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A GLOCK 43, a SpyderCo Delica 4, and a ScrewPop Utility Knife make up the weapons of this pocket dump. However, it was the Lifeproof phone case that caught my eye. The case is covered in the outlines of various firearms, meaning every phone use announces the users love of guns.

What do you guys think? No worries on a gun-emblazoned phone case or is it better to stay low-key?

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    • who the fuck ha time to stare at small pictures on someones phone case? Even then, who the fuck would be like, oh, this guy is definitely concealing cuz of his phone case….

    • Assuming you’ve showcased your your EDC on-body/off-body loadouts on, TTAG will “most likely” get to your edc submission within a few weeks of posting. That’s been my experience.

      BTW, I go low key 99% of the time. If I go to the range I’ll wear a 2A or veteran T-shirt. No bumber stickers. We have a lot of antis in CA.

      My current edc:

  1. I’d venture to guess 99% of the people that see that phone case think it’s camo until they get a good look at it.

    Scrolling through I thought it was a pink rimmed camo case.

  2. I have never been ashamed of my beliefs, and never camouflaged my passions. Also, never really been compelled to take time putting on bumper or window stickers, posting clever warning signs for burglars, shopping for decorative phone cases, etc.

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