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Incendiary Image of the Day: Cognitive Dissonance Edition


I almost feel sorry for It can’t be easy covering the firearms industry or gun control-related issues when your boss is the country’s most rabid proponent of civilian disarmament. Bloomberg’s tasked Paul Barrett, author of Glock, America’s Gun, with the job. As I pointed out in my review of his book, Barrett “supports passing laws to address boss Bloomberg’s pet peeve: ‘closing the gun show loophole’ (mandating FBI background checks for private sales) and ‘ballistic fingerprinting’ (creating a system to trace spent cartridges to a particular gun).” So he’s not a friend of ours. But Barrett can’t be seen to be shilling for Mayor Mike. So he hides his bias in pieces like A Bolder Gun Industry Brings Out Battlefield-Style Weapons [above]Only . . . the link underneath his conclusion takes readers to a story saying women’s self-defense is the story of SHOT. See? Now that’s funny!

44 thoughts on “Incendiary Image of the Day: Cognitive Dissonance Edition”

    • I think Roberts cut from a similar vein. He’s used deplore and rue the day on multiple occasions.

  1. “The strategy assumes that customers want to buy versions of the firearms depicted in cable news reports from war zones.”

    Nope. Again. Still.

    • It’s just too hard to admit that MAYBE the manufacturers are producing the exact weapons their customers want to buy? What business is it of anybody else if people want to buy firearms that have been tested and proven in combat to be reliable and effective?

      • This just in: As part of a crazy scheme to turn a profit, firearm manufacturers are meeting customer demand….

  2. is that a new term battlefield style weapons. almost all popular guns are derived from military designs. this guy is an idiot and businessweek is irrelevant.

    • Yes. It’s replacing “assault weapon,” a term that has run its course. It’s all in the language.

      See: Global warming —> Climate change —-> Global climate disruption.

      • Anxiously awaiting the newest edit of the newspeak lexicon. Wouldn’t want to use any unwords, now would we.

      • Shell shock > battle fatigue > operational exhaustion > post-traumatic stress disorder

        Ultimately if we’d quit whitewashing the terminology we might actually be able to have a rational discussion about what the problem really is, instead of focusing on the wrong things.

        • In the same vein, they’ve changed the insurance term “Accidental Dismemberment and Death” to “Basic Accidental Death & Personal Loss”. Talk about white washing.

    • Battlefield weapons are completely unusable.

      Everything crashes as soon as you log onto a server. 😀

    • The gun grabbers are ignorant of history. All gun designs were created for war applications, and only later applied to “civilian” uses like hunting and target shooting. People have always sought faster follow up shots. That’s why lever guns and bolt actions were originally called “repeaters.” Once issues with ignition reliability were solved with the metallic cartridge, all recent developments in firearms technology have been related to capacity, rate of fire and reliability.

  3. I want a gun like I see here. Where can I buy a 155, for duck and drone hunting. Heck if it’s worth killing it’s worth overkilling. Those ducks will rue the day they flew over my lake.

    • Birdshot is for birds, except when it comes from a 155mm. Then it’s for anything you damn well feel like.

      • How many pieces of #8 steel birdshot do you think you could get in a 155mm? Duck Dynasty, hell – we’ve got Duck Armageddon!

  4. One may deplore the industry’s emphasis on horsepower and aerodynamic stylings. Or one may see the new products as neat. Either way, the car business is continuing to introduce models that allude to auto racing. The strategy assumes that consumers want to buy versions of the cars depicted on sports reports from race tracks. Strong revenue figures in recent years indicate that this pitch is working.

    Fixed that for ya.

    • So… Decadent Americans like to buy products that emulate the best of the best. We like performance AND looks. Guns, cars, clothes, cameras, home audio / video, bicycles… you name it. We want the same things the pros have.

      In other news: Dog bites man.

      • Exactly. People want what is seen as reliable and effective. Being used by the military would seem to indicate that. It also helps that modern “battle” weapons are extremely modular and adaptable.

      • “Americans like to buy products that emulate the best of the best. We like performance AND looks.”

        Exactly. See previous post today regarding Kirsten Joy Weiss.

        • While it does explain KJW’s popularity, it lacks explanation for the popularity of Glock….Purdy it ain’t.

    • It sucks to have to fight so hard to keep your guns and also keep your cars and modify them as you see fit.

  5. the link under the story is Bloomy’s shot out to his MDA b!tches . . . . see, he likes his womynz.. . . .

  6. Watch though how Barrett is fetted by the various manufacturers and some gun writers. I ‘ve read the blogs and tweets where he is described as fair, balanced, etc. The gun makers don’t refuse to allow interviews and communications. So they are trying to play both sides. They should realize they are playing with the devil. The writers and radio hosts come across as bought and paid Quislings. Thank god for the honesty of TTAG.

  7. Who wants all this new plastic stuff, What was good enough for my old man is good enough for me. All I need is an M-1 and a 1911. Ok a “Ma Deuce” would look good on my porch.

  8. What’s funny is I have weapons that have been on the battlefield and most likely ended the lives of many Germans and Japanse. The antis will begrudgingly say they are ok with me owning them because they don’t look as scary. I even have the greatly feared pant wetting bayonet lugs. They will still kill you just as dead and my M1 carbine made in the 40s holds 15 or 30 rounds! OMG! My Garand fires 8 rounds of facist killing goodness as quick as I can pull the trigger and reloads quickly.

    Now, my ARs and AKs have never seen a battlefield or killed a single person. But they are scary and black and have rails and optics and scooes on them! There is almost zero chance they will be used in any battlefield or even in self defense. But those are the weapons they want to forcibly remove from my possession.

    Now my point (I just felt like ranting). I like military style weapons. It’s ok to like them and own them. This idiot is trying to make it sound weird but collecting military arms has been happening for more decades than any person alive today has seen. collecting ARs and AKs are as close to modern milsurp as you can get.

    • True. Collecting AKs is even popular with underprivileged kids around the world. Barrett should be dropped in Beirut to interview some of them.

  9. Its just like the ol race on sunday, sell on monday car pitch. Yeah i want weapons that meet battlefield requirements, why? Because i hate broken shit

  10. Hmmm, here I thought concealed carry was the theme of all of 2013. I do agree a “battlefield-themed” firearm is more appealing when it comes to an activity that benefits from reliability, whether it be target shooting or fighting for your life. Who would really say, “I think I’d prefer an untested design that fails to operate properly every ten rounds, offers me no choices to customize, and is unwieldy and heavy”. Just because I’m not in the military doesn’t mean all I want is a 12lb side-by-side Biden special.

  11. “Strong revenue figures in recent years indicate that this pitch [heavy firepower and battlefield stylings] is working.”

    Or, the gun industry is posting strong revenue figures in recent years because:
    (a) people are buying firearms because they like firearms for all sorts of reasons, and
    (b) people are buying firearms as a hedge against tyrannical government.

  12. I get the impression the growth is in sporting events: IPDA etc and

    Everyday citizen real-world needs for self defense…
    thus the proof in surge in women shooters.

    The trend toward legal wins for RTKBA outside home and CCW facilitates more of same. Handguns that is…not Battlefield Weapons.

    • And the cohtinuing FAIL by well funded sockpuppets like MDA to control the narrative despite deep pockets and coordinated hype by the StateRunMedia™ is just more proof that the majority of Americans just arent buying it. There are desperate “wins” purchased at great expense in blue power spots like CT and DC but even these are being seen as immoral power grabs that will rebound upon Dems and progtards soon enough.

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