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Incendiary Image of the Day: Rifle Restaurant Ruffles Anti-Firearms Feathers

Rifle restaurant waitresses (courtey

Behold the waitresses of Shooter’s grill. The comely quartet pack heat as they’re serving cheeseburger soup and other not-so-low-cal comestibles to their pistol-packing patrons. The business model is a big hit – as you might expect in Rifle, Colorado. It’s also drawn the attention of the mainstream media, who are reporting Shooters’ success with a metaphorically raised eyebrow.

I expect a LOT more of these open carry welcome restaurants to pop-up in the Southwest. Rhode Island, where open carry’s legal with a state-issued weapons permit? Not so much. But you can bet Ocean Staters are going to hear about it; the antis will use Shooters for ammo in their relentless “gun owners are gun nuts” campaign.

83 thoughts on “Incendiary Image of the Day: Rifle Restaurant Ruffles Anti-Firearms Feathers”

  1. I’ll take the Peacemaker, please–with the attached waitress… Incendiary, ideed… 😉

        • Damned straight. Love my little .45 Blackhawk. I just need to find grips that better fit my (large) hands without a) messing up the looks of the gun and b) costing more than the gun did.

        • After seeing the story (with video and photos) in the local news for the last 3 days, I’m finally getting around to looking at the guns… and only because someone said “Peacemaker” and I distinctly remembered hearing Blackhawk in a TV news story.

        • If the first thing you noticed in the picture were the guns….

          ….You’re in the right place.

        • Not only that, some of us get out of the basement once in a while and don’t collectively lose our shit over every pic of every chick on the internet.

    • That’s cool, I was debating who was cuter, her or the young lady just to the right of her in the pic. If you put in a good word for me with the blonde I won’t stand in your way of the brunette. 😉

      But who am I kidding…they’re ALL cute, and all too young for me!

  2. Poor, poor pitiful gunhaters. First, their idol — their messiah — is voted the worst President of the last 70 years, and now this.

    You’ll feel better if you come to the gun side, you gunhating wingnuts. We have cuties with guns. We have ammo. And we have cookies.

  3. The only objection I have is that three of the ladies actually have a grip on the gun… Not good, and not good PR. The ladies here need a little more instruction, especially in armed etiquette.

    • I noticed that, too.

      I don’t know where the picture comes from, or who took it. But for heaven’s sake, when some idiot photographer attempts to “pose” you with your gun in a way that’s bad form or violates safety rules, tell him no!

        • Has nothing to do with the “four rules,” just simple etiquette, just as you would (should?) be uncomfortable watching some yahoo play with his holstered gun, hitch his belt, unable to keep his hands off it.

          The hand on the gun, especially a full grip, would be seen by most of us (I hope) as an aggressive posture anywhere. Would YOU feel comfortable seeing unknown strangers stand in a line with their hand on their guns, ready to draw? The fact that these are lovely young ladies might cause you to excuse this, but the problem remains.

          Not the end of the world for this one picture, and I suspect they WERE “posed” that way and didn’t think through the implications, but it would be much better for the “cause,” and for their business not to use such a provocative photo. That’s provocation of the wrong sort.

        • No safety rules violated in this shot.
          Bad form, bad PR for POTG.
          Like Mama said… armed etiquette.
          If I were their boss I would not have allowed the shot to be taken that way.

        • “it would be much better for the “cause,” and for their business not to use such a provocative photo”

          Based on the newspaper and TV news coverage they’ve received locally over the last couple of days, I doubt their business has suffered.

        • “If I were their boss I would not have allowed the shot to be taken that way.”

          “Their boss” (the owner of the restaurant) is in the photo. 2nd from left.

        • MamaLiberty says “Has nothing to do with the “four rules,” just simple etiquette, just as you would (should?) be uncomfortable watching some yahoo play with his holstered gun, hitch his belt, unable to keep his hands off it.

          Would YOU feel comfortable seeing unknown strangers stand in a line with their hand on their guns, ready to draw? ”

          Surely you see a distinction between a posed photo – and some yahoo playing with their gun. Context is everything. This is a publicity photo – and no “unsafe” behavior is occurring.

          So would I be comfortable with that? With the ladies smiling, the camera pointed at them – Yes, You bet, absolutely 100% comfortable.

          Why exactly aren’t you?

          • “So would I be comfortable with that? With the ladies smiling, the camera pointed at them – Yes, You bet, absolutely 100% comfortable.

            Why exactly aren’t you?”

            For the same reason a good number of us were not comfortable with the yahoos parading around, mishandling long guns in their hands down in Texas. That was a photo op too. And that, of course, was far more dangerous and far more detrimental to all who go armed.

            This picture is not a big deal. I didn’t intend to make it a big deal. I simply pointed out that the ladies should not have their hands on the grip of their guns. Simple etiquette, as I said before.

            I carry a gun, every day and everywhere. I am a certified firearms and self defense instructor. I don’t object to these ladies having guns, only point out that poor gun handling and etiquette are detrimental to them, and to all who carry.

        • You complainers have been spending too much time at Casa Watts.

          These ladies are doing nothing wrong. They are playing to their audience. If the picture is too scary for you, avert your eyes, go lay down and put a cold compress on your foreheads.

        • Thanks, Bernard, for the video link.
          The great Miculek has spoken.
          That is all.

      • wow, nitpick much?

        Yes, OK, hands on the firearm, but it’s still in the holster, with the trigger completely covered, with the trigger finger properly indexed along the frame/holster.

        What’s the problem? All 4 rules are being followed.

    • I think it’s supposed to be old west style, resting the flesh of your thumb on the grip and the like. Plus, they aren’t breaking any safety rules, and all the firearms remain safely muzzled.

    • Don’t worry, with a tray of food in one hand and coffee pot in the other, things’ll look a bit different in real life.

      Just what the boys working the patch (Piceance gas reserve) need as a distraction.

      Day off tomorrow, I think it might be worth a 60 mile drive with my S-I-L up to Rifle, between ranges.

    • Oh for crying out loud. Four lovely ladies can’t stand in pleasing poses with welcoming expressions without somebody bitching about something, anything, no matter how artificial and trivial?! Sheesh.

      It’s not as though they’re all aiming at the camera, snarling and menacing, and daring anyone, man, woman, or child, to make a move. Good freaking grief. Even Dear Abby would find you self-appointed etiquette police just a tad on the hypersensitive and judgmental side.

      Lighten up or shut up, because as it is you sound like fools.

    • Mebbe so, but I noticed they all properly indexed their fingers alongside the gun. Not a finger on a trigger in the whole picture.

  4. I’ve been looking for a place to dine without listening to liberal drivel from the next booth.

    … and I bet they don’t have a problem with “dine & dash.”

  5. Sign on their front door…

    “Guns are welcome on premises. Please keep all weapons holstered, unless the need arises. In such cases, judicious marksmanship is appreciated.”

    I’m just waiting for MDA to ‘protest’ the place. Would that count as a “war on women”? (The owner of the restaurant is female.)

  6. What are the odds Shannon and the Whining Whelps show up outside one day? File under “Scenes I’d Like to See.”

    • That would be awesome. Female owner (2nd from left in picture above) comes out with her gun on her hip and says “get off my lawn”.

    • I would love to see that too, especially since Rifle is pretty out of the way for them to trek to.

      • There is a Starbucks, though, so they could get burned coffee and overpriced stale pastries while they’re getting the two carloads of protesters organized.

  7. If a place like this opened up within an hour or so drive of me in Virginia, they’d have my business.

    Even if the food sucked…as long as the waitresses were hot enough. 😉

    Unfortunately I’m pretty sure no place like this will open anywhere near Northern Virginia. There was a BBQ place that had the “Firearms Welcome…” sign up, but they took it down when a couple parents complained.

    • NOVA has become a real libfest. The worst part is, because they fled from the Statist State of MD and DC, they disliked their own policies they help put into place but still haven’t learned their lessons.

  8. Correction Ralph…easily the WORST president EVER. A lot of Barry’s “achievements” cannot easily be undone. From Obamacare, illegal aliens overrunning the border, ( soon ) the complete loss of Iraq, dismantling the military, refuting America is exceptional, being pro Islam-anti Israel, etc,etc. The anti 2A in chief opposition to us “bitter clingers” is one of the things that can be undone. And as I type I see Holder “why am I not in prison?” jabbering. SIGH…BTW I’ve seen lots of Shooters bars & restaurants in my time but this is the first one I would drive 1000 miles for LOL

    • Sure, Obama is an egocentric, incompetent emperor-wannabe, but worse than Lyndon Johnson? Johnson has a much higher body count. He was simply a murdering thug.

      • 2006 – CNN interview (as seen in the chow-hall in Kuwait three days before leaving for Iraq) OB ‘the surge can’t work, won’t work, isn’t working’ [? ! they had just announced the darn thing].
        2012 – It’s (the surge) has worked better than my wildest expectations we better retreat
        2013 – 2014 Let’s let Islam take over the world.
        2016 – have you seen my tail, horns, and hooves? Well keep looking, ’cause I ‘aint leavin.

        • Sorry, March 2007 CNN interview. I was having mac-n-cheese and a burger no bun, talking with some complaining brits, and some Aussie’s that said they were happy to be there with us and would happily await our invitation to the next one. They’re awesome.

  9. Mmm cheeseburger soup and pistol packin pretties I might just go to Colorado for vacation this year….

  10. Thanks to all the friends that welcomed my kid home from Afghanistan. It was a real treat for her.

    • Thank her, and glad she is back. The 4th of July, Independence Day, may we all live free, yet, not taken for granted.

  11. Incendiary? Well, perhaps in the sense that they are hot. And the lucky guns aren’t bad, either. Redefines the old Mae West joke…

    Dirk can keep his Shannon fetish and RF can have his Israeli supermodels. I’ll take these, please.

  12. Once again reinforcing the stereotype that pro-gun women are substantially more attractive than the anti-gunners. And I’m fine with that.

    I’ll add this to the list of places to eat if’n I get a chance to visit Colorado again.

    • Paraphrasing Franklin ‘further proof that GOD loves us and HE wants us to be happy’ 🙂 Thank you GOD. 🙂

  13. Girls and guns, gals with gats, hotties with heaters……however you describe them, it’s the best combination since chocolate and peanut butter.

    You can take a stand alone beauty and that’s awesome right there, but when you add in the independence, self-reliance, competence and confidence that go along with responsible firearms ownership, oh man, that’s the hottest ticket in town.

  14. Johnson had lots of support for Vietnam. Ironically it is the anniversary of the civil rights act. A lot of black folks would disagree with you. And LBJ isn’t leading us into Armageddon. I’m no fan of any democrat( well maybe Kennedy). I do AGREE LBJ was a bad guy. I’m NOT crazy about most republicans either Ralph.

  15. Well now that didn’t take long at all. Hang in there ladies and stand your ground, don’t let the worry warts bash you

  16. I like the holster in the back, can’t argue with a classic….. and the waitress is not bad either.

    I wouldn’t mind working there!…. but something tells me they don’t really hire men.

  17. As Robert can tell you, Rhode Island is a “Shall Issue”, but the political mafia there, masquerading as a dutiful yet complicit legislature, took the capability of permit issuance away from the individual police chiefs and put the issuance squarely in the office of the state attorney general, yet another political hack position in that otherwise corrupt state of socialist morons.

    Rhode Island has become one more bastion of leftist idiots who have no idea about global politics or how easily Rhode Islanders can be wooed into stupidity by the handshake of a corrupt candidate for office; any office, really.

    Save for a small handful of individuals still living there who actually understand both the US and Rhode Island Constitutions, the majority of Rhode Islanders are like the residents of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and especially Massachusetts; ………… nothing but sheep who are willing to give away their God given rights for the promise of EBT cards and government handouts.

  18. Fifty years from now that picture will make a great entry for the “Weekend Photo Caption Contest”.

  19. Just to share… Here’s is my response to a lady named Susan who has issues with guns from their FB page.

    Susan, you won’t need earplugs for me, but I’ve got to disagree with you on all counts. A well made gun is a beautiful piece of craftsmanship. There’s a reason you’ll see displays of guns in art museums, not just history or war museums.

    What you see as an instrument of death, I see as an instrument of life. They provide food. They serve a role in keeping the ecosystem in balance. They preserve the lives of friends and family. They ensure the security and liberty of our nation.

    I hate war. I loathe violence. And yet, I have prepared and practiced to be able to deliver it. Why? Two main reasons. First, is that by being prepared, I have avoided the need of violence. The scavenger bad guys are very instinctive at telling prey from predator. If you don’t want to be one, you need to be the other. But unless you’re one of those deviant scavengers, you *are* one or the other. Which one is up to each person.

    The second reason is that the primary responsibility of preserving that life and liberty I mention above lies with me. And you. And every individual one of us. Police and military are important, but they are secondary to the individual citizen. That philosophy is fundamental to our culture and is uniquely American. You cannot change that without destroying what makes us American.

    Final note… there is a lot of fun and pleasure to be found in the shooting sports. We are both gatherer *and* hunter. It’s part of how Homo Sapiens is wired and the gun is an expression of the latter. There is a peace and calm that comes from an afternoon at the range that is very uplifting. I know that it is that pleasure that causes some to dislike guns.

    I would challenge you go shooting with someone who knows what they’re doing. No, it won’t necessarily change your dislike of guns, but I suspect it will help you understand those of us who like guns a bit better. Any way, I am sure you’ll be glad you did.

  20. Proud to be this gal’s cousin – Daddy Stan Lane (former wrestler/Fabulous Ones) should be too!

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