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Incendiary Image of the Day: Eight-Year-Old Gunman Edition

Ahmed in Salahadeen, Syria (courtesy

Another day, another day of fighting in Syria, where government forces fight a farrago of opposition, from “rebels” to jihadists. Click here for an excellent documentary about another boy (Ibrahim) caught up in the day-to-day struggle to survive in a war-torn country. Meanwhile, Syria’s plight shows why the U.N. Small Arms Treaty is so . . . problematic. The Syrian government would seek to use it to cut off the flow of small arms to “terrorists.” The U.S. government would ignore it to “secretly” channel weapons to the rebels (as they are now). Well, some rebels. In any case, it’s better to be armed than disarmed. Period.

51 thoughts on “Incendiary Image of the Day: Eight-Year-Old Gunman Edition”

  1. The smoking, it bothers me. Are the mag colors the new syrian flag colors?

    At first I thought, oh look, he’s got an SBR, and then I hated the ATF a little more.

    • “At first I thought, oh look, he’s got an SBR, and then I hated the ATF a little more.”

      Ha! At least the ATF will eventually let you have an SBR. Come on over here to Illinois and learn real hate.

  2. An image to sicken the heart of every true-believer gun-grabber, who sit in their gated communities and haven’t a CLUE about everyday reality.

    Is sad and pitiable? OF COURSE IT IS. But your pity means f-all to him. He’s engaged in day-to-day survival.

  3. Is that Ralphie’s little brother??? If Ralphie shot his eye out with the Red Ryder imagine what he can do with an AK.

  4. Who ever provided that child with a cigarette is in very big trouble. Doesn’t anyone care about the children?

    On a sad but serious note, I would rather see that kid with an AK than being used as a human shield with no weapon. At least he has SOME chance, slim though it may be, for survival. But if you really drill down on the image you will realize it is a manifestation of POLITICS. (how the hell does he get those tiny hands around the pistol grip and trigger?)

  5. Just like Japan using child solders in last half of WW2. Muslim scum do too. Its sick how Obama and the media give these murders a pass every time because like Obama they hate Christians.

    • One of the dirty, filthy, America hating, secular humanist, libtard tactics.
      Liberalism is a mental disorder.

    • Um, I think the exploded remains of those targeted by drones would disagree about being given a “pass”.

    • It has nothing to do with religion.

      The civilian population is being exterminated. He’s a civilian, fighting back.

      It’s not all that different from Little Johnny grabbing Daddy’s AR and fighting off a home invader.

      Go away, and take your ignorant hate with you.

    • The truth is that child soldiers have found their way within the American military too, dating all the way back to the Revolutionary War.

      I certainly do not condone child soldiers. When a country is desperate, they do desperate things. One can do nothing but respect and admire a child’s willingness to do what many adults are too cowardly to do, all the while being disgusted by the brutish nature of war.

      Back when I was that age, and if my country would have been invaded and absolutely destroyed, I would have gave the finger to anybody trying to stop me from picking up a rifle.

  6. awesome documentary. Notice the one guys says “99% chance of getting killed by a sniper, 1% chance by missile. The battle lines are drawn by snipers on both sides”

    • Dont say that or they will come for our bolt action hunting (sniper) rifles next. Libtard tactics.

  7. Like in the movies “The Patriot”, “Master and Commander” or “Black Hawk Down,” or any of our inner cities, children have been involved in combat for all of recorded history.

    Only our over indulgent and effeminized culture would try to keep our young adults as over grown children into thier late teens and early twenties.

  8. I would lecture this kid about the dangers of smoking. But many years ago I learned not to lecture people with AK’s. Doesn’t pay.

  9. This picture kind of makes me sad. That kid is doing what he has to do, and is likely living as an adult in a warzone. He likely has no other choices. We take a lot for granted here in peaceful free democratic countries. This is why it is so important to keep it peaceful, free, and democratic.


  10. I think we just found the answer to school security…arm the children……too soon?

  11. I’m all for covertly providing arms to both sides of Syria to enable a loooonnnngggg protracted civil war of Islamists killing Islamists.

    I’d jump for joy if we could also get Iraq and Iran back to their old ways and lob some gas both ways.

    • That is sick, and you wonder why people want to disarm you? To be honest I would disarm sickos like you myself.

      • I only support providing arms when the fight is over whether or not there will be a despot. Everything right now is simply WHO gets to be the despot.

        When two people who would normally be shooting at you, are shooting at each other; leave them the hell alone.

        • The enemy of my enemy is my friend… for now. It does make the clean up easier though when the winners want to try to take someone down with much diminished forces.

      • Oh unwad your panties. Islamists are sworn enemies of Western Democracy and wish to rule by fascist Sharia law. There’s not a dime worth of difference between Islamists and Nazis. Both need to be eliminated.

        • are you kidding me?

          “Islamofascism” is another antithesis to a Hegelian dialectic that the banking elite are using to manipulate us and them.

          The enemy wears a suit and a tie and sits in a smoky room in Amsterdam, Wall Street, London, and Washington DC. Our true enemies certainly dont wear shemaghs or fur skinned ushankas.

        • @WLCE

          ….“Islamofascism” is another antithesis to a Hegelian dialectic …blah…blah…blah…”

          Yeah tell that to the 3,000 Americans incinerated on 9/11. Idiot.

        • “Yeah tell that to the 3,000 Americans incinerated on 9/11. Idiot.”

          Tell that to over 100,000 Iraqis (conservative estimates) that were killed even though their country had nothing to do with 9/11. Idiot.

          Learn something for once too. I know when you read “Hegelian”, it created a mental block for you, so you might have a hard time with this read. You 9/11 Commission Report followers arent the brightest tools in the shed thats for sure.

        • @ WLCE Blame it on Saddam and all the other rulers than. Most of those casualties are Muslim on Muslim violence. Like these gun grabbers Libs that use crime rates in cities, but lump gang on gang violence to everything else. The biggest tools are ones, like you, that give the Arab and Muslim world excuses time and time again.

      • We should have picked our own cotton too, Russell. You man of the world, you. You, tough guy. Same point you’re missing here.

    • The sad part is that our current leadership thinks like you do.

      Particularly the CIA, who armed and babied Iraq so that they could invade and attack Iran in revenge for ousting the western-puppet Shah.

  12. Yeah he didn’t inhale, the expelled smoke is to thick. Wasn’t the first attempt at the same shot by the photographer either,cig has been hotboxed.

  13. Hmmm…

    A nine year old served under John Paul Jones during the Revolutionary War.

    Dunno if he smoked…

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