Polymer80 Buy Build Shoot Kit
Courtesy Polymer80

Democrats in the Illinois General Assembly passed a bill in the middle of the night last night that bans dreaded “ghost guns.” But the bill’s wording would do much more than outlaw home built firearms. Perhaps of even greater concern to Illinois residents and visitors to the Land o’ Lincoln is that the bill’s language could also ban current popular modular pistols like the SIG P320 and P365, as well as AR uppers that lack a serial number.

The final vote, taken at about 4:45a.m., not only bans firearm build kits, but also effectively bans possession of completed guns made from parts or build kits.

Beginning 180 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly, unless the party receiving the firearm is a federal firearms importer or federal firearms manufacturer, it is unlawful for any person to knowingly possess, purchase, transport, or receive a firearm that is not imprinted with a serial number by (1) a federal firearms importer or federal firearms manufacturer in compliance with all federal laws and regulations regulating the manufacture and import of firearms or (2) a federal firearms manufacturer, federal firearms dealer, or other federal licensee authorized to provide marking services in compliance with the unserialized firearm serialization process under subsection (f) of this Section.

No doubt the Chicago Police Department is bracing for the onslaught of gang members — 152 homicides as of this writing — rushing to turn in their newly-banned guns.

Looking through the legislation sponsored by Rep. Kam Buckner, a drunk legislator who famously loves his liquor (and recently pleaded guilty to his second DUI), there are other aspects of the bill which, depending on one’s perspective, might be considered a bug. Or a feature.

Take for example the prohibition of unserialized frames or receivers. The bill’s definition of a receiver . . .

“Frame or receiver” means a part of a firearm that, when the complete weapon is assembled, is visible from the exterior and provides housing or a structure designed to hold or integrate one or more fire control components, even if pins or other attachments are required to connect those components to the housing or structure. For models of firearms in which multiple parts provide such housing or structure, the part or parts that the Director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has determined are a frame or receiver constitute the frame or receiver. For purposes of this definition, “fire control component” means a component necessary for the firearm to initiate, complete, or continue the firing sequence, including any of the following: hammer, bolt, bolt carrier, breechblock, cylinder, trigger mechanism, firing pin, striker, or slide rails.

Based on that language, it looks like your modular SIG SAUER P320 and P365 pistols will be banned unless the grip assemblies are serialized by an FFL.

But wait, it gets better. A reasonable reading of the bill would likely ban pretty much every AR-15 in Illinois, too . . .

For purposes of this definition, “fire control component” means a component necessary for the firearm to initiate, complete, or continue the firing sequence, including any of the following: hammer, bolt, bolt carrier, breechblock, cylinder, trigger mechanism, firing pin, striker, or slide rails.

That sounds like AR upper receivers will now require a serial number, as well as the lower. That’s something very few upper receivers (if any) currently have. Will buying one in Illinois now require a background check/FTIP check? Will a FOID card be required to possess one in Illinois?

What’s more, the galaxy brains behind this bill describe any parts that are “marketed or sold to the public to be used as the frame or receiver of a functional firearm once completed, assembled, or converted” as an unfinished frame or receiver. So technically, possession of slabs of 3/8ths plate steel for the side plate to a Browning 1919 could result in a (multiple) felony convictions.

While the ATF regulates receivers with greater than 80% completion, the Illinois bill criminalizes possession of parts of any level of completion to become a receiver.

Governor J.B. Pritzker will no doubt sign this bill with maximum publicity and fanfare. Fortunately, the Firearms Policy Coalition has noticed and are getting warmed up . . .


      • Fortunately [insert proper pronoun here] is just replacing an existing enemy of the 2A. As much as I’d have preferred breyer to have retired two years ago, at least we’re not losing the theoretical 6-3 majority.

        • I guess they’ll just have to show her that scene in the movie “Full Metal Jacket ” where the Gunny is instructing the recruits on the difference between a Rifle and a”Gun”.

    • Did the legislature pass the bill to see what was in it?

      Can’t they read and debate the bills before voting?

      • They simply aren’t educated enough to know good or bad wording in legislation. Truth is, at least here in Texas, legislators rely on others to develop the wording of bills. But those others also aren’t educated in everything. I’m a ham, (amateur radio operator). I’m federally licensed by the FCC. Bills to prohibit cell phone use were so poorly written they outlawed ham radio use. A truly clueless legislator sponsored a bill designed to go after devices mounted to vehicles that could make them be mistaken for police vehicles, bumper mounted push bar for instance. But it was written so bad it would have outlawed ALL antennas on ALL vehicles.

        • Sounds like waaaaaay too much legislation going on. I mean, how many damn laws and regs do you really need before you choke off peoples’ ability to do anything productive?

    • Hey Country Boy.
      What makes you think that our newest SCOTUS justice is actually a woman? Did any of our Senators actually look under the skirt to inspect the anatomy?

    • Which will either not be held or ruled in favor of the state.

      Illinois gun owners have to face the fact that at-15’s have now been blanket banned in their state and nothing can be done about it

  1. I told my wife that the state of Illinois was going to try and make me a felon. I got out less than 6 months ago, seems as if it was just in the nick of time.

    • Good for you Andrew. I don’t have any of those contraband items-yet. If they ban so-called “high capacity mags” I’ll have to scramble. Or store them at my buddy’s in Indiana. OR use them…tentatively moving east in the future(according to Groot all the crime comes from Indiana).

  2. sounds like you’ll have to serialize the bolt carrier and possibly the bolt itself, too.

  3. Illinois has surged ahead in the Race-to-the-Bottom of States observing Constitutional Rights. Pretty sure Governors Hochul and Newsome will try to one-up ILLannoys next week…followed by Governors Brown and Inslee frantically whipping their respective groups of useful idiots into attending a Special Session to address their falling behind in the Rights Race. ….after all, it is the Ratings Season.

  4. Suddenly Illinois is interested in getting tough on crime, or at least the illusion of getting tough. The suburban uneducated will view this as a win to stop gang killings, to end carjackings and make the magnificent mile safe again. While those who have even the slightest common sense knows nothing will change. Just another feel good law to say at election, coincidentally coming soon, that they are tough on crime after years of being soft.

    John, what was the status of the for rifle hunting deer?

    • When you want to enact a policy that’s unpopular or problematic the formula is simple.

      Create a problem –> Allow it to develop to a crisis –> Publicize the crisis to get the public to demand action –> Enact the policy you always wanted.

      • strych9,

        Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!!! We have a winner!

        I wonder how long it will take the masses (if ever) to realize the massive extent to which governments are playing them for fools?

        • There will always be fools. Just as we will always have the poor and the homeless.

          There is a sucker born every minute.

        • The masses have been dumbed down with propaganda….er, public education, my bad…..legalized Mary Jane (all the easier to control drug addled masses, prevent firearm ownership), and the Government Plantation Dwellers’ Free Shit Extravaganza. That last feature kinda has a nice ring to it, rolls smoothly off the keyboard and tongue, has a nice beat, and is easy to dance to.

          Politicians with laws never stop bad guys with guns.
          They merely control the good guys, which is their true agenda. BURMA-SHAVE….

  5. Despots feign innocent stupidity. What’s worse is that the Article has sympathy for Illinois Democrats.

    Stop calling them stupid. They’re just pigshit despots and nothing more.

    • was thinking of the term which will keep this from being posted but try batshit crazy / evil communists. I know i shouldn’t sugar coat it but ……………….

    • That’s CORRUPT Pigshit Despots…. isn’t it? LOL

      I suspect the BATshitFE will soon follow suit with the same bullshit.

      • Of course. ATF is just a Politburo for the Democrat Party now.

        Everything going on in Blue States is coordinated with the Democrat Party at the DNC and Whitehouse Level.

      • “For models of firearms in which multiple parts provide such housing or structure, the part or parts that the Director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has determined are a frame or receiver constitute the frame or receiver”.

        That’s the signal to the ATF. And just like their Despotic, CCP Bootlicker Democrats, they’ll pass their new “Reciever Definition” in the dead of night when no one is looking. Heck, the ATF may have just written the Illinois ban on Ghost on Guns for them.

  6. So my old Colt 1911 would now be illegal in Illinois? It’s never had a serial number on the slide. The serial # is on the frame below the slide.
    Nor is there a serial # on any of my factory made AR upper receivers. The numbers are all on the lowers.
    I also have a couple of very old S&W revolvers that don’t have visible serial numbers. You have to remove the grip to find the number on the inside of the grip frame.
    Guess it’s a good thing I left Chicago 40 years ago.

    • “So my old Colt 1911 would now be illegal in Illinois? It’s never had a serial number on the slide.”

      They are hyper-paranoid about the court case that questioned the definition of an AR receiver.

      I fully expect them to do what the Europeans are doing and requiring serialization of the pressure-bearing components. As in, barrels, bolts, and the parts comprising those sub-assemblies.

      Good, they passed it, now we need to flood the lawsuit pipeline with challenges to this kind of bullshit.

      Or else, we will soon be at a point where a simple metal drill bit will require a fvcking background check…

      • EDIT – Especially if the law ends up requiring guns currently in existence (vintage, collectable) to be permanently defaced to comply with their ‘law’…

        • That would be another concern. I have several civil war era and older firearms that have no serial numbers. As well as a couple very rare revolvers from shortly after the civil war(1870’s).
          While I doubt such laws would pass down here in Al. We could see such foolishness with the BATFE rewriting the regulations without legislative approval, or by executive order from President poopy pants.

      • Erik,
        I do have a couple semi-auto pistols that would pass their idiocy. Both are WWII era sidearms. A Walther P-38. and a Browning Hi-Power. Numbers on the slide, frame, and in the case of the P-38, number on the barrel and magazines

      • Some Beretta semi-autos have matching serial numbers on the receiver, slide, and barrel. I’m not sure how many manufacturers do that though.

  7. I hope the FPC starts getting more aggressive and personal when contesting legislation like this. From the Illinois Constitution:
    Each prospective holder of a State office or other State
    position created by this Constitution, before taking office,
    shall take and subscribe to the following oath or
    “I do solemnly swear (affirm) that I will support the
    Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of
    the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge
    the duties of the office of …. to the best of my ability.”

    If ANY new legislation is found to be unconstitutional, the FPC should go after each and every one of the legislators that drafted, submitted, AND voted for the legislation for disqualification from public office. If folks start losing their positions often enough, maybe these guys will hesitate before crafting, submitting, and voting for unconstitutional legislation. Ya think? The way things are now, these jerks just keep pumping out the crap even after judges invalidate legislation – no penalty.

    • The “out” is the phrase, “…to the best of my ability.” The absence of ability enables their faithlessness. But, as my departed father was won’t to say, these **** just prove that there are more horses’ asses in this world than there are horses.

  8. Maryland is in-process of passing legislation with similar prohibitions on possession of partially-complete frames or receivers. Our Governor, Formerly-Fat Larry Hogan, has aspirations of a Presidential run, and is letting this pass by default … he *could* veto it, and make the prog Dems own it, but that would require a spine.

    The legislation in Maryland is sponsored by AG Brian Frosh, who is in-turn sponsored by George Soros, whose lawyers are working “pro bono” in the AG’s office. Yeah, uh huh … “pro bono.”

  9. What about collectable guns? Many firearms that were manufactured before WWII and even after did not have serial numbers.

  10. That enough people are passively subject to these creatures is really quite an amazing thing. The response of the population, if most were like me would be…let’s say shocking to say the least. So shocking that I’d venture to say “laws” like this wouldn’t be introduced very often. But alas, we are few and atomized. So the beat goes on and spirals to the bottom.

  11. Middle of the night passage, bills we have to pass to find out what’s in them and regulations written by lobbyists for the industries to be regulated.

    America really is the bastion of democracy.

    • America was a republic for 89 years. Then the yankees destroyed it in 1865. Then it became an oligarchy (Amerika) in 1963 after the REAL insurrection (JFK killed by the deep state). The stupid still believe the lies of their master when he tells you, “you are free”. (April 15)

  12. Well one more dui and Buckner will be a felon and a prohibited person, cant have a gunm,,,,err no wait, he’s a high mucky muck representative, those laws dont apply to the ‘special people’.

  13. Question: Is there a LEO carve-out? If not, I know there are a bunch of Illinois cops with SIGs and ARs……….

  14. I don’t see the issue with AR uppers or modular trigger groups. They seem to accept whatever BATFE does:
    “For models of firearms in which multiple parts provide such housing or structure, the part or parts that the Director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has determined are a frame or receiver constitute the frame or receiver.” Their definition of receiver is so broad that it includes anything with the firing pin, hammer, or slide rails. Practically every semiauto pistol has the firing pin in the slide and slide rails on the frame, making them multipart.

    It’s still a bad law. What isn’t mentioned is plastic frames without exposed integral metal parts, which can’t be marked “in compliance with all federal laws.” Furthermore, a federally licensed manufacturer can’t mark themselves as manufacturer of a gun they didn’t make. Expect lawsuits aplenty.

    • “I don’t see the issue with AR uppers or modular trigger groups. They seem to accept whatever BATFE does:
      “For models of firearms in which multiple parts provide such housing or structure, the part or parts that the Director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has determined are a frame or receiver constitute the frame or receiver.””

      So, it means “We’ll know it when we see it”.


      That’s making up the law as they go along. Laws are made of words, and those words have meanings.

      Well, Justice Thomas has expressed interest in slapping down the regulatory state, and that law like that looks like a potential candidate to be challenged…

  15. Come on John, we know how much TTAG loves clickbait headlines, but maybe you should hire a lawyer — at at least a fifth grader — to read the bill to you slowly and clearly….

    Quoting even your own article: ““Frame or receiver” means a part of a firearm that, when the complete weapon is assembled, is visible from the exterior and provides housing or a structure designed to hold or integrate one or more fire control components, even if pins or other attachments are required to connect those components to the housing or structure. For models of firearms in which multiple parts provide such housing or structure, the part or parts that the Director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has determined are a frame or receiver constitute the frame or receiver. For purposes of this definition, “fire control component” means a component necessary for the firearm to initiate, complete, or continue the firing sequence, including any of the following: hammer, bolt, bolt carrier, breechblock, cylinder, trigger mechanism, firing pin, striker, or slide rails.”

    Yes, an exceptionally ignorant Chicago judge could probably manage to twist this to ban the Sig pistols where the ATF-defined “Frame” is part that isn’t “visible from the exterior” but not even a complete idiot could manage to fail to read the part that clearly states “For models of firearms in which multiple parts provide such housing or structure, the part or parts that the Director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has determined are a frame or receiver constitute the frame or receiver.” which clearly states that for an AR pattern rifle, the LOWER RECEIVER is that this law covers, NOT the Upper. So, despite all your The-Sky-Is-Falling nonsense, AR uppers are safe (at least until the ATF decides to change their definition of a firearm again).

    • @TomC

      “ ‘Frame or receiver’ means a part of a firearm that, when the complete weapon is assembled, is visible from the exterior and provides housing or a structure designed to hold or integrate one or more fire control components, even if pins or other attachments are required to connect those components to the housing or structure.”

      It presupposes that a “Frame or receiver” will be, is, and actually used to assemble and complete a firearm with the word “when”. That’s what the word “when” means in relation to an action or event, in that action or event relationship (here its “the complete weapon is assembled”), not that its not going to happen but that it has or will, it presupposes.

      In context with your reply, to be as you state in your reply, it would need to say “if the complete weapon is assembled”

      In other words, in this Illinois bill, a “Frame or receiver” its self is a ‘firearm’ even if its not actually assembled into a complete “weapon” because “when” presupposes that it will be, is, and actually used to assemble and complete a firearm.

      • The term “weapon” used in “ ‘Frame or receiver’ means a part of a firearm that, when the complete weapon is assembled…” means ‘firearm’ as used here.

        The presupposing “when” supports this:

        “Beginning 180 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly, unless the party receiving the firearm is a federal firearms importer or federal firearms manufacturer, it is unlawful for any person to knowingly possess, purchase, transport, or receive a firearm that is not imprinted with a serial number”

        Which means unless “it is unlawful for any person to knowingly possess, purchase, transport, or receive a firearm that is not imprinted with a serial number” – the serial number imprinting is defined in the rest of the bill.

        This effectively means, in 180 days if one possesses a ‘firearm’ without a serial number as defined by “is visible from the exterior and provides housing or a structure designed to hold or integrate one or more fire control components, even if pins or other attachments are required to connect those components to the housing or structure. For models of firearms in which multiple parts provide such housing or structure, the part or parts that the Director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has determined are a frame or receiver constitute the frame or receiver. For purposes of this definition, ‘fire control component’ means a component necessary for the firearm to initiate, complete, or continue the firing sequence, including any of the following: hammer, bolt, bolt carrier, breechblock, cylinder, trigger mechanism, firing pin, striker, or slide rails.” —– it means they become a felon overnight even for having, for example, a bolt carrier even if its not part of a firearm (e.g. a spare) unless it has a serial number on it.

        Thankfully, I do not live in Illinois but if I did in 180 days I would need to either surrender my firearms or face automatically being a felon. Now, I can’t speak for everyone in the world but I have never committed a crime in my life and never intended to commit a crime as I am a law abiding person – yet even though I do not live in Illinois if I did in 180 days I would become a criminal felon if I did not surrender my now legal firearms and my firearms (my property) would be subject to seizure (because it would be evidence of a ‘crime’ in 180 days, seizure of ‘crime evidence’ is without compensation) and I would be subject to arrest and prosecution. Such prosecution, if successful, would permanently make me a ‘prohibited person’ and i would never again be able to exercise my second amendment right, I, a law abiding citizen, would be branded for life as a felon and intentionally denied my constitutional right.

        Essentially, this bill has banned firearms including a commercial civilian AR-15 MSR, if a serial number is not applied as defined. The bill just created a bunch of felons waiting to happen in 180 days. It is an outright ban on most all firearms without saying its a ban. It is not only a ban and a horrible infringement akin in some ways (no, not saying its the same) to what Hitler did to the Jews in WWII (requiring they be tattooed with ‘serial numbers’ and removing their property and rights and imprisoning them), its a direct attack (in 180 days) upon the second amendment, and not only that but its a direct attack (in 180 days) upon the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments’ Due Process Clauses and, more directly, through the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause.

        • “The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that’s the system, Mr. Reardon, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be much easier to deal with.” Ayn Rand

        • That will not stop the people of Illinois from continuing to vote for Democrats. Even in 180 days.

        • Avoid the rush, establish your fields of fire early. Outfit your dog with a Level IV vest and kevlar helmet.
          ATF, coming soon to front doors on your lane.

        • “…. horrible infringement akin in some ways (no, not saying its the same) to what Hitler did to the Jews in WWII”
          Very apparent parallel……we must register your guns to control crime in the streets. Ooops, that didn’t work.. Well, we need to confiscate your guns to control the crime in the streets. Watch YouTube videos of Kitty Werthman covering Socialism, gun control, equality, subsidies, public education, child care…..” History….learn from it or be doomed to repeat it….or die from it.

  16. If the new law does require AR uppers to be serialized (which I seriously doubt) firearms manufactures will simply comply and start putting serial numbers on them. As far as existing guns I doubt they could ban them and if they did they would have to permit the owner to have the existing serial number also put on the upper by a qualified and approved gunsmith which would enter it into his books. Again all this is rather remote.

    • Cue the Special Kind of Stupid Useful Idiot……enter Dacian keyboard Lefty……
      “….As far as existing guns I doubt they could ban them….” Yeah, just like bumpfire stocks, FRP triggers, braced pistols, full-auto firearms, short barrel rifles and shotys, silencers, imported firearms with less than 10 US made parts, .50BMG caliber rifles, PMFs (Privately Manufactured Firearms), 80% receivers, un-serialized firearm parts, and on and on and on ad infinitum. “….shall not be infringed.” Hearing a cadence of the jack boots yet???

      “….permit the owner to have the existing serial number also put on the upper by a qualified and approved gunsmith which would enter it into his books……” All the better to build a registration database on the road to confiscation…….the tried and true, proven Socialist/Communist route to genocide. The why behind the 2020 change to the 4473 putting all owner and firearm information on the front page for easier one-step scanning.
      Forrest Gump meme, “In 1776, the British came to seize our firearms. We shot them.”

      Kinda reminds one of the that grand ole 60s song…”Battle of New Orleans” by Johnny Horton….
      “In 1814, we took a little trip
      Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip’
      We took a little bacon and we took a little beans
      And we caught the bloody British in the town of New Orleans
      We fired our guns and the British kept a-comin’
      There wasn’t quite as many as there was a while ago
      We fired once more and they began to runnin’
      On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.” Wash, rinse, repeat, as needed.

      Someone needs to update 1814 to 2022…..

  17. Dear FPC, sign me up for the lawsuit. Ain’t leaving and I sure as shit ain’t giving up any of my arms.

  18. Explain to me the difference between FatButt, Twitsville……any Libturd Woke PC Karen Snowflake social media censorship….and The Truth About Guns notation….”Your comment is awaiting moderation”
    Sounds like the kettle calling the pot black…..er, Afro-American…….my PC bad.
    Censorship in…..three…..two…..one…….

  19. The people of Illinois get what they voted for. No different than the presidency. Oh- but Biden stole the election.

    Well they people sat that one out too. Elections have consequences. Stolen elections dont. Nor does government tyranny, or treason. Or leaving Americans behind in Afghanistan, Vietnam, and Korea. Or ever other criminal act by corrupt political hacks and Wall Street Oligarchs, including endless wars that serve only Wall Street.

    Americans get the stinking mess they created because they are too lazy and stupid to do anything but whine about it.

    The USA is dying because the American people are the cancer. Not every American. But too many. Far too many.

    The greatest generation is no longer. The follow on generation led this country into the shit hole of today. And our kids, and their kids, they are more interested in dancing on the ashes of America and reimagining the US into the stone ages.

  20. At this point, might as well drill that 3rd hole. Same punishment for that and owning an AR upper that was legal just 12 hours ago.

  21. You’re missing a far larger picture here – one that brings in lots of guns that aren’t “evil, nasty black rifles” or stuff made from “80%” castings/forgings.

    Before the Gun Control Act of 1968, there were many, many .22 rifles and inexpensive shotguns that were manufactured here in the US without serial numbers. Why? Because they didn’t need a serial number. There was no such thing as a FFL, so gun dealers didn’t need to keep a serial number log of such guns sold. Once there was a FFL, and FFL’s were required to keep a log of firearms transactions, then there was a need for all guns to have serial numbers.

    Mossberg (you’ve heard of them, I suspect) did not serial number most of their long guns (either .22’s or shotguns) produced from 1930 to 1968. The stuff they made for military contracts (like the Model 44US – .22LR training rifle) was serialized. Another example: The Remington Nylon 66 made before ’67. We’re talking a LOT of guns here. Stevens made several long arms without SN’s, as did Winchester (Models 72 and 67).

    Hell, I’ll put this out there: Winchester made hundreds of thousands of Model 67’s. None of them ever had a serial number. Nice little one-shot .22’s, they were. A 67 in very good condition today might set you back a grand for the more collectible models, maybe even more, so we’re not talking of some piece of trash guns here.

    I have had quite a number of older .22’s and shotguns come through my shop where the entry in my book says “NSN” – shorthand for “No Serial Number.” There’s just a make, model and owner. I don’t do much work on AR’s, so these aren’t “80%” guns. No, folks, many of these NSN guns are discovered in safes, closets, etc by younger people when they’re clearing up an estate. These law-abiding don’t know the law, they don’t know the stupidity of gun control laws. These guns were made by legit, big-name companies.

    There are a lot of innocent people who aren’t “gun people” who are about to run afoul of these idiotic laws… all because no one wants to actually deal with the cause of crime in these cities.

  22. “While the ATF regulates receivers with greater than 80% completion”


    this is not anywhere in the law, nor does the ATF state any such thing.
    the 80% is a marketing note, nothing more.

    According to the law, its either a firearm, or not….there is no legal definition of an 80% firearm. It’s all or nothing.

  23. Once again, people who know nothing about guns passing gun laws. A frame and an upper re not firearms according to all ATF regulations and I defy these idiots to fire an upper or frame as they are constructed.

  24. This is why you should NEVER elect Democrats.
    Now biden and the DoJ and the “AFT” are about to ban 80% lowers, parts and braces and anything that could be used to build your own firearm.

  25. Does a C&R license constitute an “other federal licensee authorized to provide marking services in compliance with the unserialized firearm serialization process under subsection (f) of this Section.”?

  26. It is not just Illinois doing this. If you look around, it is a coordinated effort with other commiecrat states like California and other states to ban 80% lowers and parts kits and the Biden administration. The west coast can not get to the Supreme Court through the 9th Circuit and the Supreme Court under Roberts does not want to take on more 2nd Amendment challenges. So, commiecrat states like Illinois can do what they want at this point, which is a terrible thing for us that live in Illinois and other restrictive states. It will not have any impact on crime and the smoke screen the are trying to blow up our arsssssss.

  27. Illinois was just two or three days ahead of the Biden regime. King Biden announced a very similar rule yesterday by royal decree (using one of those executive orders that he’d formerly pointed out are tyrannical and unconstitutional). Now every block of raw aluminum, plastic, steel, or even wood is an “AR-15 ghost gun” that must be serial-numbered and background-checked!

    Home Depot will be surprised to learn that they must now shut down because their entire inventory of lumber is now considered “ghost gun kits.”

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