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This is the third of a five-part series on cryptocurrencies as well as their uses benefits for the Second Amendment community. Read part one here. Part two is here.

By Rob McNealy

Many people stay away from crypto out of the fear of being scammed. That’s understandable, given the amount of crypto fear porn put out by the legacy media. The truth of the matter is, blockchains are very secure, as the encryption protocols that secure them are bank and military grade.

Most scams or hacks that have occurred around crypto are not from some fault or insecurity of blockchains, but rather involve social engineering or a third-party centralized exchange with poor security on their internal processes and systems. Other crypto problems involve poor key management, malware, and even user errors.

Social Engineering

Social engineering is when a person is manipulated into giving up important personal information which is then used by the hacker to access accounts or other information which is used to access accounts.

The best ways to combat these hacks are:

  1. Assume the worst about people until proven otherwise; be aware that hackers are lurking around, and most prominent crypto people and services have dozens of scammers attempting to impersonate them.
  2. Do not click on emails from unknown sources. Call the company back from their published contact methods to verify if you are concerned.
  3. People promising ‘get rich quick’ or fast cash schemes are usually bogus. Legitimate investments or projects won’t send unsolicited emails or spam you from anonymous accounts either.
  4. Keep separate devices for managing your crypto and for doing email/web surfing. If you are unable to do that, always keep your hardware wallets like Ledger disconnected from your device and turn off your web and browser extension based wallets like MetaMask while surfing.
  5. Don’t send strangers your crypto or your keys. If someone has a great offer for you but requires you to send them a fee or some crypto to them up front for you to take advantage, it’s a scam.
  6. Install an antivirus software and keep it up to date.
  7. Enable two-factor authentication on all crypto accounts and email accounts.
  8. Avoid all paid “signals”, forex or other “investing” groups. These groups are typically scams associated with illegal pump and dump schemes.
  9. Run from anything to do with “cloud mining” is usually scam. You can’t mine from your phone, or pay a stranger to “unlock” mining profits for you.
  10. Ignore groups that use MLM style marketing to promote investments, they are probably a scam or an illegal Ponzi

Centralized Exchanges

The largest crypto hacks have typically happened on centralized exchanges, usually foreign ones. That doesn’t mean that all foreign or small centralized exchanges are bad or riskier.

Americans often use foreign exchanges to buy crypto because new crypto projects aren’t big enough to be listed on American exchanges, so savvy investors looking for the next Shiba Inu or Dogecoin, have to go to off-shore exchanges that are willing to list newer crypto projects like TUSC.

The best way to protect yourself from scam exchanges is to remember the often-recited mantra: “no keys, not your crypto.” What that means is that when you send your crypto to an exchange, you no longer control the coins, the exchange does. The best advice is to never leave your crypto on an exchange, and always move it to a wallet which you control the keys to. That is the safest bet. Exchanges are the biggest target for hackers, and they can’t steal your coins if your coins aren’t there.


This is the third of a five-part series on cryptocurrencies as well as their uses benefits for the Second Amendment community. Read part one here. Part two is here.

Rob McNealy is an entrepreneur, 2A supporter and co-founder of TUSC, a 2A-friendly crypto payments and NFT project, and Krappy Art, an NFT and digital art collective. Rob lives in the Salt Lake City area with his wife, four kids and their ferocious guard doodle. You can listen to his podcast or follow him on Minds and Twitter.

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    • Exactly. Crypto is a house of cards and NFTs are a straight up scam. Seeing TTAG shill this nonsense is disappointing.

      • Some of the coins are okay (not for investing, but if you need to use one for a temporary transaction) but most NFTs are scams now. Many are made from stolen art from the online art trading platforms.

        Someone at TTAG falsely heard that the government can’t trace these things and suddenly they’re tech experts, trying to repeat it to us.

        • Have you lost your funds and crypto assets such as bitcoins, USDT, ETH and NFTs to fake cryptocurrency investment schemes, fake broker, faux binary trading, Ponzi schemes and so on and you want to genuinely recover your assets completely. Reach out to CRYPTOREVERSAL @ GM AI| C0M for total retrieval of your assets without hidden fees. Write them now, they got my stolen USDT(TRC20) back without hassle

      • Losing money to crypto theft can be very depressing which could lead to suicidal thoughts. Few weeks ago I lost about £525k worth bitcoin to a fake ICO project which promised me a massive profit on my investment but turned out to be a scam. I became worried as that period was a hell ot a time for me until I looked up CRYPTOREVERSAL at Gm ai| c0m recovery services and I hired them within few days they were able to recover my stolen money completely. They are best crypto/fund recovery agent out here

    • +1 The only people who make piles of cash on it are those who got into it early on and hold significant amounts of coins, or are putting millions into it when the prices are lower and selling whenever they go up a bit, which is only thanks to the suckers who keep puting their savings into it and are giggling when they get a few grands return. Also most people seem to be oblivious that all the transactions are recorded and can be traced back to the individual, which is how the feds keep seizing tons of crypto, recovering stolen crypto and locking all kinds of people up. There will come a day, and it will probably happen sooner than later considering how strapped for cash the socialist US government is, that they will tax all those crypto gains people made or simply forfeit the assets just like they do with people’s cash etc. all the time. 🙂

      • Bitcoin was $28,000 12 months ago and it’s sitting above $47,000 now. How did gold and your 401K do in that time?

        TUSC went up 600% in that same time.

    • “The only winning move is not to play.”


      • LOL, I’ll try to remember that when I look at my multiple BTC holdings averaging $1,100 a coin. xD

  1. The previous article about using crypto to buy an NFT of a gay Asian guy on the cover of Recoil magazine for Gay Pride week got ratio’ed. Hard.

    Seriously- just stop.

  2. “he truth of the matter is, blockchains are”, fundamentally ALL ABOUT a scam.

    Think about it. Running a “high tech” resistance heater (a PC), doing nothing productive, to turn electricity into fools gold. Prog alchemy.

    Just buy a bridge. You can at least show someone what the scam was.

  3. Crypto can be great to be used like a money order. Keeping the coins in any account leaves you high and dry in case it is the Ponzi scheme it certainly resembles.

  4. 1. What does this have to say with guns?
    2. How much is this “entrepreneur” mcnealy paying to shill his crypto exchange on ttag?

    • We’re not being paid a dime. We identify all sponsored content clearly.

      There’s a great solution for posts we run here that don’t interest you – don’t read them.

      • This guy is a floor installer, not some who understands what a Poisson distribution is. Read the Bitcoin white paper by Satoshi. It involves undergrad-level math.

        • Feel free to disagree with my article, no problem. However, trying to discredit me by misstating my credentials is a Saul Alinsky level move.

          You don’t know what you are talking about.

    • We didn’t pay anything.

      I wrote content which I thought would be helpful to the community.

  5. As someone said about investing yesterday, Don’t invest in something you don’t understand. If anyone wants to take the chance on Crypto, by my guest. Just do yourself a favor and get a solid education in how it all works, what the risks are and how to protect your assets.
    Exactly the same reason I don’t play the market and use a long established, successful investment firm with a good record of return on investment.

    • Apply that same logic to the US dollar and get back to us in a few years. If you only hold your wealth in dollars, you are losing value every single day.

      Also, no one said to be a fool and go all in on anything. I never tell people to invest in TUSC. I do tell people to invest some into Bitcoin long term.

  6. I’m not a member of the Crypto’s or the Blood’eos, hanging with them gangs will get you in trouble.

  7. Steve Wynn (the Wynn Resorts guy) once candidly said in a broadcast interview, “the only way to make money in a casino is to own the casino.” My risk-o-meter assumed a new level of sensitivity after that interview. Can anyone logically argue that cryptocurrencies and casinos do not share similar characteristics?

  8. “The truth of the matter is, blockchains are very secure, as the encryption protocols that secure them are bank and military grade.

    Most scams or hacks that have occurred around crypto are not from some fault or insecurity of blockchains, but rather involve social engineering or a third-party centralized exchange with poor security on their internal processes and systems. Other crypto problems involve poor key management, malware, and even user errors.”


    “The truth of the matter is, blockchains are very secure, as the encryption protocols that secure them are bank and military grade.


    The truth is these are only as secure as the people coding them. There is no assurance of integrity for the people behind the scenes, nor any assurance that what they say is even close to true.

    “Most scams or hacks that have occurred around crypto are not from some fault or insecurity of blockchains, but rather involve social engineering or a third-party centralized exchange with poor security on their internal processes and systems.”

    Overall False

    1. 100% of all hacks “that have occurred around crypto” in terms of blockchains have been due to some fault or insecurity. The latest was in November 2021, more than $610 million, hackers exploited a vulnerability in Poly Network which is a platform that looks to connect different blockchains so that they can work together.

    2. Although some thefts have involved “a third-party centralized exchange with poor security on their internal processes and systems” – this little slight of hand wording and placement in the paragraph cleverly hides the fact that the “poor security on their internal processes and systems” involved the blockchain.

    3. Although some thefts and scams have involved “social engineering” that does not involve the blockchain directly there is purposely no method to ensure a two-factor authenticated transfer or transaction involving and based upon assurances of integrity of the people behind the transfer or transaction.


    notice how in this article the author once again brings up TUSC which is his own cryptocurrency. In one sentence he says “The largest crypto hacks have typically happened on centralized exchanges, usually foreign ones.” then he says “That doesn’t mean that all foreign or small centralized exchanges are bad or riskier.” – bit his own cryptocurrency is not listed on an American exchange but rather on an “off-shore” exchange. So now we have American exchanges, and foreign exchanges, the suddenly “off-shore” exchanges that he has not mentioned in terms of “hacks”.

    The author is first saying his cryptocurrency, TUSC, is not listed on American exchanges because its not big enough, then he basically says foreign exchanges are the most insecure, but not to worry because his cryptocurrency, TUSC, is listed on an “off-shore” exchange. Let me explain a little to you what “off-shore exchange” means in terms of cryptocurrency – it means a ‘foreign exchange’. All “off-shore” exchanges are foreign exchanges, but the author tries to somewhat obscure that by basically defining three broad ‘entity’ types of exchanges of ‘American’ and ‘Foreign’ and suddenly ‘off-shore’. And basically the author is saying his own cryptocurrency, TUSC, is listed on insecure foreign exchanges, his excuse for doing so is that its too small to be listed on an American exchange. Let me explain to you why newer or smaller cryptocurrency doesn’t list on Amercian exchanges and will list on ‘foreign exchanges’ – Although the size can matter (obligatory ‘thats what she said’ joke goes here), and newness has nothing to do with it, its mainly because the U.S. has started paying close attention to the fraud, scam, and theft that is rife in the cryptocurrency area and other countries have not started paying as much attention to it.

    • No slight of hand in the least. It’s nearly impossible for a small project to get listed on American exchange. It’s a chicken and egg thing. Also, I wasn’t telling anyone here to buy TUSC. My work in crypto projects is why I am able to write about the subject.

      I used TUSC as an example because I know my integrity and I am most familiar with it. The other three projects that I trust are Bitcoin Ravencoin, and Monero, as I personally know core devs from each of those projects.

      • Your article …

        hack, hack, hack, ’cause insecure exchange, user fault, user fault, user fault…

        American exchanges – can’t list on those ’cause too small
        Foreign exchanges – most insecure

        Oh but don’t worry ’cause TUSC is listed on an “off shore” exchange


        An “off-shore exchange” is a ‘foreign exchange’ but you throw “off-shore exchange” out there like its a separate type of exchange when it isn’t and somehow more secure than ‘foreign exchanges’ when an “off-shore exchange” is a ‘foreign exchange’.

        “Also, I wasn’t telling anyone here to buy TUSC.”

        exchanges get hacked, social engineering scams people, theft happens – but wait … TUSC is listed on an “off-shore exchange” so problems solved.

        Yes, slight of hand wording like I said. And you were not (directly) “telling anyone” to buy TUSC, but you were pushing TUSC and advertising it as somehow more ‘secure’ compared to the others because its on an “off-shore exchange” like “off-shore exchange” is a separate third type of exchange entity from American and foreign exchanges when in reality an “off-shore exchange” is a foreign exchange and foreign exchanges are more insecure.

        Like I said, slight of hand wording – and wording that screams “Buy TUSC!” without saying it directly.

        so… you double down with this now…

        “I used TUSC as an example because I know my integrity and I am most familiar with it. The other three projects that I trust are Bitcoin Ravencoin, and Monero, as I personally know core devs from each of those projects.”

        You don’t understand. Its not what you think of your integrity, or who you know and what you think of their integrity – its that the public at large doesn’t know anything of your integrity or the integrity of those others you know and the lack of a traceable path to verification of personal integrity substantiation. And why? Because you guys basically operate ‘in secret’, doing what you want behind the scenes and using a set of rules created to serve the cryptocurrency purpose with absolutely zero oversight that demonstrates your integrity beyond ” ’cause I say so”. All while pushing the blockchain as some sort of transparent accounting miracle when there is no one that can or will verify the integrity of the cryptocurrency decentralized system blockchain accounting with anything traceable to standards and consumer protection rules and what the consumer gets is ” ’cause we say so”.

        And just why are you most “familiar” with TUSC? Its because you founded it that’s why, and that means you have a financial interest in it and stand to gain the most from its widespread adoption.

        Then you want people to throw their money into your cryptocurrency TUSC or another in a decentralized system with no rules intercession points for consumer protection law or methods and no accountability except what the people doing the coding decides as how the blockchain should operate – in a type of system that gets hacked regularly and is rife with theft and scam.

        You might be a person of integrity and TUSC might turn out to be ok. But how do we know that? ’cause you say so? ’cause someone else says so? ’cause you know people? – that’s the very root of financial scams, a reliance on ” ’cause I say so” – and its why theft and scams are rife in cryptocurrency, because there are people stupid enough to listen to perfect strangers say ” ’cause I say so”.

        Yeah, a lot of slight of hand wording going on in your articles.

  9. Invest in things that are proven winners like precious metals, land, and ammunition. Like many other commentors here, I would suggest staying away from crypto.

    Those that have money to burn really should consider doing useful things with their extras. Things that help people. But of course, do as you will.

  10. This isn’t financial advise. However, i plan to buy Ethereum once it dips below $2900 and Bitcoin below $29k, Bitcoin might even go down to $16k. Those two are better than USD in the long run, given how much the FED likes to print money.
    NFTs are mostly scams and often stolen digital artworks by people that get booted from design websites once thier artwork is turned into an NFT by somebody else.
    Altcoins are mostly shitcoins. For every one that goes up, 100 go down.
    And you should be aware that Stablecoins are a scam, especially Tether. You cannot have $1 redeemable at par on demand that isn’t $1. We’ve seen it over and over again, last time it was money market mutual funds breaking the buck after the 2008 crisis.

    • A cartoon character (not to be confused with our idiot dacian) , Stan from SouthPark, can sum it up quite succinctly…. ” And, it’s gone “

  11. Ah yes, cryptocurrency…a cybercriminal’s best friend. Yeah that stuff is great for our economy/society. A way for criminals to get paid securely. Awesome.

  12. The level of ignorance here is shocking. Crypto is all about decentralization which I would hope everyone visiting this site would support. Not understanding something doesn’t make it bad.

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  15. I am grateful for the improved sensitization on the topic. I am passionate about this topic because of my past experiences which have made me more knowledgeable. If I had access to such information in the past, I wouldn’t have been scammed as much as I was. I lost a lot of money to several investment platforms while trying to make enough money to retire early. I lost it all and didn’t know how to start all over again. Luckily, a friend introduced me to the Oscar Richie guys, whom I reached on [email protected], they introduced me to legitimate investment platforms who are currently helping me actualize my dream of early retirement, and helped recover my lost 4.5 btc. I hope this will help someone in need of a way to recover their coin.Contact him now : [email protected]

  16. Yes indeed cryptocurrencies still have a place for scam and scam projects, but it’s everywhere. In order not to get caught, you have to really get into the projects and read the information about them. For example, I recently almost invested in a trading bot, which turned out to be a scam, but it’s good that I found a review on it at And at first glance you wouldn’t even know it was a scam bot!

  17. Beware of scam Trading companies and exchange or any kind of scam
    I initially invested a total of $95,000 over a period of 18 weeks. My bonus/profit was $170,000, every attempt to make withdrawal failed and I was instructed to make another deposit of $25,000 before I can make withdrawals which I did. Up till now I’m still unable to make withdrawals and all attempt to contact broker has failed. This is very pathetic and I advise everyone to desist from trading online generally. I did a due diligence test before investing with them but guess what I ended up getting burned. This is to create awareness, not everybody can be as lucky as I was. I’m saying this because I was able to recover my funds. Thanks to rescuescamvictims at gmail dot com for coming to my rescue. Thought someone might find this information useful.

  18. The cryptocurrency industry is a major global market and it has grown more than 10,000% in the last year. But, as with any unregulated market, it has been plagued by scams.

    The cheapest cryptocurrencies in the market to buy

    As the industry matures, people are looking for ways to make sure they are not getting scammed. Some of the most important things to be aware of are:

    – The company behind the ICO should have a clear vision and strategy laid out in their whitepaper

    – They should have a strong team with experience in blockchain development, computer science and cryptography

    – A strong community that supports them

    – Clear terms of use for tokens issued

    – No hidden costs or fees for tokens or transactions

  19. No one is too brave not to fall for crypto investment schemes it all depends on how the tactics are being played. I got cheated by a fake broker earlier this year where I lost all my savings and money loaned from banks. This period was a hell of time for me as I couldn’t pay my bills or cater for myself. However after confiding in my close friend she referred me to CryptoReversal at gm ai| c0m who she previously hired to recover her crypto tokens few weeks back when she lost them in a similar case. I wrote him and within 7 hours I was able to retrieve all my lost assets with ease. Lookup this team for help now if you are a victim of any crypto theft schemes

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    The following is their recovery team’s email address for their effective crypto recovery assistance. [email protected] or +1 (575) 552‑5946

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  23. i am so happy i used FASTFUNDSRECOVERY, i thought it was fake until i also got my funds back. it still feels unreal to me.

    • Contact a team that will help you recover your funds regardless of how much you’ve lost to a fake investment company or sent to your soldier lover.
      A team that has the ability and technology to recover lost funds and bitcoin . Either sent to a romance scammer, a fake broker or a fake investment company. FASTFUNDSRECOVERY will safely help you recover your money

      visit the website below to file a complaint with them

  24. They are heartless scammers, they ruined my life, by making me develop interest to invest my hard earned money. I deposited 10.7850 euros in June 2020, which was later turned to 98,908.00 euros including my pay out bonus, there was an impressive improvement in few days, 2 months later I had a car accident and needed money to pay my insurance access, Suddenly I was sent from Pillar to post, i tried reaching out to them to collect the money i invested to pay off my debts, they cut the live chats and got harassed from 1 to the other, until they told me I will forever be poor, then I realized that I was being scammed. I just wanted my money back! I was advised by a friend to seek for help from a recovery management to assist me recover my invested funds, God so kind i was able to reach out to a recovery guru BY [email protected] or Telegrem Nunmber:+31684518136, i was able to recover my funds with the help of Mr Jeanson James Ancheta wizard he’s an expert on lost funds, crypto/forex and bitcoin recovery

  25. Restoring Lost Cryptocurrency/Recovery Masters

    My company lost $943,000 Usd worth of Btc After my financial accountant transferred the funds to an unknown account mistakenly. After Trying different multiple times on reaching the banks there was no hope of recovering back the funds.After also endless attempts on different recovery firms Even ended up losing $135,000 more.Luckily I came across an article from AAAR morning gossip news on how a Family recovered their lost assets through a recovery agent firm, Recovery Masters a private licensed investigators from phoenix USA I contacted them through their email and they were able to recover $765,100 of my funds this really brought relief and peace as this was my companies project funds.I would recommend them for any hacking services.
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  26. My son introduced crypto to me some years ago, so I invested in USDT and BTC, using Binance. Due to my busy schedule, I was unable to keep some of the secret codes used in accessing the account, my son told me that I had lost all my investments. It was so heartbreaking because I invested all my savings about ($28,500). I narrated the ordeal in one of my classes and a student of mine suggested ALLEGIANT PRO HACKER to me because his mother also fell victim to a cryptocurrency mining scam, ALLEGIANT PRO HACKER helped her to recover her money back, I decided to give it a trail, to my greatest surprise that same day my codes was made to reset, a default login was given to me and i was able to access my wallet without any upfront payment, kindly reach out to them if you are going through similar problem.
    EMAIL: [email protected]
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