IMI Systems Quote of the Day: Keith Olbermann Says The NRA is a Terrorist Organization

“It is time to end the lies about the Second Amendment. It is time to end refusing to call mass murderers who do not have obvious political motives terrorists. It is time to end the National Rifle Association. And it it time to end the political career of any political figure who made his way to the White House dog-whistling to his Second Amendment people.” – Keith Olbermann in The NRA Should Be Branded A Terrorist Organization [via]

IMI-Israeli Ammo

84 thoughts on “IMI Systems Quote of the Day: Keith Olbermann Says The NRA is a Terrorist Organization”

    • So, Keith, you do agree that BLM and ANTIFA are terrorist groups? Let’s go after them before the NRA which has done no wrong.

      • Each time I see K.O. (rarely these days), he looks/sounds more and more like a ranting grandfather on the front porch yelling at the neighbor kids to “get out of those trees.”

        And another thing…

        Why I oughtta…

        When *I* was a kid…

        Geez. I guess it’s a paycheck for him.

  1. The Republicans solution to mass murders. Of course as usual do nothing we are afraid of the NRA. Get used to it, mass murder is the new way of life for the American people and we would not want to cut down on the profits of the gun industry. Money before human life always, its the Republican credo.

    • Good lord you’re a special kind of brainwashed idiot. Drink water, it’s healthier than Kool-Aide.

    • Which way did the LV mf vote?

      If he was a Trump supporter or donor it would’ve fully occupied the news.

      The DNC is a terrorist organization. Leave it to them to use a mass shooting to promote their CONSTANT PUSH FOR TYRANNY.

      F THEM ALL, from the voters to the donors to the F bags Schumer and Pelosi (and their foreign equivalents) They all need to be caged until we can find a suitable place to put them (so we need to work harder on interstellar space travel).

      If you live in a blue state, you may be part of the problem.
      If you have a POS (D) after your name, are a liberal, progressive, socialist, communist, globalist, climate change-ist, or a rino, THE PROBLEM IS PART OF YOU, AND YOUR MOTHER OWES US AN ABORTION.

        • All he knows how to do is lie, because that is all he was ever taught. The window has long passed for him to actually develop the neurological structures in his brain necessary for deep, critical thought and fact-finding.

          He literally, physically lacks the intellectual capacity to form cogent, coherent arguments and simply goes by what the alt-left and their lap dog presstitutes in the whorestream media tell him to think, say, and do. I say all of this because it is the ONLY logical explanation for his wrote ignorance on every subject he’s ever tried to dive into here.

    • First off, there are about 40,000 traffic fatalities in a year. That’s about twice as many deaths, per day, EVERY DAY, as were killed yesterday by that spree shooter.

      Likewise, there are about 4.5 million traffic injuries annually. That’s two dozen as many injuries, per day, EVERY DAY, as were injured yesterday by that spree shooter.

      Tragedies all, to be sure, but let’s keep this in perspective. After all, nobody is running around like a chicken with its head cut off, demanding that AAA be shut down or that the auto industry is a terrorist organization. Let’s not forget that some auto injuries and fatalities are intentional homicides.

      All that’s going on in your mind is a sense of helplessness and hopelessness, resulting in a natural longing for some big, benevolent power to make it all better. That’s childish thinking. It’s not only naive, but reckless, to think that big government swooping in and swiping rights renders anyone any safer.

      After all, this killer was already “known to the police”, as they say. Why wasn’t he locked up beforehand? Incompetence, that’s why. And you want to hand iver more power to these people? Good grief, man.

      • “Let’s not forget that some auto injuries and fatalities are intentional homicides”

        shouldn’t that be full auto injuries? most cars these days don’t have a clutch

    • I had a neighbor just like you. We were having a “without rule of law” discussion after Katrina. I told him I was going to post a sign that said “I have nothing worth dying for. Try the house across the street” sign on my lawn. He got all bent out od shape because he obviously expected me to defend his family and property. Like him, you are a freeloader who expects someone else to put his life on the line for you. Fortunately for him, I cannot secure my life and property without securing his so while your sit secure in your home and rant about guns you keep that in the back of your mind so if that day ever comes you will thank your gun owning neighbor. Oh, and stay away from hurricane prone areas so you will minimize the chance that you won’t havee the police to keep the thugs from looting your home.

    • I think you are on the wrong forum troll. If an Islamic Terrorist does not represent all Muslims why does a single mad man represent all gun owners? If you really want to save lives ban doctors, medical malpractice kills upwards of 200,000 people a year if not more. Why not ban cars, knives, swimming pools, etc etc. Safety is an illusion mitigated by preparation and always having a plan.

    • I think you are on the wrong forum troll. If an Islamic Terrorist does not represent all Muslims why does a single mad man represent all gun owners? If you really want to save lives ban doctors, medical malpractice kills upwards of 200,000 people a year if not more. Why not ban cars, knives, swimming pools, etc etc. Safety is an illusion mitigated by preparation and always having a plan.

    • Cisco douche. You really are an idiot gift that keeps on giving.
      I suggest strongly that you go back down in moms basement and take a double dose of your medications.
      Your unhappy here take your sorry ass to whatever commie shithole you choose to move to Amanda leave America alone you worthless toad.

    • The DemoKKKrat’s solution to mass murders, you mean — and YES, yes you damn well DO. Of course, as usual “do only the demonstrably wrong thing thing” crowd like you are afraid of the proto-Marxist grievance and victimhood industry. “Get used to it,” YOU say, “mass murder is the new way of life for the American people, and we would not want to cut down the profits of the proto-Marxist grievance and victimhood industry.” Just like the racist Muslim mayor of London said of terrorism — someone that YOU would vote for, NOT the rest of us. Money more than human life always, it’s the DemoKKKratikkk credo.

      • His magic idea is to arbitrarily ban amalgams of wood, polymer, and metal that were legally acquired in good faith, and make paperwork felons out of everyone — everyone — who owns a gun. No matter what it is.

        We tried it with alcohol.

        We tried it with narcotics.

        We tried it with poverty.

        We tried it with terror.

        Whenever the government “declares war” on something, it gets subsidized and grown instead instead — and immeasurably worse.

  2. It is time to end refusing to call mass murderers who do not have obvious political motives terrorists

    that part he got right. the rest of it gives me a headache

    “The Second Amendment was originally intended “to keep the federal government from taking away the right of each state to maintain its own militia,” said Olbermann.” i would ask how much wrong he can fit in one sentence but i’m not sure i want the answer to the question.

    • If they don’t have a political motive, they are not a terrorist. It’s part of the definition of “terrorist.” Part of the problem we currently have in this country is the increasing malleability of the meaning of the words of our language. Don’t be part of that problem.

    • Why is that even right. The word Terrorist is reserved for people who conduct violence with a specific political motive – its the definition oof the word.

      As usual, somebody on the left want to change the definition of words to suit their purposes. Dont support the behavior.

  3. The usually ramped up Left-wing Commie propaganda, and Agitprop…courtesy of your friendly liberal Pro-aggressive news organizations….Friends of Gobbels….

      • i envision a scenario where commentors forgetting to re- enter their names must click back to do so… generating another click? those add up. a scenario where after not seeing a post appear, it is re- posted with slight variations, multiple times, generating more clicks?
        my conspiracy theories are always wrong, it would be an effective way to spike hits, y’now.
        it’s been going on since at least last friday, long before whatever volume of posters were generated by this tragedy.
        i’ve been told i was spamming, i been told i already made that post, i’ve been told i’ve been posting too much and i’ve had posts vanish into the ether.
        i’ve also been expecting a “housekeeping” update.

        • I have been told to insert another quarter, and that, after the next level, I will have the opportunity to win additional lives.

          So, at least I got that goin for me.

  4. It is time to end refusing to call mass murderers who do not have obvious political motives terrorists

    that part he got right. the rest of it gives me a headache

    “The Second Amendment was originally intended “to keep the federal government from taking away the right of each state to maintain its own militia,” said Olbermann.” i would ask how much wrong he can fit in one sentence but i’m not sure i want the answer to the question.

    • Google defines terrorism as

      the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

      So no he got that wrong also. He’s batting 1000.

  5. Salty commie vermin is salty. Maybe somebody needs to explain to him tha what he’s discussing is called treason and gets him a firing squad.

  6. Like anyone should take anything that comes out of Keith Olbermans pie hole serious. This moron is so out of touch with America, he can’t even drive himself home because he never got a drivers license. My dog is smarter and could make better decisions than Keith Olberman. He is nothing more than a talking puppet for the libs and lefties.

    He is clueless about the constitution and the NRA. This is what happens when you live in a big city and regurgitate anything you are told, instead of thinking for yourself. Total idiot.

  7. I respectfully disagree Mr. Olbermann. The NRA is not a terrorist organization. And how do you propose ending the career of a pro gun politician? That sounds alot like a threat to me. Best tread lightly, for you may get the terrorist label slapped on you.
    Let me ask you something. Do you think antifa and blm are terrorists??? Because alot of them sure act like it.
    Or you could just shut the f#ck up and mind your business. Thats always an option too.

  8. This post alone probably gives him more exposure than he’s gotten in five years. I’d have kept driving and ignored the crazy guy on the corner.

  9. So they are calling the NRA a terrorist organization, by default that means they are calling the five million members of the NRA terrorists. How do they expect to win them over by calling them terrorists? You don’t engender peoples loyalty or engage in dialogue by immediately insinuating they are cold-blooded murderers and calling them names.

  10. Clearly, Keith Olbermann has as much respect for first amendment-protected rights as he does for second amendment-protected rights.

    By the way: what, pray tell, does NRA have to do with what happened? Was the murderer a member? Did NRA encourage him to murder? Did NRA facilitate his actions?

    • Like the NRA says, the second protects the first. Keith Olbermann wants to get rid of both. I’ll fight for my rights, will he fight to take them away?

  11. Keith “who?” just provided another reason to continue efforts to educate our fellow liberty loving anti-Left citizens.

  12. Over the weekend, apart from the murders in Las Vegas, there were three other important incidents:

    1. In France (Marseilles), two women were murdered by a knife wielding terrorist. He was only stopped from killing more people because some soldiers were nearby, who shot him.

    2. In Canada (Edmonton), a terrorist ran over a cop, then stabbed him, then used a van to run over more people. He was stopped by cops shooting at the van, whereupon he lost control and crashed it.

    3. In Spain (Catalonia), police officers acted a lot like terrorists and beat on unarmed people at polling stations. No one stopped them and hundreds were injured.

    I can’t call anti-gunners a terroristic organization, but their ignorant policies are leaving a lot of ordinary people defenseless.

  13. “It is time to end the lies about the Auto Industry. It is time to end refusing to call mass murderers who do not have obvious political motives terrorists. It is time to end the Ford, GM and Chrysler. Cars kill more people in Nevada and Illinois than deaths by firearms in those respective states and it is time to end the political career of any political figure who made his way to the White House dog-whistling to people who drive cars.” – Keith Olbermann

    Fixed that for him.

    • Oh, I love this game!

      “It is time to end the lies about the Healthcare Industry. It is time to end refusing to call mass murderers who do not have obvious political motives terrorists. It is time to end Hospitals. Medical accidents in hospitals kill more people in Nevada and Illinois than deaths by firearms in those respective states and it is time to end the political career of any political figure who made his way to the White House dog-whistling to people who work in hospitals.”

      – Keith Olbermann

  14. For every life lost via a gun, 100 lives are saved via defensive uses. I just sent another payment to the NRA. Suck on that lefties.

    • Humanity pats your back and hands you a tissue, and says ‘buck-up, we’re kicking their ass’.

  15. What it’s really time for is to end the Democratic Party. I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t behind this Vegas shooting as well. Bunch of people think that they’re better than your average Joe. Bunch of spoiled rotten brats is what they seem like. And they always turn the tail they always act like there are these peace-loving people and then they say some stupid crap like oh well wait till the NRA is shot up by one of these lunatics they always like to throw people under a bus there’s something mentally wrong with the Democratic party in this country. Along with all this crap globalism liberalism retard ism.

  16. I’ve recently began to favor the end of electricity. If there was no electricity I would never have to see nor hear of douche-nozzles like Keith Olberman again.

  17. It has come to this. Everybody we don’t like is now a terrorist. I don’t like Keith Olbermann. He supports the gang front called BLM. He apologizes more radical Islam. I declare Olbermann a terrorist supporter. See how that works Keith?

    Let’s stop calling people we don’t like terrorists or Nazis. Nobody out there is Hitler although we do have a few Stalins like Keith Olbermann.

  18. Fail on all accounts. I do not know why people want to abuse the language. Terrorist means someone that use heinous acts of violence to advance a political agenda. A terorist is a subclass of mass murderer. If they start calling all mass murderers terrorists, then they will then have to add the word “political” to terrorist to differentiate. If we accept these mass murderers without a stated political agenda as a terrorist, then we have to examine what political agenda we think their actions would most likely advance. In that case it would become obvious that they are gun control terrorists if they are terrorists at all.

    • That’s a bingo… political agenda is the defining characteristic of terrorism, absent that it’s just a psychopath on a rampage.

  19. Gotta’ get my next free NRA membership courtesy a BRAZILIAN Taurus. Always blame the the means and never the individual…anyone see the late-night “comedians”?!? Especially the South-African whining about American gunviolence. South freakin’ Africa😡😡😡😡

  20. Gotta’ get my next free NRA membership courtesy a BRAZILIAN Taurus. Always blame the the means and never the individual…anyone see the late-night “comedians”?!? Especially the South-African whining about American gunviolence. South freakin’ Africa😡😡😡😡

  21. It is time to end refusing to call mass murderers who do not have obvious political motives terrorists

    Oh yes, by all means let’s end the tyranny of Words Having Meanings. It’s time to stop refusing to call people criminals just because there’s no evidence they’ve committed a crime. It’s time to stop refusing to call something a dog just because it has wings and a beak. I love Keith Olbermann, he’s such a necrophiliac.

  22. this is why theres no common ground to be found

    when you label your political opponent a term that is tantamount to the worst person ever it makes your opponent even more entrenched in their thinking

    ill say it again:

    america doesnt have a gun problem; it has an a-hole problem

    until we fix that there will be no improvement

    the democrats dont want to admit this because they know theyre the a-holes

  23. “And it it [sic] time to end the political career of any political figure who made his way to the White House dog-whistling to his Second Amendment people.” First off, Donald Trump was explicit in his support to “his Second Amendment people.” A “dog-whistle” is “a subtly aimed political message which is intended for, and can only be understood by, a particular group.” Keith is saying Trump is subtle. Additionally, every time I hear about a dog whistle, it’s someone claiming that some phrase is a message intended for people like me, but they are the particular group that understood it. All these politicians are whistling to the wrong dogs. This along with the terrorism bit just goes to show that Keith doesn’t understand what words mean.

    Secondly, I stopped by my Congressman’s local office today to voice my support for any and all pro-2A legislation. Specifically stating that what happened in Vegas has not changed my stance.

  24. No obvious political ties? Like when someone doesn’t have a big online social media presence, and the press can’t label them within a couple of hours? Is there a timeframe or other criteria used to determine whether political ties are obvious? Inquiring minds want to know! It’s pretty early for those kind of pronouncements, even from a has-been sports reporter.

  25. No obvious political ties? Like when someone doesn’t have a big online social media presence, and the press can’t label them within a couple of hours? Is there a timeframe or other criteria used to determine whether political ties are obvious? Inquiring minds want to know! It’s pretty early for those kind of pronouncements, even from a has-been sports reporter.

  26. It is time to end … Olby doesn’t think much of the rest of us, does he? I wonder who he thinks will be running things when we’re all disarmed.

  27. Considering Keith Olbermann lives in NY, he just broke the “New York Defamation Law”. NRA needs to press charges, then take it to a civil court.
    His statement shouldn’t fall under the “Privileges and Defenses” section.

  28. I love watching Keith Olnermann. Not because I like his views, but because it’s fun to try to guess if he’s just pandering or slowly going senile. It’s like watching Bill Mar without the canned laughter or sycophantic D-list celebrities.

  29. Keith Olbermann is a liar, and his totalitarian twisting of the Constitution offends me to my core. He misinterprets and redefines words… and wants to use the false rhetoric of someone from the Nixon administration to buttress it?? The very words of the Founders themselves prove his assertions wrong.

    The horror of Las Vegas disgusts and enrages us; especially considering how false the narrative being pushed by the media pundits like Olbermann rings. WE ARE BEING LIED TO, and this whole thing stinks like last week’s fish.

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