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Incendiary Image of the Day: Gun Porn Edition

TTAG and are locked in editorial combat. We’re looking to overtake them as America’s most popular firearms-related blog. We’re getting close. Still, we respect TFB as our elder and, in many ways, our better. So when I saw this image on their pages, well, I was stunned. I thought Oleg Volk played it close to the wind. But this . . . this is obscene. I’m not speaking here of the unspeakable amount of ammo this would provide a spree killer. I refer to the image’s phallic connotations. Gun grabbers often accuse gun rights enthusiasts of “over-compensating.” This image will erect bigger barriers between us. So to speak.

26 thoughts on “Incendiary Image of the Day: Gun Porn Edition”

  1. this definitely falls into the, really who needs this category, and beyond the more dick jokes than you can shake a stick at category.

  2. prob good for killing the undead, i can’t imagine how heavy this would make my G17. The “happy stick” magazines are good enough for me i think, but… (i would love to empty one of these crazy magazines 1 or two times though).

  3. USPSA doesn’t have a magazine size limit does it? I think this would definitely give you a leg up on the competition.

  4. The only semi-practical application I could see for such a thing is on a Glock 18 (Just in case the 33 round magazine isn’t enough) and even that might be a stretch. On second thought, I want to see Woody Harrelson dual-wielding a pair of Glock 18’s each equipped with this contraption in Zombieland 2 🙂

  5. That is going to need some additional reinforcement to hold it in the gun. I can’t see the standard Glock™ magazine catch holding that much weight. Maybe a strap of some kind. Then it could be called a strap on!

  6. Showed this to a friend and he told me that it was in an fpsrussia video. He was using it in a g18

  7. Dear Glock,

    Please make a carbine that will accept this magazine. I promise I will never ask for anything else again.

  8. Robert,

    Let’s try this again.

    If you have a problem with the phallic imagery, why don’t you address it with the manufacturer of the product instead of another blog?

    If it is truly obscene, why not file a complaint with the government?
    By the way, what definition of obscenity are you using?

    • I’ll leave this comment up Bob S.

      I was being sarcastic—which doesn’t always work on the Net (obviously). I don’t have any problem with the image or the mag or The Firearm Blog or penises or things that look like a penis. Not to put too fine a point on it (so to speak), this post is, basically, a dick joke. Ein witz.

  9. What is really sad is that the anti’s didn’t get your sarcasm and are propping you up as carrying their water.

    I won’t link her but I’m sure you can find whom I’m talking about.

  10. If you were to “mate” this up with a 9mm carbine with a glock mag compatible lower it would be quite nice, not outrageous at all.


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