How’s That Gun Control Special Session Working Out For You, Governor Lee?

A controversial bill to relax restrictions on who could bring guns on public school campuses died on a tie vote after a dramatic, four-hour committee meeting in the Tennessee House on Wednesday. 

The bill was nearly voted on without debate due to a parliamentary move to shut down debate, an action that riled Democrats on the committee and members of the audience, which included parents from the Covenant School waiting to testify. The committee temporarily shut down to cool tempers. 

Covenant parents vehemently opposed HB 7064, sponsored by Rep. Chris Todd, R-Madison County, who argued more guns at schools will make children safer. 

Several Covenant parents temporarily left the committee room in disgust after Todd suggested that the guns used by the Covenant shooter weren’t the issue in the tragedy, and the shooter probably would have “driven over” the kids at recess if a gun wasn’t available.

Abby Mclean, a Covenant mom, questioned how she should tell her kids that lawmakers want to allow more guns into school, when her children are still scared of firearms. 

“How do I explain to these children that that’s your solution? I want an answer,” McLean said.

— Nashville Tennessean in TN special session: Controversial guns in schools bill fails to advance in House

95 thoughts on “How’s That Gun Control Special Session Working Out For You, Governor Lee?”

  1. Primary this RINO right out of office.

    No quarter for 2A Traitors. Stop negotiating with these anti-RKBA terrorists.

    Human Rights Matter.

  2. Living less than 60 minutes from the school, I can tell you that the shooting took place because of rampant mental illness in the Nashville area schools supported by Democrat PTAs, councils…..
    My kids also go to a private school but one where some of the faculty carry guns and I feel a whole lot more secure about my kids being there.
    These parents with their questions need to be able to tell there kids that guns are inanimate objects that you should not be afraid of. Most likely, they are projecting their fear onto their kids and making another generation of victims.

  3. Try explaining to your kids the difference between good and evil. It’s one of your basic responsibilities as a parent.

    • Try explaining to your kids how you think that only psychopathic killers should be allowed to have guns in schools and responsible adults should be disarmed.

      • “Abby Mclean, a Covenant mom, questioned how she should tell her kids that lawmakers want to allow more guns into school, when her children are still scared of firearms.”

        Suddenly I begin to understand Covenant’s baffling, irrational, surreal and flat-out insane lack of security.

        Many insects, fish, reptiles, birds and mammals protect their young as best they can. I once saw a rabbit trying to protect its child repeatedly bite a 4′ diamondback.

        Yet liberals who identify as “highly evolved” are proud to have fallen to the very bottom of Darwin’s Ladder.

  4. I guess since the current restrictions worked so well for the Covenant school shooter, why change them, right?

  5. Explain to your kids why we protect our money with guns and our kids with gun free signs.

    • “…why we protect our money with guns and our kids with gun free signs.”

      It’s Leftist-Fascist ‘Magical Thinking’ in action… 🙁

    • Your kids and my kids. Their kids are protected with guns at their special, private, secure schools.

  6. Explain to your kids WHY a miscreant would even consider killing a bunch of other people……..non-parenting, drugs, media influence, idolizing thug life, peer pressure, inability to deal with normal life issues, etc!!

    • “Explain to your kids WHY a miscreant would even consider killing a bunch of other people…… “

      There may be many reasons these killings occur…

      “(Reuters) – The white gunman who shot and killed three Black people at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, Florida, was a 21-year-old who bought his guns legally and had no criminal history, local law enforcement said on Sunday.

      The shooter, Ryan Christopher Palmeter, lived with his parents in a suburb of Jacksonville, Sheriff T.K. Waters told a press conference. He died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

      Authorities have described the shooting as racially motivated, saying the man had authored “several manifestos” for media, his parents and law enforcement detailing his hatred for Black people.“

  7. Explain it takes a good guy/gal with a gat to protect your kids. You know like the goons who guard slow Joe & the ho. At least harden up your school. And release that so-called manifesto for starter’s🙄

    • That manifesto will never see the light of day. However, if it fits the agenda, it will be released in a matter of hours, like the Dollar General “crazed white supremist” ‘s was.

      • “released in a matter of hours, like the Dollar General “crazed white supremist” ‘s was“

        Really? Could you possibly direct us to where the Dollar General manifesto has been posted, thanks!

  8. Explain? Well foot tapping busy body drama queen mom mcLean if you want your kids to be eaten by deranged criminals who will use anything they can get their hands on to make sushi out of your kids then you keep them stupid, pathetic and unarmed.

    Besides that mom mcLean History Confirms your Gun Control is Rooted in Racism and Genocide…Any more questions?

    • “Any more questions?”

      How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

      • “…sngels…”

        Not sure of the quantity but they will need dancing shoes with sturdy souls.

        souls….pun intended.

        • “…they will need dancing shoes with sturdy souls.”

          I laughed… 😉

  9. So the Republicans on the committee made a “move to shut down debate“?

    Of course they did, the fix was in and they didn’t need any pesky citizens voicing their opinion.

    It seems those parents thought they were living in a country where free speech and debate regarding the legislative process was encouraged.

    • Yeah, you’d almost think they were Democrats. I mean, where do they get the nerve of thinking that protecting children is as important as transitioning children without their parents’ knowledge, so as to warrant shutting down the debate?

    • minor49iq…The drama queen Gun Control History illiterates previously exercised their Free Speech by marching in the streets and storming the state house to wind up using bullhorns to beg lawmakers for Gun Control. It appears their efforts influenced the week irksome later Louisville shooter to murder people on the behalf of Gun Control by showing how easy it was to purchase firearms. If you haven’t noticed it by now…The problem for centuries has been Gun Control disarming people…History Confirms It.

    • “So the Republicans on the committee made a “move to shut down debate“?

      Of course they did, the fix was in and they didn’t need any pesky citizens voicing their opinion.

      It seems those parents thought they were living in a country where free speech and debate regarding the legislative process was encouraged.”

      As usual Miner49er expresses his lack of knowing what context and research means and goes with the left wing slant.

      Things were getting out of hand, Moms Demand Action was there with their signs which are prohibited in that sitting and they were resisting removing the signs so they could stay, and the democrats were stirring up their supporters in the audience to disrupt the proceedings. So in order to have a debate they had to shut it down so things would cool down.

    • Those parent clearly need to be charged with interfering in the free and fair vote process.

  10. HB 7064 allowed for this:

    “Firearms and Ammunition – As introduced, allows law enforcement officers, whether on-duty or off-duty, retired law enforcement officers, active duty and retired members of the armed forces of the United States, whether in discharge of official duties or not, and enhanced handgun carry permit holders, except in certain circumstances, to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, with or without the intent to go armed, a handgun in any public school building or bus, on any public school campus, grounds, recreation area, athletic field, or any other property owned, operated, or while in use by any public board of education, school, college, or university board of trustees, regents, or directors for the administration of any public educational institution.”

    In other words, HB 7064 allowed the very people that anti-gun says are ‘responsible’ (by permit or the other categories) to carry guns.

    In other words, HB 7064 allowed (with slightly different grammar wording) the same as other states already allow and have been allowing for at least 20 years and there has never been one ‘detrimental’ usage by any of those people except in the cases where due to their armed presence at the time a mentally ill killer was stopped.

    In effect, HB 7064 added an ‘unpredictable presence layer’ of armed resistance that is known to deter or (in some cases when they are present) stop killers from shooting up schools.

    In 2022 there were 137 (based upon the confessions of caught) ‘would be’ mass-shooters (which includes school shooters), all of them in ‘gun free zones’, that were either deterred or stopped (stopped as in being caught and disarmed and detained by the armed defender person present before they could begin) from their ‘mass shooting’ before they could begin because armed retired military (the armed defender) just happens to have been present at the time.

  11. “Abby Mclean, a Covenant mom, questioned how she should tell her kids that lawmakers want to allow more guns into school, when her children are still scared of firearms. ” It’s called raising your children right, which you have obviously failed at because of your irrational fear of firearms, your children learned that behavior. Maybe daddy is a beta? where is daddy?

    • Not really “voted down” — it failed to make it out of committee due to a tie.

      The site “TN Firearms” portrays this as the measure “dies because of Republican votes.”
      Nine Republicans voted to pass it; five opposed it, and two did not vote. All four Donks on the committee voted “no.”

      It’s just as valid to say that the measure failed due to Donks voting as a bloc, as it is to say that Republican votes stopped the bill’s progress.

      • “Nine Republicans voted to pass it; five opposed it, and two did not vote. All four Donks on the committee voted “no.”

        Let me see if I can get the math right.
        9 Republicans-pass

        16 Republicans?
        4 Democrats

        And you want to blame its failure to be approved by the committee on the Democrats?


        • once again Miner49 demonstrates a lack of understanding of context.

          he didn’t ‘blame’ anyone.

          learn to read and comprehend moron.

        • Apparently math isn’t only racist to some idiots– to other idiots, it’s partisan.

          Right, Liar69er?

        • No, his statement is false.

          “It’s just as valid to say that the measure failed due to Donks voting as a bloc, as it is to say that Republican votes stopped the bill’s progress.”

          With only 4 Democrats, it would make no difference whether they voted in a ‘bloc’ or not. The 16 Republicans could overrule them with ease, yet that did not happen.

          Own it, your problem was the 5 Republicans who voted against and the 2 who abstained.

          In other news of interest to patriotic Americans, California State Bar judge Yvette D. Roland has denied Trump co-defendant John Eastman’s request for an abatement or stay of his State Bar proceedings where the State Bar of California is seeking to revoke Eastman’s law license.

          Eastman was one of the principal architects of the fraudulent elector scheme now playing out in a courtroom near you.

          Interestingly, Eastman clerked for Clarence Thomas so it’s not surprising his legal ethics seem nonexistent.

        • “No, his statement is false.

          “With only 4 Democrats, it would make no difference whether they voted in a ‘bloc’ or not.”

          Wrong, Liar69er. One Donk vote and the measure passes.

          But we know why that doesn’t happen — they’re not interested in protecting children in schools; the Donks need the dead children so that they can promote their gun-grabbing agenda.

        • “Wrong, Liar69er. One Donk vote and the measure passes“

          Amazing. 5 Republicans vote against its passage, 2 abstain and yet you still want to blame the Democrats.

          I begin to understand why so many of you think Donald Trump is ‘smart’.

          And there’s a theory now why Donald Trump lied about his weight with the specific number 215.

          2 plus 15=17. The 17th letter of the alphabet is… Q

        • “Amazing.”

          Not really; it’s expected of a Donk.

          I repeat: One Donk vote and the measure passes.

          But we know why that doesn’t happen — they’re not interested in protecting children in schools; the Donks need the dead children so that they can promote their gun-grabbing agenda.

          “And there’s a theory now …”

          Is there a theory why you’re such a liar, Liar69er?

        • MINOR49er, Seems you point out a few RINO’s and try to blame Republicans? Unfortunately, we have some traitors who call themselves “Republicans” but are actually your kind.


    Biofires new Smart Gun to go on sale to distributors in December and they are already sold out and backordered. The new smart gun recognizes your finger print and your facial features in order for it to work and fire.

    If proved reliable the Biofire will force all the other handgun manufacturers’ to follow suit and handguns without this new smart technology may soon become highly restricted or banned altogether. And it cannot come too soon to solve America’s carnage and rivers of blood in the streets.


    You can program more than one person to be able to fire the same weapon.

    Once the firearm is put down no one not authorized can accidentally shoot themselves with it saving thousands of lives per year especially over 1,300 child deaths.

    The current made Biotech cannot be hacked and does not have a government “kill” switch.

    The exciting thing about this new technology is that in the future (with mandated government changes) the Government could prevent ANY firearm from working within a school zone defeating the nut cases that want to commit mass murder at schools, parades, shopping centers, movie theaters. banks etc. The possibilities are endless. Of course all old technology firearms would have to be destroyed and Australia proved millions of firearms can be destroyed in a very short time.

    • We already dissected and dissed the BioTech in a couple of articles here, what? A couple of weeks ago?

      Nice cut-and-paste of the PR release from the company, though.

      • “Nice cut-and-paste of the PR release from the company, though”

        Yeah, it’s not like that’s the main bread and butter of TTAG, right?

        Hilarious self-own.

        • The “Hilarious self-own” happens every time you open your yap on TTAG, moron49er.

          Anyways –

          Hey, Man, you got a hurricane coming your way. Oil up your smoke wagons in case your roof comes off… 🙁

        • Category 1? That’s a stiff breeze and a rain shower.

          I’m in Jacksonville — we get back-handed by ‘canes that come in from the Gulf. It’ll be a depression when it gets here, and my lawn needs the rain.

          Gadsden Flag is directly in the bullseye of the target zone — batten down the hatches! (We’ll teach those hatches!)

      • It was previewed on Forgotten Weapons months ago.

        It might have a market. Let’s see what determined hackers can do. The Armatix was unlocked with a magnet.

    • Australian ban showed that the most compliant of the population will turn their guns in, and they got about 700k (not millions). 20 years later, they were still hoping to boost compliance:

      “An Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission report released Friday estimated there could be as many as 600,000 unregistered guns in Australia.”

      • “An Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission report released Friday estimated there could be as many as 600,000 unregistered guns in Australia.” There are more in Vermont than all of Australia. Safest state requires no firearm registration ever.

        • Well last year the head of Australia LEO, was on TV screaming that the number of “FULL AUTO” weapons being seized in Australia were at an all time high…

          And prices on the Black Market in Australia for these weapons have tanked…

    • Still doesn’t have micro stamping meaning it won’t be legal in commifornia.
      Zero real world tests done only strictly controlled range tests.
      Bulky and unwieldy- cannot be concealed so not a self defense firearm.
      Batteries will be dead when most needed due to long periods of disuse, look at how often it occurs with smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in homes.
      Might sell a few thousand as curiosity purchases.
      The first time any one of the biometric systems fails, and they will, the company will be sued out of business.

    • does not work that way you fucking moron, nothing in bio craps information has it having remote access.
      once again you show your ignorance.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, Oh please. This nonsense has already been thoroughly debunked. You are truly a anti-gun radical.


      Pfui. The first reliable bio-weapon was the domesticated dog.

  13. Your kids are scared of guns because you are scared of guns.Just my guess but your parents, or lack there of, never taught you about them. Probably never taught you much. They let the wonderful public indoctrination system do it for them. Same thing you have done to yours.

    • It seems that people with the attitude of these parents are aiding and abetting the criminal minded.
      Present law did not stop the sad event at Covenant and more laws will not reverse the history or
      prevent future events. The kids are afraid of guns because their parents are misguided dingbats and
      they are rearing their children to be a carbon copy. Guess the parents skipped history classes.

      • Just one more law will make us all feel safe ! Right??
        They teach the version of history they want us to believe not the truth.

  14. Things like this happen because of the concept of ‘gun free school zones’. Otherwise this wouldn’t be much of a topic of conversation. This is the bigger fish to fry.

  15. “Abby Mclean, a Covenant mom, questioned how she should tell her kids that lawmakers want to allow more guns into school, when her children are still scared of firearms. How do I explain to these children that that’s your solution? I want an answer,” McLean said.”

    Overall the world is a safe place. However, there always has been, is, and always will be…until Jesus returns for his own…evil in the world. You explain that guns are important to protect good people from bad people. That we all are contestants in the Evil Dispensing Violence Lottery, and one must be prepared to defend oneself and those one loves should one’s lottery number be drawn. Being unarmed, unable to defend oneself, merely makes one a victim in waiting. And, above all else…….THE MERE THOUGHT OF GUNS MAKE LIBTURDS’ MINDS EXPLODE. AND, GUNS ARE FUN!!!!!

  16. Lets see, there is no explanation for a firearm caried concealled. No one will see it. Unless she thinks the teachers or staff will open carry. I doubt that will ever happen. Or an LEO is in school.
    Not enough fear except fear itself.

  17. “How do I explain to these children that that’s your solution? I want an answer,” McLean said.

    When the murder was walking around with guns and shooting kids, police with more guns ran in and shot her, but they didn’t get there until after she murderered three people. If more good people already in the school had guns, they could have shot the murderer sooner, and fewer people might have died.

  18. Can we see the manifesto already!? You want laws without giving the key evidence…out with it. Should be subpoenaed by the house for sure, that would provide more than today’s show vote ( although that was a good one).

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