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  1. Must have been 6.5 creedmoor…

    Oh wait, we are done with the 6.5 creedmoor thing right? 8.6 creedmoor? .224 Valkyrie? 9×39?

      • I maintain a lawn, just so I can tell kids to get off of it.

        But I live so far out in the woods the only kids I could yell at where my own.


  2. Haha very funny. Sooo much wrong with that. Rubber muck boots on ice with a chainsaw; thought we were gonna see an amputation. Fcking rednecks lol.

    • Chain saws are like guns. If you know how to use one safely, then all you need is eye and ear protection and you’re good to go.

      If you don’t know how to use one safely, then all the protective equipment in the world won’t help you.

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