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Incendiary Image of the Day: No Holster for the NRA Edition



There will be some who will say that the only thing incendiary about the above NRA Facebook post image is the fact that I chose to use it for our Incendiary Image of the Day feature. After all, the more important point is that the D.C. City Council is a bunch of anti-firearms freedom statist you-know-whats. Still. the NRA’s “thing” is gun safety. Not civilian disarmament dressing itself up as gun safety (e.g., Everytown for Gun Safety). Being safe with a gun. There is no way that the NRA should show a concealed carrier carrying a firearm without a proper holster. So yes, this image is incendiary to gun safety weenies like me. Deal with it. I had to.

73 thoughts on “Incendiary Image of the Day: No Holster for the NRA Edition”

  1. I have said this before. I wish someone would follow up on all the infringements DC puts on firearms and also legislate that they be applied to freedom of religion. Permit applications, registration, database – everything. If we can cripple one right we can cripple two.

  2. I would consider it a violation of privacy and a possible invitation to criminals for robbery.

    Maybe they should consider going to open carry.

    Just a thought.

  3. I’m kinda wishing there would be a posting of the DC council’s addresses and home phone numbers.

    “Who cares about the confidentiality of a public official? We don’t want it, so expose yourself.”

    • Looks like a Bersa, so the hammer should be fully decocked.

      Which is what that dude will be if he doesn’t invest in a holster.

      • I had the same thought … a Bersa. With the hammer down like that, that pistol is no more likely to discharge than a revolver with a stiff double action trigger. While I highly recommend that people carry in properly fitting holsters that completely cover the trigger, I cannot realistically see that firearm ever discharging unless the owner intentionally discharges it.

        • Well, I know that MY Bersa holds the hammer at that position (off the firing pin but NOT at half-cock) when the safety is on. I assumed that was what was going on in the picture… but yeah, otter be in an holster.

    • Agreed… To many times have I watched my brother, a retired army vet who did his time in Afghanistan, shove a hot Glock down his pants. I cringed and bitch everytime. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes… but you’d think he’d know better.

      • Requoted from:

        “If you go back to the roots of this term, you find that there is no racism, nor anything else pejorative in “Mexican Carry.” The lore of the gun tells us that back in the 19th Century, the Mexican vaquero, much like the American cowboy, was an independent and self-reliant sort who often made it a point to carry a handgun. Alas, the history of 19th century Mexico was entailed one despot rising after another. The day came when the average citizen was stripped of his former right to go armed when he wished.

        This did not sit well with the fiercely freedom-loving caballeros. They grudgingly took off their gun belts and holsters, because possession of those accoutrements would be seen as evidence that they had violated the draconian new laws that disarmed them. However, they defiantly kept their handguns, simply stuffing them into the waistband behind their ordinary belt. If the Federales hove into view, the citizen would simply slip his revolver into some discreet place where he could retrieve it later.

        Thus, as I understand the history of the matter, there’s nothing culturally negative about “Mexican Carry,” as it became known. When we use the term, we’re paying homage to generations of men south of the border who refused to give up the right to protect themselves and their families because petty tyrants attempted to make them helpless.

  4. They, the DC city council, are such little b*tches. Especially Yvette.

    That’s why they have to worry about law abiding citizens carrying concealed.

    She wont confront the local crips or bloods, but she will go after the law abiding because she knows they are law abiding and are no threat to her.

    Yvette’s critical thinking failures are staggering.

    Welcome to every other statist.

    They shrink from any law abiding citizen taking personal responsibility to protect themselves like a slug that gets salt sprinkled on it.

    Personal responsibility is their salt…..they utterly recoil from it.

  5. I carry all the time without a holster. I have a clip draw for both of my edc weapons. It is not unsafe. I have not been able to find a single holster that is comfortable and allows for good concealment.

    • Clip draw works good on my G23, in small of back.
      And Israeli Carry makes it safe enough, if I had to CCW.

      Thats about the only place on my fat body it works IWB…
      so I’m working on the fat part now…
      much cheaper than trying one holster after another…

      While waiting on Peruta, to get CCW.
      Which gives me to about 2017, way I figure it,
      which is just about right to get the right size pants again…:)

  6. I posted this and commented about it on Facebook (yesterday or the day before?).

    I suspect it’s a stock photo licensed by an agency. If you do a search for “gun in waistband” on a service like, you’ll find most of them are not holstered.

    It’s certainly an unfortunate choice of photos…. probably selected by some underling tasked with adding images to an article written by someone else.

  7. You sure its not in one? I’ve seen some damned minimalist holsters, ones that are just formed kydex on the trigger guard and it only barely goes past the trigger. Lanyard on other end

    • No clip or lanyard visible, so I’m saying no holster. Plus, as someone above pointed out, it’s a stock photo. So 10 to 1 it’s Mexican.

      • Look at the belt loop. That pair of pants either appears to have either two belt loops right on top of each other or one is a clip.

        • It’s not a belt clip, nor is it two belt loops. The denim is folded to make the belt loop more visually interesting. Note the bar stitch that goes all the way across the bottom.

  8. To be clear… The photo is in an article by, NOT the NRA. The NRA published a LINK to the article on their Facebook page. The photo comes up via the link.

  9. NRA needs to talk to their social media intern, stat.

    Also, Facebook has a convenient “edit” feature now where you can swap photos on business pages. They could retain their stats and reach and use an image with a properly-holstered firearm.

  10. I agree

    Gun-grabbers take note.

    Gun Free Zones Kill.

    Therefor, lawmakers enacting those laws are killing us.

    Therefor, the gun-grabbers who knowingly vote for them, kill.

    Is there more than that?

    YOU gun-grabbers are the problem!

  11. I often carry sans holster. My belt and jeans with that little pocket a in as a pocket is very secure. I forget the name, some famous brand I used for my SW 38…. SOB fell out of my holster when I hoisted my pants going into a box store. With three different pistols,small and full size, my belt and pocket were the mose secure and concealable.

    • What is a holster but yet another pocket? The purpose of pocket holsters are to orient the pistol and cover the trigger. If your pistol fits perfectly in the pocket and those two requirements are satisfied, then it is ok by me. The waistband thing has the problem of getting dropped but I don’t think you are more likely to shoot yourself Mexican carrying than carrying in an appendix holster. I haven’t seen the holster that stops a bullet.

  12. I’m a safety weenie. I use a holster. All the time. But that doesn’t mean I agree with Mr. Farago.

    Holsterless carry is perfectly safe as long as the chamber is empty. I know a gun shop owner who has carried a 1911 that way for 30 years. He’s told me he just can’t get comfortable with a holster, but that the 1911 just fits him perfectly plain and unwrapped.

    Is this how I’d carry? No. Is this how I teach my students to carry? No.

    But, is it safe? Yes.

    • As long as it is secure, it is safe. I would rather have a holster for a gun that is in a bag or in a drawer or on my night stand as it is more dangerous to pick it up in the dark. Then again, if there is a thumb safety on it, then it is no more dangerous than a shotgun or rifle leaning on the wall. Note that there is no law requiring a holster.

  13. I will gladly let my ccw status be public info, as long as we also publish which houses have dogs, alarms, and safes, as well as who lives in them. As a professional criminal, this info would be very useful to me. Thank you for your cooperation! Now let’s get a fundraiser going to buy the nimrod in the pic a holster.

  14. I just e- mailed this to our dear friend yvette alexander of the D.C. Ward 7 city council. Dear council member Yvette Alexander,                     Thank you for your support of law abiding gun owners in the D.C. area. With your outspoken bravery on the issue of concealed carry, and the pro gun stance that you are so passionate about. I wanted to personally thank you for your efforts of voicing your pro gun opinion of concealed carry permit holders and thier right to privacy. Without you Ms.Alexander our cause would be at the bottom of everyones list. All of your fighting for the “people of the gun” has made you a household name in my city and state, West Virginia. Also in honor of your ongoing battle with this issue my local gun club has made you an honorary member of the year. Your name , adress, phone number, and email will be published on our nationally read website and a dozen or so newspapers in areas of other gun club chapters. This is so the law abiding gun owners and conealed carry permit holders can thank you personally as I just have. Again thank you Ms. Alexander we are glad to have you on our team.                                                                                      sincerely,                                                                      A law abiding ccw permit holder

  15. It reminds me of a WW2 resistance “holster” that consisted of a loop of twine, that was passed over and under your belt such that a pistol could be held inside the waistband. If the resistance member had to discard the gun the “holster” could be quickly removed from the belt and discarded also. I imagine that WW2 period holster were the kind that required the belt loop through it.

  16. I believe in holsters, but I really don’t see much wrong with the picture. It appears to me that his waistband is plenty tight enough to hold that gun in place. Modern guns are all quite drop safe, so it’s extraordinarily unlikely to go off even if it does fall. Ergo, it poses no threat to me, so it’s none of my business how he carries.

  17. Have carried Mexican for 30 plus years, never an ND. Glocks, Sigs, 1911 you name it, all with a round chambered. Now, I have had Nds when the piece was in my hand and my mind was elsewhere. Back to you ladies.

  18. What’s wrong with no holster? When in the DC Metro Area, Northern Virginia specifically, if I was just walking to the store in the middle of the night or down to the River front, I’d generally be in basketball shorts, with no holster. Never suffered an ND or came close.

    The main argument we’ve been making to the government is it’s our right to carry, whatever we want, however we want. You’re basically implying the same shit as lefties by judging people who carry legally, as they please, even though it’s simply a method you don’t agree with.

    Usually you guys are pretty spot on when it comes to what you post, but other times it’s so full of self-righteous derp, it’s ridiculous. And this is why I went from a daily reader to every couple months at best. But it’s your site, so ya’ll are obviously free to insert any opinion you please on matters.

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