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ICR-1 Assault Rifle: Best Gun in BLACK OPS 3? [VIDEO NSFW]

I don’t know jack about gun games, for one simple reason: I get addicted. I learned this bad in the Paleolithic Era, playing Ace Combat. I couldn’t stop until I’d finished the flight sim  – after a 12-hour stint). And then played it again. And again. Etc. There’s no way I could dedicate 10 hours a day to TTAG and its ancillary businesses if I fired up the console (they still call them consoles, right?). So I’ll leave it to our Armed Intelligentsia to verify or dispute the veracity of HollowPoint’s claim that the ICR-1 is the sh*t (they still say that don’t they?). By the way, we could really use a gun game reviewer. Send a sample to [email protected].

60 thoughts on “ICR-1 Assault Rifle: Best Gun in BLACK OPS 3? [VIDEO NSFW]”

  1. I can’t stand block ops three. Someone call me when call of duty gets back to basics with actual guns and when people can’t double jump or run on walls.

      • Meh. Black Ops 1 is easily the best of the Black Ops series, and Black Ops II’s multiplier was redeemable. But for me, the last good Call of Duty game in my opinion was World at War.

        • Modern Warfare 1-3 was good. I liked the multiplayer more than World at War because there were no tanks haha. The campaign storyline for them was pretty sweet though. I especially liked the mission in 2 “wolverines” where you were defending DC. The airport mission….not so much. I felt dirty after that one.
          Having said that, World at War had an amazing campaign as well. Activision et al. have forgotten what made the COD games great: a gritty, in the dirt feeling. That’s why I didn’t buy Advanced Warfare, and won’t be getting BO3. I don’t want to play a game where in the trailer people are flying hundreds of feet through the air off walls to kill you with a melee hit (a la Titainfall) or a quickscope (one of the dumbest mechanics in video games).

    • BLOPS3 took the wall running and gunning from an excellent game named TitanFall. You can pick it up for under $10 these days

        • I’ve been waiting for a game like Titanfall ever since I played tabletop Battletech back in the early 90s.
          Then when Titanfall came out, I was extremely disappointed to learn it was multiplayer/online-only. What is it with games now that lack even the option for offline single-player….

        • The only FPS I’ve cared to play lately, at least multiplayer, is Tribes Ascend. I had a brief look at Titanfail when it was announced, but gave it a solid “meh” when the beta and E3 footage came out.

          I’m just counting the minutes now until I get a ship notification on my copy of Fallout 4, so Tribes will be lonely for awhile.

    • I agree. I miss good old fashioned FPS with using existing weaponry. I don’t want my character flying, teleporting, or shooting lasers out his eyes. Enough already.

    • I’m sorry, what’s block ops? Never heard of it. If you are going to insult the game, at least spell it’s name right

  2. Cod stopped being fun after you couldn’t take three steps without some kid doing a jump 360 spin knife stab from a rooftop.. You know.. Like they think they would in real life.

    • Lol what real life are you talking about this is a video game , you want real life then sell your console and doing quick scopes while spinning off the roof takes skill you just mad you can’t do it and it’s done to you but don’t compare this to real life …

    • I bought a PS3 for battlefield 3, but I couldn’t keep up with the kids. And I mean kids, I’m in my 30s and my 14 year old neighbor could waste me with one hand on the controller.

      I can, unlike him, smoke cigars, drink liquor, bang chicks and drive a car. Not usually at the same time.. Anyway I use the PlayStation for Netflix now.

  3. I’d submit a sample, but I’m certainly not “all that” writing-wise and I’m not too much of a video gamer either… Sounds like a fun gig for whoever gets it, though!

  4. Not huge on FPS games, but DAMN, could I get these sights for my AR?? That hi-viz, thin blade combo looks very applicable to quick target aquisition

  5. Not trying to be picky. I loved Ace Combat, but it was hardly a fight sim. The closest thing to a sim I’ve seen on a console is the Aero Wings series.

  6. I’m not sure what you mean by a “gun game reviewer.” Reviewer of the way guns are portrayed in games? Because I already do some of that on YouTube and wouldn’t mind doing more of it.

    But if you mean reviewing games with guns IN them, that might be too broad.

  7. If it would help TTAG, I can do a review of the last video game I played. I think it’s called Pong.

  8. As a younger shooter (24), and a huge gamer I would love this. But that gun isn’t for me. I miss when games actually showed real guns.

    • Same. I am 27, I miss the days when I could shoot guns that were actual guns just without the company name (for the most part). I stick to Battlefield for the most part now.

      If I want futuristic, I go to Halo 5, love that game.

      • I’ve been very impressed with Battlefield since #3. It seems they decided to make the guns as realistic as possible, and they succeeded. The mechanics and handling are spot on, which is just a great detail for gun nerds.

  9. I play videos games every now and then, but the last system I had was a woo that was given to me in 06. Why spend $400 on a console when the same amount will buy a decent handgun or rifle? Not to mention that ten games costs something like $400 total as well.

  10. “ICR-1 Assault Rifle: Best Gun in BLACK OPS 3?”

    The Icom IC-R1 was a decent handheld ‘DC to Daylight’ radio back in 1989…

    Oh, the video game? No @&#@*^ clue…

  11. Through an accidental install of 32-bit Windows7, many modern games won’t work on my PC. I could rebuild with 7-64, but it is not high on my priorities.

    My son and I play COD Black Ops 2 on multi player with the bots. Our custom guns tend to be simple with extended magazines, and either a suppressor or laser sight. Iron sights are more than good enough.

    In the single player campaign, in the uptime missions I found myself ditching the multi-mode sci-fi guns for the enemy’s simple and conventional firearms. You don’t want to find out what mode does what in the middle of a firefight.

    Now I’m looking forward to a great free game I’ve found. STALKER: Lost Alpha. A mod group working with the original developers have restored all the maps and material cut from the retail “Shadow of Chernobyl” game. Lost Alpha is said to be 4x the size of the original retail game. It is a 8 gigabyte download and the install is a bit tricky but you can’t go past a free game that has more playtime than most modern games. A Google search will find the install files at MODDB and the dedicated wiki.

    And at least the guns are conventional firearms, with the Gauss Gun being the only exception.

    • Fuck YEAH, STALKER rules!

      My submission to The Farago is a modified piece I wrote about STALKER not too long ago.

  12. I wish I could find a good FPS. I played the first Doom when it came out, and liked it some, but after a while it was just “dark and stuff jumps out at you”. And the cacodemons were ridiculous! But it was pretty fun that you could run through a bunch of Imps and get them to fighting each other. Doom 2 was more of the same, and Doom 3 kind’a sucked. Eventually you get tired of the pointless demonic symbols.

    Quake: All versions are lame as far as I’m concerned. More demonic crap (what’s with IdSoftware and demons?).

    Halo was refreshing and enjoyable for a while. I still have 1 and 2 for PC, and would like to play 3 and up, but I’m going to pass until I can get a PC version (or a keyboard and mouse for an X-Box).

    I tried COD and BLOPS, but they didn’t light my fire. If you can recommend an FPS let me know what it is.

    • I’m not a fan of most FPSs these days, but I absolutely love STALKER (the original and Call of Pripyat) and the Metro games. Both games feature very deadly gunplay (as in a couple shots and either you or your enemy is dead). STALKER is open world with a fairly good story, and the Metro games are more focused with an amazing narrative. Check those out, they might give you a little of what you’re looking for.

  13. Not an FPS, but 7.62 High Caliber is a decent strategy game with a load of gun porn, and there are several mods that only increase the amount of it.

    • +5 insightful for that one.

      If you can get it to run for more than ten minutes without crashing, there is some great fun to be had in 7.62. I remember a difficult fight in that game where the best option was to have my SAW gunner spray a long burst through the exterior wall of a building to take out baddies inside. Realistic wall penetration made it an awesome way to take out enemies in cover.

      The only problem was, any burst longer than 3 or so rounds would completely crash the game. I think that’s when I stopped playing. 😀

  14. Leeeeeeeeerrrrrrroooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyy………… Jenkinnnnnnnnssssssssssss!

    Did I do that right?

  15. You name it, I’ve probably played it. FPS, MMOs, the works. Building my own guns in Ark: Survival Evolved has been a new experience.

    That said, I much prefer BF4 over the various CoD games. Guns are much more realistic (as much as they can be in a video game, anyway). Not to mention, CoD has mostly become a cash grab joke over the years.

    Arma is probably the most realistic option, but it’s more a simulator than a game, so arguably it’s less fun.

    • +1 for ARK… Addictive as hell.

      Kinda mad cause I tamed the new Giganotosaurus last night, but when tamed it’s health gets nerfed really badly… So it immediately got killed by a wild one.

      • I haven’t updated my server yet specifically because of that. I’m hoping they get the balance under control before a big patch comes along.

  16. Got into shooting because of counterstrike and delta force. Ever since then if a gun game’s portrayal of guns is inaccurate i lose all interests… That means i stopped being a gamer before high school lol. Once played far cry 2, the reversed ejection ports bugged the hell out of me

  17. It’ll be kind of a big deal in TTAG can pull off real guns/video game content. Young generation loves video games… and they like guns too.

  18. Not a fps but its fun as hell and you can hunt like crazy for anything in skyrim one of my favorite nerd games lol

  19. I’m surprised no one has mentioned Insurgency yet. It is one of the more realistic FPS games available and my favorite recently. The weapons are all real-world and range from 1911s to RPGs. The game doesn’t feature a kill notification so you don’t know if you killed anyone unless you visually confirm it, no real HUD, and no ammo count. It also has a suppression feature that makes it really difficult to hit if you are under fire so suppressive fire from an LMG is actually useful.

  20. It’s not really a FPS, but to my way of thinking its sooooo much better. WoT, world of tanks. Realistic weapons starting with the first tanks of various nations up to around the Korean/Vietnam war era. You get your shooting in, and throw a little Forza/Need for Speed on there since yer driving the sucker as well. Used to play BF, COD, and a little Halo. Kids started jumping all the time and they took away good sniping spots, and got all pissy and whiny when they bunched up and got wasted by my grenade, I found WoT free one day and never really looked back.

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