Another Mystery: What Happened to Hunter Biden’s Colt Cobra? Other Guns?

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Hunter Biden gun
Photo from Hunter Biden’s laptop

That’s the cringe-inducing image we’ve all unfortunately seen repeatedly since content from Hunter Biden’s “laptop from Hell” began trickling out before the 2020 election. In the images and videos, in addition to frolicking with hookers and smoking crack, the First Son is seen posing nude and holding a semi-automatic pistol, hammer cocked, finger on the trigger.

Back at least as far as early 2021 we learned that he lied on ATF form 4473 about his drug use when he purchased a handgun. A handgun his girlfriend/sister-in-law then threw into a public trash can across the street from a school.

Over the last month or more, however, as Hunter’s legal proceedings have come to a head, we’ve learned that the felony allegation against him for lying on the 4473 centers around a different gun than the one pictured in the photo we’ve all seen. From CNBC . . .

Biden in 2018 owned a Colt Cobra revolver “despite knowing he was an unlawful user of and addicted to a controlled substance,” court documents said.

The gun charge carries a penalty of 10 years in prison, but the deal with prosecutors is expected to mean that Biden will avoid any jail time.

Here’s a similar blurb from the AP . . .

The gun charge states that Hunter Biden possessed a handgun, a Colt Cobra .38 Special, for 11 days in October 2018 despite knowing he was a drug user. The rarely filed count carries a maximum sentence of up to 10 years in prison, but the Justice Department said Hunter Biden had reached a pretrial agreement. This likely means as long as he adheres to the conditions, the case will be wiped from his record.

Christopher Clark, a lawyer for Hunter Biden, said in a statement that it was his understanding that the five-year investigation had now been resolved.

Here’s an example from another news outlet. Note the photo’s caption . . .

The image above is actually a screenshot from a video, showing a naked Hunter waving his pistol around and pointing it at the camera, prostitute, crack cocaine, and drug paraphernalia visible there with him. See this article, which, again references Hunter’s “.38” and even says . . .

Hunter Biden recorded the video on Oct. 17, 2018, according to Radar Online, which first revealed its existence. The outlet and a Post source described his companion in the video as a prostitute.

Five days earlier, he bought a .38-caliber handgun in Delaware, Politico reported last year.

Heck, the title of the Radar Online article referenced above is “Drugged Up Hunter Biden Points Illegally Obtained .38 Caliber Gun As He’s Caught Fooling Around With Prostitute In Newly Leaked Tape.”

But here’s the rub! The gun in the video — the only gun we’ve all seen him with — isn’t a Colt Cobra. It isn’t a revolver of any sort. It isn’t a .38 (a caliber that, to my knowledge, isn’t chambered in any semi-auto handgun).

As a condition of Hunter’s attempted plea deal (which fell apart this week), in addition to looking for a job and not using drugs or alcohol, Mr. Biden is prohibited from owning firearms for two years.

Sure, why not plea down on the firearm charges? After all, he was in the throes of drug addiction and the whole lying on a 4473 incident was a one-time thing, right? Or was it?

Why is no one talking about the fact that Biden the younger is seen in his own video holding a handgun that clearly isn’t a Colt revolver? Or any sort of revolver at all? All apparently during the very time period in question.

Is every news outlet in the country so blindingly ignorant of firearms that they can caption a photo using the word “revolver” even though the gun pictured obviously isn’t one? This is about as basic as it gets, right?

Obviously this begs the question; What’s the story with the pistol in the photo/video above? It looks like some flavor of Beretta 84FS or 85FS or something? Did he buy that one, too? He clearly possessed it. Was that the gun that was tossed in the trash can or was it the Cobra as has been reported? Are there other falsified Hunter Biden 4473s and NICS checks out there? How many other firearms did he own?

How could the federal prosecutors and the court be so incurious? Is something else going on here?

Inquiring minds would really like to know.


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  1. Hunter Biden is the poster child for spoiled brat, rich kid, ultimate white/wealth privileged morons. Daddy will once again bail him out and protect his child.
    Sadly, once Old Joe is no longer a valuable commodity, Hunter will either self destruct and drink or overdose himself to death. Or end in prison being someone’s new girlfriend.

    • My thoughts as well… this would be tragic in any family…. this is the more so because the American people (or was it Dominion? Naw, couldn’t have been, the courts told us so) elected old decrepit senile Joe to the most powerful office in the world. We all love our kids, Joe- often in spite of themselves. Many of us have had to deal with kids gone off the rails.
      There sometimes comes a point when TOUGH LOVE comes into play for the good of all of us. This has gone well beyond that and if you cannot see it, the rest of us can. He’s long since reached ADULTHOOD and frankly, this sh*tshow has gone on long enuff- too long, what with having him and his cocaine in the White House… he’s a bad egg in need of serious intervention- In the Name of the Almighty, DEAL WITH IT JOE, he’s YOUR SON! God bless you and all concerned, we wish you and your family the best.

      • You don’t seem to understand just how corrupt/sick this family is. Not only did they turn a blind eye to Hunter’s problems, they exploited them for wealth. Bribes, kickbacks, influence peddling, you name it, Hunter & dad appear to have had a good game going at the American tax payers’ expense.

        • Hunter was Joe’s bagman from day one. His first job was with one of Joe’s donors making way more than an attorney should make just starting out. It’s no wonder he ended up being an addict. Easy money adds fuel to the fire. Add to that a career you didn’t earn.

          “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter Biden groused to daughter Naomi in January 2019. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.” (Pop is Joe Biden.)

          Confirmed communication from Hunter

        • “Confirmed communication from Hunter“

          Interesting, just what sort of confirmation do you have?

        • June 22, 2023 WASHINGTON — The FBI “verified” the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop in November 2019 and a federal computer expert assessed “it was not manipulated in any way,” IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley told Congress in explosive testimony released Thursday.

          Wake up and smell the coffee Miner. Why do you think they went all out to censor the laptop in 2020? It’s full of evidence. If people knew the truth, they wouldn’t have voted for Biden. About 10% of Biden voters even said so. Biden didn’t win by millions of votes. He squeaked out a victory by a few votes in some swing states. Flip about 23,000 votes or remove around 44,000 votes (numbers approximate by memory) and he loses.

        • “The FBI “verified” the authenticity“

          Just what does that mean?

          What source are you citing?

          What was the name of the FBI personnel who “verified the authenticity” and what office or department within the FBI are they working under?

          A claim or allegation is not evidence.

          And your quoted statement is obviously online, Rudy Giuliani did not deliver a laptop, all the reports seem to indicate he delivered a hard drive purportedly containing the contents of the laptop.

          Where is the reporting on the brand/model of the laptop? What are the details, processor, RAM, hard drives?

          The claims lack important details that would make the story credible.

        • “The claims lack important details that would make the story credible.”

          The laptop is old news, Miner. Try to keep up. I rarely post links anymore because it gets moderated. You can search my quotes to find the source.

          The FBI works for the regime. That has been obvious since at least 2016 when they pushed the Russia collusion lie seeded by Hillary. The FBI (AKA regime thugs) picked up the original computer from the shop. They threatened the owner to stay quiet about it. Rudy only had a copy of the hard drive. Do you see a trend? The feds are the clean up crew. They picked up Hunter’s gun as well as his 4473. They retrieved Ashley Biden’s diary as well. You know, the one that said her dad, the president, took inappropriate showers with her? You’re a regime apologist, Miner. Serious question: what do you get out of that?

        • “The FBI (AKA regime thugs) picked up the original computer from the shop. They threatened the owner to stay quiet about it“

          Where are you getting this from?

          Can you point me to a website or online document or any other source to substantiate your claim?

          Rudy Giuliani claims to have the files from the ‘laptop’, do you believe his claims?

          And you do know that Rudy has now stated in court that he was lying about the Georgia election fraud, right?

          “Rudy Giuliani admits he made false statements about Georgia election workers
          By Michael HillPublished 4 days agoUpdated 3 days ago FOX 5 NY”

          “While Giuliani does not admit to Plaintiffs’ allegations, he — for purposes of this litigation only — does not contest the factual allegations,” the filing said.

          Giuliani political adviser Ted Goodman said in an email Wednesday that the filing was made “in order to move on to the portion of the case that will permit a motion to dismiss.”

          Michael Gottlieb, a lawyer for Freeman and Moss, said in an emailed statement that Giuliani is conceding “what we have always known to be true — Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss honorably performed their civic duties in the 2020 presidential election in full compliance with the law; and the allegations of election fraud he and former-President Trump made against them have been false since day one.”

          Certain issues, including damages, still have to be decided by the court. Gottlieb said Freeman and Moss are “pleased with this major milestone in their fight for justice, and look forward to presenting what remains of this case at trial.”

        • “The FBI (AKA regime thugs) picked up the original computer from the shop. They threatened the owner to stay quiet about it“

          Dude, your claim is completely at odds with local reporting on the issue. Why do you keep lying about this?

          “Rudy Giuliani turns over alleged Hunter Biden laptop to authorities in Delaware
          Karl Baker
          Delaware News Journal

          “WILMINGTON, Del. – Rudy Giuliani’s efforts to tarnish Joe Biden’s presidential campaign continued in Delaware when he visited a police station Monday to share files from what he said was Hunter Biden’s laptop.

          “They’ve got a hard drive or a laptop or something to that effect. They try to turn it over to New Castle County PD. New Castle County PD calls us,” said Mat Marshall, a spokesman for Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings.
          Jennings’ office gave the device to the FBI, which reportedly is investigating the veracity of claims about the origin of the laptop and how its contents were shared with Giuliani’s team, Marshall said.”

          Reread that first line, it has relatively simple words.

          “WILMINGTON, Del. – Rudy Giuliani’s efforts to tarnish Joe Biden’s presidential campaign continued in Delaware when he visited a police station Monday to share files from what he said was Hunter Biden’s laptop“

          Your claim is the FBI picked up the original computer from the shop, and you offer no source to substantiate your claim.

          Again, why can’t you tell the truth about this issue?

        • “Again, why can’t you tell the truth about this issue?”

          Where’s the lie, Miner? Are you saying the FBI didn’t take possession of the laptop? You mean the same laptop the IC claimed was a Russian disinformation campaign? Are you saying the FBI and CIA told Big Tech to censor the laptop story because it really was a Russian disinformation campaign? Is that your story? Are you stupid, or are you playing stupid? If someone constantly pretends like they’re stupid, are they really pretending? Quote me on my lie, moron. I’m sick and tired of playing nice with you loser.

          Recently, my office heard from individuals with knowledge of the FBI’s apparent corruption. After the FBI obtained the Hunter Biden laptop from the Wilmington, DE computer shop, these whistleblowers stated that local FBI leadership told employees, “you will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop” and that the FBI is “not going to change the outcome of the election again.” Further, these whistleblowers allege that the FBI did not begin to examine the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop until after the 2020 presidential election—potentially a year after the FBI obtained the laptop in December 2019.

          It is no longer a question of whether the laptop exists or not. It is no longer a question of whether the FBI has it or not. The current question is why the FBI lied about it, and derailed the investigation. I know you regularly lie because your sense of morality centers around taking up for Democrats (who don’t give a rat’s ass about you – how pathetic). However, I’ve noticed that you’re actually very ignorant about some matters. That’s because you follow the propaganda news outlets. Try to educate yourself about the truth if you really want to know. That begins with disregarding the propaganda outlets. Do you enjoy simping for the regime? Does that give your life meaning?

        • Apparent title (from Miner): Rudy Giuliani turns over alleged Hunter Biden laptop to authorities in Delaware

          Apparent news story (from Miner) – Rudy Giuliani’s efforts to tarnish Joe Biden’s presidential campaign continued in Delaware when he visited a police station Monday to share files from what he said was Hunter Biden’s laptop.

          Miner, your title says Rudy turned over the laptop. The story then contradicts the title by saying he shared files from the laptop. Note that this is also old news because it was during the 2020 campaign. You guys are so easy to manipulate. The regime just denies, denies, denies. Then they start up more lies and investigations of their opponents. You wholeheartedly believe the new lies, while ignoring the old lies, because you want to believe it. It’s both really sad and pathetic. I hope the best for you, but you seem to be hopeless. I’ve repeatedly tried to treat you like an actual adult with an actual functioning brain. Your behavior is interesting because it gives us some insight into how the regime is able to succeed.

          I think in the future, I should just tell you to get lost. When have you ever been right in one of these exchanges? Answer: never. Stop wasting my time loser. Go simp for your fantasy lovers somewhere else.

        • All you’ve got is Ron Johnson’s unsubstantiated bullshit claim?

          “my office heard from individuals with knowledge of the FBI’s apparent corruption“

          So no names, no specific officeholder, just unsupported bullshit from Ron Johnson.

          Did he ever get his phone service problems worked out?

          “Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson attempted to avoid answering reporters’ questions as he left the Capitol by pretending to be on his phone, but he was called out by one of the journalists who spotted his screen.”

          You know, it is hilarious that you folks continue to believe Rudy Giuliani’s bullshit, the rest of us are laughing at you people.

        • @Miner49er

          “Where are you getting this from?”

          From the actual evidence presented in the house hearings, evidence that was in FBI custody thus chain of evidence preserved.

          Maybe you should learn what ‘research’ and ‘context’ means.

        • 40 ounce, it seems your claim is that the Biden family took in $50 million and you are outraged.

          Where is your outrage when the Trump family took in over $2 BILLION from the Saudi royal family?

          “Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of former President Donald Trump, scored a $2 billion investment from a fund led by the Saudi crown prince just six months after leaving the White House, according to a new report.

          Kushner’s investment firm, Affinity Partners, received the commitment from Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund after a panel that was overseeing the fund’s investments had raised red flags that were overruled by the board, led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, as reported by the New York Times.“

          And it’s not just the Trump family receiving billions from those wonderful folks who brought you 3000 dead Americans on September 9/11, Trumps pals also received payoffs from a grateful Saudi royal family:

          “Former Trump administration Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin’s investment firm has also received vast sums from Middle Eastern wealth funds, including $1 billion from the Saudi wealth fund.“

          Frankly, it’s amazing to see your support for the Saudi Crime family and their co-conspirators, the Trump crime family.

          Tell me, do you get a thrill of pride every time you see video of the twin towers being destroyed?

        • “Ron Johnson’s unsubstantiated bullshit claim?”

          Miner. No one is disputing that the laptop exists, that it belonged to Hunter, or that it’s in the possession of the FBI. That is *very* old news. The real news is that: 1) the FBI ran a disinformation campaign to censor the laptop, claiming that it was Russian disinformation for easily fooled schmucks like you, and 2) not only ignored high crimes and misdemeanors, but actively made sure they weren’t investigated so people wouldn’t know about the Big Guy being on the take. The IC, Big Tech, and the media (the usual suspects) were all integral parts of the coordinated disinformation campaign, just like in 2016. Democrats used the power of the state to interfere in the election while claiming the Russians were the ones doing the interfering. Again. And here you are fooled. Again.

          Do you enjoy being lied to by them? Or do you understand that they’re lying to you, and you’re just a pathetic simp? Or is your IQ really so low that you just can’t comprehend the confusing world around you? Which is it?

          The same FBI personnel who warned social media companies that the Hunter Biden laptop could be part of a potential Russian “hack and leak” operation ahead of the 2020 election knew that it was not disinformation, an FBI official told the House Judiciary Committee.

          Section Chief of the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force Laura Dehmlow participated in a transcribed interview before the House Judiciary Committee and its Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government on Monday and revealed details of how the bureau “conditioned” social media companies to believe the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, despite knowing it was legitimate.

          IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler told Congress last month that federal investigators knew in December 2019 that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “not manipulated in any way” and contained “reliable evidence,” but were “obstructed” from seeing all available information on it.

          “In the nine months leading up to the 2020 election, the FBI met over 30 times with social media platforms—all while in possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop,” Jordan wrote to Wray Thursday. “Prior to the election, FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan scheduled, on behalf of FITF, at least five meetings with Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!, in addition to multiple meetings with Twitter and Red_ _it.”

          There’s the specific FBI employee you requested, Miner. How stupid do you feel now? Or are you still confused? Care to dig your hole any deeper?

        • Dude, thanks for reply!

          Unfortunately, it still doesn’t answer the question. The person you quote the testimony from did not investigate the laptop and did not verify its contacts. She only stated that she thought other members of the FBI claimed that it was real.

          “ also said during her testimony that she recalls, either from attending one such meeting herself or from someone in attendance telling her about it, that “somebody from Twitter essentially asked whether the laptop was real.”
          “And one of the FBI folks who was on the call did confirm that, ‘yes, it was,’ before another participant jumped in and said, ‘no further comment,'” Dehmlow said.“

          “Do you know who else at FITF knew that the laptop was real?” the committee asked, according to the transcript excerpts.

          Dehmlow replied, “I don’t actually. I would assume both my — yes, I would certainly say that [then-FITF Section Chief] Brad Benavides was aware.”

          The committee asked, “What about the individuals on the Russia unit?”

          Dehmlow replied, “I would assume the [Russia] unit chief was also aware. I’m pretty certain of that fact.”

          Dehmlow was accompanied during the interview by an attorney with the Department of Justice, a common practice when department employees testify before Congress, and the excerpts note that the attorney jumped in to clarify if Dehmlow knew with “certainty” or if she was merely “making deductions.”

          “I’m pretty certain they were aware,” Dehmlow replied.

          The transcript excerpts were included as part of a letter Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) wrote Thursday to FBI Director Christopher Wray seeking names and other records related to those at the bureau who knew about the laptop and were communicating with social media companies in the weeks ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

          The laptop made headlines at the time when the New York Post broke a story on Oct. 14, 2020, implicating then-candidate Joe Biden in his son’s business dealings based on findings on the laptop.

          Social media companies, including Twitter and Facebook, suppressed the New York Post’s story, thereby reducing its exposure to their millions of users.

          Meanwhile, behind the scenes, FITF and other federal government entities were routinely meeting with social media companies and, at one point, warning them repeatedly of a possible “hack and dump” operation, according to a recent and sweeping court ruling out of Louisiana related to government censorship.

          Dehmlow also said during her testimony that she recalls, either from attending one such meeting herself or from someone in attendance telling her about it, that “somebody from Twitter essentially asked whether the laptop was real.”

          “And one of the FBI folks who was on the call did confirm that, ‘yes, it was,’ before another participant jumped in and said, ‘no further comment,'” Dehmlow said.

          In his letter to Wray, Jordan noted that Dehmlow testified that the FBI “immediately deliberated” after the Twitter meeting about how to address any future questions from social media companies about the laptop.

          Jordan wrote, “According to Dehmlow, during these internal deliberations the decision was made that FITF would say ‘no comment’ going forward.”

          “Put simply, after the FBI conditioned social media companies to believe that the laptop was the product of a hack-and-dump operation, the Bureau stopped its information sharing, allowing social media companies to conclude that the New York Post story was Russian disinformation,” Jordan wrote, a reference to Joe Biden dismissing the story in 2020 as a Russian attempt at election interference.

          The revelation that the FBI proactively decided it would not comment on Hunter Biden’s laptop comes after the FBI subpoenaed and gained possession of it by December 2019 amid its investigation of the younger Biden, as detailed in the Louisiana court ruling.

          The FBI maintains that it does not comment on ongoing investigations, a policy that would align with its decision to decline to comment on direct questions from social media companies about the laptop’s authenticity in 2020.

          Dehmlow’s testimony corroborates that of IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapely, who testified to the House Ways and Means Committee in May that the FBI was aware of the laptop’s authenticity.

          Shapely told the committee, “The FBI became aware that a repair shop had a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden and that the laptop might contain evidence of a crime” in October 2019.

          He said “the FBI verified its authenticity in November of 2019 by matching the device number against Hunter Biden’s Apple iCloud ID.”

          The FBI declined to comment on the matter.“

          So there’s the rub, it’s just an unsubstantiated claim that “the FBI verified the laptop”

          Still no official verification of the laptop and still no details on what files may have been added or manipulated, just a claim from people in the IRS, not the FBI.

          Again, why didn’t Tucker Carlson save his job by revealing all of the laptop files on the hard drive he claimed to have in his possession?

          Why hasn’t Rudy Giuliani saved his law license by revealing these ‘laptop’ files publicly?

          Why didn’t Bill Barr, who was trumps attorney general in 2019 and 2020, move forward to prosecute Hunter Biden if he had all this ‘evidence’?

          Sean Hannity also had all these files, why haven’t we seen any of it from him? Do you think Sean is afraid of having to pay out another $800 million for defamation because they know disinformation files were added…

        • Quote provided by Miner:
          The revelation that the FBI proactively decided it would not comment on Hunter Biden’s laptop comes after the FBI subpoenaed and gained possession of it by December 2019 amid its investigation of the younger Biden, as detailed in the Louisiana court ruling.

          How do you subpoena an imaginary laptop, Miner? Thank you for answering my questions. You’re obviously a low IQ simp. I guess your options in life are limited when you’re really that slow, so I can’t blame you for having an imaginary love affair with Democrats. It’s kind of sweet the way you take up for them, even if they don’t care about you.

          Hunter Biden finally admits infamous laptop is his as he pleads for criminal probe

          In the 14-page letter to Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings, Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell claimed that repair shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac “unlawfully” accessed Hunter’s laptop data and worked with former President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani to “weaponize” sordid and incriminating contents on it against Joe Biden.

          How do you unlawfully access a laptop that only exists in the imagination of those pesky Russians? Hmm… Furthermore, where is the intelligence that told the FBI that the Russians would be hacking and dumping damaging data prior to the election? Is Rudy Giuliani Russain LOL? We have an FBI employee and two IRS employees testifying under oath that the FBI has had the laptop since 2019, corroborating the story from the shop owner who said the FBI had a warrant for the laptop and retrieved it. Why would they obtain a warrant for (imaginary) evidence so that they could sit on it for over a year before even looking at it? Why did they restrict access to it during their so-called investigation? Hmm… You really are that dumb, aren’t you? This can’t be an act.

  2. I pointed this out months ago in comments on another article. I wanna know too. Where are the other guns and were though gained by lying on the 4473? Yes ‘guns’ (plural). There’s another pic, can’t find it right now, that was in a news article that shows an entirely different gun too.

    its not like he doesn’t have access to guns…according to him in his text messages to his sister-in-law-lover when she disposed of the gun (colt revolver supposedly in that trash bin) his dad has five guns in his house and her son has more weapons than an armory in his bedroom.

  3. Well he got caught with his pants down, embezzled millions and snorted coke while children in America go hungry. It defines a pathetic self serving ratbassturd who needs a life lesson he’ll never forget…anything less is enabling.

    • He didn’t embezzle — that’s stealing from a company. He got his money through influence peddling, possibly passing classified reports (related to businesses/economy), undisclosed representation of a foreign power, and laundering bribes to his father. Completely different set of felonies. They tried to sneak a blanket shield from prosecution of those into his gun crime plead.

      • “He got his money through influence peddling, possibly passing classified reports (related to businesses/economy), undisclosed representation of a foreign power, and laundering bribes to his father“

        That is absolutely correct:

        “Jared Kushner scores $2 billion investment from Saudi Arabia: report
        Published: April 11, 2022 at 2:12 p.m. ET
        By Steven Nelson
        Kushner’s firm, Affinity Partners, made the deal shortly after President Donald Trump left office, with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed overriding a review panel’s objections“

        Isn’t it amazing that the architects of the September 9/11 attack on America are financing the Trump family.

        “Hunter Biden: Does personal business deals as a private citizen.

        Senior Advisor to the President Jared Kushner: Got a $1 billion loan from the Saudis while working in the WH, and a $2 billion investment from the Saudis months after leaving the WH. GOP wants to investigate one of them. Guess which!”

        • So its okay for the bidens but verboten for Trump?

          You’re nothing but a whore miner. And a cheap one at that.

        • I find it interesting to see your full throated defense of Donald Trump, that’s something you share in common with the Saudis.

          Isn’t it amazing that the architects of the September 9/11 attack on America are financing the Trump family.

          Do you feel a little thrill of pride when you watch videos of the towers collapsing?

        • miner, really? Do you feel a little thrill of pride knowing you’re defending what amounts to a crime family in the white house?

          Answer the question honestly. Why is Trump verboten but biden is good to go?

          Get off your knees, spit it out of your mouth and act at least partly like a man.

  4. I’m not a conspiracy theorist by any means and you need quite a bit of proof to convince me of some type of cover-up. These photos don’t lie and now the detailed charges and still the ‘missing gun” and it needs to be established if there was or was not Secret Service involvement and, if so, what was it they did. Transparency and proof – what is going on…

  5. Hunter Biden is a rich white criminal gun owner. Who is part of the select few, who are free to break the law.

      • Yessir. White privilege. Watch the usual suspects from the fascist left show up to defend him.

        I know that you are a black man, Chris. Notice how the party that claims it is for the poor and people of color, the democrats, is made up almost entirely of rich white men? There are a few exceptions. One might even say ‘tokens’. But a bunch of white male corporate billionaires are the power of this party.

        • What, no comment about Donald Trump failing to prosecuting those who lied on form 4473?

          “Federal NICS checks resulted in about 112,000 denied transactions in fiscal year 2017, of which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) referred about 12,700 to its field divisions for further investigation. U.S. Attorney’s Offices (USAO) had prosecuted 12 of these cases as of June 2018.“

          Wow, only 12 prosecutions out of 122,000 found lying on the 4473?

        • You’re misreading those statistics. A denied transaction does not mean that the applicant lied on their 4473. Furthermore, a massive percentage (perhaps higher than 90%) of NICS denials are false positives:

          That said, I think it’s disgusting that they’re always trying to pass more gun laws when they consistently fail at enforcing the existing ones. If it’s a felony to lie on a 4473, then prosecute the people who do it. The failure to do this has been an issue going back to the 90s when this system was put in place in the first place. At the same time, it’s silly to put the blame on a president for an agency not properly enforcing one specific law of tens of thousands. The president might be involved in installing a new Director of a given agency who he’s told will run it to his liking, and his administration may provide some guidelines, but a specific policy like this is so far removed from the chief exec that it’s disingenuous to say that Donald Trump or Obama or Bush or Biden failed to prosecute people who lie on a 4473. Like…the president doesn’t prosecute people.

      • “What GAO Found”

        “Investigations and prosecutions. Federal and selected state law enforcement agencies that process firearm-related background checks through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) collectively investigate and prosecute a small percentage of individuals who falsify information on a firearms form (e.g., do not disclose a felony conviction) and are denied a purchase. Federal NICS checks resulted in about 112,000 denied transactions in fiscal year 2017, of which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) referred about 12,700 to its field divisions for further investigation. U.S. Attorney’s Offices (USAO) had prosecuted 12 of these cases as of June 2018.“

        It seems Donald Trump’s administration rarely prosecuted these cases.

        • “The Biden DOJ has charged over 4,000 ‘controlled substance, e.g. drug user’ in possession cases, and the only one (out of those over 4,000) to be allowed a plea deal was Hunter Biden. (starting at about 6:19 in the video below).“

          That’s nothing but a claim from the private citizen being interviewed on Fox news, there is no source or citation provided.

          Fortunately, we do have actual statistics from Trump’s GAO:

          “Law Enforcement:
          Few Individuals Denied Firearms Purchases Are Prosecuted and ATF Should Assess Use of Warning Notices in Lieu of Prosecutions

          Published: Sep 05, 2018. Publicly Released: Sep 05, 2018.

          Individuals who submit falsified information on a form needed to purchase a firearm (e.g., do not disclose a felony conviction) may be subject to investigation and prosecution.

          In fiscal 2017, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives referred about 12,700 denied purchases to its field divisions for investigation. As of June 2018, U.S. Attorney’s Offices prosecuted 12 of these cases.

          ATF field divisions may send warning notices to denied persons in lieu of prosecution, but this practice varies across divisions.“

          Only 12 prosecutions out of over 12,000 denied, why did they even charge Hunter Biden?

          Regarding the claim by the talking head on the Fox News piece, you folks are having difficulty differentiating between a claim or allegation, and actual verifiable facts.

          George Washington:
          “I cannot tell a lie”
          Donald Trump:
          I cannot tell the truth”
          Conservative Republicans:
          “I cannot tell the difference”

  6. I cracked open one of my safes and pulled out a Beretta 85F for comparison. It’s definitely a Beretta, but I don’t have enough definition on my PX to say if it’s an 84 or an 85. I also compared it to my Detective Special. (I don’t own a Cobra, but close enough for government work.) I’m confident it’s not a Colt revolver. That would make two violations of U.S. Code.

  7. “A handgun his girlfriend/sister-in-law then threw into a public trash can across the street from a school.”


    Those Biden’s are an interesting group.

    • Including pictures of him with his underage niece. Doing things which should have given him a long prison sentence. Interesting is only the beginning.

      • He was hosing ” Dr.” Jill while she was still married to a ” friend of the family “, only got caught by getting in an accident with the “friend’s ” Corvette with Jill in the passenger seat. Yep, them Bribems have interesting ways to grieve their recently departeds, and pathological lying is another family trait.

        • Hunter with his 14yo niece, Natalie. A few people in conservative outlets have alluded to it without naming her. I’ve only seen one video naming her. The rest of the media ignored it of course. Keep in mind those same people hate the movie Sound of Freedom, but take up for movies like Cuties. I’ll post a link for a video in another comment. It will probably go to moderation, so you might have to check back later.

          Edit: Yep. Awaiting moderation.

        • “A few people in conservative outlets have alluded to it without naming her“

          “Alluding” is what passes for credible evidence in MAGA world.

        • @uncommon_sense, here’s a partial transcript. I don’t know if my link comment will be approved.

          “Very uncomfortable pictures. We had images of Natalie being horizontal [she didn’t say topless, but that picture is out there partially blocked just like Hunter is blocked in the photo above]. I’m trying to be as delicate as I can. But being horizontal with Hunter. You have pictures of Hunter without his shirt on in some of the scenes. We have records of facetime calls from Hunter to Natalie and Natalie to Hunter. There’s enough questionable things in there that we sent in a request to the authorities to see if anybody raised alarms about these pictures once they had them in their hands.”

          @Miner, “Alluding is what passes for credible evidence in MAGA world.”

          You’re either playing dumb, or you really don’t understand how this works. Most people didn’t want to mention Natalie by name because she’s a miner! They would say things like, “there is evidence of sexual crimes on the laptop, maybe even with a miner.” That’s how they alluded to it.

          There’s a reason they call it the laptop from Hell! There’s a reason Democrats, the FBI, the CIA, the media, and Big Tech (but I repeat myself) went all out to censor the laptop and run a disinformation campaign pretending like it was Russian disinformation! It was more election interference from Democrats using the power of the state while pretending it was the Russians interfering!

        • The ‘laptop’.

          You really should investigate a couple terms, ‘provenance’ and ‘chain of custody’.

          There’s a reason folks like Hannity and Tucker have distanced themselves from the ‘laptop’.

          If there’s so much damning ‘evidence’ that trump’s attorney Rudy and his DOJ had in hand, where are the criminal charges against Joe Biden?

          “Rudy Giuliani turns over alleged Hunter Biden laptop to authorities in Delaware
          Karl Baker
          Delaware News Journal

          “WILMINGTON, Del. – Rudy Giuliani’s efforts to tarnish Joe Biden’s presidential campaign continued in Delaware when he visited a police station Monday to share files from what he said was Hunter Biden’s laptop.

          “They’ve got a hard drive or a laptop or something to that effect. They try to turn it over to New Castle County PD. New Castle County PD calls us,” said Mat Marshall, a spokesman for Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings.
          Jennings’ office gave the device to the FBI, which reportedly is investigating the veracity of claims about the origin of the laptop and how its contents were shared with Giuliani’s team, Marshall said.”

        • “where are the criminal charges against Joe Biden?”

          You don’t understand how the very political DOJ works, or you’re playing dumb again.

          See my above comment regarding the laptop. The FBI confirmed that it’s authentic, and that the contents haven’t been manipulated. The only thing that was manipulated was people like you that believe every Russian disinformation or Russian collusion fairy tale they’re presented with. Do you enjoy being lied to?

        • “The FBI confirmed that it’s authentic, and that the contents haven’t been manipulated“

          What is the name of the FBI personnel making that statement, what office in the FBI do they work in? Where can I find that statement that you are relying on?

        • @Miner49er

          “You really should investigate a couple terms, ‘provenance’ and ‘chain of custody’.

          There’s a reason folks like Hannity and Tucker have distanced themselves from the ‘laptop’.”

          100% false

          “What is the name of the FBI personnel making that statement, what office in the FBI do they work in? Where can I find that statement that you are relying on?”

          The evidence being presented in the house hearings came from the laptop that was in FBI custody and still is, thus ‘provenance’ and ‘chain of custody’ preserved.

          You should learn what ‘provenance’ and ‘chain of custody’ are.

        • “What is the name of the FBI personnel making that statement, what office in the FBI do they work in?”

          I listed that info in the thread above. You no longer have an excuse to deny reality Miner. How stupid do you feel now? How do you feel about Hunter complaining about paying his dad half of his earnings for his entire adult career (30 years – Hunter is about 50)? That means his dad was using his position in office to take money from (at a minimum) China, Russia, Ukraine, as well as funneling money through Hunter from his donors. Hunter’s first (highly overpaid) job was with one of the Joe’s donors.

        • “What is the name of the FBI personnel making that statement, what office in the FBI do they work in?”

          Still not answered. The FBI personnel in the interview you cute did not discuss how the laptop was ‘verified’.

          It was actually an individual from the IRS who claimed the FBI had ‘verified’ the laptop by matching an Apple account number but he offered zero documentation to support his claim.

        • Miner, why do you like to keep multiple threads going about the same thing? I said I replied to the one above, yet here you are. Again.

          Miner, YOU verified the existence of the laptop, and that it was in the FBI’s possession! It’s hilarious that you’re pretending like it’s some crazy Rudy Giuliani conspiracy theory or some sort of Russian disinformation campaign. Then your very own copy and paste in the other thread says the FBI has this mythical laptop. Make up your mind. Does it exist or not? Does the FBI have it or not? If so, then why would the FBI care about having Hunter’s laptop (while telling Big Tech it was a Russian disinformation campaign)? You’re twisting yourself into knots trying to take up for your fantasy boyfriend (who doesn’t care about you), the Democratic Party. Do you dream about Joe thanking you for your service some day?

    • PX4 was my first thought but the trigger guard is all wrong. Beretta has made so many sub variants it could be a Cheetah, could be a 92G Elite or 92 Compact, could be a Cougar…really not sure. Could be a specific flavor that was only out for a year. Could be a clone of a Beretta. Hard to say. But it’s very easy to say that it isn’t a revolver of any sort whatsoever LOL

  8. Unfortunately, the picture only shows a leg, arm, gun, & bracelet. Those could belong to anyone. I can’t tell from the picture of him holding his head if the bracelet is the same one. It looks similar but not definitive and, anyone could buy a bracelet like that. The only person who knows is the person taking the picture or someone else in the room. Sadly, I don’t think this would hold up in court with no other identifying data. The Deep State will now claim they have no way of knowing because they don’t keep 4473s after 90 days which we all know is a lie.

  9. Getting kicked out of the Navy because of failed drug test prohibits a gun purchase anyway, or did he not receive a dishonorable discharge????????

  10. I really like how the media talks about him like he’s just some kid. Isn’t he 60 something years old? He aged out of the rapscallion zone decades ago.

  11. Shannon Watts is keeping H.B. gun tucked away, she only hates your guns not Hunter’s (she hasn’t had one criticism of the guy). Navy recruits 40+ years ago were taught the difference between a gun and a weapon (something that was ingrained by the drill instructors).

  12. from what i heard about dishonorable discharge is that the commander officer does not have to notify ncis—-i asked about several shooting at bases that every perp had a dishonorable discharge—-just a quick question—did everybody forget the painting scam, (a la the ten year plus year old movie about that guy mickey, who had blue eyes, it was a comedy)? in the movie people were to be charged with money laundering..

  13. Hunter most likely got an entry level separation if it was a period less than 6 months. its not a discharge one way or another.
    Dishonorable or Bad Conduct discharges are convictions under UCMJ law and are tied to a criminal act. Having flake in your pee is grounds for removal but in and of itself not a crime. its an administrative rule violation.

    He probably went on a bender before shipping out and whrn they collected a sample at the induction center it glowed in the dark.

    Beau wasnt a great student or lawyer but be was a decent man. His wife turned into a drug fueled tramp. Beau was probably the only ethical Biden despite being an anti gun zealot.

  14. The Walter PPK (James Bond pistol) is chambered in .38, with earlier version chambered in .32. This is not the only semi-auto handgun chambered in .38, it just the most well known. The handgun in question is describe as a 38 special. This round, which is design with a “rim” on the end is for revolvers only since it has a protruding edges (rims). Round with such rims can not be used in semi-auto handguns (they won’t feed in from a “clip” style magazine).

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