Kate Lewis Tokyo America Gun Violence Terrified
courtesy savvytokyo.com
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“(In Japan) I wasn’t scanning every grocery store for its nearest exits as I shopped with my toddler son and newborn daughter, or standing on the fringes of a crowd at concerts, or wearing sneakers to the local playground solely so I could more easily grab my children and run for all of our lives if I had to. We were fully enjoying life again, and it wasn’t until the weight was gone that I realized I’d been nearly crushed beneath it.

“After two years enjoying the safety and serenity of Japan, we are now on the cusp of a move back to America. At a time when we should be looking forward to reconnecting with family and friends and introducing our new daughter to her country, instead, I’m dreading returning to a place where seven kids are shot and killed every day.” – Kate Lewis in After a Life With No Gun Violence, Our Family Move to America Is Terrifying [via popsugar.com]

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  1. In the 2 years you’ve been gone, all of America is like the wild west now. The streets are running with blood so by all means, stay.

    • But 6.5 Creedmoor wasn’t very popular when she left. Everything is different now! The USA has changed and she’ll no longer be safe with the one caliber everywhere now.

      • Maybe she should stay in Japan, where they don’t allow Gaijin to drive yet most “cars” over there look like rolling disco balls…and the most popular comic book in the country is called Rapeman. You can also buy live crab, ramin, hookers and used panties in vending machines there. Thats some foward progressive thinking right there for ya.

        • I’ve been to Japan. Non-Japanese are allowed to drive. They can also rent apartments, shop, go to park, etc. Oh, and Muslims can go to Japan too. There is no religion block on the visa application.

        • ( unfortunately )There’s no ban on muslims here either you commie shitbag…and the amount of bullshit you have to go through before you can drive in japland makes it pretty much undoable for the average visitor…go spread your lies somewhere else!

        • Oh, and Muslims can go to Japan too. There is no religion block on the visa application.

          Neither does the US

          But Japan pretty much outright bans most Muslims. Japan has been cited by human rights watch and Amnesty international as having WAY more draconian limits on refugees, especially from Muslim counties than Trump has ever even suggested.

          if you mean the pause and high ultra level level vetting Trump suggested for a tiny minority of Muslim countries under 14% of countries with a majority or plurality of Muslims, that 14% was the SAME list of countries as Obama administration said was not controlling their passports and could not provide basic police reports so we could know if they were criminals or terrorists.

          Did Trump suggest bans on travel or immigration from Pakistan, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh where 2/3 of of the worlds Muslims live? NO. From Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey or Egypt? NO.

          The Trump admin. used the exact same criteria for its list as Obama, did places like Syria, Chad, Yemen, where there is NO control of rampant passport fakes, little to no police or intelligence records on potential terrorists shared with the US.

          Please don’t hold Japan up as an example of anything positive. You make yourself look ridiculous.

      • Yes 6.5 Creedmoor is nice, but let me turn Wagner up on my radio as this is the year of the .224 Valkyrie now available at Palmetto State Armory!

    • I gotta say, as silly as the author’s statements are… Japan is a pretty nice place. While crime is getting worse, it truly is a special case of a society that has an incredibly low number of idiots. I can’t think of anywhere else in the world you can walk down a dark alley (literally any dark alley) at 3 AM with your worst fear being someone thinking you’re lost and trying to help, but not speaking English.

      I’ve visited before, and I’d gladly visit again. The author is probably better off staying there, however.

      • Yeah, the reason why it is that way in Japan at 3AM is because drugs aren’t easy to obtain, they’re expensive, the population doesn’t have a 1960s “let it all hang out” mentality, they don’t have unchecked immigration from violent drug cartel nations in South America, there’s no housing projects, the minorities don’t complain about racism (even though the Japanese are really racist towards anyone not Japanese) because the natives will not tolerate that.

        The biggest reason I think Japan is a safe place to live is everyone who lives there is Japanese. It’s not a multicultural society, they don’t view having every race, religion, orientation, etc. living together as a successful society. Not like here in the US where the multicultural hooey is what is destroying the nation and Europe too.

        • That’s a really cautious way of saying, “Japan’s a safe place because there are nearly no blacks, Arabs, and Hispanics.”

          Its true though.

        • Japan’s a safe place because it is a different culture. Regardless of guns. Looking at comparative crimes rates across countries the presence or absence of certain inanimate objects is just a poor predictor of crime.

          The author should definitely stay there.

          Personally I’d love to visit Japan, even for a few months. But I’m an American and I’d like to have my inalienable rights, even though living in America is more dangerous. The author is right on one sense, we have more crime in America. It’s just simplistic and basically childish to say “it’s because of icky guns”.

        • QUOTE——————The biggest reason I think Japan is a safe place to live is everyone who lives there is Japanese. It’s not a multicultural society, they don’t view having every race, religion, orientation, etc. living together as a successful society. Not like here in the US where the multicultural hooey is what is destroying the nation and Europe too.—————QUOTE

          Why you ignorant Nazi Dirt Bag Japan has many foreign workers there from all over Asia, Europe and the U.S. and has recently launched an all out campaign to bring as many more in as possible. They unlike the Hill Jack U.S. dominated by Nazi Dirt Bag Republicans realize that immigrants down through history have always been an asset to an economy. If you had not flunked economics and history class you would not be making such ignorant statements about Japan but that’s par for the course from the Out House Gang.

        • Crisco:
          Wrong. Japan has the least immigration of any developed nation. And if you are an illegal yo are deported immediately., If you are legal and jaywalk you get deported immediately.

          Japan is a “Jus Sanguinis” (race based citizenship) society. Even if you are born there you cant get citizenship unless you are of “Japanese race”

          You are running 100% incorrect on all your assertions:

        • Rastan, Crisco is not wrong. He just lies. That’s what he does. He is a proggie liar. But I’m repeating myself.

      • Japan is not a leftist paradise when it comes to being nice to criminals. Authorities can hold you on arrest for four weeks without charge, they can interrogate you 12 hours a day. They get a 95% confession rate.
        Police can sign out a warrant for your home with no judge involved, your car can be searched at any time.
        And of course illegal immigrants are thrown out immediately so they don’t have to worry about hyper-violent gangs.

        • Japan is a mono-ethnic police-state.

          The organized criminals and the government have a long-standing agreement to not piss in each others ramen, and it works for them.

          Of course it’s fucking safe.

        • To Austin Bodine

          Text II

          Why you ignorant Nazi Dirt Bag Japan has many foreign workers there from all over Asia, Europe and the U.S. and has recently launched an all out campaign to bring as many more in as possible. They unlike the Hill Jack U.S. dominated by Nazi Dirt Bag Republicans realize that immigrants down through history have always been an asset to an economy. If you had not flunked economics and history class you would not be making such ignorant statements about Japan but that’s par for the course from the Out House Gang.

        • Crisco:
          Wrong (AGAIN). Japan has the least immigration of any developed nation. And if you are an illegal you are deported immediately., If you are legal and jaywalk you get deported immediately.

          Japan is a “Jus Sanguinis” (race based citizenship) society. Even if you are born there you can’t get citizenship unless you are of “Japanese race”

          You are running 100% incorrect on all your assertions:

    • Yep, running gun battles on the way to the store and gym each day. Its gotten so bad I had to hire temp labor (at Home Depot) to man a pintle mount I recently installed in my truck. I’ve gone through a few guys so far, but the most recent one is still alive after 9 runs.

      I dread when school starts back up, IEDs are a bitch.

    • I also felt very safe during my recent trip to Japan, but I never attributed that feeling to the absence of firearms. Rather, it was the nature of the people who were law abiding, respectful and disciplined. No MS-13 members driving around, no Chicago-style thugs loitering in the cities, or packs of juveniles roaming the streets. All of which reaffirmed what I’ve always known about violent crime – it’s the people who create the chaos in this country, not the weapons. You could take every gun out of Baltimore and it would still be a dangerous and violent sh*thole…because of the lawless population.

      • Yep, gotta wonder…I don’t recall any flash mobs being reported in Japan! Wonder why? Maybe a better behaved society than what we have here in the states?

      • Although your comment about it being your country is true, it is also her country. While I don’t agree with her beliefs and her attitude towards guns, I firmly believe she has the right to return and the right to her opinion. The idea that you should tell another American to stay out because they disagree with your beliefs is Anti-American and unpatriotic. Truly sad.

  2. 49 years now in the U.S. I’ve never heard a gun fired in anger. Guess I’m one of the lucky ones, not the norm, right?

    • Going to say, unless she likes to hang out in South Chicago or similar high crime areas, she should be far more worried about getting accidentally killed by her doctor. Or a traffic accident. Or bacon cheese burgers. Have to add a bunch of others before she gets into the probability range of being at the wrong place at the wrong time when some psycho snaps.

      I call BS on her article. And, if by any chance she really does feel the way she says she does and is in constant fear, that’s a mental health issue.

      • The reason Japan is so fantastic is that they don’t allow people like her to stay. Well, they are trying. You would not know about it if you walk about Roppongi in the evening.

    • Or maybe France. They have strict gun control. I’m sure there you’d be safe at an office… maybe a big concert… maybe a big holiday celebration…hmm…

      • to Jason the Argonut

        quote————-Or maybe France. They have strict gun control. I’m sure there you’d be safe at an office… maybe a big concert… maybe a big holiday celebration…hmm…You could not————————-quote———-

        You could not be more Hillbilly ignorant. Those terrorist attacks were financed and carried out by foreign governments, this had zero to do with Frances gun control laws. There is no law that protects you when a foreign country goes to war with you. Or is this way over your head. Take off your cowboy hat and let some knowledge in for a change.

        • Paris nightclub attack was by a foreign government? What? are you an idiot? it was not.

          Andreas Lubitz killing 150 people in France was a “foreign government action”?? What government? Germany?

          France has a HUGE amount more f major (50+) mass murders the US has had this past decade – NONE of them by foreign governments.

    • I spent three years there in the navy, had two one month vacations there. It’s a wonderful place in many ways. But always, as my accent improved, the locals began to expect more conformity from me, by three weeks I was beginning to hanker for some non-conformity, and by four weeks, I couldn’t wait to get home to people arguing in public, insults being traded, and people not confirming to their betters’ ideas of social norms.

        • Good example of two more people that are all that is wrong with America. Intolerance, bigotry, prejudice , arrogance and just pure ignorance as to the appreciation and understanding of other cultures. Its no wonder why we had insane wars like Vietnam with Hillbillies like you two.

        • Insults are the last resort of someone who has nothing substantive left to say. Someone who has already lost the argument but requires to get the last word.

          And you haven’t said anything worth reading in a very long time.

    • I don’t know how Ms. Lewis could live in Japan. If I were there, I’d be terrified of using any form of public transportation. If I were forced to live there, I’d be afraid to board a bus or subway without a gas mask.

      Ms. Lewis is very brave indeed.

      • quote———————–I don’t know how Ms. Lewis could live in Japan. If I were there, I’d be terrified of using any form of public transportation. If I were forced to live there, I’d be afraid to board a bus or subway without a gas mask.

        Ms. Lewis is very brave indeed.———————quote

        Their nut case attacks are minuscule compared to the almost weekly and sometimes daily nut case attacks here in the U.S. but true to your Conservative blinders and hatred of other people and other cultures you only make yourself out to be the fool you are among people who are familiar with the recent history of of many foreign countries. The U.S, certainly is not a shining example of a civilized country to live in.

        • Crisco you were wrong, so why not apologize?

          The US has less intentionally killing than Japan has. Whose fault is it that you gave raw numbers without taking into account per capita?

    • EXACTLY! If they love Japan, by all means, stay there. We don’t need another triggered, non-stress inoculated, neurotic in the US – we’ve got too many of those already. This is what happens when there’s no natural selection.

  3. Wow what a drama queen and I’ve also been to Japan as well. Though apparently she never stepped foot in the aokigohara forest, aka the suicide forest, where people go every day to die.

  4. It’s exactly like the future predicted in Back to the Future 2 here. Stay in Japan.

    Imagine anyone saying “After enjoying the highly restricted gun-free city of Lawrence, MA I absolutely dread moving back to gun crazed, regulation free Alton, NH.”

  5. If you are that scared about something that statisically happens to so few people, i have a few suggestions for you.
    1. Stay in Japan.
    2. Stay out of the water.
    3. Dont cross the street.
    Lets not forget that less than 100 years ago the Japanese were commiting atrocities that had the holocaust look like a good alternative.

    • You forgot lighting strikes and death from falls in the home. Also we have at least one zombie apocalypse a week.

    • To Iron Brain who’s head is filled with slag.

      quote———————Lets not forget that less than 100 years ago the Japanese were commiting atrocities that had the holocaust look like a good alternative.———quote

      And lets not forget the U.S. who invaded Japan in 1856, and China in 1896 and slaughtered 1 1/2 million Chinese and then in 1899 invaded the Philippine Islands and slaughtered 3 millions people mostly women and children and then Vietnam and slaughtered 3 million more civilians and lets not forget all the Black Slaves the U.S. tortured and slaughtered.

      When you point the mindless Right Wing Finger at someone you have 3 more fingers pointed right back at your self.

      But I am sure you will say “We had the right to do it as we are “The Master Race” not the Germans. I sometimes wonder who was more depraved the now reformed Germans or today’s Americans who have never admitted to their mass murders. Because of this I have respect for the Germans as they admitted they were wrong.

      • Ok so that is what 10% of what Japan killed in war?

        As far as Japanese today considering themselves a master race, they are jus sanguinis society — ie consider citizenship to be racial. And you are promoting that??

        BTW nice of you to put British killing in china to the US account and blaming Spanish murder in Philippines on the US!

  6. If it’s that horrifying, why move back? Isn’t it worth it to you to demand your husband find a permanent job in Japan? Or, maybe, to get one yourself?

  7. Bring a mop. You’ll need it for all the blood in the streets.

      • This really isn’t about Jeremy (to me anyway). His piece was the tip of a very big iceberg of delusional internet Creedmoor love.

        • Well, the 6.5 creedmoor is so great she isnt safe in Japan either. They are so long range they can get her from across the oceans.

        • ICBMs are on the cusp of being obsolete. Just a little more work getting the warhead loaded in the cartridge.

        • Well, yeah, I suppose that the 6.5 Creedmoor is an overflowing cup filled with the very cream of ballistic goodness even without Jeremy’s help.

  8. The left loves to use “-phobic” name calling when they have no rational argument against a conservative idea. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what a genuine phobia looks like. Ms. Lewis has an actual irrational fear. Even if her (clearly fake) statistic was accurate, what are the odds of her kids being shot in a nation of millions? Does she live in such desperate fear of water?

    We don’t need such ridiculously fearful people distorting our laws based on their irrationality. I would personally invite Ms. Lewis to remain in Japan where she “feels” safe. (That she isn’t actually safe there either isn’t apparently part of her thinking.)

    • She suffers from paranoia. That could be from consuming corporate media. Without some stimuli healthy people don’t develop PTSD.

    • Unless you are a criminal, you are at lower risk of being murdered in the US than the developed democracy average.

    • to Herr Hauptman Heckman

      quote——————–The left loves to use “-phobic” name calling when they have no rational argument against a conservative idea. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what a genuine phobia looks like. Ms. Lewis has an actual irrational fear. Even if her (clearly fake) statistic was accurate, what are the odds of her kids being shot in a nation of millions? Does she live in such desperate fear of water?

      We don’t need such ridiculously fearful people distorting our laws based on their irrationality. I would personally invite Ms. Lewis to remain in Japan where she “feels” safe. (That she isn’t actually safe there either isn’t apparently part of her thinking.)————————————–quote

      Spoken like a true Nazi Idiot.

      She is safer there and anyone who is not a Moron knows it does not take a rocket scientist to understand the U.S. is one of the most unsafe and violent countries on the planet. If you think the U.S. is a safe country to live in your either the most ignorant Moron on the planet or a nut case that needs immediate mental health care which unfortunately is only affordable in civilized countries say like Japan or Europe.

      • Crisco, you have it backwards. Japan has 30%-40% MORE violent intentional killing per capita than the US and somehow you twist this into US being more violent?

        Japan allows no immigration. It has a racist “Guest worker system” (live and work there forever and get no citizenship) and Jus sanginus (citizenship by race) only. and you consider that fair?

        Japan is a racist police state — with more violence – -and you want the US to copy them?

  9. Where’s she planning on moving? Chicago? Baltimore? Considering the vast, vast majority, literally 99% is safe, one can only assume she must be planning to move to an area populated with violent liberals.

    • The “freelance write and novelist” who “loves being a perpetual tourist” will no doubt be living in a gated community full of white people near a golf course about an hour outside of a big city so she can still pretend to be down with the people where the average resident clears six figures net.

      Just like all the other lily white liberals living off of trust funds preaching truth and justice to everyone outside their walls.

      If only they would all take a page from the true believers playbook and hitchhike across Syria to demonstrate their high level of wokeness only to be found dead in a ditch two days later.

  10. Luckily Japan has had the luxury of building an entirely business and tech oriented culture, with extremely homogenous cultural demographics, while being under an umbrella of protection of the US for the last 73 years, with all of our scary gun, bombs, and missiles.

    Also, when was the last time we had subway gassed in the US?….or a Nuclear Power Plant meltdown?

    Also – re: Japans actions towards all Non-Japanese during and prior to WW2….

    • Aum Shinrikyo have really mellowed out since the 90s. I’m pretty sure they even abandoned their nuclear program.

    • to MDB Mindless Dirt Bag

      quote————————–Also, when was the last time we had subway gassed in the US?….or a Nuclear Power Plant meltdown?———————–quote

      Look you idiot did you ever hear of 3 mile Island which showered nuclear radiation on U.S. Citizens and they now have a cancer death rate many times higher than most U.S. cities do. And at least the Japanese Melt down was an accident. Ever hear of John Wayne and when the Government did an open air Nuclear Test and did not evacuate an entire town of U.S. Citizens including John Wayne and his film crew and thousands died horrible deaths from cancer because of it. By the way the Government did evacuate secretly the families of its workers who conducted the Nuclear Bomb test. Point the finger at Japan and you have 3 fingers pointed right back at yourself genius.

      • Uhm three mile Island happened almost 40 years ago when a lot less was known. Also the US rateof commercial nuclear accidents ran 1/3 the Japaneses rate.

        In terms of testing, the US nuclear stance deterred and prevented World War Three.

        The Europeans proved themselves inherently violent (as did the Japanese) starting world wars the US had to fix. You can thank the US for saving BILLIONS of lives from mass murder and mass subjection from totalitarian regimes repeatedly organic to the “peaceful” places you would have us emulate.

  11. Oh $h!t!!!, a tsunami and nuclear meltdown! I didn’t realize the crushing weight I didn’t carry until someone suggested I move closer than 600 miles to the nearest coast.

  12. Gee whiz I’ve lived in Chicago and Cook Co.,IL for 34 years. NEVER seen anyone shot or murdered(but I’ve heard gunshots). Drama queen…may I suggest hara kiri so you don’t get riddled with boo-lits?😋😄😏

  13. You’re right Kate! Stay away! Seek asylum in Japan. You need to do it for the children. And, please don’t vote in the next election.

  14. “– Kate Lewis in After a Life With No Gun Violence, Our Family Move to America Is Terrifying”

    Leftists are reading that and saying to themselves while smiling :

    “The programming is *working*…”

  15. Of course, she probably doesn’t fully comprehend how profoundly this country has changed in the last 2 years due to the general population embracing the 6.5 Creedmoor.

  16. Ms. Lewis doesn’t sound like a military dependent – from my experiences in the service, they are made of sterner stuff than this hoplophobic cupcake. It sounds like her husband is a executive who had to do a two-year hitch in the company offices overseas in Japan, and she and her family got to live in a prosaic area that wasn’t afflicted with the drugs, prostitution or Yakuza activities that existed in Tokyo. I agree with the post that said that her family is probably well-enough off to live in a gated community where they’ll be safe from crime – safer than most of us. She also sounds like a limosine liberal. She should stay in Japan – or maybe hope her husband gets transferred to Mongolia, where it’s really safe (by her standards), instead of back to CONUS.

  17. Stay in Japan! Obviously you think Japan is a better country than the USA, Japan is a highly structured country and have their own forms of Murders especially by some form of sharp pointy objects, hows it feel to be a Gaijin or haven’t you yet experienced the true meaning of the word!
    wants too move too Chicago to make her mindless twitter come true where all kids become gang banger’s
    biggest problem of the USA is the government taking away the right too do for self they want you dependent on them (Democrats)

  18. I’ve spent a lot of time in Japan. I speak the language. She’s in a country where one in six women are violently raped. A country where children kill themselves at a rate unheard of anywhere else in the world. They’ve had a tsunami, an earthquake, and a nuclear meltdown of global proportions.
    And she is constantly afraid her children will be shot to death when they move to America.
    Bat. Shit. Crazy.

    • That’s interesting. I had a close friend that rather reminds me of you in more way than one and he too spent time in Japan (20 years or so). Like you he is also a well skilled scrapper, he spent those years perfecting and teaching several fighting arts. Even when he left for Japan in the late ’80s his technique was already so good I could hardly distinguish it from perfect. I better stop, I am getting all misty eyed;-)

    • I’m rather familiar with Japan and Japanese culture, I’ve visited their hot, muggy and crowded land… and I saw some seriously messed-up stuff while I was there. eg, They do have a homeless problem, but they refuse to talk about it. They peddle sexual perversions at children’s eye level in five-n-dime stores – everywhere. I saw men reading violent cartoon porn on public transit – and not batting an eye.

      Or we could talk about their police-state justice system, which can (and does) use physical abuse to sweat confessions out of subjects.

      We can talk about other macro-level issues in Japan – like their debt:GDP ratio of 235%, or their kabuki banking system, their accelerating demographic implosion… they’re in for a world of economic hurt in the future, and everyone can see it coming.

      Yet, this female is focused on statistical aberrations in the US, and getting her panties into a bunch over the issue – in public, no less.

      Some people here at TTAG still tut-tut and upbraid me when I say that the 19th Amendment was a mistake.

      Well… This female is Yet Another Example of how correct I am…

      • I know this, my daughter will out think, out farm, and out fight the vast majority of the men I’ve met. My boys are big and strong, but that girl’s smart and mean. Her indian name is “The Darkness of My Soul, Made Flesh”. Since she was 5, she’s dragged me to Mountain Man Rendezvous. She sews her own period correct dresses, butchers her own deer, builds her own forts, and looks down on anyone who can’t.
        As far as her civil rights, I don’t need to protect them for her. I need to protect those who would attempt to take them from her.

      • quote——————————-They peddle sexual perversions at children’s eye level in five-n-dime stores – everywhere. I saw men reading violent cartoon porn on public transit – and not batting an eye.———————-quote

        The warped minds of Christianity who view sex as something dirty and debased have caused more people to become “real sexual and dangerous perverts” than foreign countries including Japan because their minds have not be warped by Christianity to view sex as not a natural biological function which it always has been.

        In Rome what we call pornographic pictures were openly and proudly displayed on the walls of homes and phallus symbols hung on chains over doorways to bring good luck in procreation. No one murdered gay people as sex was considered something personal and quite normal. If we could go back in time to Rome we would be surprised to learn that the Romans considered the first Christians to be the ones that were depraved when they wanted to live by torturing and depriving themselves often of basic needs such as food and even water so they could be rewarded when they died and went to what they called heaven. Something the Romans did not believed existed except for the Gods, not ordinary mortals. The Romans would have had no idea what you were talking about if you mentioned the word pornography.

        Its also interesting to note that the Roman Empire lasted for 1,000 years, longer than any other civilization and only crumbled after they adopted Christianity, that should tell you something. How long have we lasted, just a little over 242 years.

        • I’m not surprised that you consider the images of child rape and mutilation porn DG is talking about as normal and good.
          You’re disgusting.

        • Crisco: Rome practiced slavery on per capita levels the world would never see again — including massive sex slavery of children as young as 5 — all perfectly legal under roman law.

          The graffiti you refer to was in front of prostitution quarters and houses of prostitution. Virtually all of Roman “prostitution” was slaves. (similar to japan where because of the way Japaneses immigration laws are set up, all prostitutes are trafficked foreign girls, often as young as 10 years old)

          Please get an education.

        • Cisco: As you well know, I seldom feed you trolls, but here I will make a rare exception.
          Rome did NOT allow Christianity ever. That was the Byzantines(what was left of the Roman Empire after the sacking of the city itself). And even then not until many decades after the Fall of Rome itself. And only as a political power play by Constantine and his wife, Helena. If memory serves, in 333 AD. I’d look it up, but you would just ignore it anyway, as you do all other provable facts and verified data.

    • They regularly have earthquakes and tsunamis are always a possibility regardless of the nice walls they build. As smart as Japanese are, they put a nuclear power plant in a great place didn’t they? I heard that 3 of the reactors melted down and they still don’t have containment until they can invent some robots that can go inside to fix the problem.

      What’s more scary: having to worry about nuclear fallout in your water and food for the rest of your life or guns being used in a crime?

      Radioactive material from Japan reaches the west coast of America. I think it took about a week to see the spike. The environmentalists in California aren’t worried about that because they are occupied with guns and global warming (I mean climate change).

        • We would have Japan’s crime rate if we adopted their criminal defense rights which pretty much the worst among developed nations and their immigration control pretty much the most stringent.

          Japan has a 95% confession rate among those arrested for crimes and a 97% conviction rate. They can hold you for a month without charge, interrogating you 12 hours a day.

  19. It was tremendously irresponsible of her to keep her kids in a country where the chance that they, her or her husband would commit suicide was so much higher.

  20. The Washington Post reported All you need to know about this silly little snowflake. Good bet she has had a 2yr nonstop diet of CNN Intl’s American hating bilge.

  21. Then move to Chicago. They have some of the strictest gun laws, and they work VERY well there.😏

  22. Well, there’s Cuba, Iran, etc etc etc. Stay out and keep your lying propaganda BS with ya.

  23. I would point out a couple things here.

    First, we have no idea what her media consumption is, and therefore no real way to judge her opinion.

    Secondly, and tangentially related to potential media consumption on her part, the human brain looks for patterns even to the point of inventing them.

    One or both of these thing could play a large part in her comment.

      • Having spent a fair amount of my life outside the US I can tell you that if one relies on certain foreign sources for news the person can get a very odd/slanted view of the United States. That same news source may be excellent for other news but awful for US news.

        The same way our news can be good for some things but terrible for certain foreign news.

        • When I was in France last year, LeMonde did a poll of French attitudes and beliefs about the US, asking if US gun murder rate was up or down in the past generation. 94% said it was up, 6% said it was flat. In fact it is down near 60% since the early 1990’s.

          here in the states, something like 90% of advocates of assault rifle ban in the US think it is up when it is profoundly down.

          The woman who wrote the piece is literally a bigot. Just because she is bigoted about her own native country doesn’t make her less of a bigot. In fact suicide and homicide of children (and adults) is higher in Japan than the US, so she is flat earth on the danger, her kids are markedly safer from violent death in the US than Japan.

          And no surprise a bigot like her would feel at home in Japan, which academic peer reviewed work and surveys on attitudes toward other cultures and people show Japan is quite literally and by far the most bigoted developed democracy on earth (and the most misogynist as well).

          If she and her husband are American and neither “racially Japanese” none of her children born in Japan can be Japanese citizens. No anchor baby issues. Virtually everyone entering illegally is deported, legitimate refugees and legitimate qualified asylum seekers are virtually all blocked from entering. If somehow you get asylum, no family reunification for even immediate family, Even if you have a permanent visa or green if you commit any crime, even misdemeanor you get deported. And even if naturalized a Japanese citizen by marrying one, commit a crime you get denatutrlazed and deported.

    • “we have no idea what her media consumption is, and therefore no real way to judge her opinion.”
      So what you are suggesting is that if someone believes a pack of lies, then I don’t have any right to judge that her opinion is based on nothing but a pack of lies?
      I disagree. I say that it matters not one whit where someone got their opinions from, if they are stupid then they are stupid, and if they are incorrect then they are incorrect. No matter how they formed that opinion, or what liar they got it from.
      I’m guessing that you will disagree. But based upon what, exactly?

  24. Good don’t come back then. You don’t seem to have the problems with all the death a year from DUI DWI texting and driving blowing stop sign speeding do you. Just to let you know. There was over 24,500 death alone from DUIs 2017. That’s not counting DWI texting and calling blowing stop sign an speeding. And those death from y’all Motor Vehicles that are use as weapons on a everyday. Where the hell is y’all outcry there.

  25. Nonsense. I’ve lived in Japan. The Yakuza operate effectively unopposed. Your whole family could be murdered for making eye contact with the wrong person. The last year I was there the Mayor of Nagasaki was shot and killed by a Yakuza who was upset about his car being damaged on public property. You are completely helpless in Japan. If the Yakuza are involved the police wont even show up.

    • I remember a long time ago, in Japan, there was a guy who shot a policeman and was in a standoff in his home. I think he used a pistol. Yeah, somehow he got a gun in Japan.

      • It’s not that hard. There’s a real gun store right there at Chuo-doori a few blocks away from Akiba. The Japanese regulation of guns is very similar to that of many other countries, where the onus is on licensing.

  26. Ohhhhhh boo boo.
    Stay in Japan. Have a yakuza or samuri gang in the neighborhood??? You would never see them till they took your head off.

    • Yakuza still have some honor. They like to stick to dirty business and fraud. I don’t know if you could consider them to have some morals, but compared to American gangsters they are no worst than a politician.

  27. I feel your pain. I also felt the pain of America when Bill ( should have been impeached) Clinton on accepted a 100,000 signature petition and money from the Japanese to ban guns in America. May I suggest you divorce your husband and stay in Japan. If that is not possible my residence is a very safe place and you could come live with me. I promise not to beat you with a stick more then three times a day for being such FLAME DELETED

    • Flame Deleted. Ahhhhh come on. One post last week I could understand, but spelling Clinton like I did, nah. Guess you can’t call a human a female breeding dog as the dictionary calls it either. Sorry about misspelling punt too, the c was accidental

  28. Scanning for guns? How about scanning for whack-jobs? Guns on their own just sit there, while whack jobs find a way, guns or no.

    Of course, if you already think everybody is a whack job … there really ought to be more people dead, given all the guns.

    Or is “everybody’s a whack-job” just in the US? Nobody’s ever strange in Japan.

    • Japanese people are allowed to be very strange. Some of those strange people would probably be charged with a crime in America.

  29. Guess what, Kate? I’m dreading the return of an insufferable bitch to the U.S. God knows we are overflowing with your type..

  30. Her children are in far more danger from backyard pools than from any sort of violence, no matter what weapon is used. Pity she’s ignorant of actual, realistic threats and instead looks for a boogeyman wherever she goes.

    • I think it’s natural for humans to worry about the worst case scenario. Why else would people be so afraid of an asteroid hitting Earth or the planet getting a little warmer?

  31. She sure is tactically aware and prepared, for being such a gun nut. I wonder where that came from…
    America: where you can speak your mind and remove all doubt if you’re an idiot.

  32. Yes….read David Kopel’s paper on Japan’s people control….because that is how they control all crime, not just gun crime in Japan. In Japan, the police can search you whenever they want, wherever they want for whatever reason they want. When you are arrested, the judges defer to the prosecutor and their conviction rate is over 97%, using, at times, forced confessions which the judges ignore. They do do one thing that all pro gun supporters want to do here…enact long prison sentences for gun criminals, which, for some reason, democrats just will not do……they keep releasing violent, repeat gun offenders back onto our streets. Also, if this individual wants to be safe? Stay out of democrat controlled voting districts where the vast majority of gun crime happens….live in red cities, counties and states and they won’t have to worry about gun crime.

    Dave Kopel…not gun control, People control in Japan..http://www.davekopel.com/2A/Foreign/Japan-Gun-Control-and-People-Control.htm

    Japan gun control? long prison sentences for actual gun criminals….http://www.atimes.com/article/japans-gun-control-laws-strict-yakuza-turn-toy-pistols/

    • If I remember correctly, police can’t push you around and search you unless you are a gaijin [foreigner]. Japanese citizens don’t have to carry around their IDs like U.S. citizens do in America. Foreigners/non residents in Japan have to show their cards on demand.

      Isn’t there large push back from Americans when it comes to asking for an ID from persons who appear to be foreigners or asking a person’s immigration status? Aren’t American judges also outraged?

      In Asian countries, they will check your immigration status, if you are in violation of your stay they will ban you from their country for awhile. America seems rather lenient about violations.

      • Japaneses have to show their ID on demand, no reasonable suspicion or probable cause is need. Your car is not protected either, ni warrant, responsible suspicion or probable cause need to search your car anywhere but on private property. Warrants to search your home can be signed out by police and unlike the US where anything found not on the warrant is almost never allowed in court, it is all allowed in Court in Japan. Appeals are also almost impossible. Per crime committed Japan has nearly 25 times the wiretapping rate.

        You can be held for 28 days with no charge (v one to two days in the US), and you can be interrogated 12 hours a day during that period, which is why Japan has a 95% confession rate and a n 97% conviction rate.

        Also Japan has among the lowest thresholds among developed democracy for mandatory remand for mental health.

        And that is the tip of the iceberg in terms of lower criminal defense and privacy rights. The US could lower its crime rates drastically by adopting Japans criminal defense rights rules.

  33. She is afraid of white kids who shoot other kids at school? She is afraid of black kids who mostly shoot other black kids in the street?

    I don’t believe she really is afraid to be at a concert because one old white man attacked a country music festival while police waited for him to kill himself.

    She can move to a state were keeping and bearing arms is legal and to a neighborhood with predominately an Asian and European population that doesn’t partake in modern American culture. Try not to live around illegal Mexican immigrants, black thugs and drugged up white kids with no father.

    It’s funny how Japan doesn’t want to take in a bunch of Muslims, white or black foreigners. Not even white people are okay enough to allow them to immigrate in mass. Americans have a harder time getting in than Canadians.

  34. The average ignorant U.S. Hill Jack does not have any conception as to the truth of what this woman says. America in the last 50 years has descending into chaos and its streets even in small metropolitan areas run red with rivers of blood as dead bodies pile up by the thousands and 1,300 children die every year from guns not locked up and laying loaded around the house.

    A dear friend of mine was standing right next to his boss at work in the rail yard in Canton, Ohio and was shot dead by a stray bullet.

    The same dear friend was then transferred to North Carolina when the Canton Repair Depot was shut down. He had to move to keep his job and guess what happened when he got there? You guessed it, a stray bullet missed him at work in the yard by inches blowing a huge chunk of concrete out of a wall that he was standing in front of and he was missed only by a few inches. Later he was sent onto the roof of the building and it was latterly covered with spent stray bullets from gang violence in the nearby town. He said he felt more safe when he was in an actual war zone years ago than he did at work in either State.

    The average child today for the first time in American History is absolutely terrified to go to school every day as he or she knows it may be his last day on earth. With Skin Flint Republicans refusing to fund the millions and millions it would take to adequately guard all the schools and refusing to vet all gun purchases or pass safe storage laws any nut case at any time can buy all the fire power he wants with no paper work 365 days a year and twice on Sunday. Pure insanity in a country gone completely out of its mind. No other civilized nation on earth puts up with such madness and mass carnage on an everyday basis. None. Zero, Zelch but all this goes right over the head of the Hill Jack.

    Yes the average ignorant Hill Jack says ” I will not become a responsible citizen when it comes to firearms ownership and I could not give a flying fk how many innocent kids get killed as long as its not mine own and I will be damned if I will be inconvenienced with going through a responsible background check or getting off my dead ass and putting down my six pack of beer and locking up my guns so no kids will accidentally get killed or that the guns will be less likely to be stolen”. After all I am a shiftless, lazy beer guzzling Moron who thinks, it will never happen to my family and if I have to walk across the road to take a shit Its just too much of an effort. With trailer trash like that they deserve to lose the right to even own a sling shot let alone deadly weapons.

    They are their own worst enemies and lets not forget the cheap ass ignoramus will not even join the NRA because it will cost them a few pennies better spent for guzzling down beer and they in the end will end up losing all their guns to the anti-gun fanatics who will outspend the NRA because Jethro Bodine was too cheap to join. Again a cheap ass Hill Jack is his own worst enemy.

    After all who else would be dumb enough to carry a Glock, his favorite pistol. He would never carry a revolver with the hammer cocked back but thinks nothing of carrying a Glock without a hostler because he is too dumb to realize there is no difference between the danger of carrying both in that condition until of course he blows off his middle leg when carrying a Glock without a holster,


    • Hey Cisco, how you doing my man? Glad to see you. Hope your day is as good as mine.

      • You mean the dear friend that was shot dead, yet lived to be transfered and shot at yet again? Only par for the course regarding the accuracy of Cisco’s stories. Such idiocy is why I seldom bother to feed him.

    • Dont worry cisco/2asux,sam, the childhood vaccines you like to push will have 1/2 the childhood population autistic and reeling from debilitating chronic illness within 20 years. Why fear firearms?


        quote————————-Dont worry cisco/2asux,sam, the childhood vaccines you like to push will have 1/2 the childhood population autistic and reeling from debilitating chronic illness within 20 years. Why fear firearms?———————–quote

        I do not have to say anything to that Jethero Bodine response, you shout to the world what an ignorant Hill Jack you are. Its been disproved for years that your Hillbilly statement is not only not true but at this very late date laughable in the extreme. I sometimes wonder with all the “professional medical websites” available on line and the Medical reports on Cable TV that people like you are still ranting in your caves while you swing your clubs dressed in leopard skins. You make Neanderthal Man look like a Genius. Do you enjoy shouting to the world with posts like that what an ignorant ranting nut case you really are. Of course you will rant that you and your conspirator nut case friends know more about medicine than the Medical Professionals that spend their lives in this profession. See a good psychiatrist you need institutionalized.

        • Man, do you feel like your head is going to explode at any second??
          You are one wound tight sumbitch.

        • Fortunately guns sales are increasing and there is now work showing about 60% of Americans live in homes with firearms. Thanks to great guns like Glock, guns carry has increased 10 fold and this has caused US murder and violence crime to decrease due to the millions of crimes stopped by gun owners.

          Older people who were the only supporters of gun bans are dying off as well 🙂

          Crisco says he wants Japan’s system (banning all handguns)

    • Your dear friend was shot dead and then transferred to another job? He must have been a .gov worker.

      You don’t even try to make up good lies anymore, comrade cisco. Wait til November. Your mother will have to sedate you.

      • To Nut Case who says he approves of people who shoot up school zones,

        Reading Comprehension Jethro. Have your live in girlfriend read it to you and explain to you that it was his Boss and himself that were shot at. Two people, two different incidents. If your reading comprehension was beyond the 2nd grade level you would not have made a fool of yourself, but then again what else is knew. You always give us a good laugh with your Hillbilly responses. You make Jed Clampett look like a Genius.

        • You’re so twisted with racist hate and rage comrade cisco you can’t even understand what you yourself wrote. Reread what you wrote. Exactly as it was written you said your friend was killed and then got transferred.

          Either you are completely uneducated or you’re a 13yo in a public school. With anger management issues and a fixation with race.

        • Crisco:
          your constant “Jethro” comments say one thing to anyone who understands projection. You have no education and you live in a trailer park. We know you certainly don’t know anything about any country — your claim that Japan has less child suicide than the US shows this.

    • Another day, another forgettable comment from Megan “the kid” Kelly. You must be bleeding heavily today Megan. I recommend you switch pads more often. I hear welfare payments to addicts are getting an increase. You should be able to take care of yourself better.

      Now as for this sheep of a lady, all I can say is Japan is a controlled society burdened by ancient traditions and customs. Independent thinking is rare but group participation is mandatory to stay in good standing in this society. No need to beat a dead horse here as they have one of the highest rate of suicide in the civilized world. The life of sheep is hard, no?

    • Last time I checked, they didn’t really want Americans. If they accept an American, he/she will have to renounce their American citizenship and assimilate. I think most Americans are there just to work, then they will go home when they’re done.

    • to Bryan

      Your a laugh. Your so ignorant you do not realize that if She could stay she would and why would she not????? Japan has a much more affordable educational system, much more affordable Socialized health care, the homicide rate is 26 times lower than the lawless land of Capitalvania U.S.A. Their rate of theft is so low that experiments there proved that if a woman leaves here purse on a table in a restaurant that there is a 95 per cent chance it will be returned to her by the people eating there. Fat chance in hell in Capitalvani she would ever see her purse again and you in your arrogant ignorance about other Nations try to denigrate her for her knowledge on what a superior country Japan is to live in. Your the laughable joke. Get educated Jethero you live in your own myopic fantasy world born of ignorance, racism and prejudice, the true mark of the Hill Jack.

      • Japanese have to show their ID on demand, no reasonable suspicion or probable cause is need. Your car is not protected either, ni warrant, responsible suspicion or probable cause need to search your car anywhere but on private property. Warrants to search your home can be signed out by police and unlike the US where anything found not on the warrant is almost never allowed in court, it is all allowed in Court in Japan. Appeals are also almost impossible. Per crime committed Japan has nearly 25 times the wiretapping rate.

        You can be held for 28 days with no charge (v one to two days in the US), and you can be interrogated 12 hours a day during that period, which is why Japan has a 95% confession rate and a n 97% conviction rate.

        Also Japan has among the lowest thresholds among developed democracy for mandatory remand for mental health.

        And that is the tip of the iceberg in terms of lower criminal defense and privacy rights. The US could lower its crime rates drastically by adopting Japans criminal defense rights rules.

      • Well, that bit about theft is bullshit. I’ve spent over 10% of my life in Japan, 7.5 years out of 71, and I’ve had more items, and more value stolen from me in Japan than in America. There is no advantage to Japan on that front, making that comment a lie.

  35. The majority of gun related deaths are suicides. The majority of the remainder are either directly gang related, or else are killings of people who have a signficant criminal record. Of the few remaining after all that, especially of women, the perpetrator is most likely a family member of intimate partner.

    After that, the gun related murder rates are very small and certainly not something to dread, compared to other risks, or even compared to Japan. (Pssst…..40,000+ people will die this year while driving their cars.) So F you, lady, and the high horse you rode in on.

    • Korean and Japanese people are efficient at killing themselves without the use of firearms.

  36. Why so much hostility against someone whose overall ideas are merely misinformed? I’d much rather see replies to her that cite evidence that might change her mind.

    • And you really believe she will ever read them here? Why would person with hoplophobic mental problems read pro 2A human rights site like TTAG?

      • Exactly. She stands as much chance reading this as she does of purchasing a new, bright, shiny AR when she gets back.
        Let her stay the hell in Japan. She makes me want to vomit.

  37. She’s a fine example of the Tarkin Doctrine from Star Wars: Fear will keep them in line. Fear of these battle rifles (paraphrasing). The Anti gun crowd eco-chamber and greater publication of shootings feeds the paranoia. Fear is a great tool for controlling or influencing people’s thoughts and behaviors, and in this instance it’s working. Hey lady, you afraid of gun violence? Best way to get over it, get one of your own, train up on how to use it and move to a state where you can carry concealed, then carry everyday and practice regularly.

    Also since she’s in Japan, why isn’t she afraid of the ninjas? Because they hide in the shadows and you don’t hear about them until it’s too late. 😛

  38. It’s not like the old days Kate, we’re all Creedmoor now. There are no more caliber wars or blood in the streets.

  39. I suspect the author has spent her 2 years in a small expat community and not really experienced living there. Japan is a pretty cool place to visit, clean, mostly law abiding and respectful to visitors. Its not a good place to live long term nor raise kids. They will not fully accept non Japanese, by that I mean Japanese born of Japanese ancestry. Westerners are respected, but not accepted. This is actually codified in their law, you need at least 1 parent who is a citizen, to become a citizen (naturalized). Thus there is very little immigration, basically you have to marry a Japanese citizen if you want you kids to thrive.

    • You can become a Japanese citizen but it’s tough. A Chinese woman I knew became Japanese but had to change her name to a Japanese one.
      Like most Chinese she chose naka-no which is a short way of saying from china

    • Family registry and all that.

      If you are Japanese but are born outside of Japan, you have a time limit to choose to be a Japanese citizen or stay what you are.

      Those silly SJWs like to say, “Why can’t America be like Japan?”

      • She’d have a heart attack if actually honestly comparing Japan to the US. It is widely and correctly condemned as the most misogynist culture with violence against women profoundly under-reported.

        Her post combines US gun murder and suicide, when Japans total suicide and murder rate is is higher, not lower.

    • quote——————-I suspect the author has spent her 2 years in a small expat community and not really experienced living there. Japan is a pretty cool place to visit, clean, mostly law abiding and respectful to visitors. Its not a good place to live long term nor raise kids. They will not fully accept non Japanese, by that I mean Japanese born of Japanese ancestry. Westerners are respected, but not accepted. This is actually codified in their law, you need at least 1 parent who is a citizen, to become a citizen (naturalized). Thus there is very little immigration, basically you have to marry a Japanese citizen if you want you kids to thrive.—————————quote——

      Sorry Racist Hill Jack your living in a fantacsy world. Right now as we speak Japan is begging people world wide to come to Japan to work and become citizens because they have a lack of labor there. If you had bothered to watch international news programs you would be well aware of this. Try watching Tokyo News or NHK World and get educated about Japan and quit making a fool of yourself shouting out all your racism. I think Peter Baracan would be a good example of a British ex-pat that become famous and well to do there and I could name Americans that have also moved there and became very well to do and famous among the Japanese public such as Theresa Stegmeyer, May Jay, and lets not forget Dave Spector from Chicago if you even know who he is, the rest of the younger American Generation know very well who all these people are but not the old racist fogeys who still live in the hills of ignorance and prejudice.

      • You don’t know Japan at all. Japanese have to show their ID on demand, no reasonable suspicion or probable cause is needed. Your car is not protected either, no warrant, responsible suspicion or probable cause need to search your car anywhere but on private property. Warrants to search your home can be signed out by police and unlike the US where anything found not on the warrant is almost never allowed in court, it is all allowed in Court in Japan. Appeals are also almost impossible. Per crime committed Japan has nearly 25 times the wiretapping rate.

        You can be held for 28 days with no charge (v one to two days in the US), and you can be interrogated 12 hours a day during that period, which is why Japan has a 95% confession rate and a n 97% conviction rate.

        Also Japan has among the lowest thresholds among developed democracy for mandatory remand for mental health.

        And that is the tip of the iceberg in terms of lower criminal defense and privacy rights. The US could lower its crime rates drastically by adopting Japans criminal defense rights rules.

        • Hey Austin

          quote———————-And that is the tip of the iceberg in terms of lower criminal defense and privacy rights. The US could lower its crime rates drastically by adopting Japans criminal defense rights rules.—————–quote.

          Who are you trying to bullshit. Were you born a Nazi or did you join. The U.S. tried exactly what you are advocating under the Jack Boot of the Nazi Nixon Regime and the 3 strikes and your out policy actually increased crime while costing the tax payers billions. Many who were jailed for minor offenses , some for as long as 20 years when they got out of prison had never even seen a computer let alone used one. Their chance of finding any job not even a good paying one was slim to none. Yea your using the same old Right Wing Bullshit that has never worked in the past and will not work under the Herr Drumpf Regime that is now incarcerating innocent children and putting them in cages. This should really give racist Nazi sadists like you a hard on.

        • Crisco:

          You are the Nazi. You whine about US “three strikes and you are out” yet want Japans “one strike” 99% conviction rate?

          You say US restrictions on immigration are “xenophobic,” yet you want the US to have Japan’s immigration system which is much more restrictive?

          If the US were to have an AR-15 in every home, but had Japan’s polcie state criminal justice system (not rights for defendants) the US would have a lower violence crime rate than Japan.

          You clearly don’t know anything about any other country. Japan has more intentional violent killing than the US: http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Crime/Suicide-rates/Suicide-rate-%28both-sexes%29

  40. She is a total air-head, a disgusting phony, a fraud and a libtard snowflake.
    I have nothing else to say about this idiotic woman except to thank God she’s in Japan.

    • To Old Racist Fogie

      quote—————–She is a total air-head, a disgusting phony, a fraud and a libtard snowflake.
      I have nothing else to say about this idiotic woman except to thank God she’s in Japan.————–quote

      We wish you would leave the U.S. so we civilized people would not have to put up with you racist Nazi’s.

      • Try and relax you are all twisted up and hysterical and instead of facts just personally attack people. You are a bigot.

        Japan has lower civil liberties across the board, it is a profoundly racist society when it comes to immigration also.

        Moreover Japan has much more violent death per capita than the US has. children there are more likely violently die than in the US

      • You are the Nazi advocating Japan’s fascist gun control laws and touting the most racist and bigoted developed country on earth.

        • Hey “Guns in School Zones” you change monikers faster than you change your weekly change of socks.

          But I do like your new moniker its just that you forgot to add something on the end of it and that is I influence a lot of people to join the NRA. Now I realize your to cheap and stingy to join so when you lose your guns blame yourself for spending your cash on beer instead of saving your gun collection.

  41. I lived in Japan for years. I had an apartment near a station where aum shinrikio gased people.a woman died right on the platform.
    I bet the pretty lady thinks that shit would never happen in japan.

  42. I am dreading a trip back to Japan due to volcanos, earthquakes, and Godzilla.

    Just kidding. I am an adult.

    • Quote——————-i would think her debilitating paranoia is going to screw up her kids.—————————-quote

      No its the opposite her kids will probably have a better chance of surviving all the mass murders taking place weekly at our schools who’s halls run rivers of blood and carnage.

        • Japans aggregate suicide and murder rate is higher than the US suicide and murder rate. The objective data show clearly that her kids are safer in the US. she and her kids also are much less likely to be sexually assaulted and raped in the US compared to Japan; and if she has daughters her daughters are going have better prospects of equal pay and equal job advancement in the US than in deeply misogynist Japan.

          Also, if her kids were born in Japan they have NO rights to Japaneses citizenship. If they entered illegally they would be deported in a about ten seconds. If they were there even legally and committed even a petty misdemeanor they are going to be deported in a second. Even if naturalized, and committed a crime they would be de-naturalized and deported.

          Japan had the same gun laws as Florida or Texas it would still have the same murder rate Japan has today. Changes in firearms availability would not change Japans violence rates at all

      • Actually the rate of violent death of children in Japan is higher, not lower than the US rate.

  43. The truth is that every time her kids ride in a vehicle on any street or highway, whether in the U.S. or Japan, they face a much greater risk of injury or death.

    Firearm injuries and fatalities are minuscule compared to those resulting from traffic crashes.

  44. Another stupid round-eye beyotch has been heard from. As if we don’t have enough of them here already.

  45. Sorry, late to the party.

    Since the invention of the 6.5 Creedmoor the US has seen a huge boom in gun related deaths, apparently the new round is SO accurate that it makes the rifle idiot proof, so proof in fact that even 308 fan boys can shoot it!!!!

  46. What a frickin’ attention seeking drama queen extraordinaire…..Easy fix….Don’t come back…We’re full up on nutjobs…

  47. Who is Kate Lewis? Why does her opinion matter? Not surprising if this was a fake, ghost written article, published to push the standard anti 2A propaganda. Big Pharma uses ghost writers all the time to push their product(s), this is likely to be any different.

  48. Mrs. Kate Lewis probably should leave then. If she cannot handle living in a free society, then she should go back to Japan, get on her knees, and pray to her new emperor. I would rather trade her for a legal immigrant from Japan that really wants to live in a free country and is willing to protect its founding principles. If these leftists hate America for being America, and they crave the fictitious “safety” of other countries so much, what the heck is stopping them from leaving? If you are a liberal fascist reading this post, get the !##$ out, for you do not belong here. This country is for a free people, not leftists who crave the “safety” of tyranny.

    • Hey Bobby Sue

      Why don’t you get the fk out of the U.S. so we Liberal Socialists can make Capitalvania into a civilized country where its safe for kids to go to school and not be gunned down on a weekly basis. It dose not happen in civilized countries like Japan or Europe. Now try and lie your way out of this one.

      • You are right. European children just worry about being turned into sex slave like in Rotherham or if you are any kind of fernale raped in Malmo or groped Berlin or run down by a truck in Nice. And if you are Jew wearing a kippah beaten in streets, but other than it’s a socialism paradise out there.

        • quote—————I wish TTAG would either follow its no flame policy and ban him or relax it and allow the regular readers to hit back. I guess they are trying to prevent the forum from being an echo chamber and are so desperate to have opposition voices that they allow him to break the rules with impunity.——————quote

          That works both ways cry baby. You know the old saying ” If you cannot stand the heat get out of the kitchen or go cry to your mommy.

        • My complaint isn’t about your name calling it is about the asymmetric application of the rules. Both you and I know why you are a prohibited person but TTAG censors don’t want to hear it and removed my post. I have don’t gave problem with your childish insults. I do have a problem with tge capricious application of rules

          But at least you do not contest the existence of minor sex trafficking in the UK, rape in Sweden or violent anti-Semitism committed by Muslins in Europe.

          Next thing you will be tell us is that the Founding Fathers and the Constitution are Socialist.

      • US rate of murder of non criminals is lower than Canada, Australia and the European average. Are you a meth dealer or in a gang or committing crime for a living? If not you are safer in the US than anywhere

        Japan is more violent than the US or any of those countries. Its violent death rate is 27% higher than the US, its violent death rate of children is 30% higher than the US.

        • quote——————Japan is more violent than the US or any of those countries. Its violent death rate is 27% higher than the US, its violent death rate of children is 30% higher than the US.————————quote

          The violent crime and also the homicide rate of the U.S.is 26 times higher than that of japan. Nice try racist but you lose on this one too.

          Here is a run down on the many aspects of crime between the two countries and the U.S. of Capitalvania LOSES out each and every time.


        • I don’t think you read your own link. It specifically excludes the suicide rate. When you include that, the death rate for children is higher in Japan. The statement of the “violent death rate” is higher in Japan than the US is completely accurate.
          Learn to read.

        • Did you read your own link? You include suicide for the US but exclude it for Japan? when you include them Japan has 40% more violent death than the USA

      • You’re not even old enough to vote, comrade cisco. Come November you’re going to be in a mass killing rage at the results.

        • I wish TTAG would either follow its no flame policy and ban him or relax it and allow the regular readers to hit back. I guess they are trying to prevent the forum from being an echo chamber and are so desperate to have opposition voices that they allow him to break the rules with impunity.

  49. You speak English? You want a country with very strict gun control? Please consider the UK (except for Northern Ireland, those crazies still have handguns!), a very peaceful country no guns, just knives.

    • Indeed, Martin, a quite peaceful little kingdom…. aside from
      – a per capita rape rate twice that of the USA
      – a per capita assault rate twice that of the USA
      – a per capita embezzlement rate 5 times that of the USA
      – 26% more likely to be the victim of crime in general
      – 22% more likely to be the victim of a property crime
      – 35% more likely to be the victim of a car theft
      – twice as likely to be a robbery victim
      – five times more likely to be the victim of a fraud


  50. Japanese have to show their ID on demand, no reasonable suspicion or probable cause is needed. Your car is not protected either, no warrant, responsible suspicion or probable cause need to search your car anywhere but on private property. Warrants to search your home can be signed out by police and unlike the US where anything found not on the warrant is almost never allowed in court, it is all allowed in Court in Japan. Appeals are also almost impossible and double jeopardy is allowed. if the prosecution makes a mistake or finds new evidence you can be retried even originally found guilty.

    You can be held for 28 days with no charge (v one to two days in the US), and you can be interrogated 12 hours a day during that period, which is why Japan has a 95% confession rate and a 99% conviction rate.

    People in japan are scared to death because it has the highest estimated false arrest, false confession and false conviction rate of any developed democracy.
    http://www.bbc. com/news/magazine-20810572

    Also Japan has among the lowest thresholds among developed democracy for mandatory remand for mental health. You can be brought in and held much longer before before being adjudicated mentally ill and the thresholds for judging you a danger and forcing mandatory confinement and treatment are much lower the the US

    And that is the tip of the iceberg in terms of lower criminal defense and privacy rights. The US could lower its crime rates drastically by adopting Japans criminal defense rights rules.

    Japans also has a not just an ageing population, but a profoundly aging population and adjusted for age cohorts most likely to commit crime, in fact Japan has the same age adjusted homicide rate as it did when it had four times as many firearms per capita.

    Japan also has lower assembly, press and speech rights.

    No thanks.

    • qoute——————Japans also has a not just an ageing population, but a profoundly aging population and adjusted for age cohorts most likely to commit crime, in fact Japan has the same age adjusted homicide rate as it did when it had four times as many firearms per capita.——————quote

      Look you racist arrogant Moron did that fuzzy little racist brain of yours ever kick in and realize their firearms crime now or in the past had nothing to do with the amount of firearms but rather the fact that their vetting system makes sure nut cases and street punks do not get their hands on firearms. In the U.S. any nut case and any criminal has access to firearms that are actually “legally sold” through private sales 24 hours around the clock because the seller is under no obligation to do a back ground check in most places. The U.S. too has a very rapidly aging population and one of the highest gun homicide rates in the world. True there are some very homicidal South American Countries as well that may indeed be even worse but we are comparing Japan to the U.S. so cut out all the arrogant racism as to how suprerior the U.S. is or the fked up Conservative bullshit that incarcerating people is the key to nirvana. It just might be that Japanese people do not culturally rob, rape and murder people with any weapons as compared to the lawless and dog eat dog society of the U.S. Certainly one of the most dangerous countries on earth to live in.

      • Moron, the GAO tried to see how easy it was for a prohibited person to buy a firearm through non criminal sources. They failed. They tried to buy on the dark web. They failed with the most likely out come being that the buyer would have gotten ripped off.

        Japan’s actual murder rate is between 3 and 4 per 100000 but unlike the US, criminals are a small proportion of the total. Most come under the category of family suicide.

        • to tiddle brain the Moron

          quote—————–Moron, the GAO tried to see how easy it was for a prohibited person to buy a firearm through non criminal sources. They failed. They tried to buy on the dark web. They failed with the most likely out come being that the buyer would have gotten ripped off.————————quote

          Go peddle your outrageous bullshit and outright lies to the unwashed you liar. Any nut case and any criminal can buy a gun from legal private sales and since we have no safe storage laws can kick in a door and simply scoop up guns for free without even bothering to get a gun at a gun show without paperwork or from a private individual or they buy guns from fences who buy up hundreds of guns from private sales and then transport them to the big crime infested cities.

          Really did you think any educated person would not laugh their ass off at your statements on criminals not being able to buy guns any time the wanted them.

        • Guns are easier to get in the US, but Japan has 40% more lethal violence per capita than the US

          and you want us to copy Japan’s gun ban?

        • Hey, Kid, have you ever TRIED to obtain a gun in one of those simple ways you describe? Make sure you have your affairs in order first.

      • “Kicked out of every leftist site for being a psycho, the Cisco Kid now harangues rightist sites, confident in their dedication to free speech…”

      • Japan is one of the most dangerous counties on earth. it certainly has a much higher rate of intentional violent death than the US.

        Why is mentioning Japan’s average population age “racist”????

      • Japan doesn’t have a vetting system, they have a ban.

        If their vetting or storage and system worked they would not have more lethal violence per gun than the US — and in fact they do have more lethal violence per gun than the US

  51. Japan has one of the highest rates of suicide in the world.

    This broad should have taken advantage of this.

  52. cisco-kid says : “We wish you would leave the U.S. so we civilized people would not have to put up with you racist Nazi’s.”

    1) It’s pretty obvious that cisco-kid is not a real person but simply a badly written algorithm.
    2) Whoever wrote it should add some variety to the insults. They’re monotonously repetitive
    3) Another flaw in the algorithm is shown in it’s description of a person’s miraculous resurrection from the dead only to die again soon after.

    4) Finally, to the original article, I, who am a real person, say this: “She is a total air-head, a disgusting phony, a fraud and a libtard snowflake.
    I have nothing else to say about this idiotic woman except to thank God she’s in Japan.”

  53. Back in grad school my International relations teacher who was Japanese, phrased it this way:

    Japan is a country where the government gets it rights from heaven, and the people get their rights from the government; while the US is country where the people get their rights from heaven (or nature) and the government gets its rights from the people.

    Japans firearms laws have nothing to do with its high suicide raters, or its low murder rates. Plenty of civilized countries with the exact same gun control laws, or even stronger ones, have less suicide and often way way more murders.

    Gun control is not the cause of their lower criminal violence rates, rather both gun control and their lower criminal violence rates are reflections of their of the highly regimented top down society, which in the general set of civil liberties, is near police state levels.

    If we were to set up a Japanese criminal justice system in the US, where police state tactics result in 98% of all crimes that occur prosecuted, and 99% prosecuted cases resulting in guilty verdicts, the US incarceration rate would increase well over an order of magnitude, a 12x increase. And that would lower US violence rates to Japanese levels virtually overnight — without changing US gun laws one iota.

    • quote——————–If we were to set up a Japanese criminal justice system in the US, where police state tactics result in 98% of all crimes that occur prosecuted, and 99% prosecuted cases resulting in guilty verdicts, the US incarceration rate would increase well over an order of magnitude, a 12x increase. And that would lower US violence rates to Japanese levels virtually overnight — without changing US gun laws one iota.—————quote

      Nest time before making a fool of yourself study Japanese culture. I will give you a few examples. When the Katrina Hurricane hit in the U.S. rape, robbery and mayhem was the rule of the town. Compare this to the great Tsunami in Japan several years ago and wallets stuffed with cash were returned to their owners and repair bridges went up in only one day. In other words the People regarded themselves as of one family not dog eat dog Capitalvanian competitors were every one views each other as their enemy.

      Culture has a l lot to do with crime and the failure of the “get tough” 3 strikes your out U.S. policy that was previously in effect in the long run actually increased crime in the U.S. because people were incarcerated for long periods of time on minor charges and when they got out many had never even seen a computer much less learned to use one and without that basic skill finding any job not just a good one became slim to none.

      • Perhaps you have stumbled in to why crime rated are lower in Japan’s honor culture. You have also stumbled on to explanation of Japan’s astronomically high suicide rate. Dishonor requires you to commit suicide.

        Japan doesn’t need any gun control laws. You can put a fully automatic weapon into every Japanese home and the only effect would be to change the method of “family suicide.”

        As far as the disorder after Katrina goes, it way overblown but where it occurred it was concentrated in gang infested neighborhoods. A better example of how Americans respond would last year’s Hurricane Harvey. There was no disoder and unlike Japanese citizens. Ameticans rode (or floated) to the rescue of both strangers and neighbors. And many of the rescuers were gun toting citizens. As a Red Cross disaster volunteer I was unarmed but many of my fellow volunteers are gun owning citizens.

        • quote——————-As far as the disorder after Katrina goes, it way overblown but where it occurred it was concentrated in gang infested neighborhoods. A better example of how Americans respond would last year’s Hurricane Harvey. There was no disoder and unlike Japanese citizens. Ameticans rode (or floated) to the rescue of both strangers and neighbors. And many of the rescuers were gun toting citizens. As a Red Cross disaster volunteer I was unarmed but many of my fellow volunteers are gun owning citizens.—————quote

          Who the hell are you trying to bullshit. In the U.S. at Katrina there was murder by both the police on unarmed civilians as well as gangs of thugs raping and robbing people in broad daylight. The situation got so out of hand the Military went into the area locked and loaded ready for a full all out fire fight.

          In Japan the military was there but unarmed as they did not fear their own countrymen like th U.S. did. Purses and wallets full of money were returned to relatives of the dead and or the living while in the U.S. everything that was not nailed down was stolen. Japan put up emergency bridges in one day I repeat one day while in my neighborhood in Capitalvania it took a year just to get around to putting up a temporary bridge and 3 years to put up a permanent one. Yea tell me how superior the U.S. is to Japan , just go pander your insane remarks to other nut cases like yourself.

        • Japan’s government lied and hundreds of thousands were dosed with more radiation than the government pronouncements indicated.

          you have it backwards on Peurto Rico as well. The mayor of San Juan who grandstanded is now being investigated for stealing US emergency aid. Just like Katrina where Democrat politicians there stole millions in federal tax payer aid before and after the hurricane.

          People had to stand guard in their stores and homes because Democrat Mayor Ray Nagin had stole funds for the security panning as well.

      • Ever notice how radical leftists (e.g., “cisco kid”) are free to comment on every popular right-of-center blog and media site, but radical rightists are nowhere to be found on popular left-of-center blogs and media sites?

        That’s because leftists ruthlessly censor dissent in THEIR territory. I think a lot of these radical leftists, somewhere deep down inside, crave free speech and that is why they haunt and troll right-of-center sites.

      • You don’t answer a single point about Japan having the least criminal defense rights of any developed country democracy.

        Any US jurisdiction could have no gun control and the type of police state criminal laws Japan has and lower murder rate than Japan.

        With Katrina you have it backwards. Democrat mayor Ray Nagin stole funds both before and after Katrina. he had something like a dozen felony charges as a result.

        he stole the money for disaster emergency and police response causing a gigantic increase in crime

  54. I agree with her totally. She should be afraid to come back to the US with all the guns people are carrying.

    She should stay in japan where all she has to do is worry about some nut case releasing RICIN on a commuter train or some nut job hacking/stabbing you with their Ginzu knives and swards.

  55. Japan also doesn’t have to deal with crime ridden urban hoods populated by thieving crack slinging weed toking thugs who are products of a violent dysfunctional poorly educated thug culture, raised in single parent homes, and taught from birth that they’re victims never responsible for their actions.

    • Yep. We could mothball the 2nd Amendment too*; all lefties have to do is agree to take the current majority demographic (Whites) from 60% to 100% of the population. Then we’ll be just like Japan – totally racially homogeneous.

      What’s that? No takers?

      *We promise we’ll end the 2nd right after. Honest.

  56. I gotta say the cisco-kid algorithm is a decent entertainer. but seems to have a fairly short vocabulary as shown from it’s quotes:

    Why you ignorant Nazi Dirt Bag
    U.S. dominated by Nazi Dirt Bag Republicans
    par for the course from the Out House Gang.
    You could not be more Hillbilly ignorant
    Spoken like a true Nazi Idiot
    The average ignorant U.S. Hill Jack
    people like you are still ranting in your caves
    what an ignorant ranting nut case you really are
    give us a good laugh with your Hillbilly responses
    Were you born a Nazi or did you join
    under the Jack Boot of the Nazi Nixon Regime
    so we civilized people would not have to put up with you racist Nazi’s.

    Hillbilly and Nazi leads the list of monotonous repetitions.
    The cisco-kid algorithm is kinda like one of those little yiping dogs with high pitched barks that runs around chasing his tail and wonders why no one want to play.

    I wonder if the Russians have something to do with the algorithm……..hmmmmmmmmm….?
    Maybe Mueller ought to look into it, since that’s the reason he started his investigation.

    To get back to the original article, I have a feeling that it’s not a real person either….No human could be such an idiotic moron, could they?


      QUOTE——————-To get back to the original article, I have a feeling that it’s not a real person either….No human could be such an idiotic moron, could they?——————QUOTE—————————–QUOTE

      Yes there are idiotic Morons and your the poster boy of them all. See my post on TODAY’S LATEST MASS MURDER BY GUNFIRE of a young mother, her family and a bystander. IT WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED IN JAPAN AND IT DOES NOT. When was the last time you heard of a Japanese 23 year old unloading on an entire family j with a hail of bullets just because he did not liked the way they were driving their car.

      • Actually Japan has more intentional violent death per capita.

        Do you not even know what per capita is?

        Japan is much more violent than the US — the data show this without question.



      • To SS Storm Trooper Sian

        quote—————–So why are you still here?—————————–quote

        I am still here to educate the younger generation so that when SS Storm Troopers like you become extinct when you get old and kick off that we can then finally bring civilization to the U.S. and help civilized people forget people like you ever lived in this country and stained its reputation and blasphemed the very reason America was founded which was guess what Herr Hauptman, a Nation founded by Immigrants.

        If the Statue of Liberty and its inscription were alive She would step on you and squash you like the vermin that you are. We could make a new movie the opposite of Leni Riefenstahl’s propaganda film “Triumph of the Will” only this time the new movie would be ” “Triumph of the Liberal Socialists” and the Statue of Liberty would be crushing lots of Nazi rats like you under her feet as they ran for their lives in every direction. And we could play the National Anthem when the last Nazi rat was squished under the Statue of Liberty’s feet. Finally a Liberal Socialist Country with the social benefits all the other civilized industrialized countries have enjoyed for decades while we the troglodyte worker slaves were enslaved by the Gangster Criminal Republicans living in the city of Stratus among the clouds of blind greed and corruption.

        • Crisco: You claim Japan has less intentional violent death when Japan has more per capita.

          Do you not even know what per capita is?

          Japan is much more violent than the US — the data show this without question.

        • I am still here to educate the younger generation so that when SS Storm Troopers like you become extinct when you get old and kick off that we can then finally bring civilization to the U.S

          Dude you already have said you are in your early 70’s. newsflash: the young generations are LESS, not more likely to agree with youth. You gun ban nuts are the ones becoming extinct!

          Polls that show as you move down in age in cohorts, support for gun bans falls: Gallup, Pew, WaPost, WSJ, ABC, NBC, CBS, Ipsos/Reuters, Quinnepeg, LATimes

          By the way it was the storm troopers who supported gun control in Germany!

    • Yet the 2013 CDC ordered and payed study by he National Academy shows there were 50,000 crimes prevented by gun owners in the US this week.

  58. In Japan you didn’t have tens of millions of dindus or NAMs to worry about either, did you, precious?

    Let Japan try a couple months with USA demographics (courtesy of open-borders leftists, BtW), they’ll be passing a 2nd Amendment ASAP.

    • To JQP

      Quote——————————-Let Japan try a couple months with USA demographics (courtesy of open-borders leftists, BtW), they’ll be passing a 2nd Amendment ASAP.——————–quote

      Try again Herr Hauptman. With a wealth of information at your finger tips you chose to remain ignorant and to you ignorance is bliss. Heaven help you if you had to admit you were wrong about immigration making the crime rate rise and it just might tarnish your jack booted racist fanaticism bordering on a Hitlerite religious experience.



      • Your post does not even address the point that illegal immigrants commit murder at nearly double the rate. Latin Americas illegals commit murder at triple the US legal population rate.

        You post was all immigrants, leak and illegals. Japan ha slow violent crime rates since it has way less illegal immigrants and way less rights in general.

        Why are you supporting racist societies like Japan?

  59. The cisco-kid algorithm ran the numbers and came up with another one:
    “When was the last time you heard of a Japanese 23 year old unloading on an entire family j with a hail of bullets just because he did not liked the way they were driving their car.”

    I’m just wondering, did the 23 year old killer just happen to read a cisco-kid algorithm post, actually thought it was written by a human being and then lost his mind from all that hate……yeah, sounds about right.

    I’m beginning to think that cisco-kid is actually a Japanese bot, not a Russian one……By the way, algorithm, who is OLD JETHRO BODINE. Can’t say I ever met him.

      • Crisco: You claim Japan has less intentional violent death when Japan has more per capita.

        Do you not even know what per capita is?

        Japan is much more violent than the US — the data show this without question.

        • Cisco doesn’t even know what the quote marks on his keyboard are, even though I’ve told him over and over for years. How in the holy hell could he ever figure out “per capita”, which is many times more complex of an idea?

  60. I never realized that algorithms could create a picture. Amazing. Why did the Japanese algorithm call him OLD? He looks quite young to me,

    What is : “old racist storm trooper” ?

    I’m sorry to say that the cisco-kid algorithn is starting to get boring. The excitement is gone.
    Good timing too, I need to clean my many rifles and handguns. That is much more enjoyable than talking with an algorithm, and a stupid one at that.

  61. I guess she was,t afraid of the ICBM’s that North Korea was sending over her head while she was blissfully shopping. A nuke drop would’ve kept her from coming here whining about how unsafe America is.

  62. Japan’s overall suicide rate is roughly 60 percent higher than the global average, a 2014 World Health Organization report noted. In 2014 alone, 25,000 Japanese people took their own lives—roughly 70 suicides every day … 1 in 12 Japanese elementary school-aged children, and 1 in 4 junior high school students suffer from clinical depression.” -Newsweek

    Last year, suicide was the leading cause of death for Japanese children between the ages of 10 and 19. Among teens and young adults ages 10–24, there are roughly 4,600 suicide deaths in each year, and another 157,000 instances of hospitalization for self-inflicted injuries.” -Wilson Quarterly

    And virtually none of them with a gun. But go ahead and fret over those scary guns while your child has an equal chance of killing himself off due to the social pressure Japanese society inflicts on its people. While you’re at it, brush up on Aokigahara Forest. You might find it enlightening.

    • And just to put a finer point on it: 4,600 / 365 = 12 child/teen suicides per day. Without gun use. There’s a cost to living and raising a family in any country. If you want to stay in Japan, that’s yours.

      If you want to calculate self-inflicted injury, that number gets substantially worse.

  63. Ozzallos says:
    June 16, 2018 at 11:43
    “Japan’s overall suicide rate is roughly 60 percent higher than the global average, a 2014 World Health Organization report noted. In 2014 alone, 25,000 Japanese people took their own lives—roughly 70 suicides every day …

    Japan also has 1800 homicides.
    Based on population, that would be the equivalent of 68,000 intentional deaths a year in the US.
    We have 17,500 suicides and 45,000 homicides, for a total of 62,500 intentional deaths, Japan is higher than we are. So where is the great difference in intentional deaths????

  64. She ought to be ok if she sticks to the areas that have strict gun control, like the paradises of Chicago, D.C., L.A., etc. If she paid attention while in Japan she might have realized the difference between a country with basically a homogeneous population vs. one that is very diverse and that comes with the pluses and minuses of each. Not to mention the very different history of democracy in each one. It is a culture thing not a gun thing. Also, she obviously has totally bought into the press hype. How foolish and self-righteous.

  65. She obviously doesn’t look up. There could be hundreds of falling bodies trying that suicide attempt on for size.

    Let’s see. Survival chances 150lb water weight landing on you from 30th floor. Hmmm

  66. Crisco kid above is point to articles that count suicide and murder only if committed by gun (intentional violent killings). But Japans overall intentional violent killing rate is higher per capita than the US

    if anything this shows that removing guns from the law abiding or increasing gun storage laws increases a society’s violent killing rate per capita

  67. Good, you will die in one of our Gulag camps. Not a single one of you racist Nazi GOP TH UGS will survive the next four years. You must all be killed to usher in the Superior Socialist Future.

  68. Looks like cisco-kid algorithm has now been superseded by pig-famer-bill algorithm.
    The more things seem different, the more they stay the same.

    Still the same insults, without understanding. It’s easy to tell the same person writes these algorithms….

    By the way, in case anyone wants to know: “An algorithm is a procedure or formula for solving a problem, based on conducting a sequence of specified actions.”

    For example: “you racist Nazi GOP THUGS”
    Then: “You must all be killed to usher in the Superior Socialist Future.” Obviously a badly written algorithm, since it seemed to forget that Nazi = National German SOCIALIST Party

    Bottom line, it said that Socialists must be killed to usher in Socialism……Who knows, while there is is still a very slight chance that this algorithm might recognize that it’s an idiot and moron with low IQ and no ability to logically process information, it’s very doubtful this will ever happen.

  69. Anyone who does not support the second amendment and the rest of the bill of rights should not be allowed into the USA. Including citizens who left. And any new citizens who protest against any part of the bill of rights should be striped of their american citizen ship and deported.

    They only came to america to make money because they were failures in their home countries. They are not here for freedom and Liberty.

  70. Since she is judging U.S.A. based on her twisted stereotypes, let me do the same. I dread living in Japan because I do not want to be attacked by Ninjas wielding Samurai swords. I don’t want my family to be put in a death march where 90% of the people die before reaching the labor camp.

  71. If she was living in the middle east, would she be scanning anyone who could be wearing an IED suicide vest?

  72. Two solutions to the lady’s concerns present themselves: Actually three solutions.

    1. Stay in Japan.
    2. Try some other country.
    3. Grow up. There is a very large difference between reality and the picture painted by media hysterics.

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