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“Cincinnati police are investigating a gunfight on Reading Road that sent one bullet through a Metro bus window and others into a Shell gas station,” reports [click on link for video]. “We have 32 cameras here,” gas station manager Mohamed Ahmed told the TV news hounds. “They cost around $6,000 spent here for the security system, and look what happened to it.” Yeah, bad bad guys . . .

Don’t hurt the cameras designed to catch you! “Part of the gunfight was caught on surveillance video [ED: 32 cameras and it caught “part of the shooting”?]. A man in a blue shirt can be seen returning fire at what appears to be a silver Honda stopped in the southbound lanes of Reading Road. The gunman can be seen talking on his cellphone while shooting at the car.”

It’s not known if the Honda driver was texting at the time. [h/t John in Ohio]

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  1. hey.. when you’ve been in the hold queue with the IRS for that long, you DON’T hang up, even if you have to return fire.

  2. I wonder if we should classify this as shooting skills while on a phone, or phone skills while shooting?

    And, how about the great benefit of those 32 CCTV cameras? Pretty effective . . . yes?

      • The really funny thing is if the shooter in the vid capture has a Facebook page, they can use the facial recognition software built into every FB account to identify him compared to the picture.

        Pretty creepy when you think about it. More dumb bad guys have been caught through their FB page than you would expect.

        • I can’t believe how careless people are with this social networking BS! Sign up for this and that, who are your friends, what do you like, where do you go, holy hell, a buddy the other night came over and naturally has an I phone and he showed me his friends and where they are for gods sake! They all have location turned on and you can follow them around! That’s insane!!
          Excuse me for saying and I apologize to TTAG, but this is fu—–nuts!!!!
          I don’t have a Facebook page, Yahoo profile or Google Profile and what they do have is fake and my location service is turned off. I have nothing to hide, but I sure like more privacy than that!
          I got pissed off when I turned my computer on one time and people could tell I was online and messages started popping up. I put a stop to that damn quick.

    • I’d say they were very effective. There is a clear shot of the one shooter’s face and a decent view of the car involved. Stop harping on the 32 cameras idea, every camera isn’t going to catch this incident. Most are probably inside the store, the rest showing other areas outside that would have caught the guy if he was in their field of view.

      • Chill, man.

        Not harping, just saying. People put too much confidence into thinking that CCTV is the ultimate security mitigation..

        • No, I meant the comment in the article. However, yeah I can see that people place too much faith in CCTV alone making them safer.

  3. I don’t know who you are, I don’t know what you want…but I will find you and I will kill you after I kill this other guy in the Honda brb.

  4. “Yeah, yeah. A quart of milk, loaf of bread and some cheetos. Yeah, I’m at the store now. Hope they take EBT.”

  5. “Baby, can you pick up some things from the grocery sho-”


    • “Wait, Who you wit?! Dat bettah not be dat hoe Loquasia I hear in da background!”

  6. In a world where most people can’t walk and chew gum at the same time, the guy who can shoot and make a phone call at the same time is king.

    • Guy handled himself pretty well now that I actually watched it. “Dipped and dodges” lol.

    • With the grainy video quality is hard to see but I would think the guy on the phone was ready for a gun altercation possibly with the Honda driver. I doubt he was open carrying so with one hand try to pull up your shirt and draw your weapon, as fast as things went down I’d think he may have already had a gun in his hand.

  7. All they managed to hit was a bus and a gas station? Where they shooting stolen NYPD guns?

  8. Being in a conversation and talking on a cell phone while in a gun battle. Hey, he must be one heck of a high speed low drag operator. We need to sign that man up for Seal Team 6.

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