FN Catch 22Ti rimfire suppressor silencer

Buying a suppressor has never been easier, especially with companies such as Silencer Shop basically holding your hand and walking you through the entire process, a process that can be daunting and confusing to a first-time buyer, but really isn’t that hard. Even better, where not so long ago, wait times for approvals were taking as long as nine months and sometimes even over a year to secure, they now are occurring in a matter of just a few days. That means you can go from desire, to purchase, to form completion and actually shooting suppressed in less than a week in certain situations.

Here are the steps for easily buying your next suppressor with Silencer Shop.

1. Purchase a Silencer

This is the fun part! The process starts with you purchasing a suppressor of your choice from our website. If you need a hand in deciding which silencer is best for you, we have a dedicated staff available to chat via phone (512-931-4556)email, and online chat. We have also published dedicated blogs of our top picks in each of these categories: 22lr9mm5.5645 ACP7.62Big Bore, and multi cal.

What is an NFA tax stamp? An approved tax stamp is required to own NFA firearms such as gun silencers. This is a $200 federal tax for the purchase of all items regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA). For each suppressor you purchase, you will need to add a suppressor tax stamp to your cart.

On our website, you’ll also choose how you’d like to register: Trust, Individual, or Corporation. The most common way customers file for suppressors is the Silencer Shop Single Shot Trust. It’s a versatile trust and you can easily add responsible parties/trustees, and it is extremely cost-effective: it’s the lowest-priced trust available.

While checking out, you’ll also select a Powered By Silencer Shop dealer, which is the local gun shop that you’ll work with to submit your eForm 4 application to the ATF and ultimately go to when you pick up your silencer.

2. Complete your Silencer Shop Profile

If you’re new to Silencer Shop, visit a Silencer Shop kiosk, and in about 5 minutes, your fingerprint scan and demographic information will be integrated into your Silencer Shop profile. With thousands of silencer kiosks throughout the US, there is likely a dealer local to you. You can also get your silencer in central Texas at our store in Austin.

The kiosk is one and done, once your prints are submitted, you’ll never have to re-scan your fingerprints.

You can also submit your fingerprints using FD-258 fingerprint cards by mailing them to Silencer Shop.

Next, download the Silencer Shop smartphone app, snap a selfie and upload it to your profile. You’ll need to take a “passport-style” photo. Look straight ahead, shoulders up, no headwear, scarves, or sunglasses, and preferably against a neutral-colored background.

3. Sign the Electronic Document

Silencer Shop will email a document with all of your relevant information to you.

Please review all of the information for accuracy and digitally sign the file from your computer or mobile device.

4. Create an ATF eForms account

Register for your ATF eForms account. Ensure that all of your information matches exactly to your Silencer Shop profile.

Your email, full name and address MUST match your Silencer Shop profile information exactly.

What is ATF eForm? eForms is the submission process for submitting your electronic Form 4 (“eForm 4”) to the ATF. There is no cost to create an ATF eForms account.

5. Ready to Certify and Submit to the ATF

You’ll receive an email from  Silencer Shop with the subject line “Ready to Certify”  This email also includes the phone number of your local Powered by Silencer Shop dealer.

Set up and time to certify, and you and your dealer will submit the form to the ATF for processing.

That’s it! You’re on your way to silencer ownership.

For more insight into what is the average wait time for a suppressor? Check out our ATF wait time tracker. 


    • No doubt. If i have a thousand pesos loose its going to reloading components or guns. Maybe I’d be a convert if i tried a silencer but as of now theres just to many guns on my list right now.

      • I started my stamp collection because my kids were going to the range, and the additional hearing protection was desired (not that I can prevent others from shooting unsuppressed). Now most of my rifles end up being 2-stampers… Although integrally suppressed have their place too.

        Shooting a suppressed 22lr is pleasant to the ears and wallet.

        Yeah, the fact that there’s a tax sucks and is likely unconstitutional. Fingerprints – meh, been there done that. The wait is almost unbearable, but it’s like Christmas when you get the call.

        • Ear muffs are cheaper and not require the hoops.
          I’m not saying silencers aren’t good it’s the Giverment permission I’m not good with.
          Also the cost to get giverment permission.
          How to Disarmn the Poor In Five Easy Steps.
          And statistically it’s the poor who need to be armed more then the wealthy.
          And as far as I know only one revolutionary war was started because the rich were dissatisfied with the King.
          The Civil War wasn’t fought to free slaves.
          It won’t be long before private and possibly public shooting ranges allow suppressed weapons only.
          Gunm insurance, at your discretion now, it will be mandatory later.
          The Right To Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed. (if you’ve got the money)

          • After spying a used Beretta 950BS tip-up barrel .22 Short at my local shop I’m a bit tempted, a clone of the Mossad’s favorite can-tipped tool for “close-up” work in European cities might be fun.

        • “Bet? As I recall the p r tax is placed on manufacturers and subsidized by wholesaling…”

          That cost is eventually passed on to you, and you can’t avoid it. Now pay void.

          No surprise at all you think like a democrat… 🙁

          • geoff you Trump Slandering democRat lint licker…It’s a no brainer and given the manufacturer needs end users to eventually pay the bills, taxes, and overhead it incurs. One actually, factually has to bend over to purchase a can whereas in comparison one really does not bend over for p r.

            • I’m in no way surprised you have being ‘bent over’ on your mind, you dirty old woman.

              (Equality applies to all, if there are dirty old men, there are dirty old women.)

              Now pay void what you owe him and STFU, cupcake… 😉

      • Void, I may be mistaken, but I think you are. The $200 tax o silencers is part of the NFA act. Completely separate from Pittman-Robertson. Pittman-Robertson pays for things that are actually beneficial. The NFA just steals our money.

        • Double check the original topic vs accusation. One claimed they would never pay NFA second claimed they would still pay the taxman by a different name. Not looking to collect anything as the taxman takes more than enough from everyone.

  1. Note that it’s only the Individual registrations being fast-tracked. (Where you are the only one who can be in possession and it goes to F Troop when you die.) They are still taking their sweet time on trusts (where you can add other parties who can be in possession and arrange for a next-of-kin transfer after your death).

    • No reason you can’t give it to anyone you want in the case of your death.
      There’s plenty of contraband in private hands all over this country.
      The key is keeping your mouth shut.

    • You can still do estate planning with NFA items you own as an individual, it will end up getting a Form 5 tax free transfer to whoever is inhereting it. A trust is more convenient for this since you don’t have to deal with any paperwork at all, but it’s not like you’re guns are going to dissappear because you filed as an individual.

  2. what if I want to use a trust? Say, Silencer Shop’s One Shot Trust thing?

      • thanks; but I was asking about the mechanics of it (e.g. how does one set up the re-form account for a trust) versus the wait time.

        • The last time I did eFile with a trust you just uploaded the trust documents in the ATF eforms portal. I switched to individual filiing after the 41f rule change rendered the benefits of the trust (for my use case) moot (since they now require fingerprints and photos for all responsible parties, which didn’t use to be the case).

          I’ve seen MOST of the crazy fast wait times (24-48 hour ones) on individual filings in the NFA tracker thread on reddit, but trust times are way down too. I would base your strategy on what makes sense for you in the long run, not to shave a few weeks or months off your wait time.


  3. I might be wrong, and if so, please feel free to correct me. If you live in Texas and you purchase a suppressor made in Texas and don’t cross state lines with it. You don’t have to go through all this.

    • I dont think that is correct. At least ive never heard of where its made having anything to do with anything.

    • @just some guy: “Finally, Texas took things further by passing laws maintaining that silencers that are made in Texas and that remain in the state are not subject to federal law, which means the State of Texas can’t prosecute you for not complying with federal regulations regarding silencers. However, the federal government does not see it this way, and they can prosecute you.”

      Reference: https://www.brettpritchardlaw.com/blog/2023/november/are-silencers-illegal-in-the-state-of-texas-/

      • I think the made in Texas thing is still being litigated. ATF and the whole damned federal government claims that everything is interstate commerce, and there is an old Supreme Court case that they can point to having to do with a farmer growing wheat to feed his cows and the feds claiming that was interstate commerce. Bottom line is that the current Court may support limiting the scope of the Commerce Clause of the US Constitution but this will take a while to happen.

    • “If you live in Texas and you purchase a suppressor made in Texas and don’t cross state lines with it. You don’t have to go through all this.”

      If you’re brave.

      As it is now, the BATF does not recognize Texas’s ‘Made in Texas’ law, so you do so at the considerable personal risk of 10 years in ‘Club Fed’…

    • I think filling out a 4473 already registers you.
      At least they don’t get your finger prints, or do they?

      • NY if you want a pistol or semiautomatic rifle (unless you are into building from serialized receivers) you will be fingerprinted

    • He claims the House of Reps is controlled by the Dems. Untrue. The Republicans hold a slight majority. The problem is that there are several squishy Republicans.
      I suspect this will still fail.

      • Johnson has been subborned by the left and the GOP is powerless to unseat him.

        The house is controlled by dems. True Statement.

      • “I suspect this will still fail.”

        It did fail.

        Even if it did pass, ‘Heller’ and ‘Bruen’ recognize weapons in common use are expressly protected by the 2A.

        The NFA was created for “exceptionally-dangerous” weapons, so they cannot place bog-standard semi-auto firearms (the type most commonly sold today) on the NFA, the current high Court will strike it down…

  4. 4 days wait time is great for Tax Stamp. But you have to wait how long before that to get a suppressor that is out of stock/back ordered?

    • That totally depends on the manufacturer. You’re not filing until you/your dealer gets the can anyway, considering they need the serial # to do the paperwork. Hopefully manufacturers will catch up, the huge demand is due to the short wait times sparking everyone’s interest and finally buying them.

  5. These new gun fads make me laugh. Laser sights, Flashlights, Red dots, paint roller handles, suppressors. what’s next? strap a pez dispenser on the rail for when you are low glucose?

    Toys and fads.

  6. Or, you know, you can just buy a set of good electronic noise-cancelling (gunshot cancelling) ear muffs. They’re cheaper, you don’t have to put yourself into a registry beholden to the F-Troop nor pay and tyrannical tax to exercise a right (for something that in itself is purely a safety device and poses no more a threat to someone than does stainless steel water bottle).

    Suppressed firearms are still loud as hell (jackhammer loud instead of 747 engine loud), and if it’s a super-sonic bullet you’re firing, you’ll still want to be wearing earpro anyway. Also, cleaning suppressors is a pain in the d**k and on top of all the bureaucratic B.S. they themselves tend to be overly expensive for what equates to a miniature automobile muffler.

    The principle of it all, having so much regulation on something meant to just protect your hearing from severe permanent damage, above all else. Muffs are cheaper and easier to get and in most cases you’ll wind up wearing them anyway (you really should if you don’t) when you shoot suppressed.

    • It depends what you’re use case is, if you shoot on private property and it’s just you (or your friends all have cans) it’s definitely nice. Certain stuff (rimfire, 300blk subs, some 9mm pcc’s) can be exceptionally quiet. Granted, shooting 5.56 with a can is just taking the edge off, and you’re going to need ears no matter what.

      Most modern centerfire cans don’t really need to be cleaned, it’s the rimfire/unjacketed lead that’s messy business.

      • 120db is not exceptionally quiet, though in comparison to unsuppressed at around 140-165db, it is a very noticeable difference. I’ve never tripped off a compressed air finish nailer, which are around 110-115db or so, and said “man, that’s exceptionally quiet.” Shooting indoors in home defense can make a far greater impact as enclosed space-shooting, even with earpro, can be like tripping off a mini flash-bang with each shot.

        Also, as someone who worked at an SOT and test facility for over over a decade, if a suppressor is not cleaned thoroughly and regularly, one would be wise to weigh and sound level meter their suppressor every 200-500 rounds. If uncleaned, it *will* continually get heavier and louder as slag builds up and internal baffle geometry changes and the internal volume shrinks due to slag build-up. This will occur with all calibers, bullet types, powder types, primer times, etc. It just happens way faster with the much dirtier rimfire ammo, unjacketed soft lead projectiles or crappy-powder stuff.

  7. Do they make suppressors for shotgunms.
    Years ago these crow hunting guys was putting big long aluminum conduit tubes with a bunch of holes drilled in them and using light loads. JB Weld them to an extended screw in choke.
    They didnt last forever but with light loads reduced the sound somewhat.
    It’s hard to fool crows.
    I think they fly off and tell all their friends Heckle just got blasted over there in that pecan timber.
    We will come back on a Wednesday.

  8. Or, in california…

    1). Vote out the entirety of your current government and replace them with people who dont learn firearms history from movies.

    2). See original list and follow instructions.

  9. If you have a firearm with a threaded barrel cut to fit most spin-on automobile oil filters, what is the suppressor? The filter wasn’t designed to suppress sound, and threaded barrels are not controlled, so does the filter need to be registered with a serial number? If your filter gets fouled and you buy another one, can you be charged with having an illegal suppressor?
    Can you legally own a suppressor designed to fit only a non-firearm, like an air, CO2, paint ball or spring powered gun?

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