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Incendiary Image of the Day: Smile! Edition

Courtesy Moms Demand Action


Moms Demand Action’s latest email blast invites readers to make a Father’s Day civilian disarmament-themed paper tie. CEO Shannon Watts (a.k.a., Shannon Troughton) also urges her female followers to convince dudes to join Moms Demand Action – Dads. The accompanying image is full of fail: exploiting children for political purposes, kiddie cross-dressing, a painfully forced smile and an obtuse message that seems a lot more pro than anti-gun to me. Nonetheless, the carefully staged snap is incendiary to those of us who believe that our natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms helps us protect our children from harm. Which must please those Moms no end.

38 thoughts on “Incendiary Image of the Day: Smile! Edition”

    • My first thought was that this was pro gun.

      It’s really the same thing for me when I see the term gun control. Of course I want gun control! But that means I want a good hit with the second shot of my double taps.

    • Oh GOOD, I’m not the only one who thought “Teach them firearm safety early and often.” Because I was probably about her age when it was taught to me. Good thing I come from an intelligent, free thinking and enlightened family, I guess.

  1. I want one that say’s “I asked for an 870 Wingmaster but all I got was this paper tie”…

  2. Just a wee bit too much hyperbole in this post…and that’s an understatement.

    Meanwhile, I don’t think “gun sense” means what Moms Demand Action think it means. And if these moms wanted to make a positive difference in the world, they’d help the men in their lives handcraft some pearl necklaces, not politicized paper neckties.

        • I might. but not on someone who was just speaking their mind, idiocy or not.

          Now, were they to actually attempt to disarm me and render me helpless against anything and anyone who thought themselves to be able to take from me what I have, well, then conditions might change.

      • Hate to be stuffy, but they have every right to speak their minds. Liberty for all. 1A applies to idiots too, like it or not.

  3. Figures. Make Dad a sh1tty paper tie for Father’s Day; buy Mom something with diamonds for Mother’s Day.

    “Every kiss begins with K and ends with MA.”

  4. -This
    -The public school “gun buyback”
    -Hilary Clinton telling schoolkids to stay away from people with guns (because they must be evil)
    -Eric Holder saying “to get rid of guns, we must treat them like cigarettes”

    are all ways the government is spreading anti-gun propaganda. Disgusting.

    • FTR, I don’t think there’s anything INHERENTLY wrong with telling kids to avoid folks with guns. It’s the source that’s the problem: it should be, “beware of STRANGERS with guns, except for cops and UN soldiers.”

      • I would teach kids to avoid the UN too. Where UN troops go, sex and drug trafficking and human trafficking invariably follow along with corruption.

        My dad had an interesting solution for the “school toy gun buyback.” Send the kid in with a ream of blank paper, to demand credit for turning in 500 unassembled toy guns.

        I had an interesting thought. If Eric Holder can suggest treating “Guns like cigarettes” then I think we should change the language ourselves. Any time a neighborhood or public place goes straight to hell with crime violence drugs and anarchy, we ought to say it’s a “gun free zone” instead of the more common “demilitarized zone” owing to the predilection of violent criminals to target gun free zones for their most heinous acts.

        Example: “Dude, never go into Newark at night, it’s a gun free zone in there.”

  5. my wife will kill me, but maybe I should spam their website with pics of my 8 and 5 yr old daughters cleaning my guns after their range trip . . . .

  6. You’re right about the fact that it appears pro more than anti. My first thought was that was a Farago little girl. Then I read it.

  7. For Father’s Day I’m giving my dad a couple of new 10/22 mags. You don’t want to know what I had to go through to get these.

  8. If Matt goes, I go. Too many idiots posting garbage comments that do nothing but hurt our cause and when Matt tries to point out things that are true he gets slapped down. Delete the not even thinly vieled racist remarks and invite Matt to help make this a better site.

    • Yes. Way too many nasty racist comments appearing here recently, and not nearly enough of them being deleted. I guess you could say there’s value in having those ugly-minded morons be pushed back by everyone else, but it wastes a lot of time that the rest of us could be using for intelligent debate.

      Meanwhile, everything Matt said in his now-deleted comment was legitimate. Overly blunt, perhaps, but the truth. This site is supposed to tell the *truth* about guns, and this article doesn’t live up.

      The best hope TTAG has is to keep listening to guys like Matt.

      • I honestly didn’t mean for this to turn into a crusade, and I’m sure that’s part of why RF has the rules that he has. It keeps the comment threads from heading off on a tangent as this one is starting to.

  9. You’re so busy counting pine needles that you don’t see branches, trees, or the forest.

    Are you Sheldon’s OCD brother by any chance?

  10. I saw both of Matt’s now deleted comments, and the criticism was mild, hardly what could be considered “flaming”. He’s clearly not offering these comments to embarrass or as “gotchas”.

    TTAG is an important site and my most visited destination on the Internet. You guys do a great job, but when you do miss just fix it and move on.

  11. Whenever I see pictures of Moms Demanding Action, I am simply picturing them naked. What the fvck else, I don’t really care. Well, doggy style, actually.

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