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After a long dance with investigators, New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez was finally arrested yesterday for the murder (1st degree) of Odin Lloyd. He’s since plead not guilty to that, as well a variety of firearms and obstruction of justice charges. lays out the gun and murder counts quite nicely here. As you can see above, Hernandez was apparently so proud of his Glock that he couldn’t help but memorialize himself with it. Count on that one being featured prominently at his trial. has the timeline of the the alleged murder that prosecutors used to build their case . . .

  • On Monday, June 17, Hernandez and two other men picked up Lloyd in Dorchester, Mass., around 2:30 a.m. ET in a rented Nissan Altima.
  • According to McCauley, Hernandez was allegedly upset with Lloyd about speaking to someone at Club Rumor in Boston that weekend and claimed he couldn’t trust him.
  • The four men drove around Boston, then headed south down Routes 128 and 95 before ending up on Route 152 in the Attleboro area. During this time, Lloyd exchanged texts with his sister. The last text, according to McCauley, was sent at 3:23 a.m.
  • Surveillance video showed the Altima entering a gravel road that leads to a field in an industrial park near Hernandez’s home at 3:23 a.m., according to McCauley.
  • McCauley said employees in the park working at the time reported hearing gunshots. Surveillance images showed the Nissan leaving the scene at 3:27 a.m.
  • Hernandez and the two others in the car then returned to Hernandez’s home less than two minutes away and shut off the surveillance video system.
  • Lloyd’s body was discovered around 5:30 p.m. by a jogger.
  • McCauley said Hernandez eventually changed cars, disposed of the gun and then destroyed his home surveillance system.

The Pats promptly release Hernandez after he was arrested, but it’s another black eye for the NFL. Allegedly.

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    • There were LOTS of players at U Florida under Urban Meyer who were arrested, and had issues. Yeah, there were some clean players like Tebow but he had more thugs than most school. Urban Meyer is a dirtbag.

  1. A little punk who fancied himself bigger than the game itself.

    Somehow, I don’t believe the NFL’s rookie orientation program is very effective.

  2. You can take the thug out of the hood, but you cant take the hood out of the thug!

  3. Additionally it’s now believed that Hernandez killed the man because he may have known that Hernandez was behind two other murders committed in 2012.

  4. Damn, what a stupid thug. Morals aside, he had everything and pissed it all away. Some people are simply defective.

    • My wife – a public defender for the past 23 years – and her best friend – a violent crimes prosecutor for past 19 years – both say the same thing whenever I ask them about stuff like this: “Crime makes you stupid.” It just never makes sense, does it?

  5. If only he hadn’t had the gun! I can’t imagine how a large, muscle-bound man and two accomplices could possibly have killed someone without it.

    • Don’t you see?! The gun obviously MADE him have violent urges to kill this man! That’s why, although I support the Second Amendment, WE SHOULD BAN ALL GUNS!!! [/s]

  6. CNN reported today that there have been 32+ NFL players arrested for one thing or another over the last year. What the hell is wrong with these people!

    • Many are simple traffic arrests. Most tend to, at the most serious, a DUI, which is serious – not saying it isn’t. But there’s nearly 1700 of them, and they make TONS of money. Something they haven’t had much of before. And then there’s testosterone.

      32 out of 1700. It’s a bit high vs. the national average, but not as disparate as you might think it is.

    • It takes a certain level of, for lack of a better term, cockiness to be a pro caliber football player. Believing that you are better than everyone else on the field gives you the confidence necessary to perform at a higher level. That ‘untouchable’ or ‘invincible’ mentality that is critical to success while playing a game does not translate well into the everyday world.

    • Steroids. And a lifetime of being told you can do no wrong simply cause you excell at what’s basically a game.

  7. Not just a finger on the trigger, this chode has pulled the thing entirely. I could stretch to imagine that the average NFL player is about like a human race horse, strong but a stupid animal that will eat itself to death if you give it too much feed.

    On a side note, I watched World War Z with my wife yesterday, and theres a GREAT example of bad trigger discipline in there.

    • I wonder how much influence Brad Pitt had on that scene. He’s a gun guy, so he gets it.

      • Haha yea I liked that he was the one to actually voice the line.

        Id almost forgotten about him being a gun guy, I now remember reading about him building Jolie an indoor, at home shooting range for a present.

  8. Finally, they rolled him up. Now we don’t have to worry about Ralph anymore. Not likely to have to justify why there’s an NFL star lying there on the grass at his feet: “All I said was ‘how the fvk could you miss that screen pass Monday?’ and he drew on me!”

  9. Just another punk that will not grow up and would rather live the life of past ignorance with no regard for him self or anyone in the way.
    Total ass hole, toss his ass in jail and give his money to the needy.
    Just sayin.

  10. When you have the IQ of Vince young and never change who you hang out (thugs/criminals) you are gonna do stupid things. Plain and simple. It is a shame that people with so much just piss it all away

  11. The penal football league sure could use a good tight end.

    Thanks gents, I’ll be here all week.

    • He’s going to prison as a tight end, but he will be leaving it (if ever) as a wide receiver.

  12. Don’t forget: he will record a “don’t carry a gun” video for time shaved off

  13. PuffHo also reported that Hernandez is a suspect in the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa.

    This is a golden opportunity for cops to close a lot of open cases.

  14. As a bona fide creepy ass cracka’ I find Mr. Hernandez’ lack of safe gun handling skills disturbing.

  15. All of those MA gun laws sure did their part. /s

    Just goes to show that you shouldn’t be out doing stupid things in stupid places with stupid people.

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