JB Pritzker with Purge Law AP
Flanked by lawmakers and supporters, Gov. J.B. Pritzker picks up the nearly 800-page criminal justice reform bill after signing it into law during a ceremony at Chicago State University on the South Side, Monday, Feb. 22, 2021. (Ashlee Rezin Garcia/Chicago Sun-Times via AP)
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Crime in Illinois could “spiral out of control” after a new law overhauling the state’s criminal justice system goes into effect in January, the mayor of a Chicago suburb said.

“When I said that this is the most dangerous law I’ve ever seen, I believe that,” said Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau, who is running for Congress in Illinois’ 6th District.

The Illinois Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today (SAFE-T) Act changes multiple parts of Illinois’ justice system with provisions like ending cash bail; limiting how flights determine whether defendants are flight risks; and allows defendants under electronic monitoring to leave home for 48 hours before they can be charged with escape.

The legislation, which Gov. JB. Pritzker signed into law last year, will go into effect Jan. 1.

“I don’t think we know what’s coming from this,” Pekau told Fox News. “I think we can project that if criminals are allowed to run free and police officers can’t protect citizens, citizens are going to start protecting themselves and take the law into their own hands.”

The 764-page SAFE-T Act passed both chambers of Illinois’ legislature in seven hours with no formal hearings or debates and without input from stakeholders, three former Illinois justice system officials wrote in a Chicago Tribune op-ed.

— Teny Sahakian in America’s ‘most dangerous’ law? Illinois candidate warns of ‘anarchy’ after criminal justice overhaul.

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  1. “no formal hearings or debates”

    I’ll go out on a limb and say that’s because the, um, Democratics aren’t really interested in bipartisanship, unless you’re talking about Liz Cheney campaigning for the Democratics. They love that kind of “bipartisanship.”

    • People like Dude have openly supported the violent take over of the U.S. Government by the jackbooted terrorist Trumpite storm troopers. It is natural he would try to denigrate honorable people like Liz Cheney who believe in a two party system and in democracy.

      Liz Cheney is one of the few honorable Republicans who put American freedom and democracy first and the blind greed and graft and corruption of many of her party second.

      Liz Cheney has sounded the warning to all Americans and the majority of Americans know that election deniers are destroying the very foundation of democracy in America and if they are successful we are headed for a one party state and a life appointed dictator and he could end up being even far worse than the ignorant and demented Her Drumpf who came close to overthrowing the U.S. Government on Jan. 6th with his 1923 style Beer Hall Putsch. It was history repeating itself exactly down to the most smallest of the details.

      People like Ron De-Insane-ous are extremely dangerous demagogues and he has proven he has no respect for democracy or freedom of speech or the right of our educational institutions to teach the truth about the history of our country, especially when it comes to its pathetic legacy of racism in America. If there is any difference between Ron De-insane-ous, Her Drumpf or Hitler and the Nazi’s I fail to see it as they are all masters of the “big Lie” and they all have tried to cover up American History that did not support their radical far right jack booted idea of American History as they would have liked it to have been as well as spreading the “big lie” about the election being stolen.

      I might add the “big lie” Republicans who won their seats in Congress during the last election did not claim they won illegitimately only that their opponents did and their own recounts proved it was a “free and fair” election yet they continue to promote “the big lie” proving how much American democracy is in dire peril.

      In conclusion it takes a heroic person like Liz Cheney to stand up for truth, justice and the American way over some of the evil Republican demogouges that have now infested Congress and threaten our very way of life.

        • That must be the other dacian because that was hilarious. He’s gotten really good at picking up on lil’d’s idiosyncrasies like “I might add” and “in conclusion” LOL.

        • I’m fairly sure it’s not JUST verbal, jwm. I’m pretty sure he consistently spews it out of every orifice. Hey, when you’re THAT full of s***, the pressure has to be relieved somehow.

      • Democrat blows whistle on alleged ballot harvesting scheme, Florida opens criminal probe
        From the article,
        “Former Orange County Commissioner candidate Cynthia Harris filed a sworn affidavit in late August with the Secretary of State’s office alleging that illegal operations to collect third-party ballots have been going on for years in the Orlando area where voting activists are paid $10 for each ballot they collect.”

        If this proves to be true, then the obvious question is has this kind of activity been going on in other African American communities? Say in Chicago? Baltimore? DC? St. Louis? If so, then this would be voter fraud on a massive scale.
        Would it have been enough to change the 2020 election?
        Hard to say.

        Then, there was a poll that found 16% of voters would of changed their votes had they known more about the Hunter Biden laptop and its contents. But MSM and Big Tech censored any mention of the laptop.
        Would it have been enough to change the 2020 election?
        Hard to say.

        Anyone with any degree of critical thinking skills would look at this evidence and would want to know more.

        • Anyone with any degree of critical thinking skills would look at this evidence and would want to know more.

          Unless you are a Liberal a RINO or a Liz Cheney (aka never-Trumper).

      • That was hilarious! What a perfect parody of the workings of the liberal mind. Thanks for my daily dose of sarcastic humor.

      • Means DEMOCATS are a threat to “DEMOCRACY”!!!

        150 instances where Democats have denied the Republicans won fairly!!!!

        Cheney is from a “WAR MONGERING”, “GLOBAL ELITIST” family!!!!

  2. There are a lot of good christians living in southern Illannoy. Good country folks that just want to be free to worship their god and uphold their traditions. Unfortunately they are saddled with sodom making their laws. If you kill the criminals they can’t dispute your side of the story. They don’t get out to come back after you either. If you use a revolver doesn’t leave brass behind.

  3. citizens are going to start protecting themselves?? He does everything in his power to disarm the public so how is that going to work?

  4. The date of the picture is from when Illannoy had a mask mandate, courtesy of Jumbo Prickster. Notice everyone wearing a mask except for the Dicktator himself, because he’s special, right?

  5. Stands to reason: if you fear for your life, you’ll defend yourself. Well, most of us will. There are still libtards who simply don’t understand when, why and how their lives are at risk. They’ll try to sit around the campfire and sing kumayah, right up until the bad guy bashed their heads, or slits their throats, or whatever.

    Darwin would have a few words to say about that.

  6. More and more peoplee live in a kind of Dream World or a parallel Universe. To expect the Police to protect each and every citizen is perhaps a combination of both. At the heart of policing in CRIME PREVENTION with the CONSENT of those being POLICED and at the heart of crime prevention it to restrict availability of LETHAL WEAPONS. Having said that there is no way that you can prevent the really determined person from obtaining just about any weapon of their choice with enough of the readies in their pockets just as there is no way you can 100% prevent the [very,very] rare number of MASS SHOOTINGS there are in the rest of the civilised world and it does not matter a Monkeys Nut’s how many Police Officers you have available how many Security Guards or how many armed citizens.
    But what yOU DEFINITELYNCANn do is vastly reduce the availability of Firearms and demand stringent licensing conditions and vastly improve security for those that LEGALLY held are in circulation as well as reducing the number of forearms owned by an individual or household and the ammunition for them.
    All persons with legally held firearms should be open to regular and random compliance with conditions of licensing and storage of both firearms and ammunition and if found lacking in either firearms and ammunition immediately confiscated and miscreants require to undertake any required training No differentbthat what is accepted as right and proper for automobile a ownership [If your automobile has not been secured in accordance with you Insurers requirements you will NOT get compensated for theft and if you are under the influence of illegal substances or alcohol you insurance will NOT pay out for accidents and yopu may lose both you LICENSE and your automobile.

    • Well Albert
      Americans are free citizens and are not subject to inspection at the will of the authorities. Crime prevention and restricting access to lethal weapons have nothing to do with one another because the majority of crime has nothing to do with violence or weapons. The United States has the Second Amendment which is an enumerated and protected Civil Right explicitly to prevent the government from interfering in our choice of bearable arms. You can do anything you want with your car on your own property. You don’t have to have insurance on it, you don’t have to register it, you don’t have to have a license to operate it, you can even drive it drunk on your own private property if you want to. We have a limited government in the United States for a reason and that’s something that a sniveling submissive subject like you will never understand. Go lick the boots of your king and quit bothering us.

    • Albert, I forgot one thing. insurance companies pay off wrecks caused by drunk drivers thousands of times per day in the United States and they don’t try to take their car away. come to think of it, drunk drivers kill way more people than guns do and murders and yet driving while drunk is a misdemeanor in most States and killing someone while driving drunk is a low level felony.

    • at the heart of crime prevention it to restrict availability of LETHAL WEAPONS

      SO yuo gonna cut off everyone’s feet and fists? They are used to kill several multiples more often than firearms.

      Or how about your standard carpenter’s hemmer? Or the lowly chef’sknife? Oh I forgot, they banned those in London, didn’t they? Well, how well has that stopped crime?

      What you and your related dimwits FAIL to understaand is that evil lies in the HEART. Go back and read that account of the first murder. Yes, when Cain murdered his brother Abel.
      What was the nurder weapon? We don’t know, because that is not a signficant factor.
      And what was God;s response to this murder? Did He banish the rock or club Cain used to murder? Nope. As above, we don’t even know what he used. No, instead God banished the MURDERER.
      Ya think the One who made this world and everything in it, culminating with Man, might understand a thing or two about the man He made?

      Your psychotic fetish over the hardware sometimes used to harm others is nothing but a contol impulse. You know your own black and dirty heart, and project that upon everyone else round about you.

      Get this right: it is NEVER an issue of what hardware is used. It is ALWAYS the software directing that hardware.

      SO let us have done with your perversions, eh?

    • “the heart of crime prevention it to restrict availability of LETHAL WEAPONS.”

      You moron, the core of crime prevention is convincing potential criminals that they will be caught, and that they can’t pay the price for their crimes, or that the price of the crime isn’t worth the crime.

      Arming law abiding citizens goes a long, long, LONG way toward convincing criminals that they aren’t willing to pay the price for violent crimes. When that little bitty high school sophomore can blow your lungs into the next county (note the Bidenism), you’re not likely to assault her, now are you?

    • @Albert LJ Hall

      Look, you make a lousy ‘gun control advocate’ trying to mix your ‘british sense of servitude’ with false assertions to be applied to the United States.

      First, in the United States “the heart of policing in CRIME PREVENTION” IS NOT “with the CONSENT of those being POLICED”. Only in the U.K., the only country in the world that has a ‘consent’ concept ingrained in their police forces, is the “heart of policing in CRIME PREVENTION with the CONSENT of those being POLICED…”

      Your choice of words is also unique here because “those being POLICED” implies a servitude to tyranny that demands the masses be “POLICED” to maintain that servitude and there is a modern day version of feudal tyranny ingrained in your country government and its institutions.

      This is the United States, you can’t apply your tyranny concepts here then pretend you know about this subject. We kicked British tyranny out of our country a long time ago.

      Once again, you are ignorant on this subject. Stay out of discussion for topics for which you know nothing. So why don’t you go back to being a good little subject to be policed and stay out of discussion you do not belong in.

    • “Albert”

      Sorry Johnson, I didn’t get past this. Too Loony Didn’t Read. Every time I see that name, the Three Stooges rendition of “Three Blind Mice” goes through my head.

    • Prince Albert the Poncey, Fake-Limey, Fake-Military Wanking Poofter,

      Ever hear of a little psychological phenomenon known as “cognitive dissonance”, you puerile, pusillanimous p***y of a prevaricating poltroon???

      “More and more peoplee live in a kind of Dream World or a parallel Universe. To expect the Police to protect each and every citizen is perhaps a combination of both.”

      Umm . . . yeah, dips***, that’s kinda THE WHOLE DAMN POINT, you feckless, gormless paste-eating nitwit. And then you follow it up with, “At the heart of policing in CRIME PREVENTION with the CONSENT of those being POLICED and at the heart of crime prevention it to restrict availability of LETHAL WEAPONS.” And then you add a cherry to the top of the sundae with this bit of f***tardery: “Having said that there is no way that you can prevent the really determined person from obtaining just about any weapon of their choice with enough of the readies in their pockets just as there is no way you can 100% prevent the [very,very] rare number of MASS SHOOTINGS there are in the rest of the civilised world and it does not matter a Monkeys Nut’s how many Police Officers you have available how many Security Guards or how many armed citizens.”

      So, to summarize your incoherent idiocy, Prince Albert the Wanker:

      1. I can’t expect the cops to protect me (agreed, by the way – and I DON’T);

      2. Effective policing requires my consent and cooperation (mostly agree with that – remember, governments “derive their JUST powers from the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED, you imbecilic cretin); and, finally

      3. That means I have to give up all my EFFECTIVE means of self-defense.

      You are too f***ing stupid to insult, and too much of a waste of quasi-human flesh to be allowed to continue stealing oxygen. Please go consume feces and expire.

  7. This is a great example of someone not in touch with reality. One of the biggest problems though is that far too many people will follow his craziness.

    • Prndll,

      If you are referring to Illinois lawmakers as the ones who are not in touch with reality, I think you are in error: Illinois lawmakers are evil/sadistic and revel in the chaos, suffering, and destruction that they are able to create. They are the equivalent of arsonists who enjoy watching buildings burn–in this case Illinois lawmakers enjoy watching society figuratively burn.

      • Very well said. Glad i live 9 miles from any town and 45 miles from any city. Lived in Houston Texas in 1970 and it was bad even then. Am a long way from there now and go armed all the time. Pity those in communist areas.

      • I thought he was referring to Mr. Albert J Hall, the twisted Brit who would have King George back into our homes, businesses, churches, the better to own us.

        Did not work in 1775, won’t work now. Our armed and skilled citizens trumped George’s money and mercenary troops, badly. They came back twenty years on to have another go at subduing us, and we pushed them back off our continent once more.

  8. BREAKING: Pelosi’s husband hospitalized after home break-in. Sorry, SanFranNan not home at the time, so only one of the family will be going through the Dem – to – Republican instant conversion.

    • not much on the news about it yet – I’m sure it’ll be blamed on a far-right crazed Trump fan. Timing is kind of suspicious, don’t you think?

      • And if he’s not they will pay him off to say he is then let him go to let Hildabeast “take care” of him…

    • What a great excuse to expand the scope and practice of the Capitol Police Stazi Units to individually cover selected senior members of Congress 24/7. The CP get a much bigger budget, hundreds more FTE’s (Full Time Equivalents – the “currency” of Federal agencies) as well as a more pervasive presence across the country…and since the Capitol Police are immune to discovery under the Freedom of Information Act they become, in essence, shadow enforcers working for the Democrat Party…reminiscent of 1930’s Germany and the genesis of the SA.

  9. I think we can project that if criminals are allowed to run free and police officers can’t protect citizens, citizens are going to start protecting themselves and take the law into their own hands.” — Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau

    I recommend a slight and yet extremely important change of wording:

    “… citizens are going to … take the law into administer justice with their own hands.”

    The number one primary responsibility of government is administering justice to evil-doers. Tragically, it appears that Illinois government has chosen to largely stop doing that. When government refuses to administer justice, We the People acting ourselves to protect our own life, limb, and property is righteous and just.

    • When our official goverment fail to act, We the People rise up and DO what must be done in spite of (and/or because of) their inaction.

      Don’t forget we ARE a government of WE THE PEOPLE.

    • We’ve only delegated the authority to administer justice to our government agents. We can assert that authority at any time.

      • Texican,

        In a secular sense, you are absolutely correct.

        In a Judeo-Christian sense, God instituted government to exact justice on evil-doers and that is something that people of faith are not supposed to do if government is in place to do it. Since Illinois government will no longer be in place to exact justice on evil-doers, it will be up to people of faith to ensure their own well-being.

  10. Lord Humongus approves this legislation.

    never a day goes by I regret leaving that state. Could be nice but Cook County absolutely rots that state.

    • I’d vote for this guy if I lived in his gerrymandered district. Orland Park was a formerly low crime town but has had an uptick in violemce because of Orland Square & other nearby shopping areas. EZ pickings for scum. It’s NEVER been known for being Pro-gun/2A…

  11. In the loud and annoying immortal words of infomercials:

    “But wait! There’s more!”

    The new law which Illinois passed prohibits individuals and police from laying hands on and physically removing trespassers after property owners have ordered trespassers to leave. All police can do is issue a ticket which has a minimal fine attached to it.

    And, as I understand it, if police or the property owner attempt to physically eject the trespasser after the trespasser refuses to leave, Illinois can prosecute the police or property owner for assault, assault-and-battery, and related “crimes”.

    Illinois has implemented the concept that what is right is “wrong”–and what is wrong is “right”.

    • What a bunch of BS. Also sounds like Illinois wants to see a lot of homeless tent cities sprout up everywhere too. Something tells me that tresspassers in the yards of Illinois politicians and the elite democrats won’t be tolererated very long. There is always a way out for them.

  12. Folks in Illinois had better get their fences, gates and razor wire in now. After January 1st, Trespassing becomes a Class B Misdemeanor and violators can only be ticketed and “Asked” to the leave a property, they cannot be forcibly removed by police merely for trespassing. Gangs will start meeting on citizen’s front porches.

    • I smell a potential business opportunity here –

      A homeowner has gang members refusing to leave a homeowner’s porch, and the homeowner calls a “Rent-a-Drive-By’ service to ‘encourage’ the gang to leave the property via a hail of lead… 🙂

      • Hmm, sorta like the drive-by postings by the Three Stooges. Must be some decent money in it, or cheap drugs, since they persist.

  13. If you live anywhere close to any significant population in Illinois, I highly recommend that you start carrying a full-size semi-auto handgun with 15+ round magazines AND a revolver chambered in .38 Special / .38 Special +P.

    You carry the semi-auto handgun in case multiple assailants attack you.

    You carry the revolver in case a single assailant attacks you.

    Rationale: a revolver does not leave any brass anywhere which makes it much more difficult for law enforcement to refute your version of events–and makes it much more difficult to even establish that you were involved if you are wise about your choices/actions after defending yourself.

    If multiple assailants attack you, you will be lucky to survive–at which point making it harder for police to refute your version of events or to establish that you were involved is a much less important concern.

    • which makes it much more difficult for law enforcement to refute your version of events

      What Law Enforcement? You might have to wait two or three hours before anyone shows up. Best course is to make sure the object of your “affection” is rapidly approaching room temperature and move on.

        • Tionico,

          While you may have a lot of time to police your brass, there is always a very good chance that you miss one even if you spend 10 minutes searching the scene.

          And then there is the fact that you probably want to extricate yourself as quickly as possible–within seconds being much preferable to several minutes.

      • Maddmaxx,

        “What Law Enforcement?”

        Good question and even better point.

        I have to wonder if law enforcement will selectively enforce against Democrat Party political enemies.

  14. Crime in Illinois could “spiral out of control”

    Ya THINK? Chicago is going to look like “The Purge” on steroids. Who thinks that the “bangers” in Chiraq won’t take the opportunity to expand their lawless endeavors to even more attacks on citizens. The only thing missing from that POS law is the requirement that you must be convicted of at least THREE Class A misdemeanors or ONE felony to legally carry a concealed firearm.

    • So the Dems are taking inspiration from Mexico? I think I’m seeing the formation of an unholy alliance between the political and criminal classes against the people.

  15. “citizens are going to start protecting themselves and take the law into their own hands”

    1. Citizens should defend themselves. Self defense is a fundamental natural right. Only a Democrat would deny people their right of self defense.

    2. Citizens cannot take the law into their own hands when there is no law. Welcome to Illinois.

    • we SHOULD take the law into our own hands… in the form of a fine semiauto pistol of at least nine mm bore.

      A well regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms shall not br infringed. That means “the security of a free state (that term means a political entity, such as a town, county, neighburhood, etc) ” is OUR responsibility. We have, for so long, “farmed that out” to incompetents the “security” our free state has gone away. Time to go find it again. One excellent means is referenced above.

    • Ralph,

      Philosophical question, relevant to this thread: T. Jefferson said that governments “derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.” I agree with that. Now, if the government derives ITS powers from ME (and the other “governed”), under what circumstances, IF ANY, is it moral or ethical for the government to do that which would be immoral or unethical for “the governed” to do?

      Your answer to that question will be interesting.

  16. Will be interesting to see the spin on the Paul Pelosi home invasion and beating he took. A perfect example of Nancy Pelosi’s OX getting gored. She lives in San Francisco which was once a great place to visit and it has been turned into a sump hole by Democrats and their permissive policies. I wonder how they are going to spin this. A Trump follower? A Conservative attack? Can’t wait to see the motive they come up with for the attack and how they somehow blame Donald Trump for it. Mean time don’t forget the leftist riots in blue cities and the assault on Supreme Court Justices all of which were ignored by the present Democrats in power. This one ought to be a very interesting spin.

    • Potential false-flag operation to get sympathy votes for the midterm elections?

      I wouldn’t put it past the conniving old crow.

      Perp allegedly in custody.

  17. The Cash bail system is an outrage against low income people. It has become a money making machine that has increased 433 % from 1970 to 2015. Criminals like Steve Bannon get to sneer at the camera and walk free because he has millions for cash bail but poor people spend up to a year in prison awaiting trial and many have not committed violent crimes.

    Poor people end up losing their jobs, apartments and even their children because they rot in jail waiting or a trial often for none violent crimes. Studies show that pre-trial dentation actually increases the likelihood that when a person then loses everything they are way more likely to be incarcerated again.

    More and more states are doing away with cash bail. The State still has the right to deny violent criminals a release from jail even if cash bail is banned.

    • The Cash bail system is an outrage against low income people. It has become a money making machine that has increased 433 % from 1970 to 2015

      Please allow me to once again educate your dumb ass on the ways of the world. Cash bail is a system that permits a person charged with a criminal offense to post a bond that will ensure their appearance on their appointed court date. IF the accused individual appears as required that bond is released to the individual who posted it and no one makes a cent from the transaction, however if a defendant chooses to use a “Bail Bonds” company they must pay 10% out of pocket to purchase that bond and THAT is non-refundable much like purchasing an insurance policy. The state ONLY makes money if the defendant skips after making bail or posting bond through a commercial agency. Hope that clears stuff up for you although it IS highly unlikely. The REAL outrage is ALL of the crime committed by those so called “low income” individuals.

    • “The State still has the right to deny violent criminals a release from jail even if cash bail is banned.”

      Not if they do not represent a “flight risk.”

  18. dacian the demented dips***,

    “The State still has the right to deny violent criminals a release from jail even if cash bail is banned.”

    Umm, . . . no, f***tard, it DOESN’T, you pathetic @$$clown. Take a gander at the 8th Amendment. Oh, and to REALLY break your tiny little mind, reconcile with the Equal Protection clause and the 14th, you babbling moron.

    You become more incoherently stupid by the day.

  19. calling a law to let dangerous criminal dance out of jail back onto the street the “SAFE-T” act really brings home the Orwellian nature of modern society.

    Lawmakers shouldn’t be allowed to name laws anymore. The other side should get to pick the name. Would be more entertaining.

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