By Lee Williams

Guns save lives, especially after a hurricane. It’s a fact Floridians have known for a long time.

Even Gov. Ron DeSantis mentioned this when he issued a not-so-subtle warning to would-be criminals seeking to take advantage of Hurricane Ian survivors:

“You never know what may be lurking behind somebody’s home. And I would not want to chance that if I were you, given that we are a Second Amendment state,” DeSantis said Saturday.

Hurricane Ian taught us several lessons and reinforced several more – especially the need for dependable, modern firearms to secure ourselves, our families and our property.

The AR-15 – America’s Rifle – has long been Florida’s Rifle, too. Ours are pure and effective, since we’re not forced to add bullet buttons, shark-fin grips or other useless doodads, which are required in non-free states and designed solely to degrade the weapon’s effectiveness.

Ask someone in Naples, North Port or Fort Myers Beach if they’d trade their fully functional AR for something that’s California compliant or street legal in New York or New Jersey. Let me know what they say once they stop laughing.

Access to the best means of defending ourselves is a God-given right codified in the United States Constitution and those of most free states. No government has the authority to meddle with this, although many still do.

If Ian taught us anything, it is that these laws, and the politicians who support them, need to be replaced, and the sooner the better.

The author’s AR is not California compliant. Neither is the author. Bugout Bag

We were just minutes from evacuating when Ian changed course, hooked right and headed south, sparing northern Sarasota County where I live.

I had prayed for this, and I still feel guilty about it, because the course change brought death and destruction to those to our south.

Before the shift, we were ready to go. The truck was packed, and the first thing I had loaded was my Bugout Bag.

A good bug-out bag can save your life, assuming it’s stocked with what you need, and you know how to use it.

Click here for some advice on setting one up.

Mine can keep two people alive for at least 72 hours – 84 hours if we push it. It has a spare handgun as well as redundant systems for water purification, food, shelter, fire starting, First Aid, communication and of course self-defense, including spare mags for my defensive firearms.

There are plenty of pre-stocked bug-out bags on the market. Some are great, but most leave a lot to be desired, because the manufacturers skimp on the contents to maximize their profits. Besides, these one-size-fits-all kits are never as good as something you assemble yourself. They don’t consider climate, terrain and other factors.

Once in the truck, everything else became redundant, which was a great feeling.

A good Bugout Bag will give you peace of mind.

That author’s Bugout Bag has a spare handgun, ammo and redundant systems for water purification, food, shelter, fire starting, First Aid, communication and self-defense. Training

When it became clear Ian could threaten Florida, I took all my defensive firearms to the range. I didn’t shoot much, just enough to make sure everything was zeroed and functioned properly.

Once satisfied, everything was cleaned, mags were refilled and I replaced the batteries in the lights and sights.

You need to be confident and proficient with your defensive firearms, and you need to know your capabilities and limitations. You shouldn’t be unboxing your firearms for the first time as a hurricane forms offshore, a railcar of noxious chemicals derails or a wildfire burns a path to your home.

As Ian headed toward Southwest Florida, I was incredibly grateful for every class I’d ever taken, and every second I had ever spent at the range.

Gun Rights

During World War II, Academy Award-winning filmmaker Frank Capra produced a series of short films titled “Why We Fight.” They were made so the American public could understand why we became involved in the war.

For me, Hurricane Ian became my personal why-we-fight exemplar.

Ian made it clear why SAF, GOA, NRA and every other gun-rights group battles so hard for our civil rights.

I have access to the best tools available to defend my family. That didn’t happen by accident. It took hard work – decades of hard work.

There are still too many states where the government prevents good folks from adequately defending themselves – where only police and government officials have access to the best self-defense tools. God forbid residents there are tested by a calamity, especially one like Ian.

This, friends, has got to change. We owe it to them. Are we not all Americans? Should we not all enjoy the same freedoms and liberties?

This is truly why I shall continue to fight.

How to help

While Ian’s final death toll has yet to be written, the hurricane killed scores of Americans and robbed thousands more of their property and homes.

Please click here if you can donate your time or money to aid in their relief.

The Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project wouldn’t be possible without you. Click here to make a tax deductible donation to support pro-gun stories like this.

This story is part of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and is published here with their permission.



  1. During Katrina national guard was seizing weapons. Will shoot a weekend warrior before I get left defenseless.

    • It was the New Orleans police doing it and a National Guard unit from (I think) either Utah or Idaho who stopped them. A friend of mine rode out Katrina and his neighborhood got some damage, but not too bad. When they found out what the police were doing, they ran to their neighbors’ houses to warn them. Some folks straight up lied and some told the police “nunya” have a nice day. Some of the people never got their guns back from the chocolate city’s PD.

    • It was the NOLA police who did it and I believe a Nat’l guard unit from Idaho or Utah who made them stop. I have a friend who rode out Katrina and when they found out what the police were doing, they started warning their neighbors and all of the sudden, no one had any guns. It took some of these people years to get their guns back.

      • And the nola cops were straight up murdering people on that bridge. Just because they thought they could.

        • nola cops were also caught looting from dept. stores and threatened the news crew that was filming.

  2. Great article.

    “Besides, these one-size-fits-all kits are never as good as something you assemble yourself. They don’t consider climate, terrain and other factors.”

    This point you make is a very good one. I’d suggest anyone looking to build one think about their own climate or possible climates they may go to and construct it based upon being outdoors in that climate with no luxuries such as electricity. Think of extended old school style camping where you live, and go from there.

  3. I was very glad I didn’t have to evacuate, for a lot of reasons. I was ready, however.

  4. “ I had prayed for this, and I still feel guilty about it, because the course change brought death and destruction to those to our south.”

    Ah so it was YOU! Rotonda west has someone to blame!

    A few notes:
    I have the FPL home Generlink investigate for yourself. Love it!
    Barbour Freight predators 8750 inverter generator.

    • Still no power, FPL says finished to 95% by Friday. Gotta pole down in the street in front. So hopefully by Friday. Every street around us has power.

      We stayed in the house, minimal damage, cage screens and some shingles.

      9 hours total 7 at 155 mph or above. Most impressive weather display I’ve seen.

      • My local Mn. utility sent 22 trucks and near 40 linemen down last weekend. I personally know what a flustercuck it can be working in a “foreign” utility area, but I have no doubt they’ll do your area right .. just a little patience goes a long way.
        After all, the job they are doing has absofrickinlutely NO forgiveness.
        I went through what you are going through a few years back following tornadoes and high winds in our area, so I have sympathy… hang in there bro – – – 100+ hour weeks can take their toll.

        • 40,000 linemen from FL and around the country working around the clock. They say still about 300,000 customers without power, some will be months before they get power restored not the time to be “learning” survival skills. Respect for those people and the work they are doing.

      • I share your pain and frustration. I’m just 30 minutes north of Galveston, TX and I know what it’s like to be without power due to such a storm. I’ll never understand why the power companies simply don’t bury the rest of the above-ground power lines. They’ve made more than enough profits through the years to pay for the expense of doing so.

        • Oooh, oooh, oooh, pick me Mr. Cotter
          Conductors in free air have multiple times the ampacity of captive/imbedded conductors, and dirt is a piss poor media to shed heat.
          Even superconductive materials don’t really go very far in solving that particular problem… the future is in microreactor generation, which is unfortunately currently science fiction

        • The answer is in one nuclear reactor, that we like to call the ‘Sun’. It’s already in thermal runaway, melting down continuously for billions of years, providing free energy for Earth.

          The power of the Sun at the Earth, per square meter is approximately 1370 watts per square meter.

          Free solar energy for the entire planet has been continuously available for billions of years, we just need to increase the efficiency of our photovoltaic cells in order to reap the benefits and put the polluting fossil fuel industry in the dustbin of history, along with whaling fleets and buggy whips.

        • Many power companies with underground utilities intentionally shut them down in the face of major storms to avoid possible equipment damage from flooding. it could still mean days without power until inspections are completed.

        • Miner49er,
          The best solar energy collection systems are called plants, and are actually green. The plants in my yard convert solar energy into such delightful products as raspberries, peaches, blueberries, watermelons, potatoes, corn, and asparagus.

          Photovoltaic panels are meh (though I have some). I largely prefer plants

  5. Got lucky only lost power for three days but whole area is still dealing with flooding, cleaned and oiled all my “essential” pieces, stocked in 35 gallons of gas and prepped the generator. I was on the weak end (near Daytona) but still had a 40 foot white oak blown over in my back yard. Hate to say it but if someone had to take the bullet, better them than me.

    • “Got lucky only lost power for three days but whole area is still dealing with flooding…”

      Pretty much the same, 50 miles west of you. Nice part was 60-degree cool dry air following it, that made the 3 days with now power a relatively non-event.

      But power back on was nice… 🙂

      If worse came to worse, have friends nearby I could hole up with if we lost the roof, for example…

      • Have a generator and a 15000 btu window AC for backup, kept the fridge, microwave, air fryer oven running, cooked on gas grill. stayed comfortable.

        • That’s my own (expanding) plan. I have a solar generator, to be supplemented soon with a dual-fuel (LPG/gasoline) genny, and a comparable window A/C.

          Here in CA, if the power goes out it’ll likely be due to an earthquake, which will knock out all utilities (ground pipes broke everywhere in the ’94 Northridge quake), or a grid overload, which would be during a 110-degree heat wave. The former would require an extended power source, and the latter would require the A/C and fridge for sure.

          It’s been almost 30 years since Northridge, so the next quake is on Southern Californians’ minds, but the most likely event would be a massive heat wave (or too many Tesla owners plugging in…sheesh).

        • We did similar, old Generac Wheelhouse 5500 that I keep ready every hurricane season. Ran like a champ, powered a small 5000 btu air conditioner for the bedroom so it was tolerable. And the fridge and freezer as well as the microwave if needed and well pumps. Finally turned it off the day before yesterday and promptly loaned it and the air conditioner to a neighbor 3 streets over whose wife has pancreatic cancer.

          Luckily for him fuel is easier to get for it now. Up until yesterday the lines were incredible. And it is cooler so the air conditioner will not have to work hard.

          Thought about getting a larger air conditioner and decided we just need to make it a bit cooler and dryer to be fine.

        • Haz if you plant to use Solar make sure those panels have strong frames and are well mounted. 3 of those solar setups in my neighborhood and none of them usable. Either panels detached due to fatigue from wind flex or parts shearing off or cells shattered or trees took them out or in once case the inverter setup in the garage was flooded out. . You do get strong windstorms at times so try to keep those sails anchored well.

        • I have a solar generator,
          Solar panels would have wound up somewhere in the Atlantic in my situation, I do have solar and a small windmill generator running my log house in VA.

          We did similar, old Generac Wheelhouse 5500
          My generator is a 5550 that I picked up at Lowes 20 years ago, does a good job burns through about 7 gal of gas every 12 hours and the 15000 btu cooler with a couple of fans have kept my little 1280 sq ft abode cool during 90 degree plus days after Charlie, this time it actually cooled off after the storm, sucked all the moisture out of the air cooler temps lower humidity made for an easier job but I’m going to add an 8550 to the arsenal before next year.

        • @KenW,

          I’m very fortunate to live on the NW corner of the Los Angeles basin, surrounded by tall mountains. Not the open desert plains of the Inland Empire. They get the high winds, most famous being the Santa Anas. The Haz household gets mild breezes, and only a rare wind every couple of years.

          I’m thinking of putting 8x 100W panels on the roof. I watched a review in which Harbor Freight panels were compared to some other brands, and the HBs were the only ones that tested and output of a true 100W as claimed, and were the lowest priced.

          The panels can provide trickle charging during sunny days, but the dual-fuel genny will be needed if the emergency occurs during nighttime, winter storms, summer heat waves requiring high energy usage (A/C), etc.

        • I lived in Huntington Beach early 70s to early 80s beautiful weather average mid 70s beach in the morning snow at Big Bear in the afternoon. Santa Anas were a thing but not too bad near the beach, solar panels would have lived quite well there.

      • Yes–I thank God for the cooler clime. We evac’ed to Winter Haven and lost power there too. We returned once the rain subsided and our locale regained power before our hotel. Had fueled both vehicles with two 5-gallon spare cans. Generators were set up, but not needed. Didn’t even have to toss the food–deep freezer kept things cool. Most supermarkets are still skimpy on fresh milk and meats. Gas stations coming back up online again–nothing was open over the weekend. We dodged a huge event. Yes, I feel bad for everyone 45 mins south of us…but grateful to the Good Lord for being spared. Donating through my church for relief.

      • They don’t shut the power down here with buried lines

        And how many Cat 4/5 hurricanes with 20 plus inches of rain and historic flooding have you experienced at your “here”. Sounds like bullshit to me.

        Underground power lines can break down in areas that have greater vulnerability to storm surges and flooding from corrosive saltwater, rainfall or melting ice and snow. Repairing them can take longer and cost more because the lines need to be exhumed, whereas above-ground power lines are instantly accessible.
        Ultimately, neither system can protect power in every situation. During Hurricane Sandy, which slammed into the northeast in 2012, underground electrical equipment was flooded and aboveground utility poles were downed. “It’s nearly impossible to protect the electricity grid from damage,” Kury says. Not to mention the 125% increase in rates to cover the billions it would cost to go underground; my electric bill is already $300 a month.

      • Sounds like bullshlt to me.

        You must have missed the part where I said “MANY” power companies shut down… MANY: several, most but NOT all. Maybe a Thesaurus, a dictionary or a simple online word search would have helped before you started running your mouth and showing your ignorance of the English language. Another dacyboy Wanna-Be?

  6. Worked that area once. Punta Gorda after Charley. Lots of armed citizens. That was normal for every hurricane I ever worked. As well as the two direct hits I’ve taken. The tropical storms. don’t count. Don’t even remember their names. Everyone recognized the good guys. Sworn, or no. We just waved to each other unless something needed my attention.

    • Charley really sucked, because it was 95 F weather following. I was about 30 miles N from the triangle where all 3 storms that year crossed, and lost power all 3 times.

      Not a fun year, 2004… 🙁

      • I was on the dirty side of Charlie still a cat 3 but it was a small fast mover lost power for a week, had to put on a new roof, this thing started raining late Wednesday afternoon didn’t quit til Friday morning with wind up to 85 mph but designated a TS when the eyewall collapsed west of Kissimmee. 400 mile wide storm moving at 7mph. They say St. Johns won’t crest for another 5 days at Sanford and parts of town are already under 4 feet of water.

    • I might have been one of them. Moved to Deep Creek after Andrew took our home in Homestead and after that to S of Venice area. This one at least I got to keep the roof 😉

      Worked for the power co so it was usually long after when I got to start work on my own places. This time I’m retired and I even avoided the urge to stop and talk to the crews. Used to hate that.

      Been checking on folks I worked with who are still working to see if they or anyone they know in the company needs some help at home. I remember some of the retirees did that when I was working and it was appreciated.

  7. Always remember that local criminals, while they may not be rocket-scientists, are not stupid and are opportunists.

    What always comes to my mind is the somewhat genuinely “nice” criminal who truly only intends to grab a few items from an abandoned home and then, upon discovering that a woman is still there, decides to rape her.

    We have heard plenty of stories of criminals who really and truly (no snark or sarcasm there) intended to only steal a few items and ended up raping a woman or killing a home occupant. That is why you MUST be armed following a catastrophe.

    • There is another type criminal here too. Usually with a van or truck and a sign announcing he does roof repairs, tree work or handyman services.
      One tried to get a neighbor for $1750 to tarp part of her roof. She was asking me and another neighbor if that was reasonable and I told her to chase them off and call Operation Blue roof at 888-766-3258.

      I did my own trees and another neighbors who owns a track loader moved the cut wood in exchange for me doing his trees. And man did my legs hurt the next day. Been a long time since I’ve had hooks on. Turned down any more work as it is hard to figure out how to take most of them down plus liability.

  8. Uncommon, I worked Katrina. my dad’s family is from that part of the country. My cousin, Brandon, came under fire from looters while attempting to deliver supplies to our cousin Becky. He was armed, but elected to attempt to run them down with an F-250. They scattered. Brandon never went to Ranger School, but being a Mississippi county boy, he intuitively knew he wouldn’t take the same way home.

    • Gadsden Flag,

      There is that as well. I tend to think of what you describe as roving armed bands of marauders–a significant step up from looters who I tend to think of as unarmed people milling around looking for easy stuff to “snatch-and-grab”.

      Of course if you encounter one of those groups, you have no way of knowing which group it is.

      As we all said on this site and you well know, any responsible/capable person who chooses to be unarmed following a catastrophe is a fool.

  9. Wait, when did someone use a gun to defend themselves in the wreck of the hurricane? I haven’t heard of anything of the sort.

    Ian hasn’t demonstrated any need for firearms.

    It has demonstrated the need for all structures to be built to withstand hurricane cat 5 sustained winds, and build far enough away from the beach and inevitable rising seas from the warming planet.

    • I love the inherent parody of your handle, since literally NOTHING else in your post had any relationship to reality.

    • Huh… I’m living on Pine Island. Maybe you’ve heard of it.
      Next to Matlacha. At least 5 looters shot this past wknd by residents.

      You wouldn’t know feces from apple butter.
      (Shout out to Grandpa for that paraphrase.)

      Go back down into the basement.

    • I am not sure if this commenter “get real” is employing sarcasm or not.

      I can tell you that he/she is spot-on in saying that all structures which are subject to Category 5 hurricane winds should be built to withstand those winds and require minimal restoration efforts after the inevitable storm-surge and flooding that hurricanes produce.

      Note that “minimal restoration efforts” means floors (and potentially even ceilings) as well as interior and exterior walls made of stone, poured concrete, ceramic tile–or any other material which is impervious to water damage from salt or fresh water flooding. If salt or fresh water floods such a structure, the owner will likely have to replace their furniture, clothes, and appliances. Other than that, all they would have to do is hose down the interior to wash-out any salt, silt, and debris and their home would be immediately livable. And the really smart home owner would even keep a water-proof storage chest for their clothes and other important items as well as some plastic/wicker furniture–complete with water-proof cushions–which are impervious to flooding.

      • Floors are ceramic tile. Our wicker furniture is for the patio, but could absolutely function indoors if required. It was all lashed together (heavy duty zip-ties) and under our overhang. The alternative was to toss it in the pool, but the Missus didn’t like that idea. The bolted down gazebo didn’t make it and had to replace several screens in our lanai, but overall…minimal damage in that respect. Would’ve been a different story altogether if it’d stayed on the projected path with terrible storm surge in my area. Direct hit to Tampa is the worst case scenario–as initially briefed from our State’s EOC. Will be looking at shutters rather than plywood for any future, catastrophic weather events.

  10. So the Idiot in Chief comes to FL to view the Billions of dollars in destruction where thousands of people lost “EVERYTHING” they’ve worked their entire lives for and more than a hundred have been found dead so far AND immediately made it about himself and how he knows what it’s like because “this one time lightning hit his house and caused a little fire in his fucking kitchen” Yeah, Braindead that’s pretty much the same thing you ignorant fuck… Surprised he didn’t go into his “I was raised as a Puerto Rican in fucking Wilmington Delaware” speech or his personal losses of his dead son and his first wife, that ALWAYS makes everyone feel better. FJB.

    • possum,

      If only we wuz born with built-in pouches, we wouldn’t need bug out bags, would we??

      My only question is, how do you manage to stash your Gatling gun in your pouch?

  11. Your AR 15 is very nice rifle.
    I would suggest that if you might have to leave your demolished home, and drive until you run out of gas, and then maybe walk after that, that you might be better served with a pistol caliber carbine.
    It Also has 30 round magazines but is lighter, handier and often will have a folding stock to make a smaller package.
    Not to mention the commonality of ammunition with your handgun is a huge plus.
    It has a shorter range than an A.R. 15, but even in a disaster situation I don’t really see taking shots at over 100 yards.

    • That’s fair. We traveled a little heavy because we have kids. I’ve humped 25 miles with a 100 lbs of gear…but that was a ‘few’ years ago. Okay, many moons have passed. But I was glad to have a PCC, an AR in .300 BLK, 9m & .40 sidearms. Missus just had another 9mm. Probably overkill, but wasn’t sure what we’d be coming back to…even as the track was shifting.
      Over 100 yards? Ambush on a country road or two-lane highway. Some areas are heavily wooded, but others are open, flat terrain.

  12. “Pb_fan59 October 5, 2022 At 20:00
    Oooh, oooh, oooh, pick me Mr. Cotter
    Conductors in free air have multiple times the ampacity of captive/imbedded conductors, and dirt is a piss poor media to shed heat.
    Even superconductive materials don’t really go very far in solving that particular problem… the future is in microreactor generation, which is unfortunately currently science fiction”

    Spoken like the blithering idiot you truly are. Burying power lines has nothing to do with heat nor anything else you ran your stupid mouth about. It has everything to do with nobody losing power, including hospitals and other sensitive facilities. We have some lines buried here and there’s no problem with them. We also don’t have to worry about electromagnetic fields being over our heads which is another point your dumbass forgot about so go soak your simple head.

  13. The genius of a president mind:

    Lets spend millions and force a state in a state of emergency to coordinate and plan the massive effort that goes into having a president show face for pictures. Seems like the perfect time, right? Literally nothing more important than pictures of the president on location…

    What a fucking waste. If I was Desantis I’d tell the president that if he tries to come to my state I will have the National Guard remove him. We have no need for your show of shaking hands and kissing babies. 2021 showed us that anything you want can be achieved over a video call, so fucken PM me and stop wasting our time. Send help and keep your liver spotted suit wearing ass at the desk where you belong. You wanna help, send federal funds and people that are actually going to get their hands dirty. Otherwise, fuck off.

    Besides, we all know how much the fed helped in Katrina… more like crowd control. And then they raped people with “affordable” housing. If you have never done research on what happened after Katrina – I suggest you start today. A 30 minute video will show you just how our Government treats it’s citizens during a state of emergency.


    Dear Mr. President (of ANY party),
    If Montana ever has an Emergency, stay the fuck out of our state.

    • Doesn’t Montana in the Assnboine language mean Dissaster?
      And isnt the population of Montana 6?
      The POTUS did visit Montana once, his name was Theodore. Decided the hunting was better in Wyoming.

  14. If there is a situation where FEMA camps are set up, (thinking back to Katrina). They are going to again void the Bill of Rights.

  15. “Ask someone in Naples, North Port or Fort Myers Beach if they’d trade their fully functional AR for something that’s California compliant or street legal in New York or New Jersey”

    I’m sure there are people there with multiple ARs who might ask “Is this ‘something’ rare and/or expensive?” before laughing

  16. I keep a couple of storage tubs with emergency equipment stocked and ready to load up in the truck if needs be. As well as having a full field medics bag and tools I can use to clear a downed tree or other debris ready to go. After Ivan in ’04, Katrina in ’05 and more recently, Sally, I and several of the neighbors were out checking on folks and clearing roads so either emergency responders or line crews could get through. We’re far enough from town that the likelihood of looters is low. Although I do keep an AR set up with a thermal scope for nocturnal varmints.

    • Yeah–I need to up my Pioneer kit. Our roads were ‘mostly’ clear on the trek back home. Crews were already working on them, but a chainsaw is in my near future. Can’t swing an axe like I used to….

  17. My concern about Florida at this point is that it turns into a giant version of what happened with the Boulder fire at the beginning of this year.

    Inflation makes the rebuilding cost more than insurance pays out for a total loss, in fact you basically couldn’t get insurance that would cover the new cost. You can’t make up the difference in cold, hard cash? Welp, you’re fucked. You can make up the difference? We can start the rebuild in 2023… if we can get the materials by then.

    My father in law being 40 years in the building trade… materials is a real concern. In some ways worse than it was 10 months ago.

    I think back to how this went down with Luis (1995) in the Caribbean, it can get really nasty. Insurance companies going belly up paying claims. At that point without bailouts for the insurance companies the people at the back of the line just get nothing because you can’t get money from a company that’s bankrupt.

    To this day there are areas of various islands that really haven’t been rebuilt because of this.

    • Absofrigginlutely. Naples has the resources…potentially. Some of the surrounding areas? Not quite. And so many of the residents are retired. Fairly well off, but no replacement or active sources of income. The so-called non-existent inflation and continuing supply chain ‘challenges’ are going to make recovery and long, tough row to hoe.

  18. I’ve been trying to figure out how to get set up for our area. The disaster risk here is earthquake or tsunami. In the case of an earthquake, we’re not going to get any warning to evacuate. We might for a tsunami, but it’s not going to be days.

    We have some emergency food, enough for a few days, but no bag prepared, because I don’t know where we’d be going after an earthquake or tsunami.

  19. It’s interesting to note that during the great Tsunami in Japan a few years ago the Japanese did not resort to robbing and killing each other. Even wallets full of money were returned to their rightful owners or their surviving families.

    Never once did I read or hear of a Japanese person screaming he wished he had a handgun or rifle so he could have killed people if he found a half empty tube of his favorite toothpaste missing (perhaps only washed out to sea). In Capitalvania Ron-De-Insane-ous screams this is a capital offense. What a deranged lunatic. Ron-De-Insane-ous is truly a naked ape at the bottom of the rotten barrel in Capitalvania. He is a disgrace to the country.

    Ron De-Insane-ous is still screaming global warming is a myth because it might cause him to spend a couple of pennies to help fix it. I guess it takes more than billions of dollars in weather damage to get through his thick Neanderthal skull that global warming is real.

    A woman’s purse that was left behind on a restaurant table was returned to her during the Japan tsunami

    An abandoned car with a broken window was temporarily fixed by a total stranger using his own money to buy tape and heavy plastic. The sun would fall from the sky before some stingy, cheap hillbilly would do this for a stranger in Capitalvania.

    Temporary Bridges were put up in hours not months like it took in Capitalvania.

    • Nobody finds your ravings interesting. You’re a sick, deranged person and should seek professional help. Up your meds or crawl out of mommy’s basement for some air once in a while.

    • Temporary Bridges were put up in hours not months like it took in Capitalvania.

      DeSantis repairs Pine Island Bridge in just 3 days…
      Posted by Kane on October 6, 2022 3:18 am

      Construction on the Pine Island bridge has been completed today – just three days after construction began.

      Happy to have the state step in and help get our Pine Island residents back on their feet.

      GFY dacyboy

    • The Japanese do not have citizens like you, dacian. The Japanese do not loot and burn stores for political reasons like you and your ss/antifa buddies.

      In case you hadn’t noticed the Japanese are a different people from US. It is likely they are the most racist, for real, people as a group on the planet. They do not encourage diversity or immigration.

      Probably the reason you admire them so.

      • Guess he missed the part where Japan was one of the most aggressive war mongers on the planet, murdering, raping, imprisoning and pressing into slavery millions of Chinese while they stripped their country of natural resources… And there was that little incident at that harbor in Hawaii… Go back and actually READ those history books you are always accusing us Hillbillies of ignoring.

      • to Jethro the Janitor

        As usual Jethro you show your usual and complete ignorance of foreign people. Japan in recent years has admitted large groups of Asian people from the Philippine Islands and from Thailand and other Asian countries. I would hardly call that racist. The only real racist is you and your post and that is obvious.

        • Japan in recent years has admitted large groups of Asian people from the Philippine Islands and from Thailand

          Yeah, they couldn’t get our illegals to go over there so they had to look locally for cheap labor. Why would anyone want to go to Japan to live? It’s overcrowded (people actually share sleeping pods and sleep in shifts), mega expensive AND they actually do treat foreigners like shit (why yes, I HAVE been there, have you dacyboy?) why do you think so many Japanese immigrate to the US?

        • According to the Japanese Ministry of Justice, the number of foreign residents was 2.76 million at the end of 2021. With an estimated population of 125.57million in 2020, the resident foreign population in Japan amounts to approximately 2.29% of the total population.

          From 2012 to 2018 Japan approved 150 of 60500 asylum requests. In 2009 the Japanese government introduced a new program that would incentivize Brazilian and Peruvian immigrants to return home with a stipend of $3000 for airfare and $2000 for each dependent. Looks like as long as they NEED a particular skill set, they aggressively pursue immigrants but when they no longer need them, they do whatever it takes to get them to leave.

        • To Mad Man our Far Right Racist

          quote————AND they actually do treat foreigners like shit (why yes, I HAVE been there, have you dacyboy?——–quote

          You are an abject liar and if you have been there it was probably in the military which is understandable why they would not want you there.

          In reality relations of mine who have gone there have not been shown any hostility or disrespect. It is a very safe country to visit and a very clean one.

          Places I have visited in Capitalvania, which were extremely dangerous and filthy to eat out in .

        • Dacyboy/Vlad, you know absolutely shit about the REAL Japan; tourists are treated like royalty because they have MONEY to spend. OBTW, where the fuck is Capitalvania? If you hate it so much, then it must be a pretty cool place. Did Daddy Braindead send you your radiation meds yet? No? uh-ohhhhh Lucy, you got a problem!!

  20. Wonder how many people as the realization that they were going to Die. Wished they had evacuated. Some will never learn, even when the next 1 hits.

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