anti glock revolver
Smith & Wesson Model 66 "no-dash" (Courtesy Thomas Lemonds)

Reaser Thomas Lemonds writes . . .

My very first handgun was a GLOCK 17 and it was that firearm that ignited my love for shooting. I bought it at the start of the post-Sandy Hook ammunition famine. While my local range usually had ammo, it was expensive and in short supply. Still, I found that I really liked shooting and as my interest deepened, I tried to educate myself through various magazines and web sites (thanks TTAG!).

Eventually, I began to wonder about other handguns, specifically the 1911. There is so much written about that gun along with the passion expressed by their owners.

I saved my pennies until I finally bought my first — and not my last — 1911, a Ruger SR1911.

I remember the first time I shot that gun and was surprised at the difference in how it felt compared to my GLOCK. There was a feeling of substantial power that to this day has been a driving force in my later handgun purchases.

I have always been something of a gearhead, loving my cars and motorcycles because of the mechanical symphonies they represent. Knowing that everything is working together as a result of the human mind’s inventiveness is a source of continuing wonder to me. I just love the sounds and feel of a machine working the way it should.

That first 1911 gave me that feeling as well. When I first completely disassembled it, I marveled at the elegant simplicity of that all-metal machine. While not nearly simple as the GLOCK, it was a well-made machine that worked in harmony with itself.

Before long, I sold the GLOCK and started my collection of all-metal handguns. I also realized that I had conracted a bad case of EGS…Expensive Gun Syndrome.

Lately, revolvers have become the focus of my metal gun obsession. And a result of obtaining several fine 1911’s I’ve become something of a trigger snob. I have a GP100 that I thought had a good trigger until I got a Smith & Wesson 629 Classic. I put a Wilson Combat spring kit in it and then found out what a light trigger is all about. I was hooked.

Smith & Wesson Model 629 Classic (courtesy Saddle Rock Armory)

In the quest for that great trigger, and just because I think they’re cool, I picked up an early 70’s S&W Model 66 no-dash from Gunbroker (photo at top of page). I was able to get this at a very good price. It was less, in fact, than a new GLOCK 19.

When it arrived at my FFL, the old timers all gushed over it and the youngsters looked kind of confused. After checking it out carefully I decided that I got a really good deal. This gun looked as if it had rarely been fired. When I pulled the trigger for the first time, I was expecting a to feel a gun that hadn’t been broken in, despite its age. While I’m fairly certain it doesn’t have a high round count, you would never know it by the trigger.

In double action, it was a smooth 10lb. pull as measured by my trigger gauge. In single action…the clouds parted, the heavens opened, and the angels sang as I experienced what must be what all the fuss is about.


All the adjectives that have been used to describe the old Smith triggers suddenly and truly made sense. This thing needs a just a bit more than a thought to ignite a primer. My gauge show a 2.5lb. pull with no overtravel at all, but it feels lighter to me.

Crisp? Check. Like glass breaking? Oh yeah. Has it made me a better shot? No, but that’s certainly not the gun’s fault.

As I said, I dig a well-made machine and the Model 66 certainly fits the bill. Holding it in my hand, I get the solid certainty that a craftsman made this machine. It’s tight. There’s no sound at all when you shake it. The cylinder fits ever-so-close to the barrel with no play. The seam between the crane and the frame is so close that it’s almost invisible. It all speaks of a level of quality that is hard to find (and harder to afford) these days.

As most of you probably know, the Model 66, as well its brother, the Model 19, were standard issue law enforcement hardware back in the day before the current crop of plastic fantastics became popular. The GLOCK 19 is in wide use now and for good reason. It’s a good, reliable gun with a high capacity.

I recognize and accept that a G19 or similar pistol probably makes much more sense in today’s world than the old revolvers. Heck, even I have a GLOCK 19 now. Still, there’s nothing else that feels as good as a well-made revolver such as my old Model 66. That’s why I call it the anti-GLOCK.


  1. Yeppers. FUDD gunms are better.
    I was in the pawnm shop a couple weeks ago and passed on an old colt .38 because there ain’t no .38special emu around here.
    If it’s still there next month I’ll buy it, $450 is a little expensive for a paperweight but you only live once.

    • You can never have enough emus. I’ve taken to reloading my own emus. I bought a .45Colt last year and like hell I’m going to spend $3/emu.

      • Emu is really good eating. Or so I’m told. No, it doesn’t taste just like chicken. The good thing about emu is that once you’re done shooting it, you can roast it and eat it!

    • Yeppers. FUDD guns are better.
      I was in the pawn shop a couple weeks ago and passed on an old colt .38 because there ain’t no .38special ammo around here.
      If it’s still there next month I’ll buy it, $450 is a little expensive for a paperweight but you only live once.

    • Apparently God has enough sweet stuff in Heaven. Won’t let you bring any with you. Enjoy those earthly thingys while here. Just a really, really old geezer’s philosophy.

    • I purchased a 1962 all steel Colt Woodsman Match Target with a 6″ barrel. It just feels right in my hand and others who have held/shot it just smile. Yeah all metal (steel ) guns feel different and to my mind feel right. I also have a Sig Trailside target pistol with is mostly aluminum. Feels good but not the same as the Colt.

  2. The real ‘standard issue’ cop gun before the wondernines was the Model 10 S&W. I have a surplus 10 that was a cops gun. Made in the 60’s and still butter smooth.

    I got a Glock, also. But I really like my revolvers. S&W and Ruger.

        • Lol the irony of Geoff calling anyone else a ‘pointless commenter’ is thick.

        • nameless, brainless, d***less troll,

          The irony of YOU commenting on ANY other commenter is thick . . . unfortunately, you are not. Being d***less would be a curse in a normal man, but your are neither normal, nor a man, so I guess it must work for you.

          Go back to the circle jerk, or go pound salt in your @$$, or just go expire in an excavation, but just . . . GO. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. Stand not upon the order of thy going, but GO.

  3. Well I’m a “what ever works” old guy. If I get a great revolver cool. I expect a civil war/real insurrection and or a worse Dim crackdown. No extra dough for toys…

    • Breaking: MASS SHOOTING at South Carolina shopping mall. “Maybe” gang related. Have a nice Easter. HE is RISEN.

      • “Breaking: MASS SHOOTING at South Carolina shopping mall. “Maybe” gang related.”

        With 3 detained?

        Yeah, that’s a solid clue a gang may be involved… 🙁

      • “Jewayne” shot 14 people in a claimed selfdefense? That would be a tad unusual. But he is already out.

  4. Should have titled the 0p-ed “Beyond the Glock” since the author appears to have expanded his horizons over time. I get the EGS – I caught it early on, though at least now I save a little money by customizing it myself instead of buying custom or having my gunsmith do the upgrade. Also gives you a bit of pride you did a bit of the machinery yourself.

  5. Not so sure if 629s run the same as 686s, but neither of my no-dash, non M models have a red-insert front sight. Also have a dash 3 silhouette with a 2.125 # trigger from the factory, but the rattly sliding trigger overtravel rod under the side plate drives me crazy.All in all, they definitely don’t make em like they used to.

  6. I ordered the new taurus 327 today! I’ve been doing my research on the 327 caliber for 5 years now. And the Taurus revolver is $200 less than a ruger of the same caliber. And taurus has a brand new factory in Georgia making them!

    With the caliber adapters for my taurus judge, I’ve shot many 22LR, 32 S&W, 32 H&R magnum, 380, 38 specials, and 9mm from this gun. The judge makes a great survival gun. And during the last ammo shortage it was the only gun I had, that I could find ammo for it.

    If you don’t have a lot of money and or time for training. I suggest people get a revolver. There are fewer things that can go wrong with a revolver compared to an auto loader.

    • Don’t get me wrong, I’m not pissing on Taurus, but you get what you pay for. You’ll never regret paying a little extra for a Ruger. The one Taurus I did own was well worth the money I paid for it though.

      Everyone who says revolvers are great for people who don’t want to spend the time and money to train are ignoring the fact that every ardent revolver guy is pretty well practiced. I don’t disagree that there are benefits to a novice owning a revolver, but their potential for growth with training are unlimited. Just look at the cowboy action guys that can throw an aspirin in the air and nail it with their SAAs.

      • Ruger doesn’t appear to be interested in firing up their revolver production lines, and judging by the examples of their latest samples, that might be a good thing…maybe they’ll use the lapse to get their shit back together. Obviously, there is way more money to be made in producing generic plastic framed carry pistols than in making “fudd guns”

        • One thing I really respect about S,R&Co is that as big as they are they still keep the collectables coming, like the No. 1 or like a rifle I bought a couple years ago, an M77 Hawkeye RSI (full length stock) in .260 Rem. It was one of 250. A few years ago I picked up an anniversary .44 magnum Blackhawk (not super) – 50 years of .44 magnum Rugers, 1956-2006 – inlaid in gold. Of course with the high demand lately they’ve cut back on these sort of firearms…

      • The Taurus is a little heavier than the ruger. So I’m thinking it will be better when shooting full power 327 rounds.

        • Embrace the recoil and you will become more powerful than you could ever know…

          Most .327 loads are fairly close to ‘full power’. Most .357 loads are very much reduced power. Of course with ‘magnum’ loads you need to match the powder to the barrel length. I made some .357 loads using Win 296, which is purported to be one of the best ‘magnum’ powders (i.e. slow burning). Shot it out of my 3″ GP100 and it’s nothing short of dragon’s breath.

      • True… nonscientific observation, but everybody I know who prefers a revolver outshoots everybody I know who only uses semi autos.

    • The little Beretta 21A is a nice little .22lr, but I hope you consider carrying the .327 mag instead of it…

      • It has been my search for a Beretta 21a replacement. If the 327 works out? I just might switch out my 21a for the taurus.

  7. I have a couple old S&W revolvers. Just good solid well-made no-frills firearms. Same with the older Colts and Ruger’s I have. As well as the old all iron autoloading Colts, Brownings, Walthers, and Lugers I have collected over the years.
    And, yes, I do own, and my wife likes them more than I do, Glocks.
    Of course, me being me, I have a personal preference for the older single action revolvers.

    • With all due respects to the venerable 1911, the Colt single action army (and clones, variants, etc.) is hands down the prettiest and easily the most iconic handgun ever made.

        • Interestingly… the most iconic rifle on earth has to be the AK47 for very different reasons than the Colt SAA. The SAA has John Wayne and Clint Eastwood, etc. to thank for it’s iconic status, the AK has the likes of Osama Bin Laden, Che Guevara to thank.

  8. Ain’t it funny how things turn out. My first handgun was a S&W 19, 4″. New in the box. I was 18. Now I sit on my couch watching Dead Meat on the Sportsman Channel as I clean and lube a 19X. Still got a few of those revolvers. They have personality. So do 1911s and Hi-Powers. Earlier Sigs. (Looking for a P-210), HK P-7M8s, etc. These plastic pistols work. That’s the highest complement I pay any firearm. But, damn. Who could ever feel any affection for one? I keep them around in case I drop one in the Gulf of Mexico. I won’t like it, but I didn’t really loose anything. One thing I like is the 19X has a lanyard attachment. I’m thinking of buying two more just to stash around and put more expensive things away. Yeah, I know, it’s 9mm. You can’t have everything.

    • Gadsden Flag,

      These plastic pistols work. … But, damn. Who could ever feel any affection for one?

      I have expressed a similar sentiment describing modern polymer semi-auto pistols as soulless and lacking panache.

  9. Similar experience here, except my first handgun was a stainless Ruger Blackhawk in .357 with a 6-1/2″ barrel.

    Like most factory firearms the GP100 benefits greatly from lighter hammer and trigger return springs. I have 2 that I’ve put spring kits in (Wolffe or Wilson Combat, either way), a 3″ Wiley Clapp I bought in 2014 and a 4.2″ I bought a couple of months ago. Both now carry a 10# hammer spring (as opposed to the 14# stock spring) and an 8# trigger return spring (as opposed to the 12# stock spring). Both shoot with 100% reliability. The 3″ clocks in around 9# in DA and 2-1/2# in SA, the 4.2″ oddly enough pulls at 8-1/2# in DA and 3# in SA. I would have expected the older revolver to be lower on both counts. Both DAs are smooth and linear. I think the use improves the SA and has little effect on DA. The 4.2″ started out about 2# higher on both with stock springs. Best $10 you could possibly spend on a GP. Can’t opine on the S&W as I’ve never owned one.

    • I might add that I’ve got an Uberti 1873 birdshead (very rare 5-1/2″) that came out of the box with a trigger pull of 2# flat. In this over-litigious day and age that’s a remarkably hair trigger.

    • You are so “on-the-mark”, I installed a set of Wolf hammer and trigger springs which resulted in an immense improvement in my ex-French Railway Police Ruger SP101 .38 special w/3″ barrel, my wife who suffers from MS loves it.

  10. Although I have never been a revolver man I do regret getting rid of a new Smith 57 41 mag I bought in the 70’s, pinned and recessed and in the wood blue velvet lined box. It had the 8 3/8 inch barrel and shot like a rifle at 100 yards. Like a fool I sold it off to pay for a 6 inch nickel-plated Smith 44 mag just a few weeks after buying the .41. The .41 was the better caliber.

    I have owned 4 Colt Pythons, truly the Rolls Royce of all .357 revolvers and if you think the .357 is inferior to the .44 mag you never went hunting with one. I give an A Plus to the styling of the Colt Python and its mirror blue finish and 3lb trigger pulls, not found on todays modern made garbage and that includes Colt’s new fake Python (6lb pull), a real piece of overpriced modern day cast iron shit.

    I always liked the Smith 19 but It does not hold up to a steady diet of full house .357 mag loads so I only shoot .38 specials out of mine. I was lucky enough to get one off of my buddy that had only 25 rounds fired through it. It is pinned and recessed and a very accurate revolver and the finish is nice as well.

    I morn the day that during a temporary period of insanity I sold a Smith 49 Body Guard nickel plated in .38 special. With its shrouded back you could fire it from inside a coat pocket. It had the wood grips on it. I really miss that gun. I am told only 1 out of every 20 Body Guards were made in the nickel finish making it all the more rare besides the fact it was one of the good ones made in the early 70’s, no junk cast iron parts

    The good old days are now gone forever, most guns being made today are garbage and the few old ones still in good condition often go for a kings ransom. Today I was shocked at what prices even the old military surplus rifles are selling for. I saw several 1891 Argentine Mausers go for $800 recently.

    • ‘I always liked the Smith 19 but It does not hold up to a steady diet of full house .357 mag loads so I only shoot .38 specials out of mine.’

      This is why everybody at S&W (and Colt) collectively sh!t their pants when Bill Ruger came out with the Security-Six.

    • dacian the stupid,

      Tell us you’ve never shot a firearm in your life, without SAYING you’ve never shot a firearm in your life. What you posted ” . . . is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”

      Nice story, though. If it were even partly true, you’d be almost a real person. You lie about your age, about your “educational” “attainments”, your history. The only thing you seem consistent about is you ridiculous Leftist/fascist ideology. Have fun with that, dacian the stupid. In the meantime, go back to your circle jerk.

      • Lamp, as you aptly point out, dacian the Dunderhead is only capable to shooting off his mouth. The only “gun” dacian, the Dunderhead has ever fired is the one between his legs ( well maybe not even that.)

        He still can’t tell us the firing sequence of a cartridge and he doesn’t know the difference between precision fire and aimed fire. Yet he claims to be an firearms “expert” (only in his dreams).

  11. That reminds me. I was already supposed to have heard back on a 686 no dash 4″ and an ukn # of Lake City 7.62 NATO ball. The seller was was going out of town and was supposed to call me when she returned. I’ll follow up Monday.
    Guys I appreciate what I take away from here. I never home carried until I began to visit this site. I just stashed guns. Now, I do both. I don’t agree with everyone and no one agrees with me, but I appreciate the conversation. If you celebrate Easter or Hanukkah. Enjoy your faith and family.

    • Hey Gads, if you end up with the 686, can you post what you got it for.. kinda interested in the value of mine but don’t really believe or trust the online listing pricing.

      • Be glad to. I confident I’ll get it, but the priority is the ammo. It could be 200 or 2000 rds. Hoping for 2000.

      • Your right. I just know Bill’s wife’s family is celebrating something and it’s not Easter.

  12. Reading this makes me feel old.

    Bearcat at 10, S&W model 35 at 12. Model 28at 13 in 1975 when Smith and Wessons commanded 50% markup. I got the the 28 at MSRP at Ace Hardware in Lucedale, MS.

    In general autos were not as reliable, not as powerful, and not used by many good guys in movies.

    The first plastic I shot was an HK VP70. It may have been a cool SMG with the stock but had a 20lb trigger pull. No thanks.

    Now we have Glocks. Wartime fit with modern manufacturing. Everything you need to launch bubblegum and nothing extra. If I lose it, I can get another tomorrow. Just like it.

    Good to have options.

  13. Great article. Revolvers rule. A 1911? I can take it or leave it. Yes, we all need a plastic fantastic, but there is more to firearms than practicality. Revolvers are not only functional, they’re beautiful works of art and engineering.

    More articles like this please, and less politics.

  14. I have a model 66 S&W 6 inch with a great trigger, ditto my 686 4 inch, but my beater pre model 10? Wow. It was used as a “red handle” blank gun for training with my local PD. It had sleeves in the cylinders so it could only chamber blanks. When they unloaded a few at an area gun shop, they took the most functional, drove out the sleeves, and sold these sad, finish worn beasts cheap. All that firing means this feels like a high dollar job!

  15. I love all steel handguns.Some are fine precision tools and a thing of beauty to marvel at.

  16. 3” N frame Lew Horton daily eight months out of the year. And a J frame when it finally warms up. Simple as that.

  17. Everything expressed in this article reflects my view of the AR platform. Yes it is an engineering masterpiece and a great multi-purpose rifle. Yes it has become the iconic flag bearer of 2A rights. But it also gets boring.

    I have found a meditation-like zen from the slow firing of my little lever action .357. Same for my SA Rough Rider revolvers. Instead of emptying 30 rounds in a few seconds, I can enjoy the moment of each shot. My ARs are essential tools, but my other firearms are range day bliss.

    • TomT — I agree. I have an AR just because everyone should have one. But when I’m headed to the range I am much more likely to take one of the bolt guns. There’s something about the choreography of working the action that is very soothing and satisfying, and I just don’t get that from an auto-loading rifle.

  18. Even though in many ways obsolete I will argue a Smith 66 is arguably one of the best combat handguns ever made in one of the best handgun calibers ever made.

    I have a -1 and a -5 love em both.

  19. Firearms are “tools”, good, long-lasting “tools”, wrenches, sockets, chisels, drill bits etc. are made of high-quality steel, why anyone would consider plastic/polymer for a “tool”, a “tool” mind you that your very existence may depend upon, confounds me.

    • Teddy Kennedy’s Oldsmobile Mechanic:
      I have any number of steel screwdrivers with PLASTIC handles. They work just fine. Only one Philips with a wooden handle, which I’ve had for more than 50 years. That one works even better. (Snicker.)

  20. A nice article. I agree some things like motorcycles, gunns and women just seem to fit a guy. I took my Judge to the range and was impressed how accurate I was firing .45 Colt cowboy rounds for my first time! I do miss the Security Six I had in my 20’s.

  21. My favorite guns are revolvers, a S&W 686+ and a S&W 627 PC snub. I also have a 640 Pro J-Frame. .357 MAG is a round that makes me smile.

    The 686 is frequently OCed at work. The 627 is more concealable (OWB) than N-Frames are given credit for. The 640 is great for quick errands to places I know well.

    Shooting DAO is great practice and fun.

    I dislike shooting my G19 and only have it b/c it’s a G19.

    I do have other plastics for carry where potential for variables exist. They have their appeal, but it’s just not the same as my fudd guns.

  22. I do own many revolvers. My biggest regret was selling a S&W 586. This was my duty weapon in the 80’s for many years until my dept issued new Sig P229’s. I flat out wore out my 586 with about 10.000 rounds through it. I sent it back to S&W and they rebuilt it and re-blued it and sent it back at no charge. It was a great wheel gun. I also like the Ruger sp101 and my back up hunting pistol is a stainless Taurus .41 magnum 5 shot. Nice revolver with no issues except with the ported barrel it is loud. My next revolver will be a Ruger GP100. looking forward to that.

  23. My favorite “anti-Glock” is the T/C Contender. Now there’s a fudd gun! Three different caliber barrels and all throw 1.25 MOA with a 4x scope. Second would be the Dan Wesson in .445. And, to top it off, Creedmoor is a shooting position. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

    • Oh yeah, and my next wheelgun item will be either a GP100, or a 4” barrel for the .445. Trying to decide which. Well, ok, which to get first.

        • jwm,

          Ruger’s GP100 revolver is a rock-solid handgun platform. While they do not get the highest possible marks for styling or trigger quality, they are very good. And their best feature is that they are built like a tank and seem to be capable of handling and endless amount of full-pressure ammunition.

  24. It has become “au courant” to s*** on Glocks. I get that; they are not ‘interesting’. But, pretty much, they go ‘bang’ when you pull the bang switch. Easy to clean, reasonably accurate, and as reliable as a hammer. I prefer a 1911, despite its more complex takedown and cleaning procedure, because it has some personality. Loved my Colt Python, although I recently shot a Manhurin that was as good, if not better. Not enough better to justify the price. No lack of respect for wheelguns, here, but . . . six rounds. Sorry, I’d rather have 17 or more. For EDC, I’ll take a Glock, any day.

    I admit that I’ve never met a factory Glock trigger I was impressed with, but a new trigger, or a ‘trigger job’, isn’t that expensive, and makes a huge difference.
    Target or competition? Different matter.

    Depends on your priorities, I guess. Shooting at the range, I’ve got no beef with any decent wheelgun. Carrying for self-defense? I’m personally partial to the H&K USP .45, but YMMV.

    • LampofDiogenes,

      I do not take exception to anything that you said. I carry a full-size semi-auto pistol every day for self-defense. (I derive a fair amount of comfort knowing that I have 15 rounds of .40 caliber, 180 grain bullets at the ready without having to reload.)

      Having said that, I believe that revolvers outshine semi-auto pistols in some ways and scenarios:

      Some people are unable to rack the slide on semi-auto pistols. Some people are unable to disassemble/reassemble them for cleaning. And some people will “limp wrist” a semi-auto pistol and cause failures to feed. For these people, a revolver is a far superior choice for both recreational shooting as well as self-defense.

      On multiple occasions, when I have removed my semi-auto pistol from my holster at the end of the day before going to bed, I noticed that the magazine was ever-so-slightly disengaged–apparently my movements throughout the day sometimes manage to depress the magazine release button against the side of my holster. Needless to say that could be a huge problem if a violent criminal unleashes a surprise attack on me and my magazine is not fully inserted.

      Then there is the whole “contact” and “pocket” shooting problem with semi-auto pistols. If you try to shoot a semi-auto pistol when your barrel is pushed into your attacker’s body, your pistol may not fire at all if pushing the barrel into your attacker managed to push the slide slightly out of battery. And if you do manage to shoot, your pistol may not cycle correctly. Similarly, shooting from your pocket almost guarantees that your pistol will not cycle properly and you will only get one shot. None of those problems are a problem for revolvers.

      Although exceedingly rare, dud rounds are a serious problem in a semi-auto pistol. If you have a dud round, you have to quickly perform a “tap, rack, bang” drill. If that happens with a revolver, you can immediately pull the trigger again.

      And then there are camping/hiking situations where I want a “woods defense” handgun with some serious wallop to it. The only caliber in a semi-auto pistol platform that might be up to that task is 10mm Auto which is only available in a small number of models. I prefer a large-frame revolver chambered in .357 Magnum (loaded with 180 grain hardcast bullet cartridges) or even better a .44 Magnum (loaded with 240 grain semi-jacketed softpoint or 300 grain hardcast bullet cartridges).

      I listed well-known drawbacks to semi-auto pistols and strengths of revolvers. The beauty is that each of us can consider the strengths and weaknesses of both platforms and choose whichever is best for ourselves. Better yet, if we want to, we can choose both platforms!

  25. 2 1/2 inch Combat Magnums are a drug to me. Both 19 and 66 versions. Sexiest gun I have owned. I was greatly disheartened when I found out Steve McQueen used a Colt Diamondback in the show, “Bullitt”. Why a .38?

    Yea I have Glocks, SIGs to. But at heart I’m a wheelgun man.


  27. You do you.

    I have a revolver for ICORE, that’s it. In these days of roving groups of thugs, 6 shots isn’t going to cut it.

  28. You know the old saying, “God created women, but Col. Colt made them equal.” However Smith and Wesson made them superior ! I just passed down my 1975 SW mod 28, Highway Patrolman. With over 100 thousand hand loaded rounds thru it, it still shoots like the day I bought it for $140 plus $20 for Rosewood Grips.
    N-frame in .357 with 4 in. barrel makes this weapon a hand cannon even the girls can shoot with extreme accuracy. The best thing about these weapons is nothing to slide, no levers or latched to deal with, just pull the trigger and it goes bang. Since then Taurus has come up with a .357 6 shot J-frame that’s equally accurate however I did have to polish the triggers sliding parts to equal the Smith’s smoothness. 158 grns of Federal’s HST hollow points will stop a bear.

  29. Revolvers are a piece of art, also a very good investment. I tend to look at a lot of statistics, from state police to the FBI. 96 % of the time the gun being presented stops the attack, the remaining 4% result in 2.6 rounds being fired to stop an attack. Reading many self defense articles none of them resulted in more than 4 shots being fired. Carry as many rounds as you feel comfortable with, but the numbers don’t lie, a 5 shot revolver will and does get the job done. One more bit of information, the 357 is still the leader for one shot stops. Thank you for these great articles.

  30. One of my biggest regrets was selling my Model 66 No Dash. I sold it during a personal financial crisis 30+ years ago, and to this day, I still kick myself in the arse over it.
    Tupperware guns are alright, but they just don’t have the “feel” of an all metal gun. Maybe, one of these days some more LE turn ins will show up again.

  31. Dave , I have the M327 TR M8 357 mag, and I love it. 8 shot, and takes moon clips. good trigger. I also have alot of revolvers. and carry them for self protection. I do have metal semi autos, ( S&W, SIGs etc) but I always seem to go to a revolver. I have a nice S&W M649 38 special ( in my pocket now) and the S&W M66, M19s and love them. and yes , I do wish I had BOTH the Security Six AND the Speed six and wish Ruger still made them . I also have alot of Colts ( no, no Python, but a nice old slim barrel Trooper with a six inch barrel). I like subs as well and have a good number of Colts and S&Ws. but none of the newer magnum J frame snubs. a M66 and M19 snub, yes but those are bigger, heavier and easier to shoot. and I never sold any of my guns because I always read all the comments from people who regretted selling there guns. the only plastic gun I have is my issue M&P 40. and I do like it but rather they issued me a Sig.

  32. My first gun was a model 66. This was back in 1980’s. One of my big regrets was selling it but out of work with a family to support you do what you have to do. I did security work and we were issued 66’s. The armorer screwed mine up so bad it had to be sent back to Smith for repair. I was given one of the former trainer’s 66 and got my first taste of a great trigger. I have been purchasing revolvers over the last few years. Mostly Taurus. which are really good gun but with horrible triggers…except for one. It is an older model based on the 66 and the trigger pull is phenomenal! My son-in-law who doesn’t even like guns wants it when I die. He loved it When I take new shooters out, I start them on revolvers first. Let them get a dozen or so rounds thru each caliber before I move them to a Glock or 1911. I have several Glocks and 1911’s. I love shooting all of them, but I still like to pull out the old wheel guns and bang away from time to time.

  33. Reading the comments it seems there is a great love for wheel guns. Just wondering what are the ages of the wheel gun lovers. I’m 66

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