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Incendiary Image of the Day: There’s One Born Every Minute

R.I.P. Ammo for sale (courtesy

Our man ShootingTheBull410 recently ripped R.I.P. ammo a new one, twice, putting “the last bullet you’ll ever need” on a par with a .380 hollow point. But the hype is strong with this one. If marketing campaigns could kill, G2 Research wouldn’t even need to produce ammo. The hype has been so fantastic – literally – that we’re not surprised to discover an enterprising Texan attempting to cash-in. As tipster SD wrote: “I’m not sure if there are any customers willing to buy this stuff at $120.00 a box, but this guy sure is interested in sell it for six bucks a round. Heck at that price I’d rather give the bad guy my wallet rather than unload a magazine trying to keep it.” Now that’s sayin’ something. Although what, I’m not sure.

43 thoughts on “Incendiary Image of the Day: There’s One Born Every Minute”

    • Shut yo mouth, yee jivest of jive turkies. Why are you even wasting your time posting hear? Want to troll on Ohio, too? Sorry, gents… Trolls gotta eat (and be called out) every now and again. That being said, Mrs. Watts is calling, and you seem to be late for dinner.Dirk, I don’t know how to tell you this lightly… She’s moved on.

  1. Austin. Fucking place is full of hippies and assholes. Wait, aren’t those the same thing ?? Sadly some moron with more money than brains will buy it from him. God, I fucking hate Austin.

    • Bernie Madoff was no hippy.

      ‘Course, he was rich, so he couldn’t an asshole…

      So you know, a lot of people who don’t approve of the U.S. of A. invading other sovereign nations or like tie-dye happen to also like guns. They’re real useful when some flag-waving crew-cut hippy-hater comes ’round to scalp ’em.

  2. If it is not going to stop your attacker, then perhaps it truly is “the last round you’ll ever need.”

  3. Is it just me, or does anyone else see this overpriced crap for what it is? 9mm frangible. For $60 a box. In a neat little box with neat little serrations on the hollow point.

  4. yeaaaaah.. I’ll stick with my Winchester Ranger 137gr +P+

    a 9mm projectile that falls apart on impact doesn’t sound too effective.

  5. The people buying this stuff need to step back and question the wisdom of self defense ammo that costs this much. Of course, the people buying into the hype generally aren’t smart enough to do that…

    At least these guys sell them in bigger boxes than Glaser safety slugs (6 to a pack), I always laughed at the idea of buying a box of overpriced gimmick ammo that wouldn’t fill up anything but the smallest of magazines.

  6. It’s hard to get past the consequences in a civil suit, some how, “he sawed my boy in half” wouldn’t make my day, Randy

  7. For $4 a round you can get 50BMG. There’s no way any 9mm round is 50% more deadly than 50BMG.

    • Unless you want to carry around a platform for that .50bmg it doesn’t matter if it’s more or less lethal.

      • Since you completely missed my point, how about – you can get .44 magnum rounds for 75 cents a pop…

  8. “Heck at that price I’d rather give the bad guy my wallet rather than unload a magazine trying to keep it.” …..

    Smart thinking, because that ammo sucks so badly the bad guy would take your wallet after you went to slide lock anyways.

  9. Are you sure the G2 R.I.P. isn’t produced by a Bloomberg subsidiary. They don’t have the Black Talon to scream about anymore. The G2 will be the new Black Talon.

    • If you compare a Black Talon and a Golden Saber 9mm cartridge side-by-side they look almost identical.

  10. If you shoot someone you are going to be questioned on the type of ammo used. This information is given to the people who might prosecute you. If you are using bullets that are meant to give the criminal no chance at survival after being taken to a hospital you’re looking for trouble.

  11. Why the hell would anyone buy ammo called “R.I.P.” as self defense ammo? Even if it is good enough to justify the hype (which it isn’t), do people not realized what the prosecution will do with that if you are unfortunate enough to be involved in a DGU? You may as well have a tattoo on your forehead that reads, “Guns don’t kill people. I do.” Only an idiot would actually use ammo with such a non PC name (not that I care about being politically correct, but the prosecution will latch onto any and all things that could possibly be used to persuade the jury that you were at fault.) And using bullets that are named in such a way as to conjure up images of violence? Goddamn idiots….

    • I can’t remember who said it, where I read it, or the actual quote – but I do remember the generalities from several decades ago…

      “It’s going to be hard enough for me in front of a jury with an Albert Schweitzer commemorative .45 acp, shooting Red Cross approved rounds…”

  12. It’s cvnts like this reseller that are the reason we can’t find any .22LR. And the morons that keep them in business.

    Seriously, was at a gun show last weekend. $18 for 100 rd box was the cheapest there. Omfg.

  13. I know 9mm (or .9mm for our friends in the media) is expensive and and hard to find, but this is ridiculous. btw, anyone wanna buy some federal american eagle fmj for $40 a box? anyone? anyone? see my gun broker add if interested…. btw, just got a brand new Remington R-51 and am willing to sell for the super ultra low price of $950, also available on! If interested email me at [email protected].

  14. $120 is cheap, relatively speaking.. It’s been sold on Gunbroker for $300 plus per box. The closed auctions are often set by the BUYERS willing to bid up for what they consider rare/novelty/subject-to-ban/mall-ninja-cool/etc. You can throw stones at the sellers if you wish, but the buyers willing to pay ridiculous prices for the ammo du jour is what is driving the craziness in the market.

    Surely you all know what H.T. Barnum said……

  15. I’ve seen several boxes of 20 sell on GunBroker, with bids up to $270 per box (I don’t think any sold for less than $200). Granted, this was before any reviews went in…

  16. Can’t blame the guy for trying to unload his ammo before everyone realizes how truly crappy it is. Kind of remonds me of the $600 Bushmasters that sold for 2 grand last February/March

  17. Obviously, the business model being followed by G2 Research is based on the quote attributed most often to P.T. Barnum, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

    Accordingly, G2 Research seems to assume that their customer base is composed of morons who are unable to discern their own arses from a hole in the ground, and perhaps they are right given the uproar on the various social media ‘sites. Why else would they use sub-standard 4″H x 4″W x 9″L gelatin test blocks in their demonstration videos which give the impression that their product is capable of demolishing an industry-standard 6’H x 6″W x 16″L test block? The absence of any visible measurement scale in their videos is a HUGE “red flag”.

    The most shameful part of this? That yet another company peddling a “snake oil” solution for an non-existent problem (do we really need another shallow-penetrating, under-performing bullet?) that very well might get someone trying to defend themselves, or their family, killed.

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