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Send Us Your ‘I Am the Gun Lobby’ Pics

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Earlier today, we ran RF’s navel gazer on the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex’s preoccupation with the big bad “gun lobby.” You know, those shadowy forces who use their double-secret mind control rays to convince bitter clingers that they really do want to buy more guns and vote against gun-grabbers. Not to spoil the read, but the piece concludes . . .

by pointing out what anyone who knows much about the People of the Gun already knows: we’re all the gun lobby. What the Barack Obamas, Michael Bloombergs, Ladd Everitts and Shannon Watts of the world just don’t get is that our power lies in all of us who exercise and cherish our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

That prompted one enterprising reader to send us the photo above. Brilliant! So let’s see more. Send us a pic of yourself holding an “I Am the Gun Lobby” sign and we’ll run some here and collect them all in an album on our Facebook page. Just email them to [email protected] with GUN LOBBY in the subject line.

We’ll send a link to the album to the White House just to let the disarmer in chief know what’s arrayed against him. Not that he really cares.

15 thoughts on “Send Us Your ‘I Am the Gun Lobby’ Pics”

  1. “What the Barack Obamas, Michael Bloombergs, Ladd Everitts and Shannon Watts of the world just don’t get is that our power lies in all of us who exercise and cherish our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.”

    They get it. That is why Shannon’s Sugar Daddy and his economic equals spend tens of millions of dollars manufacturing junk science propaganda, buying corrupt politicians, using their news media and hiring paid liars like The Hysterical Mother. That is why they are so prompt at dancing in the blood of victims of violent criminals. They are trying to manufacture public consensus for gun control.

  2. If I can get ahold of some UFCW Union stuff, I’ll wear that. I know that will irritate a lot of people. (BTW, I’m not pro Union, just part of one…)

  3. $20 says the commie mom jean wearing kenyan muslim in chief has his team use CIA facial recognition software to identify us all. Just sayin

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