How to Convert A Standard GLOCK to Full Auto [VIDEO]

By Jake Hover via

First and foremost, a disclaimer: the creator of the video, Currin1776, needed very specific licensing to legally complete this conversion. This video was created for demonstration purposes only and is only informational. Don’t try this at home, kids. Once you are properly licensed, though, all you need is a new end cap, disconnector and a selector switch to make just about any GLOCK a bullet hose. And what else are you gonna do with those 33-round magazines?


68 thoughts on “How to Convert A Standard GLOCK to Full Auto [VIDEO]”

  1. Hee hee…..I am totally, uh….. NOT going to make one of these for fun and/or teotwawki preparations.

    (think they bought it?)

        • I’m already on the list “Comfirmed” M.I.B assholes asked me what my intentions were with the 500 lbs. of prilled ammonium nitrate I ordered. I was honest and told them it was for explosives to shoot just like tannerite. They were very nice and said by law they have to investigate these ‘unusual’ first time purchases. I asked them if I was ‘red listed’ and they said unfortunately yes.

          So I’m not worried about being on a domestic terrorist watch list… WTF they gonna do? Put me on it again?

    • What do you mean he isn’t even going to own a glock? He doesn’t even own any guns. Guns are scary and kill people.

      • so do fists, so do knives, so does fire, so does electricity. so you better stop using them things too because they can kill you.

      • Guns are not able to kill anything because i have had my .22 pistol fully loaded (it dont got a safety) on my dresser beside my bed an it aint never killed anyone that walked in front of the barrel only way a gun can kill someone is if the trigger gets pulled either from someone or something getting caught on the trigger when holstered or by getting dropped sorry for the typos an crappy english skillz lol

        • Hey David,
          If you happen to have kids around, either regularly or periodically, you do know that there is a much greater chance of them dieing by accidental discharge than by fending off any one trying to do you harm…. just saying

        • Hey nitrous, you do know that 1000 times zero is still zero, right? If you are desperate to save the children, you should properly dispose of your 5 gallon buckets, since they cause more accidental deaths among children than firearms do..

        • I have to side with Nitro on this one.

          I have a few buddies that think the same way, they leave loaded firearms lay around the house, coffee tables, night stands, etc..
          Their excuse is, “I don’t have any kids and kids aren’t around”

          Then when I bring my kids over, they have gotten so used to having them laying around they forget there are loaded guns laying around.
          Now, you can teach kids not to touch them, and that works, after a certain age. but a 1 or 2 year old will play with EVERYTHING no matter how much you teach them.

          The point is, you are the adult, never trust a child to be responsible for you!

          After all, accidents do happen, they just do.

  2. And what special licensing exactly does one need to “legally” convert a post 1986 firearm to full auto?

    • From what I understand you have to be either a registered manufacturer or a class 3 ffl with a law enforcement demo letter (basically a letter stating a law enforcement office wants to evaluate a post-86 full auto gun to see if they want to purchase it)

    • There’s a few FFL/SOT combinations that will ensure the legality of doing this, but the most common one is to have a type 07 FFL (Manufacturer of firearms) with an SOT 02.

      I don’t think a demo letter is required in this case since how the heck are you supposed to convince a police department to sign off on something that doesn’t even exist? The demo letter is only if you are a dealer and you are looking to acquire a post-86 sample.

      For example, if I were a dealer (FFL 01 – SOT 03) I would need a demo letter to, say, acquire an H&K MP7 to have on my premises. The local PD would have to have an interest in one, and want to demo it with me.

      If I were a manufacturer (07/02), I could build the item myself sans demo letter, and then just show it to the police.

      I might be inaccurate on this. However, if I’m right, I think that the ATF probably gives manufacturers a little more scrutiny just to make sure they aren’t turning out automatic weapons for the sheer thrill of it…

      • Ya.
        The ATF has airport dogs that can smell thrill on ya three miles before you even get near the range. There’s no scent blocker yet made that’ll overcome it.

      • You’ve got it right. An 02/07 can produce them without a demo letter. The yearly ITAR fees keep most out of the game for the “thrill of it” though. If you have a rental business and host shoots to cover your costs you can be an enthusiast with a large post 86 collection it just needs to be for more than “I want machineguns” and at least look like you’re attempting to stay in the black financially.

  3. Wouldn’t you need to beef up a few things? Like the barrel, the frame, and the firing pin to keep doing that? Look fun as all get out though. 🙂

    • I’m not sure about the new ones but it used to be that all glocks are made the same, full auto or semi, the switch is really only the major change. Component wise they can take the abuse.

  4. By the way, why would anyone pay big $ for a 9mm sub-machine gun when you can just use one of these?

    And now for the $50,000 question: can you make a Glock fire full auto with a MechTech carbine conversion kit?

  5. andy cuomo would absolutely soil himself if he knew this video was out there for public consumption.

  6. I’m not too familiar with the Mech-Tech carbine conversion kits, but if you could modify one of them to do that, then you’d have something.

  7. There’s another guy who makes an end cap with a swing type switch on the rear of the end cap.
    His web site says they are not for sale in the US. But the exact dimensional drawings are free to look at through the U.S. Patent office. ?

    • Yup.

      Google a bit.

      There is a real good chance you can find a pdf of that floating around on the web…

      So I’ve heard…


  8. That last sentence about 33-round magazines is precisely the bulletin-board material the magazine grabbers look for.

    • Do you think they’d back off and think for a second if it were a 30rd? A 5rd? You’re a fool if you run in fear of an attack that will come no matter what you do…

    • I say let them scream. Scream till their eyes bleed. Sure, a Glock FA conversion is utterly wasteful, extravagant, impractical, and so much more. But oh-so outrageously entertaining. And sometimes that’s all there is to it. Life is short 🙂


  9. Looks like fun.
    But an uncontrollable gun that runs out of ammo in three seconds isn’t too high on my wish list, even if it was legal.

  10. Probably NOT a good idea posting that HERE Dan-leave it on Youtube. I do love the video!

  11. I’ve seen European ads for a complete Glock back plate with the semi/auto switch built in. To paraphrase W. C. Fields’ comment comparing women to elephants “they’re fun to look at but I wouldn’t want to own one.” It would be fun for maybe 5 minutes. Kinda like chugging a bottle of Champagne instead of beer.
    Now if I owned my own ammo factory, I might feel differently.

      • Seriously, it’s a Glock. If you’re going to work on it, field strip it.

        I know it’s cleared and all that, but you can still get slide bite if you slip and it snaps closed on you. Which hurts. A lot.

  12. I would be a little concerned about the timing – is there any way the striker could fire before the gun was completely in battery? ‘Cause that would suck.

    • The rear end of the barrel drops down when the slide cycles. The primer isn’t lined up with the firing pin until it’s in battery.

    • @Anon in CT:

      The way it is designed, the “autosear” is a beveled piece of steel which engages the sear. When created, and then installed, this piece of steel is “tuned” so that it only disengages the sear from the striker at the point of lock-up. It cannot do so earlier because of the bevel. Yes, it has to be timed properly but once done, it runs. When the part wears, it disengages the sear later and later (not earlier) until the point where it doesn’t disengage the sear at all, rather than letting it happen out of battery.

  13. My dream-Glock would be a Glock 41 or 21L with a 9″ barrel in .460 Rowland, one of these conversions, and an ENDO stock adapter.

  14. Kind of ironic when he says “nothin’ like celebrating the American 2nd Amendment with full auto”.
    Ya know, ’cause the 2ndA says we should all have these…

    • Yeah, seriously right? Kinda like that 1st amendment says nothing about this crazy internet. You know they only had letters on paper then written with a feather dipped in ink. This faster than light email communication shit could’ve never been thought of so we really “shouldn’t” have it. If the pen is mightier than the sword these keyboards are like WMDs!! It must be stopped. People can’t handle this unless they’ve had government training.

  15. I’ve always maintained that a fully-automatic weapon is perhaps less dangerous than a semi-auto in a mass shooting. Very few mass shooters have been highly-trained. Most rounds from a fully-auto weapon don’t actually hit anything, or they make redundant hits on the same target, but you do run out of ammunition a whole lot faster.

  16. Is it illegal to own or purchase the parts just to have incase the zombies attack? You know as a back up plan.

    • Sadly, owning a glock and these parts shows intent. Or at least that’s what the ATF claims. They’ve busted folks for owning those pistol stocks and the pistols together, even though they were disassembled. They said it shows intent. Same thing with owning baffles and a threaded tube that they could go into. Not a good idea just to have them, IMO.

  17. The adaptability and reliability of the Glock platform shoes itself again. From the pattern of the ejected brass, I’d guess that this is a G23 with a 9mm conversion barrel and a .40 cal weight spring. I have a similar setup in one of my G23’s. Looks like an absolute blast.

  18. Great video – one thing I would have liked to see is some burst fire to show that you don’t have to run the entire magazine out with this conversion kit. Thanks for the show!

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