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This is humor folks. Laugh.

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  1. You owe me 3:18 seconds of my life that I will never get back.
    If mental illness for gun control gets passed as a way to strip(pun intended for her future or current profession) people of their rights, this lady would be a prohibited person for subnormal intelligence.

  2. I was amazed at how many people thought she was serious in the video. Apparently EVERYTHING needs a “/sarc” marker. For the children, of course

    • Do you even Youtube, bro?
      The world if full of vacuous, self-absorbed people who could, and have, posted stuff this stupid.

      If you don’t know this woman or haven’t seen her other material, it’s pretty easy to assume she’s serious.

      Sad thing is, this, like most satire, flies right over the heads of its intended victims.

      • That’s true. Like many others here, I like writing scathing observations and insights that skew the foolish, the banal, and the venal people of the world. The problem is, such people don’t read.

  3. The problem IS, we have heard so many inane and insane words come out of ignorant’s or anti-‘s mouths, that it’s hard to recognize as humor… it ain’t much of a stretch to think that somewhere out there in a gun shop, this has or will happen,

    • This is why I can’t enjoy one of my favorite websites, The Peoples’ Cube, anymore. Good humor need an element of truth, but it’s not funny when people in positions of authority are crazier than the characters created to mock them. Like when ass-hat Krystal Ball argued with a straight face that Orwell’s Animal farm was a warning against capitalism. Not funny anymore.

      • Her point was quite sound; she just doesn’t know the difference between capitalism and corporatism. But capitalism inevitably trends to corporatism, so it’s an easy mistake to make.

        Unfortunately for us, both the D and R folks have become corporate creatures; we should heed the warning her point entails.

  4. Um yes this is what happens when people watch the drive by media. A.K.A. The “main stream media”. You know the fools that actually believe what she just said, and put it out as actual fact. To see she believes what she is saying is proof positive that a large group of people need a real education, on a lot of matters, not just guns.

    • She really is the pathetic r-tard that she pretends to play. Nothing funny about being as stupid as millions of idiots. No depth, no insight, just a send-up of some drug-soaked loser she’s met.

      Very low-grade HS Drama.

      • Years back on usenet, there was a brilliant troll that went by ‘Poopie Pantz ‘…

        Poopie only commented in inane baby-talk prattle that made some folks just snap like a rubber band.

        For those who took the bait the reaction was nothing short of a full meltdown. A true joy to behold.

        I wish TTAG would set up a newsfeed… …That would be nice…

        Has usenet completely died out?

        • Vaguely remember that one. Maybe it’s all making a nostalgic comeback – somebody goatse’d a digital billboard in Buckhead the other week, so who knows, maybe it will once again be funny to get someone to look up ‘lemonparty’…

          But yes, Usenet (much like Fortran) very much exists.

  5. No C -tard from texas?

    Some people need to be referred to the prohibited person list immediately, do not pass go.
    Too dumb to even make it to the Darwin Awards list.

  6. Robert, you have too much time on your hands, I could only get through about 20 seconds of this video. 🙁

  7. It was funny, thank-you. That said, it was not funny at all as there are people who believe what she said to be reality.

  8. I can see the humor… But i still couldn’t get through more than a minute or so of the video. Somebody owes me a gun review by way of apology.

  9. Mildly amusing, at best. Maybe a chuckle or a chortle, not a guffaw or a belly-laugh.

    And I agree with many above. We, who watched the video, are now owed compensation. I’d put it at a box of Mini-Mags.

  10. Where do I check for the identifying mark on my guns? I’d hate to have a murder one mixed up with the protection ones! They might have a bad influence!

    That was great, thanks!

  11. Standby for troll in: 3…2…1
    Go for troll.
    Troll commences:
    The gun shop guy screwed up bad.
    When she flipped to the “feminine” gun, he didn’t have to lowball with a pink one (probably a Taurus revolver with a pink grip @ $300).
    He could have sold her any 1911.

    Troll ends.

  12. Oh, damn, I think I got murder guns by mistake. None of the youtube guys or this blog, for that matter, ever warned me:-(

  13. This is what really well done satire is supposed to look like. Tongue-in-cheek, that makes you say “wait a minute, is she serious?”

    Back after one of the 2012 presidential debates, during which the jet Ann Romney was aboard developed a smoke in the cabin problem, Mitt Romney deadpanned that they should have opened the windows to let the smoke out. It was clear to anyone that knows anything about pressurized aircraft, that he was joking, but he said it with such a straight face, that the liberal press jumped all over him for being so clueless.

  14. I thought it was funny, but humor is after all a very subjective thing–some people actually think Sarah Silverman is funny. But I think the portrait she gives of the faux “moms'” target mentality is perfect : “I read the news, and there are protection guns and attack guns…” “Assault weapons”, anyone?

  15. I saw this yesterday and was hoping it was satirical (I didn’t look at more at her videos as I actually had work to do and never got back to it.

    If you know nothing else about this lady but only this video, I can totally see why people would think its not humor…

    Because in general, people do and say some really stupid stuff (like putting a shotgun in water and pulling the trigger – duh!). I’ve heard people say something equally asinine on other topics. We’ve all heard anti-gunners say really really stupid things.

    And the funny part? People of the gun will rip a newbie apart when they dare ask a question that may be considered “stupid” because they know no better and are trying to learn – seen it on here as other forums.

    But, based on ONE video, we’re to automatically ass*u*me a lot.

    Come… lets walk on some water together and later we can edumacate the unwarshed masses .. mmmk?

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