Shannon Watts

Everytown for Gun Safety – along with their subsidiaries, Mom Demand Action and Students Demand Action – are gearing up for the 2022 midterm elections. The Michael Bloomberg-financed gun control organization is bankrolling $3 million on their “Demand a Seat” campaign, which “trains” anti-Second Amendment candidates to run for office.

As Everytown describes the effort . . .

Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers have already demonstrated their power by winning races for city councils, school boards, and state legislatures across the country. Demand a Seat will help to build a pipeline of gun safety candidates by providing opportunities for mentorship, networking and high quality educational training to encourage even more Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action grassroots volunteers and gun violence survivors to run for office up and down the ballot.

According to The New York Times, the campaign launches this fall and will utilize “instruction from advocates-turned-legislators” to explain the “nuts and bolts of running a campaign.”

The “goal” is to pack school boards, city councils, state legislatures, and even Congress, with gun control advocates-turned politicians.

“Since the beginning of Moms Demand Action, our volunteers have fought to get a seat at the table, support lawmakers who are doing the right thing, and replace those who are standing in the way of gun safety,” Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts said in a statement. “The more we’ve worked and grown, the more often that has meant filling those seats with our own volunteers. Demand a Seat formalizes this evolution and will provide education and guidance to help these leaders take that next step from advocating to writing laws.”

Of course, the anti-gun organizations tout their alleged millions of members as a natural, built-in volunteer base for those that decide to run for political office.

… Demand a Seat will harness the grassroots momentum and volunteer base of one of the largest advocacy organizations in the country to recruit and train volunteers to take the next step in their advocacy by running for office on a platform of gun safety. Demand a Seat will provide educational training on how to build and run winning campaigns as a gun safety candidate. By connecting with officials Everytown and Moms Demand Action volunteers have helped elect across the country, the program will also create networking and mentoring opportunities, including with elected officials and seasoned campaign veterans, that will serve as a resource to program participants as they navigate the electoral process. 

The “training” will also feature former Everytown members who made the transition to political office, including . . .

    • Rep. Lucy McBath (D-GA)
    • Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms
    • Former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu
    • Former Rep. David Jolly (D-FL)
    • Kansas State Rep. Jo Ella Hoye
    • Boulder, Colorado City Councilmember Rachel Friend
    • Clark County, Nevada School Board of Trustees President Linda Cavazos, President
    • Phoenix School Board Member Aaron Marquez

In order to qualify for the training, a person has to have been an active member of Moms Demand Action or Students Demand Action for at least three months.

We knew anti-gunners were going to continue to push their radical agenda. They’re razor-focused on pushing an “assault weapons” ban, a ban on “high-capacity” magazines, passing universal background checks, and banning ghost guns.

Their way of accomplishing these goals – outside of Congressional legislation – was to bank on David Chipman’s leading the ATF. But his nomination is on the brink of failing, thanks in large part to gun owners and pro-Second Amendment organizations highlighting his failures and deficiencies.

Now Bloomberg’s team appears to be going back to the drawing board and shifting their strategy. It’s once again about packing Congress with gun control-loving Democrats.

Newsflash, Shannon: America’s more than 100 million gun owners are awake. They know what you’re up to. They’re fighting like hell and won’t roll over like you think they should. You can “train” as many of your minions volunteers as you’d like, but gun owners have one thing in their favor the civilian disarmament movement never will: the Constitution. And it’s a powerful force to be reckoned with.



      • Fraulien shannon watts and her Gun Control ilk are polishing up their swastikas and jack boots. The fuhrer is looking up from hell and applauds shannon’s determination to carry on a sick agenda that history confirms is rooted in racism and genocide. And sugarcoating Gun Control poop with a safety label was a genius move. Sieg Heil Fraulien shannon watts…The fuhrer sends you best wishes.

  2. Evil never rests. “Good” people simply want to live their lives, left alone by government.

  3. They will need to add Former to Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms after the next election since will not be running for reelection due to the rising crime rate including murder being up 52%!

  4. Shannon Watts said to the internet:
    “Sir, I exist!”
    “However,” replied the internet,
    “The fact has not created in me
    A sense of obligation.”

  5. Karens are natural activists. Especially the well-to-do stay-at-home types.
    Nothing to do but day-drink, scroll Twitter endlessly and spy on the neighbors.

  6. I didn’t know that “Shannon Watts pimped out Bloomberg anti-gun whore” was a political office.

  7. She could spend the whole $$3 mil. on a makeover an still look like trailer trash. No offense to trailer dwellers

    • Dude whatever you should disagree with her politics but you couldn’t get a second look from a woman half as good looking as her Jeb.

      • Hahaha that’s funny coming from a pimple faced douche that still lives in mommy’s basement, at almost 30 years old. I’ve been married to my beautiful wife for 22 years, got more last week than you ever hope to.
        Your mom said tell you get a job

        • Bah. Your accomplishments are pedestrian and your wife laughs at you behind your back.

        • ‘UR Fat, Drunk and Stupid’ has extensive personal experience with everyone laughing at it behind its back.

          (And pimple-pockmarked face, for that matter… 😉 )

        • That’s true trolling UR. Jed is 100% correct.
          Shannon Watts is a 50 year old nasty beast hag.
          W/o makeup she would be downright scary.
          Plus you would actually have to listen to her voice.
          UR Fat, Drunk and Stupid has a crush on this THING?
          That’s farging disgusting.

  8. Shannon Watts and a warm jar of vaseline makes my wrist sore.
    Maybe that’s why I got cataracts?
    Always heard to much of that and youd go blind.

  9. “gun owners have one thing in their favor the civilian disarmament movement never will: the Constitution. And it’s a powerful force to be reckoned with.”

    only if you are.

    “Demand a Seat will harness the grassroots momentum and volunteer base of one of the largest advocacy organizations in the country to recruit and train volunteers to take the next step in their advocacy by running for office on a platform of gun safety. Demand a Seat will provide educational training on how to build and run winning campaigns as a gun safety candidate. By connecting with officials Everytown and Moms Demand Action volunteers have helped elect across the country, the program will also create networking and mentoring opportunities, including with elected officials and seasoned campaign veterans, that will serve as a resource to program participants as they navigate the electoral process.”

    some of this is just rhetorical propaganda, but a lot of it is real-world normal leftist practice with a century of experience and funding. and the “gun owners” response to this is … ?

    • The gun owners response ? , If the supremes let us down , we have two different responses,
      Black Powder or smokeless, One we can make in the garage the other we cannot.

  10. “Demand a Seat” training needs a large # of moles. IF you could stand being in a room with that much stupid.

    • “IF you could stand being in a room with that much stupid”

      don’t think of them as stupid. think of them as highly motivated and pressing on in spite of all obstacles (including facts and reality). you might come to admire them, in a way. and then it’ll be easier to work with them.

  11. So… why aren’t our Pro 2nd Amendment organizations doing the same:

    Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action volunteers have already demonstrated their power by winning races for city councils, school boards, and state legislatures across the country. Demand a Seat will help to build a pipeline of gun safety candidates by providing opportunities for mentorship, networking and high quality educational training to encourage even more Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action grassroots volunteers and gun violence survivors to run for office up and down the ballot.

    Just reverse the course of action.

    • “So… why aren’t our Pro 2nd Amendment organizations doing the same:”

      Because Second Amendment defenders generally are not all politics, all the time.

      And the gun control mob has more billionaire activists.

      • Yeah. This.

        Soros and Bloomturd money flows like water for the marxists.

        The NRA spent a lot of their funds on slick suits for Wayne.

        • “Soros and (Bloomburg)”

          heh. think about that.

          “money flows like water for the marxists.”

          yes it does. do you realize that? do you ever consider that? do you ever wonder about that – where the money comes from, why they just dump it out by the tens of millions year after year like they haven’t a care in the world? to marxists who talk about eliminating the rich in favor of “the people”?

          what’s up with that?

  12. Well Comrades,
    we be gearing up for duh midterms we gonna violate duh constution, and take way yo’ guhns, Vive’ Luh lenin, marx, Stallin and Hitler…. and shannon watts

    If Any of them live through this foolishness…. It will be a miracle, Or Damp powder !

  13. “including with elected officials and seasoned campaign veterans, that will serve as a resource to program participants as they navigate the electoral process. ”

    Politicians programming future politicians?

    Isn’t that a bit like criminals programming future criminals?

  14. If I know Ms. Watts, she’s making sure all the checks from Bloomberg have cashed.

    She’s a first-tier grifter. No more, no less.

  15. quote—————–We knew anti-gunners were going to continue to push their radical agenda. They’re razor-focused on pushing an “assault weapons” ban, a ban on “high-capacity” magazines, passing universal background checks, and banning ghost guns.————quote

    As long as the filibuster is not done away with we will not see any draconian gun bans but Universal Background checks are a real possibility and badly needed.

    Universal Background checks would simply be an extension of the already long time existing Brady Bill that has taken no ones guns. Most Congressmen including Republicans support it as a necessary tool to keep second hand guns out of the hands of criminals and lunatics.

    Of course the Far Right who are always shirking their civic responsibly and would scream that they are too cheap and stingy to pay for a background check when selling or buying a second hand weapon. They would rather take the risk of selling their weapons to a lunatic or criminal to save a few bucks on a transfer fee.

    Ghost guns are already outlawed by the ATF who are a law unto themselves. Ghost guns are pure insanity and have been proven to be a major source of weapons for criminals and lunatics who commit mass murder with them. I have already posted several times examples of lunatics building them and then committing mass murder with them.

    I do not look for the gun hating courts to overrule the ATF ban on ghost guns either as they realize how insane the building of ghost guns are.

    If you are not a crook or a lunatic why would you need a ghost gun???? The answer is obvious if you answer honestly because law abiding citizens know ghost guns are a danger to society.

    The paranoid Far Right often claim they need unregistered guns if the Government requires registration or outlaws certain weapons. Of course this is both childish and being blinded by paranoia and reality as once a certain class of weapons are outlawed you would be foolish to keep any as being caught would entail huge fines, imprisonment, loss of a job and losing the right to own any weapons for life.
    If you owned one you could never sell it without the extreme risk of being caught, you could never use it on a public range and you could never use it in a self-defense situation so really what good would it be? It would be virtually useless.

    I would like to see safe storage laws as well as all civilized nations have safe storage laws because they value the lives of their children.

    It is a shame the Republican Capitalvanians value the lives of children so little. Of course the Nazi’s did not value children’s lives either when they sent them to the gas chambers, history repeats itself in a way again in uncivilized Republican jack booted Capitalvania every day. Just as Hitler once said “losses can never be too high” so too the Republican Nazi’s say “Accidental child deaths by firearms can never be too high and besides teenagers do not count in the numbers anyway”. That is really sick.

    Safe storage laws would also prevent a lot of smash and grab robberies as well.

    • universal background checks are not needed, and in fact its one of the things that even anti-gun people do not want even though they say they do. Anti-gun people like you tend to think the solution is in control and permission when in reality their really desired solution is to simply control guns out of existence.

      Most people, and it seems you included, don’t really understand what a universal background check is. Its not a check for gun purchase legitimacy – its a control on what one does with their personal private property.

      For example, if there was a universal background check for computers; If you wanted to give, say, a family member a computer as a gift for Christmas so you went out and purchased a computer and wrapped it up. Well that computer is your personal property until you gift it away. So Christmas comes, but instead of you being able to gift your personal property to your family member so it becomes their personal property guess what else you need – you need the governments permission first.

      And that’s what a universal background check is, its a control on what you can do with your own property and the government makes the decision.

      “If you are not a crook or a lunatic why would you need a ghost gun???? The answer is obvious if you answer honestly because law abiding citizens know ghost guns are a danger to society. ”

      BS. I’m a law abiding citizen and I’m not a danger to society because I built what is very deceptively called a “ghost gun”. Because some people are a danger to society does not mean all are a danger to society, and that’s what your comment implies and its a lie.

      I have a neighbor, he restores cars in his garage and rebuilds them from the ground up. All sorts of makes and models and years, his favorites are those from the 1940’s. Its a hobby to him, and he has produced some really great looking cars. Well, private hobby car restoration/building is not a right but it is a right, its an expression of creatively thus free speech but the ownership and end use on the roads (if they do) is a privilege and not a right. Building your own gun is like that, its an expression of creativity thus free speech and a right but its ownership and use is also a right.

      The only thing that makes a “ghost gun” a “ghost gun” is because of a law that requires serial numbers on guns, “ghost guns” don’t have serial numbers but they are none the less (building them) an expression of rights.

      In terms of constitutional rights, calling a “ghost gun” a “ghost gun” would be like calling “free speech” “ghost speech” because neither has a serial number and people have caused more harm (in different aspects, even leading to death) by use of free speech than any gun ever did. So lets demand that all “free speech” have a serial number and if its doesn’t its called “ghost speech” and is no longer a right.

      Constitutional rights may not be absolute in all cases, but not a one of them has a requirement anyplace in the constitution that their uses be tracked and controlled and needs government permission before one expresses their rights.

    • Sorry, Nacian. It is clear from your entire post that you do not understand any of these common gun control panaceas any more than the typical liberal talking points. You miss the nuance around each issue, which is less than helpful in having an honest, fact-based dialog on how to reduce violence and accidents that happen to involve a firearm as the tool.

    • And you also believe a Toyota Prius can tow as much as an F-150? Apples and oranges, you’re choking on your own Kool-Aid of ignorance. The gov calls guns with serial numbers filed or ground off ghost guns also to inflate the numbers. Universal background checks will help? Only if the bad guys follow the rules. WHAT? bad guys follow rules?? Numb nut.

    • Ho-Humm… blahblahblah same-o same-o BS from Dacian, week after week. We know what you are, pal, an anti-firearms, anti-liberty leftist stooge slightly sugar-coated.

  16. There are a number of replies authored by people stating that in so many words, the the 2Amendment will or does protect their weapon rights. While this is true and that it would take an Amendment to the Constitution to change any amendment. The Politicians, Administration, Congress and the Anti-Gun Rights Organizations know this. The only way left to them is to keep pushing and having the Administrative State – Government Agencies- which issue rules and when entered into Congressional Register have the effect of Law. Thereby creating an enforceable Law which carries all the strength and power of a Congressionally Enacted Law. Remember that Congress is the only Branch of Government allowed to create Law; Agency Heads create Rules for the Operation of their Agency. Think now about the current push to have the Anti- Gun Rights Activist and Member of Activist Groups and the Biden pick to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. If his appointment is confirmed you will then have an individual in charge of an Agency which can issue rules and Directives which have the effect of Law and can remove incrementally the protections of the 2nd Amendment without submitting the changes to Congress or your Elected Officials nd thereby going around the requirements of the Constitution,

    • “the 2Amendment will or does protect their weapon rights”

      the only thing that protects the rights of the citizens is the citizens. the subversives don’t care about the constitution because they think they themselves are the only constitution anywhere, and they intend to enforce that view on us an eliminate any who will not submit. they’ll have to be physically opposed.

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