will NOT be responsible for any injuries sustained by YOUR own actions….

    • Being a security guard doesn’t mean you are no longer a normal citizen. The same way a cop can shake someone hand, buy a meal to someone in needs, or let a kid sit behind the wheel and play with the lights. I would say if you’re not going to do anything then move on and don’t act like an idiot filming. I have seen too many people doing absolutely stupid things just to film. I don’t think the guard should have been fired and I get what you’re saying, but under certain circumstances a LEO can request a bystander to assist. If you do not want to be asked to help, then go use the bathroom or something.

    • Security guards, and the companies that employs them, don’t enjoy qualified immunity. I commend her for taking good video, future evidence, and not jumping on the pile. She did the right thing. Her company did the wrong thing by firing her.

      • @Harambe…I would love to see the look on your face as you try to retain your weapon in a fight as you yell to me for help but see me doing “the right thing” as you call it.

      • Was she on the clock during the incident? If so, I doubt the proscribed response is to walk around filming.

    • Yep, security is purely observe and report, evidence collection. As much as I don’t like cops, if the call for help went out I would answer it. Lawsuits are a bitch though but I recall there are laws governing the aid of LEO, unless its some high profile shit, you should be alright.

      The custom of forming a posse via the Sheriff deputizing citizens is still occasionally used.

      • “Don’t like cops”, well there you go, next time you need help, call a Hippie of a tree hugger.

    • even while working for the feds…and armed… we were told not to get involved unless the incident occurred on our property….probably pertains to liability issues…

    • A Citizen’s job is to help an officer in need if said person is physically capable of doing such assistance. Her firing is the best news I have seen in a long time. Back when I was a Reserve Officer in a small town myself and a regular officer needed help, the officer ordered someone he knew at the scene to help. He refused because the bad guy was a friend of his. Later that evening the Chief of Police found out what happened. He immediately said, “Find him and arrest him”.

  2. It takes a heartless beotch to stand there with a camera while a cop screams for help.

    OTOH, what would the security company have done if it got sued over one of its employees taking part in a violent arrest?

    • “OTOH, what would the security company have done if it got sued over one of its employees taking part in a violent arrest?”


  3. There are too many trigger-happy cops nowadays. I would “make the attempt” to help the cop, but in the back of my mind, I would be wondering “what happens when his (the cops) “brethren in blue” show up?”. There have been too many instances of innocent bystanders, and yes, “helpers” who “do the right thing”, try to help a cop, and STILL lose their lives because the “third responders” who show up shoot first and ask questions later…without taking the time to discern “who the bad guys are”. The cop gets a “paid vacation” and his municipality has to pay a large sum of taxpayers’ money to settle the resultant lawsuit instituted by the victim’s family..the innocent victim who is DEAD.
    THAT is just a fact in today’s police life…
    I would be very wary about “helping” a police officer in this day and age.

    • “There have been too many instances of innocent bystanders, and yes, “helpers” who “do the right thing”, try to help a cop, and STILL lose their lives because the “third responders” who show up shoot first and ask questions later…without taking the time to discern “who the bad guys are”

      Please provide examples. It should not be hard if there are “too many”.

      • Eric. anarchyst has said that the holocaust did not happen and that hitler will be vindicated by history.

        I doubt anyone gives him any credibility.

      • That’s a cop problem, not a bystander problem.
        That said, I don’t want to be shot by the rooky who arrives late to the scene.

  4. this worthless clown needs a door-monkey job and leave the security job for someone with a brain and a backbone.

  5. I can teach a motivated person how to handle a firearm and shoot safely in a day. To learn when NOT to shoot takes a lifetime. Unfortunately, some of the younger square badges are frustrated Mall Ninja. The Peace Officer might have gotten hurt if one of these keyboard commandos had attempted to intervene. Retired & experienced (not one year of experience repeated twenty times) security are the best, they’ve been in a scrap or two, they’re trained observers, they know the rules of engagement and escalation and when all is said and done, they’re unlikely to throw up. 30

  6. 3 questions because I didn’t watch the video…
    1)was the officer white?
    2) was the perp black?
    3) was the security guard black?
    I’m betting yes to all 3 and this was a black lives matter activist. IMO, she’d be more likely to assist…….the criminal.

  7. Back in the day I was a single dad. Which meant 2 jobs. I did a lot of security as my side job. Every thing from the waterfront to upscale gated communities. I interacted with the cops on multiple occasions. On one occasion I had interactions with the FBI. I much prefer local cops to the feds.

    As security once the sworn officers show up you give them the info as quickly and concisely as possible and then you step back and let them take lead. If they want you hands on they will tell you. Once they tell you, follow their instructions. It’s really simple stuff. Doesn’t take a degree to figure it out.

    If you’re in a location long enough you develope a relationship with the local patrol cops. This is a good thing.

  8. Seriously it ain’t her job to help 2 big cop’s wrestling with a 17 year old. They have qualified immunity. SHE doesn’t. Would the po-leece help her if she was out of uniform?!? The cop’s seem like weenies too. They have guns,tasers,pepper and clubs(and backup gats I assume). And body armor. Personally I have seen cop’s kick the s##t out of young folks…

  9. Not my job.
    I once met an attorney who specialized in suing security guards he was a complete square but seemed like he was damn good at his job. It made such an impression on me even to this day his personality type gives me the creeps.

    • Maybe sad but if you end up injured to the point where you can’t work you might get a different perspective on it.

  10. When I worked for Public Safety if a police officer, State Trooper or a firefighter/medic in our state asked you for help and you were injured you were covered by State Workers Comp. You were also covered by the State Good Samatarian Act if you made a mistake or accidentally caused harm. It’s also law that you have to help a peace officer if they feel endangered and ask for assistance.

      • State statutes- although if no statute exists you may be able to find national caselaw with regards to vicarious liability if a state officer requests your aid.

  11. 13th Amendment
    Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction

    A cop has no privilege to compel my assistance.

    • A cop has no legal duty to protect you as an individual… yet some people think you have one to protect them.

      • The police does not have a legal and constitutional duty to protect you from harm, however standard operation procedures and general orders specific to an agency generally clearly specify as a LEO it is part of your duties. Besides, it’s just common sense.

  12. Y’know what that “security guard” should have done?

    She should have called 911 and let the cops handle it. I’m sure that backup would have arrived within 45 minutes or so.

    • I am not sure where you live, maybe either Alaska where State Troopers are 20 miles away from each other, Detroit or South Chicago where they get hammered with calls non stop and there is a big lack of manpower. Where I work (small PD) backup is minutes away. The Sheriffs Office who has jurisdiction around the town also responds in a timely manner to calls for services and backup. Be it on a slow or busy day, sunny, rainy, day or night, I have never seen or heard of a 45 minutes backup. I can also imagine the officer had already requested backup on his radio or backup was self dispatched to his location.

      • Of course you’re correct. It takes second for the cops to back up each other. When it comes to assisting mere mortals who don’t have badges, it can take hours, if they show up at all.

  13. When is somebody from the Broward County Sheriff’s Department going to get fired for allowing a bunch of kids to be murdered while they cowered outside?

    • The Deputy who acted like a chicken at the school resigned a while ago. The Sheriff is facing a no confidence vote from his Deputies. Who do you want to fire? You just like talking crap about cops just for the heck of it don’t you?

      • Resigned, or RETIRED, at the expense of the survivors?

        What about the other deputies who hid behind their cars?

        And that “no confidence vote” is going to bring how many kids back to life?

        • Both, and yes, because that’s how pension works. You get it based on how many years you worked. The state offers pension plans so it doesn’t have to pay as much in wages.

          Contracts are still contracts.

    • and the FBI…that totally dropped the ball…
      and the school…they knew he needed help

  14. So when you aren’t wanted the police say this is police business. Butt out. But when they need help we’re supposed to help them? Fuck off. And I’m sick and tired of being referred to as a civilian by a civilian.

    • We see so many people creating a hazard just for the heck of filming something tragic, bloody, violent, unusual…I have seen people standing on a dangerous spot to film a traffic crash with injuries, with their vehicles parked in a dangerous manner with the potential for an additional crash. Years ago an occupied vehicle went in the water, with maybe 30 people near the scene, most of them filming like idiots with their phones and only a couple of guys helping the marine unit (the victim eventually went underwater with the car when a guy broke a window, and died). A guy acted like a paparazzi to take shots of a young deceased person, “it’s my right I am on public property…” yep you also have the right to use common sense, decency etc. As cops we frequently have to deal with things like that, it’s one of the most frustrating thing. The security guard shoul not have been fired, it’s zealous from her employer. As far as the civilian thing goes, I do not consider myself superior, I am aware I am not military either. Most cops I know treat decent people very decently, most are not zealous. I give a lot of breaks and warnings on traffic violations, however if you start running your mouth you’ll probably get a citation not because it benefits me but because I decided you did not deserve a break. I have a warning and had a good police-public exchange with a driver yesterday (ran stop sign), and I had an unpleasant exchange later on with another driver who received a citation for a red light violation but had a poor attitude from the get go. My zone partner gave a couple of bucks to a guy for a bus pass last week. Another went above and beyond as far as making phone calls and providing a meal to a person in need. Most of us are doing just fine not going “hands on” but instead having pleasant interaction with the public. Of course there are idiots, people who probably lack life experience, common sense, some heart maybe, intelligence possibly.

    • A pox on both their houses (the criminals and the police union).

      My attitude twoards cops may start to turn around when they…..
      1) End no-knock warrants that are just an excuse to use their night vision toys
      2) End forfeiture racket w/o convictions

    • @ Eric Maudsley says: August 25, 2018 at 16:45,

      I don’t think it is the ‘Hate of cops’, but rather the specific human being(s) behavior, –who is wearing a LEO uniform and/or otherwise representing the LE community.

    • if I was on the way to work…I probably would try to assist…once you’re on the clock different rules apply,,,

  15. “Security Guard” is about as precise of a term as “Assault Weapon” as it is used (or overused) today. I was a security guard for a couple years, and I was armed with a phone and a flashlight. I wouldn’t expect this woman to join in on the fight anymore than any other person passing by.

    It’s just the cop’s bad luck he didn’t get the “Oh well… mines is real!” security guard from the 7-Eleven in Gardena.

  16. Regarding liability as a security officer…if as “average Joe” (not a cop, security etc) you intervene to help someone who’s being attacked, robbed etc, under what kind of contract are you covered? Short answer you aren’t, you are risking a lawsuit if you hurt the poor bad guy. So we have several folks on this board saying the guard did the right thing. She is doing the right thing by standing there filming, you see she is “collecting evidence” bwahaha please! Evidence for what? For a fictional security report about someone resisting a police officer? To put the video on YouTube? For the custodian, explaining why there are boot marks on the ground? Give me a break with the excuses. You don’t want to be asked to help, I respect that, then move on and don’t stand there filming like the average millennial zombie. I was a security officer before I became a cop. I have called the cops several times, I have seen them responding under other circumstances (proactive, someone else called…). Not once did I feel the need to stand there like a dummy filming. I either minded my own business unless their dispatch called me asking to meet the Deputy, or I provided info and assistance needed when I had called them. Yes if I had put my hands on someone instead of letting the cops handle it, I would have been fired. If I did so because a cop asked me to help or it was obvious help was needed, I am confident my manager would have been okay as long as my actions were appropriate for the situation. The thing many of you seem to ignore is getting a job in security is extremely easy. It doesn’t pay well, poor benefits, very low requirements for most jobs regarding unarmed security, you’re not a mess fired because your actions caused the death of a patient! She could have been losing her job if she helped? Well she lost it for not helping, I disagree with that it’s zealous, but again either be ready to be a doer or go take a hike and hide somewhere whether you’re a bystander not related to the person involved or a security guard.

  17. Help me understand. The Police are under NO responsibility to “protect” anyone, as we are advised by the US Supreme Court. Yet this highly-trained, freedom-fighting, high-speed, low-drag security guard had a RESPONSIBILITY to assist that cop?

    *Now let’s do a counter-story. That same security guard starts shooting and hits three innocent bystanders and a cop, WHAT happens to her?

    • Concur 100%, beyond calling 911 to get more professional help for the cop, there is nothing else a citizen can be asked to do. Filming of police action is not illegal either, keeping evidence for the future.

  18. Good read, interesting to read the comments, lots of clicks I’m sure. Less to do with gun truth than the article on colored hair and tattoos.

  19. So she has no obligation to help the cop. Fine. Then put the cell phone down and get back to work.

  20. This discussion really over-complicates a simple matter: whose side are you on, the good guys r the bad guys?

  21. Ah, more sh!tty “tactical” advice on TTAG. Well, jeepers, a cop is struggling with a felony suspect who is grabbing his gun. Should you help? Gosh, what a predicament! All of the armchair wimps here would be happy to chime in if the perp actually got the cop’s gun and shot someone or multiple people. Thankfully, that didn’t happen.

    When I was a security guard, which I was for Dunbar Armored, I would have helped. As a tactical training supervisor, I still would have helped. If the perp had successfully disarmed the cop, I would likely have shot the perp. I’ve got spare handcuffs, multiple combat first aid kits, and tactical gear should I need it.

    Yes, we live in a world of liability, opportunistic lawyers, and dim-witted juries. It’s nice to know that half of the posters here are paralyzed by such things. I guess I have a lead, follow, or get out of the way philosophy. Here’s a novel idea – just do the right thing.

    Then there’s Ralph calling cops like Crips and Bloods. Glad to know lawyers are so virtuous.

    I’ll show this as a training video, because it certainly has value as such. More value, I would say, than most of the posters here when the sh!t hits the fan. Glad to know most of you won’t help.

    To those who would help, you certainly have my thanks. I’ve been involved in many uses of force out on the mean streets in LA, and some of them have involved civilians helping out before backup could arrive. What did we do? We gave them a hearty thanks, got them coffee, got them lunch, etc. That’s exactly what an old school cop like me enjoys doing. Those who wanted anonymity in our reports got it (can’t do that in shooting cases, though). Even in anti-freedom LA, we’ve done a pretty good job helping those who’ve helped us.

    We even had a luncheon and gave an award to a citizen who took a risk for us helping out. It was a small news story as well. Good stuff. No matter the negativity here, I’m about solutions.

    • That’s BS. Every time I turn around, security guards are getting fired for even touching people.

      Remember, most security guards are unarmed, observe and report only, and will face severe punishment if they do anything more than take pictures and take notes. I certainly wouldn’t risk it, and I know I’d be suing my employer for firing me for not getting involved in an armed altercation.

      Security guards have no qualified immunity or state backing. Nobody’s gonna pay her medical bills or let her cruise on paid leave.

      If you’re an armed guard and you know your company will back you and cover all your expenses and not fire you? Sure, play pretend cop and help out. For the rest of us, playing cop is worse than being a useless bystander.

  22. Being a security guard doesn’t imply any particular increased obligation (moral or legal) to help over another citizen in terms of fighting a violent criminal. That ‘guard’ looks like this is the most she’s moved on-duty all shift.

    At the same time I can sympathize with being in a fight with someone you know is a ‘bad guy’ and seeing a gaggle of people just all try to get the next viral youtube video. What do you think the odds were that the security guard in question was hoping to catch the cop saying something un-PC so she could get a bunch of hits and maybe get on Good Morning America? I guess she got 2 minutes of fame so she wins.

    I’ve been helped by security guards (usually when I’m helping them), but more often I’ve seen them absolutely nothing (they may be so untrained and unfit that it’s for the best). I also know of times when cops were helped by criminals in a fight- both in prisons and on the street. At least one guy stepped in to help here.

  23. Let’s reverse the situation.

    Imagine someone films a security guard, in uniform, not at their place of employment, “arresting” some asshole.

    That gets on the Internet.

    Immediately that guard is fired, because the company doesn’t condone their security guards playing cops out on the street, and will release a public memo saying so.

    This is a lose-lose situation for a guard.

  24. Why should she be fired? That’s complete BS. I wouldn’t help either. I’m not LEO or anything. They want the big bucks, good health care, good retirement, and LEO courtesy of never getting a ticket? They can do it. If I was LEO, I wouldn’t expect them to help.

    You think the security guard would be extended the police courtesy of she was pulled over?

    “Sorry I was doing 95 in a 65, but here’s my credentials, a licensed security guard”.

  25. I think some of you need to look up the words you so freely throw around nazi? Racist ? Because he’s a white cop he didn’t need or deserve help ? I’ve noticed there are a lot of people out here screaming racism and have never actually experienced it their parents told them it would help their cause to cry wolf . At the end of the day they lady was most likely recording to try to cash in on some sort of police brutality scheme, probably knew the perp, and had this gone bad and she got shot taking the video it would be the cops fault . This brain dead no skills possessing top flight security guard got what she deserved

  26. I worked armed security for 3 years and I’m so glad we weren’t the observe and report types. We made arrests and regularly got in scraps. I would have jumped right in there. Still would today. No law or policy would stop me from helping a cop in distress Anything else is despicable.

  27. When LEO says ‘Help Me!’ that means you are now a good Samaritan and not a security guard. I will do Whatever it takes to help the officer.

    • Not in California, only if offering medical treatment after the criminal shoots the cop are you covered by Good Samaritan Law.

      A ruling on March 21, 2007, by the California Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, Division 3, essentially restricted California’s version of the Good Samaritan Law – the one you are following when you stop at a car crash – to only acts that can be defined as emergency medical care.

    • If offering medical care, you are safe from lawsuit. But non-medical care, you can be sued.

      Case in point:

      1799.102. No person who in good faith, and not for compensation, renders emergency care at the scene of an emergency shall be liable for any civil damages resulting from any act or omission. The scene of an emergency shall not include emergency departments and other places where medical care is usually offered.

  28. From some of the utterances made in the video, I think that many commenters here are coming at this from the wrong angle.

    I think the female security guard was in a “BLM frame of mind” (Black Lives Matter, not Bureau of Land Management). That’s the reason for her a) filming, and b) not getting involved in restraining the suspect. There appears, early in the footage, to be another black female, in what appear to be scrubs, not assisting the officer. Why isn’t she being called out as well?

    In other words, this was (at least partly) a “race thing,” not a “job thing” or “competence thing.”

    Let’s put ourselves into her shoes in this day and age where everything is infected by social media, and add the SJW racial angle to it. She probably saw the two other people filming the incident with their phones. She probably assumed (correctly, as it turns out) that the other footage being taken of this incident could end up on social media, Youtube, Liveleak or WorldStarHipHop, as well as the foulest sewer of the Internet, Twitter. As such, she’d be opening herself to the hate and vitriol of the Twattermobs of SJW’s if she helped the HPD officer(s) – she’d have been branded as a race traitor, Uncle Tom, etc.

    OK, so what about her just walking away? Now the militant BLM/Panther types could be all over her for walking away while a “brother” is on the ground, being arrested by a white officer.

    Lots of people who live in the social media world have developed highly warped epistemologies as a result of social media – the first evidence of which is the inclination to take out their goddamn phones and film during things like this, rather than DO something in instances like this.

    This woman, another bystander who was reported to be filming, and whichever clown was holding the phone that filmed the footage you see in the news video above, ALL thought it more important to film the officer struggling with the suspect rather than help him. Yet we’re only asking questions of the security guard….

    She’s just one of several. We should be asking the same question of all of those filming this rather than doing something.

    TTAG is looking at this from legal, tactical, etc angles. I think most of this misses the two larger issues here; the race issue and the “something potentially dangerous is happening – I gotta film this so I can get my subscriber count up!” idiocy that has become a hallmark of modern America.

  29. These are not security guards, they are security monitors, like the ad on TV. They are only there to observe and report. The so called security guards in the complex I work in have specific orders not to get involved with anything. They are only there for appearance. Phony security like this is worse than no security at all.

  30. You guys gotta be kidding me, everyone wants to be hardcore until its time to do hardcore stuff… you guys are the POGs of the 2A community if you would not help. I would rather face the wrath of whatever consequences come from me helping then living with what could happen if I don’t help at all. Pathetic!

  31. the infestation of lawyers,political communists,black-lives-matters,do=nothing cowards are the first to howl when the tables are turned and they are the victims.. the lack of common humanity in this country is getting bad. the moronic knee-jerk idiots in the media will do anything to turn a story like this into a race-baiting ,anti white haring of epic purpotions just to make the news look good to the anti-americans,muslims,and snow-flakes that our school babysitters are turning out.

  32. the real tragedy here is that people still haven’t learned to film in landscape rather than portrait.

  33. It is interesting that so many people want the security guard to help the police, many to the level of it is her duty, when there is no reciprocal duty requiring the police to help that security guard if she needed it…

  34. Wait, the police union guy, part of a cadre that always, without fail, says “the video doesn’t show everything”, even if the video shows a murder- is now calling employers & getting people fired over “incomplete” video evidence?

    Fark him, and fark all police unions.

  35. Where are the Good Samaritans? Someone should have helped the cop. I live way out in the country & the officers at the sheriff’s department where I live appreciate the fact that I will help them. If I see them with someone stopped out here, I always stop & ask them if everything is ok. They all know who I am & when they say or motion me then I go on & let them do their job. They are glad that there is someone way out here that they can rely on if the need arises. People want to bitch about cops but just think where this country would be without them. Total chaos, not just partly chaotic. Without law & law officers I would like to hear how people whine then. And these same officers always check on the people up & down the roads in our county, they don’t just set around waiting on calls for help. They are serving the people of our county so that’s why we have their backs when in need.

  36. The number of people who refuse to come to the aid of there fellow man is an indication of the very low morality we have in the society. Good Samaritan laws were suppose to protect a person from the dead criminals family suing them. I don’t get it.

    A Black CCW comes to aid of white Floridian officer, being attacked by a black thug.

    Woman shoots criminal attacking officer.

  37. I see a lot of Millennials and worthless POS on this comment section. If a LEO calls out to you for assistance and you stand there and say its not your concern you are a worthless person and need to lose your CITZENSHIP. What I saw was a BLACK woman who was more interested in filming to make a statement for BLM. She needs to never be a guard of anything but we know how Affirmative Action works.

  38. It’s shameful that the public is far more interested in accusing a police officer of brutality than they are trying to help him while he’s fighting for his life.

  39. The fucker should have been arrested for not helping the cop. She should be barred from ever having any type of security job for life.

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