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Incendiary Image of the Day: NJ Gun Owners’ Boycott Edition

Thanks to a relentless campaign of civilian disarmament, the chances of a Garden State gun owner carrying concealed are less than the chances that I’ll get Michal Idan to model TTAG gear. Actually, a lot less—which [partially] explains the violation of my oath not to link to Israeli supermodels. Anyway, statistically speaking, zero percent of NJ gun owners carry concealed. Which makes this poster something of a non sequitur. Also, the poster suggests that New Jersey gun owners want draw their guns in malls, which they don’t, unless they do. Still, Anthony over at is fighting the good fight against seemingly insurmountable odds. And how can you diss a guy whose wife has his show’s name on a 1911 tattooed onto her stomach? You know, unless you’re armed.

51 thoughts on “Incendiary Image of the Day: NJ Gun Owners’ Boycott Edition”

  1. Hey, every large movement has ti start with a small step in the right direction…
    Though it may have looked better on paper, it’s a good move, in my opinion

  2. I strongly recommend giving that podcast a listen to see what you think. I came across it by accident a few months ago and now I listen to those two guys every week. Good stuff!

  3. I like how they say they will shop in neighboring Gun friendly states. I ask you… Which states are those? New York? Good thinking.

    • He he, in thirty years it’ll look like superman did his party trick with it… Assuming she doesn’t get gunned down by the nypd if she crosses the border. Though I wouldn’t be so concerned about her as much as the bystanders that will actually catch the lead.

  4. I like the idea although I disagree with the verbage.

    Also, it looks to me like the only other state where Jew Jersey residents would go shopping, realistically, is Pennsylvania. I suppose some could go to Delaware but does Delaware honor a New Jersey resident with an out-of-state concealed carry license? And now that I brought that up, does Pennsylvania honor New Jersey residents who have an out-of-state concealed carry license from the likes of Florida or Utah?

      • Utah non-resident is still good to go. Just got mine about a month ago.

        And even if WE can’t carry, the state allows it and as has been discussed here many times, the potential for anyone to be armed reduces the chances of crime.

        • PA is getting rid of non-resident permits (at least those with “official” reciprocity written in the law, which is why Utah is still currently OK) because Philadelphia wants to stop their residents from getting around the no-issue situation in that city.

        • It’s more about the PA courts and that ass clown Hobson from State College. The courts ruled that PA residents must have the PA LTCF and can’t carry on a non resident permit.

        • yeah the idea being some poor guy in Philly can’t get a license there so he gets one from Florida, and therefore has a roundabout way of having a carry permit in PA. So… another “solution” to a something that isn’t a problem.

          The irony being that an out-of-state gun owner can get better gun rights in Pennsylvania than can a PA resident who lives in the wrong district.

    • I thought yes, but apparently Pennsylvania doesn’t recognize slave rights:

      (ix) A resident of another state who does not possess a current license or permit or similar document to carry a firearm issued by that state if a license is provided for by the laws of that state, as published annually in the Federal Register by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms of the Department of the Treasury under 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(19) (relating to definitions).

      This is for a Pennsylvania non-resident permit though. Seems they recognize non-resident permits for other states, or at least don’t mention them in their reciprocity agreements with Virginia, Texas, and Florida, though Florida’s agreement has this blurb about citizens of the states at the beginning:

      “WHEREAS, the purpose of this Reciprocity Agreement is to extend reciprocal concealed firearm carry permit/license privileges to the *citizens* of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of Florida,”

      So yes for Texas and Virginia, maybe not for Florida permits? I know Florida doesn’t accept non-resident Virginia permits so who knows.

    • DE honors 17 cc permits, including Utah and Florida. I think non-resident permits are fine.

      Delaware also has open carry, no permit required.

  5. Hey It doesn’t matter to me one way or the other- If the store has what I need cheaper and it’s not poisoned by the Government and distributed from that location, then what ever one wants to carry or not is OK by me- If a weapon is not in someones hands and they are on the hunt, then I see them as anyone else and I don’t think that a person needs to carry their guns while shopping personally, that is unless they think they might get killed while shopping or in the Parking Lots and Highways- Self protection guns usually collect dust and sometimes rust- Bullies and bad asses keep their’s cleaner and more used and generally are carried by those who expect and look for trouble- gwt

    • It’s a bit difficult to decipher your writing, or what thoughts you are trying to convey. You might try using some sentences, periods & paragraphs.

      But I digress. Seems to me that you don’t think guns are used for protection. Let me shed some light on your misconception. Firearms are used 1-2 million times a year for self protection, a year.

      Research John Lott; criminologist.

    • I somehow doubt that Marshaun Q. Gangster spends more time cleaning and practicing with his gun than John McLegal Gunowner does. In fact he’s probably had the same rounds loaded up into that mag since he first got his hands on that gun from his crack dealer.

  6. Robert, I like that you sneaked in a supermodel. Once in a while shouldn’t be a problem. I also like the tattoo. In fact, I liked the complete post.

  7. “Anyway, statistically speaking, zero percent of NJ gun owners carry concealed.” Legally you’d be right.

  8. Everybody loses when you refuse to link to Israeli supermodels.

    No no, wait – I mean, when you refuse to link to Israeli supermodels, the terrorists win.

  9. Words are one thing. Actions are another.

    I knew tons of people who swore up and down that they would never shop at place A after raising prices after Sandy Hook. People would praise place B for not doing raising prices. Yet now they have gone back to shopping at place A again….even after bad mouthing it and promising to never spend another cent there again only a few months ago.

    People go where it is cheapest and easiest. So making a big enough impact to really be noticed is going to be dang near impossible.

    Though I do support them and hope it works for the best! But Im not holding my breathe either

    • Yeah, this strikes me as doomed to failure from the outset. Folks who happen to live right on the PA or DE border might stick to it for a while, but most people just aren’t going to drive 50 miles out of their way to try to make a point. It’s just too impractical. And unless all those boycotters actually go into their local store and explain to the manager why they’re going across the border, any small dip in sales will likely be ignored or attributed to “the lousy economy”.

      I appreciate the sentiment, but it’s not extremely well thought-out. This sort of thing could work in a place like Texas, where the shop owner has to make a decision to ban guns from his premises – then you take your business to his competition down the street that doesn’t have a posted sign. But boycotting all retail in the entire state where you live just doesn’t seem like a realistic option. At that point, wouldn’t it be easier to move?

    • Aren’t these the malls with hundreds of hijackings in the area? Seems there’s another impetus for not shopping at these places besides the moral high ground. There’s also the self preservation aspect. I’ve managed to stick to my F*** Dicks and CtD, even though CtD had a range bag I really wanted that seemed to be sold out everywhere else.

  10. Boycott NJ business and shop in PA or DE is good, but what do NJ residents do when it’s time to go home with their purchases?
    I’m a TN resident and had to go to West Caldwell, NJ occasionally to the corporate office for training. I stopped at PA Exit 1, unloaded and threw my Hydro-Shoks in the weeds, locked up my handgun in one box and the RNL ammo in another and drove like a Good Boy while I was in NJ. (On a couple of occasions, I was not the only one throwing ammo into the weeds.)
    But jump through all the hoops to get a handgun in NJ, then carry while shopping in PA or DE, then unload and lock up before leaving America? What a PITA!

    • Rick,
      FYI, If you are passing through the garden state with your firearm properly stowed, you’re covered by the federal and sorta/kinda state travel exemption. You take too long at a rest stop or do an overnight, you face felony charges my friend. A stop at your corporate office is not considered a “reasonable” deviation of travel. In NJ all firearms are illegal, period. Then our idiot laws carve out very specific exemptions. As an out of stater have only one exemption under your scenario, that’s passing through. Even then, because of the culture here, you could still be popped for illegal possession. Our laws are so unbelievable to residents of free America that many just shrug and say nah, can’t be. One fender bender or a car needing to be towed is all it takes. Police watches as you move your belongings from your car. Seemingly friendly cop engages you in buddy to buddy conversation, “hey out of state friend with the adorable accent, that’s a neat looking locked TSA approved case, whatever can that be?” One second after you tell your new BFFL about your unloaded carry piece, BAM, a black top sandwich. While you’re facedown in the road, think about loosing all your 2nd Amendment rights for ever. Congratulations, NJ just made you into a dangerous felon. That’s how it happens here. We live under a maze of gotcha laws and the authorities love arresting out of towner’s with firearms. Just saying.

      • Yep. A week (or two!) of training at the corporate office, to and from hotel, sweating boolits the whole time. (Worked for a Japanese company headquartered in NJ; how long do you think they would have hesitated before turning me in?

        But, the alternative was to drive by myself from West Caldwell to Memphis unarmed.

        And I’ll never have to go back there again…

  11. “. “It’s really a once-in-a-lifetime thing you’re going to see.””

    Heck, that’s kind of extreme IM!HO. I can see not using them for article headers, but not even a link?

  12. And for this year again , New Jersey is the number one state for people moving out of , and the last state for people moving into ! Past mistakes catching up with their tax base ?Well Chris do you really want to run for prez on these premises ? A loser before you even get started ?Be prepared and ready. Keep your powder dry.

  13. The wording on that sign makes CCW holders look like a bunch of nuts. No wonder the antis keep gaining so much ground.

    Keep being complacent and think that they’re losing; look at the NY and DC registrations/confiscations.

  14. incendiary and hostile language has been acceptable for left wing causes since the 50’s. Anyone being butthurt now for 2A defense, is being dishonest.

  15. I appreciate the sentiment, but the “draw our guns” wording is absolutely awful. It feeds the worst stereotypes of gun owners as people just itchin’ for a chance to clear leather. This idea needs a new copywriter badly.

  16. (obviously, given my handle) i used to live in the People’s republic of NJ (specifically Cranford). I’ll never forget this: i went into my local PD to get the paper work for a firearm purchase permit or whatever they call it. I walked up to the desk, ask for the paperwork and the officer there looks up and the first words out of his mouth were “What do YOU need a gun for?”

    i never even bothered filling it out.

    It blew my mind when i moved to arizona a few years later and walked out of a gun store, pistol in hand, after waiting 10 minutes.

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