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It’s no surprise, really, that armed men showed up at Teresa Martin’s house early Saturday morning. Tampa police arrested three men afterwards, including one Johnny Acevedo Jr. “Acevedo was sentenced to four years probation for a drug possession charge in May,” reports. “That history didn’t strain his relationship with [Ms.] Martin, who has a lengthy arrest record as well that includes drug and theft charges. She said Acevedo knew about her finances and when her government checks arrive.” Ms. Martin: “I didn’t think this would happen.” So not the most “righteous” defensive gun use in the history of the world, ever. Still, as a cop once told me, drug dealers have a right to defend their lives too. And you’ve got to give Martin some credit for this . . .

She said she was tossing in bed around 2 a.m., thinking about bills she had to pay, a house she had to clean, when she heard her front door get smashed.

She called out to a friend, Jerry Bullard, 52, who was sleeping on the living room couch. Getting no response, she got up and saw the man with the gun.

Martin, who told the Times she relies on government assistance, said she told the man she had no money. She said he pushed her onto the bed on her stomach. And that’s when she heard the “click” of a gun cocking.

“I said to myself, ‘Oh, hell no. If I’m going to die I’m going to go down fighting,’ ” she said.

So Martin said she began kicking her feet wildly in the gunman’s direction. She heard a boom and looked back. The man was lying on the floor and making gurgling noises, blood oozing from an eye. She ran to get Bullard, whom she had to wake up, and told him there was a dead man in her bedroom.

Bullard said the man was still breathing, so he called police, grabbed a towel and moved the gun to the kitchen table.

The dead man: Leonard “Kool Aid” Porter, wanted for another home invasion. Lesson for us: if it looks like you’re going out, sometimes it’s best to do so kicking and screaming.

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  1. it’s always best to go out kicking and screaming. Having said that I don’t for a minute believe that with him on top with the gun in his hands that she managed to overpower him enough to get him to shoot himself. Smells bad all the way around.

    • Really?

      I want to go out like my grandfather, quietly from a massive heart attack.

      Not kicking and screaming like the other folks in his car.

  2. “That history didn’t strain his relationship with [Ms.] Martin, who has a lengthy arrested record as well that includes drug and theft charges. She said Acevedo knew about her finances and when her government checks arrive.”

    Living up to the stereotype, I see.

  3. Again snide comments that are unmerited. Why do you think this woman is less deserving of defending herself? Arrests are not convictions.

    • Arrests are not convictions

      Correct. And even if they were, she would still have the right to defend herself.

  4. The dead man: Leonard “Kool Aid” Porter


    I do so love a happy ending. Dead crims make me smile.


      I just had to explain to my wife why I was laughing so hard. Excellent.

  5. I believe it. There was a surveilance video released on YouTube not long ago showing a robber who accidentally shot himself in the head. While he pointed the gun at the clerk, the clerk made a grab for the gun and missed. The turd jerked the gun back and up and shot himself in the head…rat there on tape. Too cool.

  6. “She ran to get Bullard, whom she had to wake up, and told him there was a dead man in her bedroom”

    ‘Oh good morning Bull. It’s time to get up since there is this dead guy in my bedroom. Coffee?’

  7. Awesome ending. I’d pay to see a picture of Kool Aid “oozing”…

    Heed this story, scumbags of the world.

  8. This just proves the point that you can’t always avoid crime. When my kids are grown, first lesson is keep a gun in the house and go to the range and practice with it. Also, stay out of D.C.and Chicago.

  9. She had to wake up Bullard AFTER a gun shot in the dwelling? I wish I could sleep like that…… ah…….. without alcoholic or drug induced stupor that is. As to the described situation? She is face down on her stomach, bad guy on top with a handgun and her kicking causes him to shoot himself? I suppose anything is possible, but I’m inclined to think it didn’t happen that way. Anyhow, one bad guy down for now and his accomplices in the pokey. All things considered, not a bad result.

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