Michelle Lujan Grisham
(Eddie Moore /The Albuquerque Journal via AP)

From the CCRKBA . . .

The clearly unconstitutional edict against lawful firearms carry in Albuquerque and surrounding Bernalillo County, New Mexico by Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is a stark reminder to all Second Amendment citizens they must register to vote, and then make sure they do vote to keep people with ideas like this out of public office, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Gov. Lujan Grisham announced a “public health emergency order” prohibiting open and concealed carry in the city and county, immediately drawing several legal challenges. However, the biggest challenge of all is getting New Mexico gun owners to vote, and if they are not registered at their current address, this should be a priority. 

“We need every gun owner in New Mexico to vote in every election, and remember this outrage when they do,” said CCRKBA Managing Director Andrew Gottlieb. “While we are mindful of calls for the governor’s impeachment, gun owners in the state cannot just sit back and expect that to happen. Gov. Lujan Grisham clearly demonstrated her extremist perspective by stating she does not believe any constitutional right ‘is intended to be absolute.’ This kind of thinking may pass muster in a banana republic, but not in the United States.”

Already, the sheriff of Bernalillo County, the Albuquerque police chief and county district attorney have declared they will not enforce the governor’s order. Published reports indicate Lujan Grisham knows responsible gun owners are not the problem and have never been the problem. Yet she took this extreme measure, anyway, resulting in criticism from members of her own party, and even gun control zealot David Hogg.

“There is no way Gov. Lujan Grisham’s order can withstand constitutional scrutiny,” noted CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “Nevertheless, New Mexico voters must make her own this if she runs for re-election in 2026. In the meantime, voters can penalize her party with their votes next year, same as Democrats have been penalizing gun owners for decades, for crimes they didn’t commit. This would be karma in its purest form.”


  1. Term limits keep her from running again, though she could declare a “public health emergency” and break the law.

    • If ba PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY Declaration is BREAKING the Law that is. Most countries have this kind of Legislation and mostly it has some kind of TIME LIMITATION attached.Inthe meatime surely it has to be tested through the Courts .
      I note vthat one Judge charged with DEFENDING Sate Legislature inthe Courts has refused to Defend or support this particular lady. That does NOT say much for the INDEPENDENT JUDICIAL SYSTEM that can be swayed by POLITICAL OPINION does it? Nor for this Judges professionalism.

  2. The main difference between Governor Grisham and President Biden is that he isn not sane enough in his old age to make the same sort of declaration. Else he would have done it 2 years ago after the 2006 demonstrations.

    • I wish.
      However it’s not going to happen.
      The “system ” will not tolerate someone who can call up an INSURRECTION.

  3. If you still need a reason to vote,,,,
    Well that works both ways.
    Some people are just fine with a dicktatorship.

  4. im just going to continue
    voting for the party
    thats the least likely
    to make my religion
    my guns
    and my parenting illegal

    • Jim – one of the signs carried out at that well armed very peaceful rally in old town ABQ said ‘the founders warned us about people like her’ – isn’t it amazing how forward thinking them old guys were?

      • The one thing they had not planned on though was Americas citizens turning into a bunch of pu$$ies.
        I’ve got no room to talk as I would rather abide by unconstitutional laws then sit in a prison.
        An Army of One is nobody.

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