Hunting: The Deer Are Getting More Sophisticated



  1. I’m on a two year skunk fest and an acquaintance, who first fired a rifle about 9 months ago, just got an eight point atypical mulie on her first DAY. Oh well, don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  2. Ok, nitpicking here Grace, but you
    wouldn’t see two bucks that close together during rut unless they were antler-locked (saw it happen five years ago, one was dead and the other one with a broken rack was on his last legs. One of the guys in our party got a dnr bonus tag for the dead one and tagged the other one for meat.) Also, talking deer is a registered trademark of Disney Productions, isn’t it?

    • I myself am glad that there are dialogue balloons in the illustration… a simple caption like
      ” Nice Rack ” below it would have been just totally confusing.

    • @GF

      Deer and Dear…I hope that I never reach the state of being where I have lost interest in either. They are both fine species to look at and chase through the woods. They share many attributes such as: tasty tidbits, outstanding racks, soft fur, both are paraded in pickup trucks, eat mostly vegetables and leafy greens, a propensity to attack at the most unexpected times…we won’t even discuss the differences (and similarities) in how they are mounted.

      • Old, I understand. One is pretty, soft and smells good. It’s also a pain in the ass and way too expensive. Some of that applies to the other also. Show me a doe and a quail.

    • I’m about at the point that I’ve lost interest in either

      THAT is just sad, I’m only 73 but still have a very healthy interest in both, when I get to the the point where I don’t then prepare the box and fire up the oven because I’m dead…

  3. This year has been horrible for me. Have passed up on buttons and spikes but every doe and good size buck have literally come out 5 minutes after last legal shooting light. Just today on opening day of gun season, don’t see anything then get a picture from my wife of a buck in my front yard eating corn out of the feeder

  4. Now how is that woman decoy going to attract heterosexual male hunters, she doesn’t look anything like Pelosi.

  5. Well you don’t see a lot of attractive women in the woods and it does seem to grab your attention when you do.

    • Have a lot of female hunters around here, very attractive mostly. They are all hunting the same thing, ‘Deer’…as in “Dear, I want to buy…”

      But seriously though, we do have a lot of female hunters around here that actually hunt deer and other critters. And they look very attractive, and if you don’t agree just remember they have a gun and hunting accidents do happen sometimes. 🙂

  6. Security Guard Successfully Overpowers And Disarms Man With Rifle In Buffalo >

    Gotta give this security guard guy Hero status, no doubt about it.

    The reality is that thousands of times annually across the United States in constitutional carry and more-firearms-permissive states ordinary law abiding citizens with guns prevent violent crimes from beginning by simply brandishing their firearms without firing a shot. Thousands of lives saved from harm or death annually without firing a shot, an just going back to the beginning of 2018 to date (the research survey period) not a one of them appeared in the media simply because no crime actually happened because it was stopped before the crime began. This is not included in anti-gun so called ‘research’, heaven forbid they actually use facts as all inclusive. A crime that was prevented from happening is not reported as a crime in stats but none the less ordinary law abiding citizens with guns prevent crimes thousands of times annually according to thousands of police reports surveyed. Yes, guns in the hands of ordinary law abiding citizens have, using a Joe Biden term, ‘social redeeming value’.

    But when an unarmed person defies the odds that in over 80% of cases of a non-firearm armed person resisting a criminal they are seriously harmed or killed, and is successful in doing so without being harmed or others being further harmed its really something to celebrate and notice. This is the second time in last several days (this incident and the Club Q incident) that such an heroic act has happened and been successful, and actually made the news.

    • Correction; this is what the above was suppose to say

      Security Guard Successfully Overpowers And Disarms Man With Rifle In Buffalo >

      Gotta give this security guard guy Hero status, no doubt about it.

      The reality is that thousands of times annually across the United States in constitutional carry (e.g. permit not required to carry) and more-firearms-permissive states ordinary law abiding citizens with guns prevent violent crimes from beginning by simply brandishing their firearms without firing a shot, and only ~5% of the time do defenders actually fire. Thousands of lives saved from harm or death annually without firing a shot, just going back to the beginning of 2018 (1 Jan 2018) and coming forward to date (the research survey period, which actually runs to December 31 2022 but those from now to then haven’t happened yet in time) not a one of them appeared in the media simply because no crime actually happened because it was stopped before the crime began. This is not included in anti-gun so called ‘research’, heaven forbid they actually use facts as all inclusive even though the data is available. A crime that was prevented from happening is not reported as a crime in stats but none the less ordinary law abiding citizens with guns prevent crimes thousands of times annually according to thousands of police reports surveyed. Yes, guns in the hands of ordinary law abiding citizens have, using a Joe Biden term, ‘social redeeming value’.

      No violent crime has ever been prevented by a victim complying or running away once the violent crime begins, its all up to the criminal on how they want to proceed. Its a myth that complying will mean you are less likely to be harmed, the reason its a myth is that its not up to you and is up to the criminal and indeed there are thousands of cases annually where a person complied and was still harmed a lot more cases by more than ten to one than there are successful compliance keeping one from being harmed. Violent crimes are only stopped by resisting and a person resisting with a firearm is 94% less likely to be harmed and 6% or less likely to be harmed if they employ their firearm very early in the incident and this applies to others around you as well that you may seek to protect also.

      But when an unarmed person defies the odds that in over 85% of cases of a non-firearm armed person resisting a criminal (or complying with or running away from the criminal) they are seriously harmed or killed, and is successful in doing so without being harmed or others being further harmed its really something to notice. This is the second time in last several days (this incident and the Club Q incident) that such an heroic act has happened and been successful to stop an in progress crime, and actually made the news.

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